The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they

The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they. To me they are the same. They are ripping the country apart.
The far left seems to be driven young people and their idealism. They are extremely angry the world is not as fair. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world is not fair. It will never be fair. You need to change because the world will not.
The far right seems to be driven by old white people, who the world has past by. They are not as relevant and successful as the past. They want to bring back the world the way it used to be. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world will never be the way it used to be. You better change to meet the new world because it will not change to meet your needs.


Their is some change we can work on but never to the degree the extremists want. It is impossible to meet what they want.
The left is imposing a one party state. The right bares no responsibility for that.

Yes, the right wants the world the way it used to be: with fair elections, not swindles.

You tried to pretend you were being reasonable when all you're doing is being a douchebag.

Do you have any "recently discovered photos" of him being a douchebag, Fingerfuck?
The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they. To me they are the same. They are ripping the country apart.
The far left seems to be driven young people and their idealism. They are extremely angry the world is not as fair. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world is not fair. It will never be fair. You need to change because the world will not.
The far right seems to be driven by old white people, who the world has past by. They are not as relevant and successful as the past. They want to bring back the world the way it used to be. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world will never be the way it used to be. You better change to meet the new world because it will not change to meet your needs.


Their is some change we can work on but never to the degree the extremists want. It is impossible to meet what they want.
Yep. Zealots are zealots, regardless of which end of the spectrum they pollute.

They share many behaviors, as we saw on Wednesday in the capitol.
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
- Barry Goldwater -
How well did that work out for Barry?
Barry was fighting the same corrupt machine that Trump is fighting. You win only by cheating.
Barry Goldwater would be embarrassed to be compared to Trump. Goldwater was tied to a conservative ideology. I felt he was too tied to the ideals to have it work in the real world. But Goldwater hd ideals and character.
Trump is not tied to any ideology. He has one purpose. More power and money for Donald Trump at any cost. Screw ideals or morals. Those who cannot see that difference have no ideals or morals.
The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they. To me they are the same. They are ripping the country apart.
The far left seems to be driven young people and their idealism. They are extremely angry the world is not as fair. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world is not fair. It will never be fair. You need to change because the world will not.
The far right seems to be driven by old white people, who the world has past by. They are not as relevant and successful as the past. They want to bring back the world the way it used to be. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world will never be the way it used to be. You better change to meet the new world because it will not change to meet your needs.


Their is some change we can work on but never to the degree the extremists want. It is impossible to meet what they want.
What is the extreme right? People who go to Church or are Christians? Or promote traditional families? We have parents today who get their children sex change operations when they are children. Tolerance has become biblical warnings. Devise a plan where all types of living are not locked into a straight line with no movement. Leave room for adjustments. You are in control now. And have been. Nations bent on destroying their culture bring mass impoverishment and suffering with it.
I have a problem with both extremes. Jerry Falwell Jr. is a leader of the people who go to church. He is stealing from his Christian University, watching his wife have an affair with a pool boy and having his own extra experiences. People who go to church fall over the map on their morals. I am sure Jesus prefers many who do not go to church to some who go to church.
I feel children need structure and moral teachings but it should not be too narrow (far right) or too wide (far left).
I am a Christian. That is why I could never support Trump. 5 kids, 3 wives, many affairs, grabs women by the pussy, lies, cheats, puts himself above everyone else.
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I am a Christian. That is why I could never support Trump. 5 kids, 3 wives, many affairs, grabs women by the pussy, lies, cheats, puts himself above everyone else.
These people have made their priorities abundantly clear.

And neither Christian conservatism nor fiscal conservatism are on that list.
99% of those so-called far-rightists are young people who have always lived in a society that tells them it is acceptable and warranted to hate white men simply for being white and male. The idea that white people should just give up on life and stop trying to succeed because "the world has passed us by" is more racist than anything Hitler ever said.
White people succeed by changing themselves with the skills in demand in the 21st century. Not expecting the world to change so your skills are in demand.
Definitely, we all need to try to succeed. But success requires us to make changes. Success does not happen sitting on your fat ass and expect the world to change to meet your needs.
Primary action should be change yourself. Secondary actions you see what possible change you can make to the world but be realistic.


Your first post basically said white people are have outlived their usefulness and are doomed to become extinct and should just move aside and let someone else take their place. That's a very popular sentiment these days but it's still incredibly racist. Not that I have a problem with racism per se. It's the hypocrisy that irritates me more. Aren't we supposed to be healing racism, not mainstreaming it? It's infuriating that we live under a system that wants so desperately to get rid of white people. No other people on earth are subject to that sort of treatment, not in this supposedly enlightened age. What gives?
Too many white people are struggling without using extreme white privilege. But the majority of white people are doing fine. Those not relying on white privilege. Those who learn a skill marketable in the 21st century. Those who do not whine the world is not fair and it is someone else's fault.
Yo Nasty Granyz pantiez. Just go clean them, Beotch!
You're citing Wikipedia? Really?
It would be really difficult to insult your intelligence bri,since none exists...and that's the problem. You know nothing and you're not interested in discovering anything that doesn't conform to your robotic allegiance to a narcissitic child who is only capable of telling lies. You are just too stupid for words.

Marxism and Fascism have already been discovered grasshopper, to no good end.
Dressing the above up in technocratic bubble-wrap does not change the outcome.
It only expedites totalitarianism and bondage.
Yo Nasty Granyz pantiez. Just go clean them, Beotch!
You're citing Wikipedia? Really?
It would be really difficult to insult your intelligence bri,since none exists...and that's the problem. You know nothing and you're not interested in discovering anything that doesn't conform to your robotic allegiance to a narcissitic child who is only capable of telling lies. You are just too stupid for words.

Marxism and Fascism have already been discovered grasshopper, to no good end.
Dressing the above up in technocratic bubble-wrap does not change the outcome.
It only expedites totalitarianism and bondage.
Yo Nasty Granyz pantiez. Just go clean them, Beotch!
Trumps great record a first
Trumps great record
Only president to ever lose The House The Senate and The Presidency in 4 years
Yo Nasty Granyz pantiez. Just go clean them, Beotch!
You're citing Wikipedia? Really?
It would be really difficult to insult your intelligence bri,since none exists...and that's the problem. You know nothing and you're not interested in discovering anything that doesn't conform to your robotic allegiance to a narcissitic child who is only capable of telling lies. You are just too stupid for words.

Marxism and Fascism have already been discovered grasshopper, to no good end.
Dressing the above up in technocratic bubble-wrap does not change the outcome.
It only expedites totalitarianism and bondage.

Nope. A new mix. I didn't call it this.
I am a Christian. That is why I could never support Trump. 5 kids, 3 wives, many affairs, grabs women by the pussy, lies, cheats, puts himself above everyone else.
These people have made their priorities abundantly clear.

And neither Christian conservatism nor fiscal conservatism are on that list.
They got what they want. A conservative SC and conservative federal judges. Aside from over turning RVWade, what next?
Meh. I disagree. Violence is abhorrent on the left, right, or middle however there are hundreds of studies that I can paste below if you wish showing that the right is responsible for almost all the deaths every year when it comes to extremism. This years summer of unrest was a huge outlier for left violence and still, more deaths were caused by righties.

Secondly, if you take away the violence from both sides the left is populated with people who believe that society can provide more access to more people and that there is an inequity problem. The right is about protecting the status quo of wealth and power which is intermingled with a romanced historical view of a white America that, in its worst element, is utterly racist.

I know which extremists I’d rather see in an alley.
Centrists have the most thinking ability case closed. The fringes are bad news.

Centrists are totally confused the majority of the time. There's is a case of 'should I stay, or should I go'; and by the time they figure it out, they normally choose wrong.

True story.
The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they. To me they are the same. They are ripping the country apart.
The far left seems to be driven young people and their idealism. They are extremely angry the world is not as fair. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world is not fair. It will never be fair. You need to change because the world will not.
The far right seems to be driven by old white people, who the world has past by. They are not as relevant and successful as the past. They want to bring back the world the way it used to be. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world will never be the way it used to be. You better change to meet the new world because it will not change to meet your needs.


Their is some change we can work on but never to the degree the extremists want. It is impossible to meet what they want.

I'll take "Gross Over Simplifications" for $500, Alex.
Centrists have the most thinking ability case closed. The fringes are bad news.

Centrists are totally confused the majority of the time. There's is a case of 'should I stay, or should I go'; and by the time they figure it out, they normally choose wrong.

True story.
Simple minded extremists cannot handle comlex critical thinking. They are too simple minded.
The world requires complex critical thinking.
The extrme left versus the extreme right - who are they. To me they are the same. They are ripping the country apart.
The far left seems to be driven young people and their idealism. They are extremely angry the world is not as fair. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world is not fair. It will never be fair. You need to change because the world will not.
The far right seems to be driven by old white people, who the world has past by. They are not as relevant and successful as the past. They want to bring back the world the way it used to be. They are impatient and violently angry. My message to them, the world will never be the way it used to be. You better change to meet the new world because it will not change to meet your needs.


Their is some change we can work on but never to the degree the extremists want. It is impossible to meet what they want.

I'll take "Gross Over Simplifications" for $500, Alex.
Extremists are simple minded. So I made my explanation as simple as possible.
Extremists are simple minded. So I made my explanation as simple as possible.

Ill informed, baseless, unsubstantiated, fucktarded opinion.

fucktarded is a pretty big word for a simple minded extremist like you.


From a tard who claims the (undefined) extremists (simple minded) are all the same. Pro aborts who defend the killing of children are same as those who oppose it. Gun grabbing fucktards are same as defenders of the right to keep and bear. Shit dicking trannies that can't decide their own gender are (to you) the same as those who defend traditional marriage.

No surprise that you actually think others are simple minded.
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Extremists are simple minded. So I made my explanation as simple as possible.

Ill informed, baseless, unsubstantiated, fucktarded opinion.

fucktarded is a pretty big word for a simple minded extremist like you.


From a tard who claims the (undefined) extremists (simple minded) are all the same. Pro aborts who defend the killing of children are same as those who oppose it. Gun grabbing fucktards are same as defenders of the right to keep and bear. Shit dicking trannies that can't decide their own gender are (to you) the same as those who defend traditional marriage.

No surprise that you actually think others are simple minded.
This post is in line with a simple minded extremists. You assume all anti-Trumpers have the same beliefs.
Only the simplest of the simple minded would think this.

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