The essential utility of Trump's falsehoods.

I was going to write a post making a comparison between what we can expect from another Biden admin or Trump admin. Because it is top of mind for the country I was going to make the point an advantage to another Biden admin is we do not have to concern ourselves with him using the DoJ to go after who he perceives to be his enemies as Trump has promised to do........and did when he was prez.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says, who served 2,Secretary of State John Kerry.

Obviously, I know what the reflexive reply from The Following will be. They will allege, without credible evidence, the votes of four grand juries to indict Trump and his co-conspirators was a deep state plot hatched by Joe. It is, at its core, a ludicrous argument to make. But it serves two essential purposes. 1. Allows The Following to dismiss Don's criminal behavior as him being persecuted. 2. Removes, in their minds, a fundamental difference between what we can expect from the two admins.

From that perspective it's easy to see why Trump uses so many false accusations. It disarms the opposition while creating a deceitful construct for his base to believe in. Like claiming Joe, absent evidence that holds up to scrutiny, has taken bribe money from foreign countries. It's utility, obfuscating Trump's established record of criminal activity including a conviction. Not to mention.........

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

The replies from defenders of all things Trump will prove how effective his strategy has been.
Irony is lost on you, obviously.
Putin taught Trump ALMOST everything he knows.
Except, how a dissenter gets poisoned and one committing suicide by "falling" out of an open window and being sorrowful about it.

Trump used crib notes at White House listening session on ...

View attachment 969009
Vox › policy-and-politics › trump-crib...
Feb 21, 2018 — President Donald Trump apparently needed a reminder to tell shooting survivors, “I hear you,” during a White House listening session on school ...

View attachment 969010
They believe he's as honest as anyone.

When I saw that, I knew this was hopeless.
It won't work.

You can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your corrupt lawfare-loving fascist cult.

Your side does it, and only your side does it. We're moral, you're corrupt.

Trump cultists, ask yourselves: Will the sick pervy thrill you get from pwning the libs be worth an eternity in Hell? After all, you can't behave as badly as you all do without suffering eternal consequences.
Is there a doctor in the house. I mean really. Pheeeew!

Sooooooo sorry-)

After Joe showed how much the Whithouse and the MSM have been gaslighting the American public, NOTHING your side says has any credibility any longer! You live by the gaslight, you are to be ignored. Good luck!

P01135809 lied his fucking ass off. He claims to have never fucked Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), yet paid off by her and Karen McDougal. Ms. Clifford even described his mushroom shaped dick.

Yet, he paid them hush money. He lied about raping E. Jean Carroll and yet he has been adjudicated as her rapist. He lied about crowd size at his only inauguration, the camera does not lie.

He lied about our armed forces killed in action, he called them "Suckers and Losers". He said 19-people he did say it, but his Chieft Staff, former Marine General John F. Kelly is adamant he did. He lies and he lies and he lies and you people believe every fucking lie he tells you, even after it has proven he lied. Truly pathetic on your part.
They believe he's as honest as anyone.

When I saw that, I knew this was hopeless.
And of Biden's departure from honesty ? You say what ?

Obviously, I know what the reflexive reply from The Following will be. They will allege, without credible evidence, the votes of four grand juries to indict Trump and his co-conspirators was a deep state plot hatched by Joe. It is, at its core, a ludicrous argument to make. But it serves two essential purposes. 1. Allows The Following to dismiss Don's criminal behavior as him being persecuted. 2. Removes, in their minds, a fundamental difference between what we can expect from the two admins.
This ^ isnt fully correct. It leaves out the part where we criminalize what all the prosecutors and judges did to Trump in order to sway the election, then we can put THEM in jail. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Putin taught Trump ALMOST everything he knows.
Except, how a dissenter gets poisoned and one committing suicide by "falling" out of an open window and being sorrowful about it.

Trump used crib notes at White House listening session on ...

View attachment 969009
Vox › policy-and-politics › trump-crib...
Feb 21, 2018 — President Donald Trump apparently needed a reminder to tell shooting survivors, “I hear you,” during a White House listening session on school ...

View attachment 969010
he has X-ray vision?

another debunked photoshopped meme.
P01135809 lied his fucking ass off. He claims to have never fucked Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), yet paid off by her and Karen McDougal. Ms. Clifford even described his mushroom shaped dick.

Yet, he paid them hush money. He lied about raping E. Jean Carroll and yet he has been adjudicated as her rapist. He lied about crowd size at his only inauguration, the camera does not lie.

He lied about our armed forces killed in action, he called them "Suckers and Losers". He said 19-people he did say it, but his Chieft Staff, former Marine General John F. Kelly is adamant he did. He lies and he lies and he lies and you people believe every fucking lie he tells you, even after it has proven he lied. Truly pathetic on your part.
Payoffs dont prove misdeeds. There s a publicity factor, You have no evidence & are a shallow thinker.

"adjudicated" ? HA HA. A Manhattan jury has about as much credibility as a python. E Jean Carroll presented no evidence, and neither have you.

Biden Repeats Debunked ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ Hoax

Biden repeated the lie that Trump called deceased American soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Numerous former Trump administration officials have publicly refuted the phony story. Even left-wing Snopes admitted, “there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes’ authenticity.”

John Kelly is a disgruntled, fired employee, and showing the type of character to spread a lie like this, shows Trump did thre right thing in getting rid of him.
P01135809 lied his fucking ass off. He claims to have never fucked Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), yet paid off by her and Karen McDougal. Ms. Clifford even described his mushroom shaped dick.

Yet, he paid them hush money. He lied about raping E. Jean Carroll and yet he has been adjudicated as her rapist. He lied about crowd size at his only inauguration, the camera does not lie.

He lied about our armed forces killed in action, he called them "Suckers and Losers". He said 19-people he did say it, but his Chieft Staff, former Marine General John F. Kelly is adamant he did. He lies and he lies and he lies and you people believe every fucking lie he tells you, even after it has proven he lied. Truly pathetic on your part.
another partisan moron that can only see the lies his opposition tells and ignores his own candidate.

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