The Fall of America

Have we ever weathered a H. of Rep. so partisan, and yet so divided? Is Speaker Boehner incompetent or too scared (to lose his job) to lead? Did Speaker Boehner bring anything to the Speaker's dais other than his ambition to be Speaker of the House?

It's obvious a 'loud' number of regular posters want to blame President Obama for all the problems our nation faces, but the evidence is clear, the H. of Rep. has road blocked every effort of the President to lead. In the last few days we have seen a member of the Senate leading the H. of Rep.; I can imagine every late Speaker turning in their grave and Speaker Pelosi horrified by this recent event and abject failure of Boehner.

Let's not forget the Senator from Kentucky. McConnell's only goal for the past six years has been to make President Obama a one term president. Not only did he fail in that endeavor, he has failed in every aspect of the job of a legislator. Why he may get reelected is both a shock and an embarrassment to the good citizens of Kentucky.

yea, at least Pelosi wasn't partisan :cuckoo:

The corruption from both the left and right in Washington is destroying this country the Roman Empire fell because the corruption from within weakened it enough for outside forces to destroy it we sure seem to be following that pattern.
The corruption from both the left and right in Washington is destroying this country the Roman Empire fell because the corruption from within weakened it enough for outside forces to destroy it we sure seem to be following that pattern.
Who puts them in office?
Jeri, either you heaard incorrectly or someone is lying about winning the war and we began withdrawing the next day. We need far more than hearsay on this.
The corruption from both the left and right in Washington is destroying this country the Roman Empire fell because the corruption from within weakened it enough for outside forces to destroy it we sure seem to be following that pattern.
Who puts them in office?

Does that really make a difference? We vote one group of corrupt assholes out and the new one moves in takes up where they left off. Its the culture in D.C. that has to change and I'm by no means sure that's possible anymore.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

I smell you white christian fear and paranoia!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
'The End of the World is nigh!' seems to be a calling card for a lot on the right. But point out their hypocrisy in the Bush years and they pretend they never voted for the guy, or make some come back insult.

Then there is the illegal issue, where corporations and business employ the new slave class, which they can avoid paying and deny or responsibility over because illegals don't have rights in America. They would never employ Americans because then they would have to actually have to pay the minimum wage rather than a few dollars an hour. The same people raving against illegals, profit the most from the status quo of modern day slavery.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

We have had many REALLY REALLY BAD presidents....BO is just one of many...and America managed to over come the question is, can we overcome BO after all the damage he and his predecessors have done. Or could it be, BO is the straw that broke the camel's back?

Bad because they serve big money first. Time to get money out of politics.
Not too long ago - maybe 5 months ago - I was in a meeting with some retired military - one who was one away from becoming Admiral in the Navy and was very close to a former CIA Director - ( many yrs ago ) I told him Ted Gunderson former FBI Director for 27 yrs, said that he was told privately that we won the Vietnam War. That the North Vietnamese contacted our WH and surrendered - the next day our WH announced that we were withdrawing from Vietnam as it was a war that could not be won. I asked the retired Navy Commander about it and he said, Ted Gunderson was told right. We did win it. I asked him why was this kept from the american people? He would not answer that question.

With that said, I mentioned this to my husband about it in conversation one day never considering that he did not know. He became very upset - he is a vietnam veteran - he said, Why were we never told about this? I told him I didn't know. He said that is wrong. You need to tell people about this. So I am. Here. We won the Vietnam war. That is a fact. I believe this is the second time I am mentioning it but it is worth telling again for those who did not know. If you are a vietnam vet? You won the vietnam war. Well Done, Soldiers!

We did win the Vietnam War. It is one of the most misunderstood events in American history, thanks to a ton of misinformation by many on the Left.

Nixon bombed NV into submission and they agreed to peace in Jan 1973, with the Paris Peace Accords...then we left. Problem is leftists of all stripes never keep their word. After we left, the NV invaded and in 1974 won the war.

There is one big thing Americans know nothing of. That is our treaty obligations to SV was to provide them with as much military hardware as they needed to stop NV aggression. The D controlled congress ignored pleas by Pres. Ford to support the SV government, as was required by the treaty. This has to be one of the biggest betrayals ever committed by our government...and few Americans know about it.

You can find all this laid out by Bruce Herschensohn.
[ame=]An American Amnesia: How the US Congress Forced the Surrenders of South Vietnam and Cambodia: Bruce Herschensohn: 9780825306327: Books[/ame]

How the Vietnam War Was Won and Lost - Prager University

At any rate, the US should never have intervened in Vietnam. It was all a set up to expand government power and enrich the power most wars are. This in no way, diminishes the sacrifices made by our fighting men.
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We certainly won every major battle in Vietnam, and we lost the war.

Well, it's Monday, so let's get out there, enjoy the day, and prevent the fall of America.
We certainly won every major battle in Vietnam, and we lost the war.

Well, it's Monday, so let's get out there, enjoy the day, and prevent the fall of America.

The US did not lose the war. The US won and left. The NV signed a peace agreement, but then they broke their agreement and invaded the South....after the US left. The US failed to meet it's treaty obligations with SV, and refused to fight the aggression by the NV...due to the Dems in Congress refusing to honor treaty obligations.
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