The Fall of America

It's obvious a 'loud' number of regular posters want to blame President Obama for all the problems our nation faces, but the evidence is clear, the H. of Rep. has road blocked every effort of the President to lead. ...

That is not "clear" at all. The President doesn't know how and seems disinterested in "leading." The clumsy 'technique' of demanding the opposition accept every policy and approach of this administration and anything the democrat party craps out, entirely and without question or else be branded "do nothing" is laughably obvious and disingenuous. It has been effective on many of those people stupid enough to vote for obama twice, but even that lowest common denominator is starting to wise up. Watch the midterms for further elucidation of this point.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

Pessimism and defeatism are not American traits. Man up, obama won't be in office forever. We have weathered even worse storms before (not many, but still...).
Exactly. I see people posting shit like "America is ruined" and wonder what they must be like in life, like how that attitude carries over to career/family/etc.

Must be one sad fucking sap to look around at what we have and decide "ruined" is the appropriate description.
Obama has ruined this country. It will never be great again.

Pessimism and defeatism are not American traits. Man up, obama won't be in office forever. We have weathered even worse storms before (not many, but still...).
Exactly. I see people posting shit like "America is ruined" and wonder what they must be like in life, like how that attitude carries over to career/family/etc.

Must be one sad fucking sap to look around at what we have and decide "ruined" is the appropriate description.

You know, Steady, you are right. Many of us are focusing on what is wrong,. We could be so much worse off.. Thank you for making me see the other side.
It's over for America simply because we are not a united country any more. The current crop of partisian politicos didn't cause the division, they merely reflect it. All we are waiting for is the Event that will formalize the division.
It's over for America simply because we are not a united country any more. The current crop of partisian politicos didn't cause the division, they merely reflect it. All we are waiting for is the Event that will formalize the division.

You've been shitting this same crap out your pie hole for years now. We get it, you're cheering for the division of the United States, you POS. Well don't hold you breath, Chicken Little. On second thought, go ahead...
Have we ever weathered a H. of Rep. so partisan, and yet so divided? Is Speaker Boehner incompetent or too scared (to lose his job) to lead? Did Speaker Boehner bring anything to the Speaker's dais other than his ambition to be Speaker of the House?

It's obvious a 'loud' number of regular posters want to blame President Obama for all the problems our nation faces, but the evidence is clear, the H. of Rep. has road blocked every effort of the President to lead. In the last few days we have seen a member of the Senate leading the H. of Rep.; I can imagine every late Speaker turning in their grave and Speaker Pelosi horrified by this recent event and abject failure of Boehner.

Let's not forget the Senator from Kentucky. McConnell's only goal for the past six years has been to make President Obama a one term president. Not only did he fail in that endeavor, he has failed in every aspect of the job of a legislator. Why he may get reelected is both a shock and an embarrassment to the good citizens of Kentucky.

yea, at least Pelosi wasn't partisan :cuckoo:
Have we ever weathered a H. of Rep. so partisan, and yet so divided? Is Speaker Boehner incompetent or too scared (to lose his job) to lead? Did Speaker Boehner bring anything to the Speaker's dais other than his ambition to be Speaker of the House?

It's obvious a 'loud' number of regular posters want to blame President Obama for all the problems our nation faces, but the evidence is clear, the H. of Rep. has road blocked every effort of the President to lead. In the last few days we have seen a member of the Senate leading the H. of Rep.; I can imagine every late Speaker turning in their grave and Speaker Pelosi horrified by this recent event and abject failure of Boehner.

Let's not forget the Senator from Kentucky. McConnell's only goal for the past six years has been to make President Obama a one term president. Not only did he fail in that endeavor, he has failed in every aspect of the job of a legislator. Why he may get reelected is both a shock and an embarrassment to the good citizens of Kentucky.

yea, at least Pelosi wasn't partisan :cuckoo:

Partisanship is only practiced by Rs. Ds just want to help people.....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Many lefties believe this and get duped by the Ds repeatedly...and they never learn.
American has fallen, that isn't even debatable. We aren't dead by a long shot but not the economic powerhouse we once were. Many good US companies are gone, fortunately not all but it's still a growing trend. The problem is that we don't learn from our mistakes and the clock is ticking.
American has fallen, that isn't even debatable. We aren't dead by a long shot but not the economic powerhouse we once were. Many good US companies are gone, fortunately not all but it's still a growing trend. The problem is that we don't learn from our mistakes and the clock is ticking.

The 'problem' can be directly traced to the failure of progressive policies promoted by progressives, operating within an unlimited federal government.

Progressive economic policies and a dynamic growing free market economy are mutually exclusive. In effect, big progressive government replaces the free market with a distorted economy, that favors the few with connections over the many without connections.

Amazingly progressives in power, have duped millions into believing a free market economy benefits the few over the many. How can a free market economy, where all can associate with whomever they choose, without government interference, but subject to the rule of law, be considered oppressive and unfair?
gipper knows nothing, so we can call him Gipper Snow: "you know nothing, Gipper Snow."

To the point: both parties have failed America but the extremes right and left and glibertarian offer nothing of worth.
LBJ, Vietnam, liberal media, Marxist professors, and Hollywood have all played a part.
I love that when George W. was running the country into the ground with TWO wars apparently nothing was wrong in your mind, but Obama ruined our country. Our country was ruined when we allowed money into politics. That isn’t Obama’s doing either – we need to go back much farther than that. Obama will not be known as a great president, but he didn’t ruin the nation.
Bush didn't run the country into the ground. You must be on morphine. He was no fiscal conservative but check your facts if you think Democrats didn't play a role. If he spent us into the ground what do you call this current spending?
LBJ, Vietnam, liberal media, Marxist professors, and Hollywood have all played a part.

Along with Robert Welch, Joe McCarthy, the John Birch Society, Watergate, reactionary right radio, the TPM, Austrian school professors, and Beck .tv.
"Streets, roads, and above all, schools, should all be privately owned and privately run. The separation of state and economics. The government should be concerned only with those issues which involve the use of force. This means: the police, the armed services, and the law courts to settle disputes among men. Nothing else. Everything else should be privately run and would be much better run"
--Atlas Shrugged
LBJ, Vietnam, liberal media, Marxist professors, and Hollywood have all played a part.

Along with Robert Welch, Joe McCarthy, the John Birch Society, Watergate, reactionary right radio, the TPM, Austrian school professors, and Beck .tv.

The impact of those you mention, little as it has been, in this day and age is long since gone. The ones I mention were culturally and politically steps in the wrong direction that still have consequence today.
LBJ, Vietnam, liberal media, Marxist professors, and Hollywood have all played a part.

Along with Robert Welch, Joe McCarthy, the John Birch Society, Watergate, reactionary right radio, the TPM, Austrian school professors, and Beck .tv.

Are taxpayers still funding LBJ,s Great Society? YES.
Did Vietnam create a malaise in American confidence and produce a generation of anti-pwar traitors who then brought up their children to hate America, and their children to hate America, and their children to hate America, and...YES.
Are Marxist professors like Ayers and others still dominant on our college campuses? YES.
Do Hollywood liberals still have an inordinate amount of influence over society and culture? YES.
McCarthy, Welch, and Nixon are dead, Watergate was liberal lynch mob, John Birch society means nothing today, conservative radio vs. MSNBC and its dish daily bullshit; no contest. Glenn Beck? His show was cancelled.
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You lose.

McCarthy created a malaise of public confidence, yes.

Have the JBS and TPM tried to undermine public confidence, yes.

And so do all the rest, so that is why the far right got kicked in the face last fall with the budget and debt votes, and the TPM has lost almost all of the primaries this spring and summer.

The public does not want far right gloom and doom, buddy: hint, it does not want you and your comrades' shit.
Not too long ago - maybe 5 months ago - I was in a meeting with some retired military - one who was one away from becoming Admiral in the Navy and was very close to a former CIA Director - ( many yrs ago ) I told him Ted Gunderson former FBI Director for 27 yrs, said that he was told privately that we won the Vietnam War. That the North Vietnamese contacted our WH and surrendered - the next day our WH announced that we were withdrawing from Vietnam as it was a war that could not be won. I asked the retired Navy Commander about it and he said, Ted Gunderson was told right. We did win it. I asked him why was this kept from the american people? He would not answer that question.

With that said, I mentioned this to my husband about it in conversation one day never considering that he did not know. He became very upset - he is a vietnam veteran - he said, Why were we never told about this? I told him I didn't know. He said that is wrong. You need to tell people about this. So I am. Here. We won the Vietnam war. That is a fact. I believe this is the second time I am mentioning it but it is worth telling again for those who did not know. If you are a vietnam vet? You won the vietnam war. Well Done, Soldiers!
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