The essential utility of Trump's falsehoods.

You're so full of shit! What Biden has accomplished is far more than what Trump has ever done!
Take a good look. This is how deranged and detached these people are. WOW!

Biden accomplished ? Besides massive inflation and 3 recessions (so far) he's also "accomplished this >>








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And of Biden's departure from honesty ? You say what ?

Bad, wrong, and a small fraction of your saviors'.

But I know you disagree, and that's fine.
Let's have the Cliff's Notes. Please identify Trump's "lies," one at a time, and we can discuss them.

Maybe we can compare some of them to, "The southern border is secure," or "If you like your doctor..."

It could be fun.
Leftism is the exact opposite of logic.
They are quite beyond reason, as they did not reason their way into any position they take.

Instead, they simply decided to be a Democrat at some point and whatever the DNC tells them becomes their reality.

They support all sorts of shit they didn't support a gew years ago, but they do not have the self awareness to realize that.
Let's have the Cliff's Notes. Please identify Trump's "lies," one at a time, and we can discuss them.

Maybe we can compare some of them to, "The southern border is secure," or "If you like your doctor..."

It could be fun.
Let's face it, if Trump said that water was wet, the mainstream media would tell these little proles that he lied, and they would now be swearing it if dry, instead.
Putin taught Trump ALMOST everything he knows.
Except, how a dissenter gets poisoned and one committing suicide by "falling" out of an open window and being sorrowful about it.

Trump used crib notes at White House listening session on ...

View attachment 969009
Vox › policy-and-politics › trump-crib...
Feb 21, 2018 — President Donald Trump apparently needed a reminder to tell shooting survivors, “I hear you,” during a White House listening session on school ...

View attachment 969010
See? ^^^

These leftards are completely fucking insane!

We know that Trump TRIED to establish a back channel with the Kremlin just before he took office.

That means they NEVER COMMUNICATED BEFORE. Otherwise, the back channel would already have been established. They would have already had one.

Leftards like this ^^^ Smoking Idiot can't seem to put 2 and 2 together. They just pull shit out of their assholes and fling it at Trump.

For no other reason than they get validation from other leftards for doing it.

These leftard morons are DANGEROUS.

They need to be slapped down. HARD.

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