The fallacy of black unwed births

Based on statistics, you are far, far more likely to murder; assuming you are a black male. It's a given and while you might not be directly responsible for that, it is an obvious fact.

This is not a safe space where political correctness rules. I suggest you seek one out.
That's an obvious lie. I am no more likely to be a murderer than the Pope is. Thats the problem with race based statistics. They can be used to produce idiots like you who actually believe any given black male is more likely to be a murderer than a white man is? You have just made my case. race based statistics ought to be canned and outlawed as being a clear and present danger to the well being of innocent Backs.
You think burying facts is going to save innocent black lives? Blacks in the US are killing each other at Central American rates. Being oblivious to that problem by outlawing race-based statistics is going to stop that?!

Blacks aren't killing each other at Central American rates. The fact you make such a comment goes right to the point JQ was making. When you talk about burying facts understand that approximately 90 percent of all whites killed are killed by another white. In the last year I saw whites only killed 5-600 fewer people than blacks did. The number of murders over the years I have looked at this have bee about the same, the only thing whites have is the excuse of thy have more people. But if 1,000 blacks are killed and 1,000 whites are killed, that's 1,000 each and you cannot make the 1,000 black kills into 5,000 just because you want to. Now what you really need to understand is that historically whites have ben the most violent and have committed far and away the most murders in this country. And while doing that whites have always declared how blacks are more violent.
No one expects you do "get" statistics, and ease up on the ebonics, OK?

I made a living citing and evaluating stats. STFU and man up. Face truth boy, the things you say aren't so.
Were you this angry when accruing these stats?
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.
The numbers did drugs?
I understand that the ugly truth about black crime rates is a bitter pill to swallow, but it doesn't make it any less true. 13% of the population commits around 50% of the total homicides. Less than 13% if you factor in the male to female ratio. Black males are statistically more likely to commit murder than white males, by a huge margin. And that's not even factoring in all of the other crimes like robbery and assault all of which hover around 50% or higher among the black community. Sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

Im skeptical of crime statistics generated unilaterally by Whites to demonize which are ONLY used to demonize the entire Back population. I don't see the wisdom in any Black person taking those derogatory statistics at face value just because their enemies say they are true. Some whites are refusing to drink the statistical kool-aid too. For instance Tim Wise, noted race relations gets to the nitty gritty of race based statistics:

Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

"* Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

* Even though there are more black-on-white interracial crimes than white-on-black interracial crimes, this fact is not evidence of anti-white racial targeting by black offenders. Rather, it is completely explained by two factors having nothing to do with anti-white bias: namely, the general differences in rates of criminal offending, and the rates at which whites and blacks encounter one another (and thus, have the opportunity to victimize one another). Once these two factors are “controlled for” in social science terms, the actual rates of black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict;

* No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person in a given year, and fewer than 0.3 (three-tenths of one percent) of whites will be victimized by a black person in a given year;

* Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American."
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

impuretrash said:
Seems to me that the left and right point of view is close to equally balanced here. Trolls on both sides of the spectrum constantly slinging mud at one another, hardly any real discussion and nobody ever admits to being wrong. Are the right leaning trolls any more "radicalized" than the left leaning ones? ...and if IM2 and Asclepias are justified in going around saying white people are genetically inferior and have never done anything good for the world, smell like wet dogs etc, then how can it be wrong for white people to punch back? News and entertainment media constantly demonize and belittle us, not to mention our own elected politicians. Trump was elected in large part due to white people being fed up with the double standard.

I guess we see things differently. The board is overwhelmingly RIGHT leaning and extreme racist banter flourishes here. I can't speak for my brothers IM2 and Asclepias but I will say I cannot fault them for fighting fire with fire. Black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts. They came here looking for intelligent titillating conversation. Instead, What they met when putting forth their experiences and histories was outright verbal race war.

White newcomers and those with more moderate views on race aren't aware of the context in which Blacks sometimes respond to insults about their entire race. All they see is a Black man spouting invectives about white people. They don't care that ShootSpeeders still uses the caricature of Obama and Michele as apes, or that most of the anti-Black propaganda fed by race based crime statistics and news media are flawed. It is interesting you think the White owned media demonizes white people. That statement is so ridiculous I fail to see the value of making it.

TO Radicalized Whiet males, every derogatory report about Blacks is all true and any Black person or advocate that voices doubt about any of it is a delusional racist. Obviously, Black posters aren't going to accept that view and will comment aggressively when they find it. I 'm sorry for those innocent whites and blacks caught up in the verbal war zone but I guess well will just have to write them off as collateral damage.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.

impuretrash said:
Recently I tried to appeal to common decency but your pal Asclepias reminded me that he thinks that white women and children in South Africa deserve to be raped and murdered for occupying "black land" and would like to see similar uprisings happen here in America. Is that what you call intelligent diplomacy? Was he serious or just trolling? I don't know.

Anyway, basically what I want you to understand is black people's problems aren't my fault and I am sick of being blamed for them.

Again, I can't speak for Asclepias any more than he can speak for me. We both are free thinkers so our opinions do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of all Black people in America or anywhere else although we do agree on most things including the controlling demeaning nature of whites when it comes to issues concerning social interactions between us and them. Even now you point to black people's problems as something you know something about. Do you really know what Black people's problems are or are you just relying on Fox News and non contextual statistics to do that for you?

You say you can't speak for Asclepias and IM2, but you seem to be doing so when you say that "black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts." I have no idea if Asclepias and IM2 came here with racial animus in their hearts. I don't even know if someone like Tank or Steve McGarrett came here with racial animus in their hearts. All anyone can really do is look at the racial animus, or lack thereof, in posts made by a person, and go from there.

In the case of IM2, since he began this thread, while I do think his posts often contain a pretty strong anti-white bias, I am still willing to discuss race and racial issues with him. For the more blatant and ridiculous racists on the board like a Steve McGarrett, I generally don't bother trying. That can certainly present an appearance of letting white racial animus slide while calling out black racial animus, but actually, it is the opposite in terms of sentiment: I don't think racists like Tank or McGarrett are worth my time.

There are some pretty blatant racists and bigots on USMB, and quite a few more of them are white than black or any other minority.

Of course, all of this is based on what people post; I have no idea who might just be a troll, or lying about their race, etc.

There is no anti white bias here montrovant. What happens with me is I am tired of reading white opinions about us that are false. Look at this tread for example. Not one white wanted to look at he issue if unwed births but from the perspective of blacks having a 70 prcent rate. Not that when we look at the number of overall unwed births that blacks had 25 prcent of them or that from the aspect of overall births babies born to black unwed women was 10.4 percent. Oh no, every thing says 70 percent. Here UM2 let me give you the link. But every site doesn't say that's only the rate for overall black births not al births. And why is that? That's why I post because I am tired of reading opinions from whites about black culture and morals based on this bullshit that does not cover all the facts.

That may be so, but based on the posts of yours I have read here, you definitely harbor some anti-white bias. I'm pretty sure you've been pretty explicit about that at times.

The reason people bring up the 72% rate is because the rates are important. For example, take a look at the rate of unwed births for American Indians or Alaskan Natives, at 65.7%. Assuming one considers unwed births to be meaningful, that would be a significant number. If, on the other hand, one only looked at total numbers, only 29,156 out of almost 4 million total births were to unwed American Indians or Alaskan Natives. From that perspective, it might seem that the number is insignificant. If one is looking to see if there is a trend among American Indians or Alaskan Natives when it comes to unwed births, looking at the totals and not the rates makes no sense.

Of course, in this context, one has to assume that unwed births are indicative of something. I don't think that has been particularly established.

However, you are the one who created this thread. You brought up the CDC statistics. You really seemed to create a strawman and argue against it in the OP: that whites have claimed that more blacks have unwed babies than whites. I don't know where you've seen such a claim, who you are arguing against. As I said before, if the point of this thread was merely to show that statistic, it's a very odd thread. And you have, in the past, dismissed rates of particular activities as somehow unimportant.

Again, if you are just trying to argue that more whites in total have unwed babies than blacks, you would have done well to explain who you were directing this to.

I don't have any anti white bias. I have mentioned n many occasions that not all whites are racist. So lets just drop his silly white claim of anti white bias because someone dares mention the racism here as well as pointing out how white racist law and policy in America has befitted whites. The only strawman is the use of rates and talking about he 72 percent rate of unwed mothers in the black community. The same thing goes for using it for American Indians and Alaska natives.

What makes rates more important than totals Montrovant? Because whites here say it is? And yes I've read far too many posts in these threads where whites have talked stupid about black unwed births, black men running away from their ids and all hat kind of crap.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem? Blacks had less than 600,000 out of almost 4 million babies born in the year 2015, and whites had more than 621,000 unwed births in this same year. Whites had more unwed births than we had births but we are here talking about the importance of a 72 percent rate. Why? Who decided this was the most important thing to consider Montrovant? Why are other rates ignored by people here but only these are the rates that matter?

Black women decided to reduce or stop having children. The rate if unwed births reduced but not as much as that among marred black women. This never gets mentioned, but the 72 percent does. Why is that Montrovant?

And let me tell you something about your bitter pill. You talk about 2 crimes but it's like this:

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

That is the bitter pill and it's the pill whites here do not want to swallow.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem?

It's a big problem because ever increasing numbers of black children are being raised by unwed mothers and suffer from the pathologies that result. Increased rates of school drop outs, increased crime, increased incarceration......and the cycle repeats with ever higher numbers.
I understand that the ugly truth about black crime rates is a bitter pill to swallow, but it doesn't make it any less true. 13% of the population commits around 50% of the total homicides. Less than 13% if you factor in the male to female ratio. Black males are statistically more likely to commit murder than white males, by a huge margin. And that's not even factoring in all of the other crimes like robbery and assault all of which hover around 50% or higher among the black community. Sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

Im skeptical of crime statistics generated unilaterally by Whites to demonize which are ONLY used to demonize the entire Back population. I don't see the wisdom in any Black person taking those derogatory statistics at face value just because their enemies say they are true. Some whites are refusing to drink the statistical kool-aid too. For instance Tim Wise, noted race relations gets to the nitty gritty of race based statistics:

Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

"* Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

* Even though there are more black-on-white interracial crimes than white-on-black interracial crimes, this fact is not evidence of anti-white racial targeting by black offenders. Rather, it is completely explained by two factors having nothing to do with anti-white bias: namely, the general differences in rates of criminal offending, and the rates at which whites and blacks encounter one another (and thus, have the opportunity to victimize one another). Once these two factors are “controlled for” in social science terms, the actual rates of black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict;

* No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person in a given year, and fewer than 0.3 (three-tenths of one percent) of whites will be victimized by a black person in a given year;

* Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American."
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

impuretrash said:
Seems to me that the left and right point of view is close to equally balanced here. Trolls on both sides of the spectrum constantly slinging mud at one another, hardly any real discussion and nobody ever admits to being wrong. Are the right leaning trolls any more "radicalized" than the left leaning ones? ...and if IM2 and Asclepias are justified in going around saying white people are genetically inferior and have never done anything good for the world, smell like wet dogs etc, then how can it be wrong for white people to punch back? News and entertainment media constantly demonize and belittle us, not to mention our own elected politicians. Trump was elected in large part due to white people being fed up with the double standard.

I guess we see things differently. The board is overwhelmingly RIGHT leaning and extreme racist banter flourishes here. I can't speak for my brothers IM2 and Asclepias but I will say I cannot fault them for fighting fire with fire. Black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts. They came here looking for intelligent titillating conversation. Instead, What they met when putting forth their experiences and histories was outright verbal race war.

White newcomers and those with more moderate views on race aren't aware of the context in which Blacks sometimes respond to insults about their entire race. All they see is a Black man spouting invectives about white people. They don't care that ShootSpeeders still uses the caricature of Obama and Michele as apes, or that most of the anti-Black propaganda fed by race based crime statistics and news media are flawed. It is interesting you think the White owned media demonizes white people. That statement is so ridiculous I fail to see the value of making it.

TO Radicalized Whiet males, every derogatory report about Blacks is all true and any Black person or advocate that voices doubt about any of it is a delusional racist. Obviously, Black posters aren't going to accept that view and will comment aggressively when they find it. I 'm sorry for those innocent whites and blacks caught up in the verbal war zone but I guess well will just have to write them off as collateral damage.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.

impuretrash said:
Recently I tried to appeal to common decency but your pal Asclepias reminded me that he thinks that white women and children in South Africa deserve to be raped and murdered for occupying "black land" and would like to see similar uprisings happen here in America. Is that what you call intelligent diplomacy? Was he serious or just trolling? I don't know.

Anyway, basically what I want you to understand is black people's problems aren't my fault and I am sick of being blamed for them.

Again, I can't speak for Asclepias any more than he can speak for me. We both are free thinkers so our opinions do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of all Black people in America or anywhere else although we do agree on most things including the controlling demeaning nature of whites when it comes to issues concerning social interactions between us and them. Even now you point to black people's problems as something you know something about. Do you really know what Black people's problems are or are you just relying on Fox News and non contextual statistics to do that for you?

You say you can't speak for Asclepias and IM2, but you seem to be doing so when you say that "black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts." I have no idea if Asclepias and IM2 came here with racial animus in their hearts. I don't even know if someone like Tank or Steve McGarrett came here with racial animus in their hearts. All anyone can really do is look at the racial animus, or lack thereof, in posts made by a person, and go from there.

In the case of IM2, since he began this thread, while I do think his posts often contain a pretty strong anti-white bias, I am still willing to discuss race and racial issues with him. For the more blatant and ridiculous racists on the board like a Steve McGarrett, I generally don't bother trying. That can certainly present an appearance of letting white racial animus slide while calling out black racial animus, but actually, it is the opposite in terms of sentiment: I don't think racists like Tank or McGarrett are worth my time.

There are some pretty blatant racists and bigots on USMB, and quite a few more of them are white than black or any other minority.

Of course, all of this is based on what people post; I have no idea who might just be a troll, or lying about their race, etc.

I'm not speaking for Asclepias of IM2 directly when I make a statement I believe to be true concerning Black people in general who wander onto this board. Most are going to inadvertently stumble across the proliferation of racist posts here and become defensive as a result. That's just my opinion based on my own experiences here. In regards to those whites who are adamant about calling themselves conservatives, certain among them emerge to makes me feel uncomfortably apprehensive. Ensconced within the American conservative camp are some of the most virulent white racists on the planet, and the Republicans welcome them with open arms. If you are part of that kind of radical cabal, I can't trust you, even if you appear to be OK. Some ostensibly"good" Germans joined the NAZI Party too. And they looked the other way during the pogroms. They didn't see the smoke rising from the ovens and the ash falling on their shoulders. Even as their sons and daughters were carrying out the Final Solution , they claimed not to know about the horrors taking place in their concentration camps.

WhenI see you use the racial crime statistics as a talking point here, I put you in the same category as Steve McGarrett or Shoot Speeders. Why? Because the guys who implemented the program were/are probably just as racist as any racist on these boards; and you the data just as often as the resident racists ShootSpeeders and Meathead do That data doesn't reflect the lives of any Blacks I know and associate with and I doubt those statistics pertain to Asclepias of Im2. So why throw them in our faces as if they do? Why do I have to hear the lie, based on statistics, that I am more likely to be a killer than you are? I am tired of having to wear that albatross around my neck. I doubt any of the Blacks that frequent these boards have any thing to do with crime in the Black community but you seem to relish throwing black criminality in our faces. Frankly that is the only function I see race based statistics being used for.
Based on statistics, you are far, far more likely to murder; assuming you are a black male. It's a given and while you might not be directly responsible for that, it is an obvious fact.

This is not a safe space where political correctness rules. I suggest you seek one out.

No not really. Blacks have quite a long way to go to match the violence and murder numbers of white men.

Blacks have quite a long way to go to match the violence and murder numbers of white men.

Blacks commit a higher number of murders than whites, in the US.
Black murder rates are much, much higher.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immoral and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of theirs exposed.
Actually since 13 percent of the US population is black 10 percent of the births pretty much covers all the black births pretty well. That means about 70 to 80 percent of the babies born to blacks are born out of wed lock even the numbers presented by this op support that claim.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immora and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of their exposed.
You're twisting the numbers. It's not about a percentage against the general population. It's about the demographic.
Blacks self segregate so their highly disproportionate unwed-home circumstance impacts their segregated community.
80% is a disgrace and a crisis.

Blacks don't self segregate. I can see you're just another dummy. The numbers show what they show and they show that 10.4 of all babies born in 2015 were are born to black women out of wedlock. If 72 percent of all unwed births belonged to blacks I would say its a disgrace and a crisis. But given more married black women are not having children then no, I won't say that.
13 percent of the population is black so 10 percent is right at 70 percent to 80 percent of the available population dumb ass.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immoral and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of theirs exposed.
Actually since 13 percent of the US population is black 10 percent of the births pretty much covers all the black births pretty well. That means about 70 to 80 percent of the babies born to blacks are born out of wed lock even the numbers presented by this op support that claim.
A thread like this always brings out the love to hate, vicious racist crowd. How you people sleep at night is beyond comprehension.
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Im skeptical of crime statistics generated unilaterally by Whites to demonize which are ONLY used to demonize the entire Back population. I don't see the wisdom in any Black person taking those derogatory statistics at face value just because their enemies say they are true. Some whites are refusing to drink the statistical kool-aid too. For instance Tim Wise, noted race relations gets to the nitty gritty of race based statistics:

Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

"* Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

* Even though there are more black-on-white interracial crimes than white-on-black interracial crimes, this fact is not evidence of anti-white racial targeting by black offenders. Rather, it is completely explained by two factors having nothing to do with anti-white bias: namely, the general differences in rates of criminal offending, and the rates at which whites and blacks encounter one another (and thus, have the opportunity to victimize one another). Once these two factors are “controlled for” in social science terms, the actual rates of black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict;

* No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person in a given year, and fewer than 0.3 (three-tenths of one percent) of whites will be victimized by a black person in a given year;

* Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American."
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

I guess we see things differently. The board is overwhelmingly RIGHT leaning and extreme racist banter flourishes here. I can't speak for my brothers IM2 and Asclepias but I will say I cannot fault them for fighting fire with fire. Black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts. They came here looking for intelligent titillating conversation. Instead, What they met when putting forth their experiences and histories was outright verbal race war.

White newcomers and those with more moderate views on race aren't aware of the context in which Blacks sometimes respond to insults about their entire race. All they see is a Black man spouting invectives about white people. They don't care that ShootSpeeders still uses the caricature of Obama and Michele as apes, or that most of the anti-Black propaganda fed by race based crime statistics and news media are flawed. It is interesting you think the White owned media demonizes white people. That statement is so ridiculous I fail to see the value of making it.

TO Radicalized Whiet males, every derogatory report about Blacks is all true and any Black person or advocate that voices doubt about any of it is a delusional racist. Obviously, Black posters aren't going to accept that view and will comment aggressively when they find it. I 'm sorry for those innocent whites and blacks caught up in the verbal war zone but I guess well will just have to write them off as collateral damage.

Again, I can't speak for Asclepias any more than he can speak for me. We both are free thinkers so our opinions do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of all Black people in America or anywhere else although we do agree on most things including the controlling demeaning nature of whites when it comes to issues concerning social interactions between us and them. Even now you point to black people's problems as something you know something about. Do you really know what Black people's problems are or are you just relying on Fox News and non contextual statistics to do that for you?

You say you can't speak for Asclepias and IM2, but you seem to be doing so when you say that "black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts." I have no idea if Asclepias and IM2 came here with racial animus in their hearts. I don't even know if someone like Tank or Steve McGarrett came here with racial animus in their hearts. All anyone can really do is look at the racial animus, or lack thereof, in posts made by a person, and go from there.

In the case of IM2, since he began this thread, while I do think his posts often contain a pretty strong anti-white bias, I am still willing to discuss race and racial issues with him. For the more blatant and ridiculous racists on the board like a Steve McGarrett, I generally don't bother trying. That can certainly present an appearance of letting white racial animus slide while calling out black racial animus, but actually, it is the opposite in terms of sentiment: I don't think racists like Tank or McGarrett are worth my time.

There are some pretty blatant racists and bigots on USMB, and quite a few more of them are white than black or any other minority.

Of course, all of this is based on what people post; I have no idea who might just be a troll, or lying about their race, etc.

There is no anti white bias here montrovant. What happens with me is I am tired of reading white opinions about us that are false. Look at this tread for example. Not one white wanted to look at he issue if unwed births but from the perspective of blacks having a 70 prcent rate. Not that when we look at the number of overall unwed births that blacks had 25 prcent of them or that from the aspect of overall births babies born to black unwed women was 10.4 percent. Oh no, every thing says 70 percent. Here UM2 let me give you the link. But every site doesn't say that's only the rate for overall black births not al births. And why is that? That's why I post because I am tired of reading opinions from whites about black culture and morals based on this bullshit that does not cover all the facts.

That may be so, but based on the posts of yours I have read here, you definitely harbor some anti-white bias. I'm pretty sure you've been pretty explicit about that at times.

The reason people bring up the 72% rate is because the rates are important. For example, take a look at the rate of unwed births for American Indians or Alaskan Natives, at 65.7%. Assuming one considers unwed births to be meaningful, that would be a significant number. If, on the other hand, one only looked at total numbers, only 29,156 out of almost 4 million total births were to unwed American Indians or Alaskan Natives. From that perspective, it might seem that the number is insignificant. If one is looking to see if there is a trend among American Indians or Alaskan Natives when it comes to unwed births, looking at the totals and not the rates makes no sense.

Of course, in this context, one has to assume that unwed births are indicative of something. I don't think that has been particularly established.

However, you are the one who created this thread. You brought up the CDC statistics. You really seemed to create a strawman and argue against it in the OP: that whites have claimed that more blacks have unwed babies than whites. I don't know where you've seen such a claim, who you are arguing against. As I said before, if the point of this thread was merely to show that statistic, it's a very odd thread. And you have, in the past, dismissed rates of particular activities as somehow unimportant.

Again, if you are just trying to argue that more whites in total have unwed babies than blacks, you would have done well to explain who you were directing this to.

I don't have any anti white bias. I have mentioned n many occasions that not all whites are racist. So lets just drop his silly white claim of anti white bias because someone dares mention the racism here as well as pointing out how white racist law and policy in America has befitted whites. The only strawman is the use of rates and talking about he 72 percent rate of unwed mothers in the black community. The same thing goes for using it for American Indians and Alaska natives.

What makes rates more important than totals Montrovant? Because whites here say it is? And yes I've read far too many posts in these threads where whites have talked stupid about black unwed births, black men running away from their ids and all hat kind of crap.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem? Blacks had less than 600,000 out of almost 4 million babies born in the year 2015, and whites had more than 621,000 unwed births in this same year. Whites had more unwed births than we had births but we are here talking about the importance of a 72 percent rate. Why? Who decided this was the most important thing to consider Montrovant? Why are other rates ignored by people here but only these are the rates that matter?

Black women decided to reduce or stop having children. The rate if unwed births reduced but not as much as that among marred black women. This never gets mentioned, but the 72 percent does. Why is that Montrovant?

And let me tell you something about your bitter pill. You talk about 2 crimes but it's like this:

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

That is the bitter pill and it's the pill whites here do not want to swallow.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem?

It's a big problem because ever increasing numbers of black children are being raised by unwed mothers and suffer from the pathologies that result. Increased rates of school drop outs, increased crime, increased incarceration......and the cycle repeats with ever higher numbers.
Wrong...crime has been plummeting for years.

Public perceptions about crime in the U.S. often don’t align with the data. Opinion surveys regularly find that Americans believe crime is up nationally, even when the data show it is down. In 17 Gallup surveys conducted since 1993, at least six-in-ten Americans said there was more crime in the U.S. compared with the year before, despite the generally downward trend in national violent and property crime rates during much of that period.

Pew Research Center surveys have found a similar pattern. In a survey in late 2016, 57% of registered voters said crime in the U.S. had gotten worse since 2008, even though BJS and FBI data show that violent and property crime rates declined by double-digit percentages during that span.

While perceptions of rising crime at the national level are common, fewer Americans tend to say crime is up when asked about the local level. In 20 Gallup surveys conducted since 1996, about half of Americans or fewer said crime is up in their area compared with the year before.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.
I can attest from where I live that the vast majority of black children are being raised in unmarried homes.
You can't attest that because statistcs prove it isn't true.
The stats and my mostly black locale jibe.
Most black homes are out of wedlock.
:LOL: So what if the couple isn't married as long as they are there for the kids. I suggest you read my post on the myth of the absent Black father before you continue to spread your virus of misinformation.
The commitment of marriage is for the benefit of the kids and the culture at large.
The missing black father is not a myth. It’s an empirical reality and consistently manifests itself in social demise.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immoral and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of their exposed.
You're twisting the numbers. It's not about a percentage against the general population. It's about the demographic.
Blacks self segregate so their highly disproportionate unwed-home circumstance impacts their segregated community.
80% is a disgrace and a crisis.
What is the crisis if the couples are cohabiting. Why is marriage necessary if couples with kids stay together as a family. And many stay together longer than a lot of married White couples do.
They don’t stay together and especially when the incentive doesn’t exist.
You say you can't speak for Asclepias and IM2, but you seem to be doing so when you say that "black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts." I have no idea if Asclepias and IM2 came here with racial animus in their hearts. I don't even know if someone like Tank or Steve McGarrett came here with racial animus in their hearts. All anyone can really do is look at the racial animus, or lack thereof, in posts made by a person, and go from there.

In the case of IM2, since he began this thread, while I do think his posts often contain a pretty strong anti-white bias, I am still willing to discuss race and racial issues with him. For the more blatant and ridiculous racists on the board like a Steve McGarrett, I generally don't bother trying. That can certainly present an appearance of letting white racial animus slide while calling out black racial animus, but actually, it is the opposite in terms of sentiment: I don't think racists like Tank or McGarrett are worth my time.

There are some pretty blatant racists and bigots on USMB, and quite a few more of them are white than black or any other minority.

Of course, all of this is based on what people post; I have no idea who might just be a troll, or lying about their race, etc.

There is no anti white bias here montrovant. What happens with me is I am tired of reading white opinions about us that are false. Look at this tread for example. Not one white wanted to look at he issue if unwed births but from the perspective of blacks having a 70 prcent rate. Not that when we look at the number of overall unwed births that blacks had 25 prcent of them or that from the aspect of overall births babies born to black unwed women was 10.4 percent. Oh no, every thing says 70 percent. Here UM2 let me give you the link. But every site doesn't say that's only the rate for overall black births not al births. And why is that? That's why I post because I am tired of reading opinions from whites about black culture and morals based on this bullshit that does not cover all the facts.

That may be so, but based on the posts of yours I have read here, you definitely harbor some anti-white bias. I'm pretty sure you've been pretty explicit about that at times.

The reason people bring up the 72% rate is because the rates are important. For example, take a look at the rate of unwed births for American Indians or Alaskan Natives, at 65.7%. Assuming one considers unwed births to be meaningful, that would be a significant number. If, on the other hand, one only looked at total numbers, only 29,156 out of almost 4 million total births were to unwed American Indians or Alaskan Natives. From that perspective, it might seem that the number is insignificant. If one is looking to see if there is a trend among American Indians or Alaskan Natives when it comes to unwed births, looking at the totals and not the rates makes no sense.

Of course, in this context, one has to assume that unwed births are indicative of something. I don't think that has been particularly established.

However, you are the one who created this thread. You brought up the CDC statistics. You really seemed to create a strawman and argue against it in the OP: that whites have claimed that more blacks have unwed babies than whites. I don't know where you've seen such a claim, who you are arguing against. As I said before, if the point of this thread was merely to show that statistic, it's a very odd thread. And you have, in the past, dismissed rates of particular activities as somehow unimportant.

Again, if you are just trying to argue that more whites in total have unwed babies than blacks, you would have done well to explain who you were directing this to.

I don't have any anti white bias. I have mentioned n many occasions that not all whites are racist. So lets just drop his silly white claim of anti white bias because someone dares mention the racism here as well as pointing out how white racist law and policy in America has befitted whites. The only strawman is the use of rates and talking about he 72 percent rate of unwed mothers in the black community. The same thing goes for using it for American Indians and Alaska natives.

What makes rates more important than totals Montrovant? Because whites here say it is? And yes I've read far too many posts in these threads where whites have talked stupid about black unwed births, black men running away from their ids and all hat kind of crap.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem? Blacks had less than 600,000 out of almost 4 million babies born in the year 2015, and whites had more than 621,000 unwed births in this same year. Whites had more unwed births than we had births but we are here talking about the importance of a 72 percent rate. Why? Who decided this was the most important thing to consider Montrovant? Why are other rates ignored by people here but only these are the rates that matter?

Black women decided to reduce or stop having children. The rate if unwed births reduced but not as much as that among marred black women. This never gets mentioned, but the 72 percent does. Why is that Montrovant?

And let me tell you something about your bitter pill. You talk about 2 crimes but it's like this:

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

That is the bitter pill and it's the pill whites here do not want to swallow.

For example married back women have simply decided they would have fewer or no kids. So if blacks had 100 babies, and 30 were born to marred women, the rate of unwed births in the black community is 70 percent. But there were only 100 kids born. So then why is that supposed to be such a big problem?

It's a big problem because ever increasing numbers of black children are being raised by unwed mothers and suffer from the pathologies that result. Increased rates of school drop outs, increased crime, increased incarceration......and the cycle repeats with ever higher numbers.
Wrong...crime has been plummeting for years.

Public perceptions about crime in the U.S. often don’t align with the data. Opinion surveys regularly find that Americans believe crime is up nationally, even when the data show it is down. In 17 Gallup surveys conducted since 1993, at least six-in-ten Americans said there was more crime in the U.S. compared with the year before, despite the generally downward trend in national violent and property crime rates during much of that period.

Pew Research Center surveys have found a similar pattern. In a survey in late 2016, 57% of registered voters said crime in the U.S. had gotten worse since 2008, even though BJS and FBI data show that violent and property crime rates declined by double-digit percentages during that span.

While perceptions of rising crime at the national level are common, fewer Americans tend to say crime is up when asked about the local level. In 20 Gallup surveys conducted since 1996, about half of Americans or fewer said crime is up in their area compared with the year before.

Wrong...crime has been plummeting for years.

Incarceration makes it difficult to commit crime.
And who is more likely to commit crime, kids from intact, 2 parent homes or kids raised by single mothers?
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immoral and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of their exposed.
You're twisting the numbers. It's not about a percentage against the general population. It's about the demographic.
Blacks self segregate so their highly disproportionate unwed-home circumstance impacts their segregated community.
80% is a disgrace and a crisis.
What is the crisis if the couples are cohabiting. Why is marriage necessary if couples with kids stay together as a family. And many stay together longer than a lot of married White couples do.
They don’t stay together and especially when the incentive doesn’t exist.

Especially where there is a disincentive.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
It proves that of all births to unwed women, blacks had 10%. It belies the constant racist contention that single black women are having a huge amount of children every year and thus are immoral and dependent on the welfare system. Racists lie about everything they can to support their racist perspective: this is a big lie of theirs exposed.
Actually since 13 percent of the US population is black 10 percent of the births pretty much covers all the black births pretty well. That means about 70 to 80 percent of the babies born to blacks are born out of wed lock even the numbers presented by this op support that claim.
A thread like this always brings out the love to hate, vicious racist crowd. How you people sleep at night is beyond comprehension.

But enough about IM2........
Ahem, IM2, Blacks are 13% of the population.
Yeah... that per capita thing escapes his comprehension. So he pretends it doesn’t matter, or exist...

The only thing that escapes comprehension is your failure to understand totals.
We understand totals just fine. We also understand statistics and rates. All have their uses. Obviously your severely limited negro brain doesn't allow you to ever comprehend those latter two, so you keep parroting the pinnacle of your intellectual achievement (totals).

Shut the hell up.
I'm giving you a compliment! You're not that dumb for a shitskin.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.

IM2's numbers are good, your mind isn't.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Your own numbers there say that over 80% of blacks were born out of wedlock.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.

The experts agree, IM2 posted bad numbers.

IM2's numbers are good, your mind isn't.

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

IM2's bad numbers

Official numbers from CDC

Exact 2015 numbers from

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 (415,029-non-Hispanic black) babies born to unwed black moms........ Blacks had just over 500,000 (589,605-non-Hispanic black) babies total.

70% of black births were to unwed mothers.

Whites had over 1.9 million (2,129,657-non-Hispanic white) total and over 600,000 (621,498-non-Hispanic white) babies born to unwed moms

29% of white births were to unwed mothers.

We can see that 5.13 times the total number of white births, compared to total black births, resulted in 1.5 times the number of out of wedlock white births, compared to out of wedlock black births.

That's why, while total white unwed births are 50% higher, the black unwed birth rate is about 2.4 times the white rate.

The fallacy of black unwed births

Nah, your numbers make the black, unwed birth percentages look much worse than they were.
'And many other sources show place the figure at 70% or 72%. That 80% figure should tell us use the data with caution because even the experts can't agree.
I can attest from where I live that the vast majority of black children are being raised in unmarried homes.
You can't attest that because statistcs prove it isn't true.
The stats and my mostly black locale jibe.
Most black homes are out of wedlock.
:LOL: So what if the couple isn't married as long as they are there for the kids. I suggest you read my post on the myth of the absent Black father before you continue to spread your virus of misinformation.
The commitment of marriage is for the benefit of the kids and the culture at large.
The missing black father is not a myth. It’s an empirical reality and consistently manifests itself in social demise.

The missing black father is a myth. What is not is the white female divorcee that leaves at about 1/2 of all white homes with no father present.
IM2's numbers are good, your mind isn't.
Speaking of oneself in the third person is the height of conceit.
Your numbers are good but your calculation skills suck.

Speaking of myself in he third person to respond to that post was what I decided to do and shows nothing. My calculation skills at jus fine, you are unable to deal with the reality that your racist Iie has been deconstructed.

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