The Fall of America

Not true.

As long as we have the Constitution we can re-instate a Representative Republic.

Then we can have a Nuremberg II Trial and jail a whole bunch of them.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

Great Argument, well stated; fueled by probative evidence and sans opinion. One of the best threads ever posted on the USMB.\

I'm sure he'll (he'll?) be thanked by the RW Ruck.
America is circling the drain.

It's only a matter of time before we hit the cesspool.
Not true.

As long as we have the Constitution we can re-instate a Representative Republic.

Which explains why Liberia is just like the United States:

The Liberian Constitution of 1847 was the first constitution of Liberia. Largely modeled on the Constitution of the United States, it remained in effect from its adoption on 26 July 1847 until its suspension by the People's Redemption Council on 12 April 1980​
The people make the nation. Change the people and you change the nation.

Liberals have Royally Screwed us, but good.
Stupid partisans are the reason the nation is in trouble. Doubt it? Read the, "white christian fear and paranoia!!", above.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

We have had many REALLY REALLY BAD presidents....BO is just one of many...and America managed to over come the question is, can we overcome BO after all the damage he and his predecessors have done. Or could it be, BO is the straw that broke the camel's back?
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The country was in decay before Obama.

He's just a symptom, a reflection.


It really kicked off here,

[ame=]1992 Ponytail Guy Presidential Debate - YouTube[/ame]

PonytailGuy ~ "How can we, as symbolically, the children of the future president expect the 2 of you, the 3 of you, to meet our needs, the needs in housing and and and and crime and you name it.....?"

It was that moment that the government was suddenly seen as a provider to THE PEOPLE instead of an EMPLOYEE to WE THE PEOPLE. That asshole called all of us children of the government and indicated that we needed the government to take care of us. Since that presidential debate, the media has always chosen people to ask questions where some wimp asks how the government is going to take care of them. As if they are a helpless child. As if they can't survive unless the government "takes care of" their current want.
It makes me want to vomit.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

We have had many REALLY REALLY BAD presidents....BO is just one of many...and America managed to over come the question is, can we overcome BO after all the damage he and his predecessors have done. Or could it be, BO is the straw that broke the camel's back?

Obama was hardly the 'straw.' He was more like an anvil. The populace has to take a hard look at politics and the kind of dealings the leadership on both sides engage in. When good bills are not permitted to come to the floor and one party is shut out in offering ideas on legislation, the system is broken.

The Tea Party ( quiet down, Dems and just listen for a moment) was a grass roots effort to transform government and politics to the statesmanship like political atmosphere and integrity we once had. It was to be open, debates where both sides listen to ideas and responses to these ideas regardless of party affiliation.

Although the Tea Party stood for smaller government and fewer taxes, it also stood for opening up discussions across the table. Something that is in dire need. Forget the term Tea Party and call it anything you like, we need what I describe. Our nation needs representatives that work for the country, not for getting rich in office.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

Pessimism and defeatism are not American traits. Man up, obama won't be in office forever. We have weathered even worse storms before (not many, but still...).
Have we ever weathered a H. of Rep. so partisan, and yet so divided? Is Speaker Boehner incompetent or too scared (to lose his job) to lead? Did Speaker Boehner bring anything to the Speaker's dais other than his ambition to be Speaker of the House?

It's obvious a 'loud' number of regular posters want to blame President Obama for all the problems our nation faces, but the evidence is clear, the H. of Rep. has road blocked every effort of the President to lead. In the last few days we have seen a member of the Senate leading the H. of Rep.; I can imagine every late Speaker turning in their grave and Speaker Pelosi horrified by this recent event and abject failure of Boehner.

Let's not forget the Senator from Kentucky. McConnell's only goal for the past six years has been to make President Obama a one term president. Not only did he fail in that endeavor, he has failed in every aspect of the job of a legislator. Why he may get reelected is both a shock and an embarrassment to the good citizens of Kentucky.

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