The Fair Tax Primer

But now your plan puts it right in front of people. The government becomes your sugar daddy explicitly.
I think you're not completely off-base. The idea of the government controlling what is an acceptable amount of money for a "minimal" or "basic" standard of living turns my stomach. And the idea of the government sending me a check every month like a permission slip to buy food does as well.

Relative to what we have going on now though? Some distorted amalgam of convoluted and complicated laws whereby the government will preemptively take some amount of your money and hold onto it for you? That's worse. So from a relative standpoint, it's a reluctant improvement.

From there, the idea of taxing consumption rather than income... i love it. Rather than government directly stealing your labor from you, you're in more control of just how much tax you pay in relation to just how much you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I agree as well, but I don't have G5000's deathwish on any exemptions for certain low cost nessasary items.
The corruption of exemptions would not stop at "low cost necessary items". Just look at the $1.4 trillion of exemptions, deductions, and credits there are now!

What you have always failed to comprehend is that every exemption must be offset either by higher tax rates or by borrowing. Exemptions are therefore theft. Wealth redistribution.

So...ZERO exemptions. That is the greater good.
It's a noble enterprise but to accomplish any reform, it needs buy in from both sides. And McConnell isn't going anywhere and the Freedom Cactus isn't either. There are well meaning dems and goper in both Houses, although the House is losing those gopers. It takes leadership from the White House.
The "official" Fair Tax twitter: FairTax® Official (@FairTaxOfficial) | Twitter

Only #FAIRtax #Abolishes IRS and ends tax lobbying. Added together a great start on #DrainTheSwamp. #FAIRtax will #MTFA.

Interesting, it is far different then the tax plan you have talked about on this site before. Why the change of heart? Not criticizing just curious.
I have talked about the Fair Tax countless times!

Go to the search function on this forum and look for "Fair Tax" under my username.


My misunderstanding, thought you were for a flat tax without any expenditures!
I believe we should repeal income taxes and enact a Fair Tax.

I believe consumption taxes are superior to taxes on production.

At the same time, I acknowledge a sales tax is regressive.

There are at least two big advantages to a sales tax, however. First, everyone has to pay it. Second, it is a lot harder to hide a tax hike.

You want to give free puppies to hookers? Fine, we'll raise the sales tax to pay for that.

Say what!?!

Suddenly, people won't be so quick to give away taxpayer dollars any more. The days of "gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" will end. A hike in the Fair Tax will affect everyone!

The Fair Tax is a kind of sales tax, however it attempts to mitigate the regressive nature of a sales tax with a "prebate".

Each month, every adult American would receive a stipend which would offset the tax on things we all have to buy to survive. The prebate would be the same for everyone. A person in abject poverty gets the same prebate as Bill Gates.

That, in a nutshell, is the Fair Tax.

In subsequent posts, I will discuss some of the difficulties in implementing the Fair Tax. But let's get the ball rolling with your thoughts first.
The huge problem with every "Fair Tax" proposal I've seen is that they are all very regressive.

Regressive taxes fuck poor people and foster bloody revolution.
As I have already explained, the regressive nature of a sales tax is mitigated by the prebate in the Fair Tax.
I agree as well, but I don't have G5000's deathwish on any exemptions for certain low cost nessasary items.
Perhaps the same goal could be achieved via a designation on certain items that simply aren't taxed. Slippery slope there for sure, but food (or certain food items), toilet paper, shampoo, etc... that's all not taxed at all. So you could avoid paying taxes if all you bought was warehouses worth of toilet paper and shampoo, but otherwise you're going to be paying into the government if want internet, want to drive places, have a cellphone, etc.

And rich people will pay more because

1) They like more expensive things
2) they have more disposable income to buy more things quantitatively.
It's a noble enterprise but to accomplish any reform, it needs buy in from both sides. And McConnell isn't going anywhere and the Freedom Cactus isn't either. There are well meaning dems and goper in both Houses, although the House is losing those gopers. It takes leadership from the White House.
The very fact that the idea wouldn't gain any traction from this current cast of clown shows is probably the biggest endorsement you could give the idea.
First cut BLOATED government spending then we can talk about taxes.
You should re-read my opening post. I think your biases are blinding you to what I said how the Fair Tax affects bloated spending.
If you're in favor of limited government, which you obviously are (i am too), then you should definitely be on board with a fair tax if for no other reason than it forces government to be transparent about the level of taxes it's imposing on you.

It's a noble enterprise but to accomplish any reform, it needs buy in from both sides. And McConnell isn't going anywhere and the Freedom Cactus isn't either. There are well meaning dems and goper in both Houses, although the House is losing those gopers. It takes leadership from the White House.
Yes, it takes leadership. And we had a couple of Republican presidential candidates who would have provided the leadership for the Fair Tax.

Leadership is sorely lacking in Congress and the White House.
The "official" Fair Tax twitter: FairTax® Official (@FairTaxOfficial) | Twitter

Only #FAIRtax #Abolishes IRS and ends tax lobbying. Added together a great start on #DrainTheSwamp. #FAIRtax will #MTFA.

Interesting, it is far different then the tax plan you have talked about on this site before. Why the change of heart? Not criticizing just curious.
I have talked about the Fair Tax countless times!

Go to the search function on this forum and look for "Fair Tax" under my username.


My misunderstanding, thought you were for a flat tax without any expenditures!
No, I prefer a Fair Tax with zero exemptions.

Whatever tax scheme we have, the most important element is zero exemptions, credits, or deductions.

A flat tax is more regressive than the Fair Tax, and it is still an income tax.
It's a noble enterprise but to accomplish any reform, it needs buy in from both sides. And McConnell isn't going anywhere and the Freedom Cactus isn't either. There are well meaning dems and goper in both Houses, although the House is losing those gopers. It takes leadership from the White House.
Yes, it takes leadership. And we had a couple of Republican presidential candidates who would have provided the leadership for the Fair Tax.

Leadership is sorely lacking in Congress and the White House.
Well Rubio is still pushing tax credit for families over the income tax cut. The dems probably have moved too far left for any compromise. Hickenlooper is a centrist, but I think he has no chance. And he doesn't seem really driven.
Here is how bloated spending would be affected by the Fair Tax.

LEECH: I want free puppies for hookers!

GOVT: Your wish is our command. We'll just raise the Fair Tax to pay for that.


GOVT: That's not how this works.
The "official" Fair Tax twitter: FairTax® Official (@FairTaxOfficial) | Twitter

Only #FAIRtax #Abolishes IRS and ends tax lobbying. Added together a great start on #DrainTheSwamp. #FAIRtax will #MTFA.

Interesting, it is far different then the tax plan you have talked about on this site before. Why the change of heart? Not criticizing just curious.
I have talked about the Fair Tax countless times!

Go to the search function on this forum and look for "Fair Tax" under my username.


My misunderstanding, thought you were for a flat tax without any expenditures!
No, I prefer a Fair Tax with zero exemptions.

Whatever tax scheme we have, the most important element is zero exemptions, credits, or deductions.

A flat tax is more regressive than the Fair Tax, and it is still an income tax.

Gotcha, I gotta admit I have really never looked into the Fair tax. Will do so in the future, thank you sir!
It's a noble enterprise but to accomplish any reform, it needs buy in from both sides. And McConnell isn't going anywhere and the Freedom Cactus isn't either. There are well meaning dems and goper in both Houses, although the House is losing those gopers. It takes leadership from the White House.
Yes, it takes leadership. And we had a couple of Republican presidential candidates who would have provided the leadership for the Fair Tax.

Leadership is sorely lacking in Congress and the White House.
Well Rubio is still pushing tax credit for families over the income tax cut. The dems probably have moved too far left for any compromise. Hickenlooper is a centrist, but I think he has no chance. And he doesn't seem really driven.
I provided a link to H.R. 25 earlier in this topic. Check out the long list of co-sponsors.
I believe we should repeal income taxes and enact a Fair Tax.

I believe consumption taxes are superior to taxes on production.

At the same time, I acknowledge a sales tax is regressive.

There are at least two big advantages to a sales tax, however. First, everyone has to pay it. Second, it is a lot harder to hide a tax hike.

You want to give free puppies to hookers? Fine, we'll raise the sales tax to pay for that.

Say what!?!

Suddenly, people won't be so quick to give away taxpayer dollars any more. The days of "gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" will end. A hike in the Fair Tax will affect everyone!

The Fair Tax is a kind of sales tax, however it attempts to mitigate the regressive nature of a sales tax with a "prebate".

Each month, every adult American would receive a stipend which would offset the tax on things we all have to buy to survive. The prebate would be the same for everyone. A person in abject poverty gets the same prebate as Bill Gates.

That, in a nutshell, is the Fair Tax.

In subsequent posts, I will discuss some of the difficulties in implementing the Fair Tax. But let's get the ball rolling with your thoughts first.

Federal income tax was originally meant to tax the wealthy when implemented in 1913. Back then it was a tax on anyone making over $100,000. Today that would equate to $2.5 million.

I think the first $75,000 for every citizen should be exempt. You make $50,600 you pay no income tax. Then 4 brackets. 15%, 25%, 35%, 60%. Yes it shifts the tax burden to people with money that can afford it and yes 60% on anyone making over say $3 million. Over the last 100 years the wealthy have shifted the tax burden as much as they can to the poor and middle class.

Time for a correction. You gain wealth from a society you should pay more back to that society to keep it functioning properly.
The Fair Tax bill was sponsored by Rep. Woodall, Rob [GA-07].

Here are the co-sponsors:

Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Bridenstine, Jim [R-OK-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Brooks, Mo [R-AL-5]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Carter, John R. [R-TX-31]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA-9]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Conaway, K. Michael [R-TX-11]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]* 01/03/2017
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-8]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Graves, Tom [R-GA-14]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-49]* 01/03/2017
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Lucas, Frank D. [R-OK-3]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX-22]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Pearce, Stevan [R-NM-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Sanford, Mark [R-SC-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-7]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. [R-FL-3]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Young, Don [R-AK-At Large]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Ratcliffe, John [R-TX-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA-10]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] 01/10/2017
Rep. Hensarling, Jeb [R-TX-5] 02/13/2017
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX-27] 03/01/2017
Rep. Garrett, Thomas A., Jr. [R-VA-5] 03/13/2017
Rep. Banks, Jim [R-IN-3] 03/27/2017
Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1] 04/14/2017
Rep. Flores, Bill [R-TX-17] 04/14/2017
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3] 06/28/2017
Rep. DeSantis, Ron [R-FL-6] 07/11/2017
Rep. Long, Billy [R-MO-7] 07/19/2017
Rep. Marchant, Kenny [R-TX-24] 07/28/2017
Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA-3]
I would offer that this system, with the prebate idea in tact, would be a massive deterrent for illegal immigration. If you're not getting that prebate check every month via being a verifiable citizen, you're paying another 23% (at least) on everything you buy (according to that fairtax website).
The Fair Tax bill was sponsored by Rep. Woodall, Rob [GA-07].

Here are the co-sponsors:

Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Bridenstine, Jim [R-OK-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Brooks, Mo [R-AL-5]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Carter, John R. [R-TX-31]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA-9]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Conaway, K. Michael [R-TX-11]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]* 01/03/2017
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-8]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Graves, Tom [R-GA-14]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-49]* 01/03/2017
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Lucas, Frank D. [R-OK-3]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX-22]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Pearce, Stevan [R-NM-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX-2]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Sanford, Mark [R-SC-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI-7]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. [R-FL-3]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Young, Don [R-AK-At Large]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Ratcliffe, John [R-TX-4]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA-10]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT-1]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL-8]* 01/03/2017
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] 01/10/2017
Rep. Hensarling, Jeb [R-TX-5] 02/13/2017
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX-27] 03/01/2017
Rep. Garrett, Thomas A., Jr. [R-VA-5] 03/13/2017
Rep. Banks, Jim [R-IN-3] 03/27/2017
Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1] 04/14/2017
Rep. Flores, Bill [R-TX-17] 04/14/2017
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3] 06/28/2017
Rep. DeSantis, Ron [R-FL-6] 07/11/2017
Rep. Long, Billy [R-MO-7] 07/19/2017
Rep. Marchant, Kenny [R-TX-24] 07/28/2017
Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA-3]

Gonna' have a hard time passing that without bipartisan support which it will never get.
I believe we should repeal income taxes and enact a Fair Tax.

I believe consumption taxes are superior to taxes on production.

At the same time, I acknowledge a sales tax is regressive.

There are at least two big advantages to a sales tax, however. First, everyone has to pay it. Second, it is a lot harder to hide a tax hike.

You want to give free puppies to hookers? Fine, we'll raise the sales tax to pay for that.

Say what!?!

Suddenly, people won't be so quick to give away taxpayer dollars any more. The days of "gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" will end. A hike in the Fair Tax will affect everyone!

The Fair Tax is a kind of sales tax, however it attempts to mitigate the regressive nature of a sales tax with a "prebate".

Each month, every adult American would receive a stipend which would offset the tax on things we all have to buy to survive. The prebate would be the same for everyone. A person in abject poverty gets the same prebate as Bill Gates.

That, in a nutshell, is the Fair Tax.

In subsequent posts, I will discuss some of the difficulties in implementing the Fair Tax. But let's get the ball rolling with your thoughts first.

Federal income tax was originally meant to tax the wealthy when implemented in 1913. Back then it was a tax on anyone making over $100,000. Today that would equate to $2.5 million.

I think the first $75,000 for every citizen should be exempt. You make $50,600 you pay no income tax. Then 4 brackets. 15%, 25%, 35%, 60%. Yes it shifts the tax burden to people with money that can afford it and yes 60% on anyone making over say $3 million. Over the last 100 years the wealthy have shifted the tax burden as much as they can to the poor and middle class.

Time for a correction. You gain wealth from a society your should pay more back to that society to keep it functioning properly.
In 1913, we didn't have thousands of bombers and fighter jets and tanks and aircraft carrier battle groups and submarines and interstate highways and Medicare and Social Security and so on and so on and so on.
I would offer that this system, with the prebate idea in tact, would be a massive deterrent for illegal immigration. If you're not getting that prebate check every month via being a verifiable citizen, you're paying another 23% (at least) on everything you buy (according to that fairtax website).
I never thought of that.


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