The far left Marxists are in an untenable position, and the Republicans need to realize it!

The far left continue to scream, cry, moan, groan, and carry on. This is a strategy so as you put aside reality, and buy their Hollyweird, La-La Land, phony baloney bull of a narrative.

To understand how they are manipulating you, you first must understand what is reality.

QUESTION-----------> What actually happened? Did Donald Trump win the Presidency? Did Hillary Clinton lose the Presidency? Or instead, was it a combination of both of these factors that created the outcome of the election.

Now, most people would say, hmmmmmmmm, reasonable question.......A........B......or, C. Yep, let me think about it, and I will logically draw a conclusion.

But wait! Hold on a second! The left wants you to suspend reality, so as they can create a new scenario for you that lets them off the hook; oh yes they do!
Trump didn't win, no way, everyone knows Hillary is the greatest and had it in the bag!
Hillary didn't lose because she is the worlds smartest woman, and all of America loves Lefty ideas.
A combination? Not! Nope! Trump to racist to win, Hillary to smart and wonderful to lose!

Here is what actually happened---------> (drum roll please............long drum roll.............a little Darth Vader narration for the cause as I explain) The election was STOLEN LUKE! That is correct, the EVIL Empire run by Dar......errr, I mean, the Russians run by Vlad The Impaler AKA Dracu.....errrr, I mean Vladimir Putin, he did it! That is correct, he did it, you got screwed, Trump is a phony President, Hillary is the actual winner!

And there you have it! Just as in almost EVERY election or vote on a referendum across the country throughout the states that is close, or some not even close---------> When the Democrats win, the (Darth Vader Voice here) people have spoken LUKE!

And when they lose? Why they recount, lol! If that doesn't work, they go to court and try to overturn. Didn't work? Well then someone stole it from them, and it must have been the Russians, lolololol.........or maybe it was a right wing conspiracy, or maybe, just was THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! OMG, say it isn't so!

Yes, the left has an excuse politically for EVERYTHING, along with someone to blame. It can never be they WERE REJECTED! Oh no, oh hell no. California and New York luvvvssssssss them some Marxism, so the whole country must luvvvvvssss them too!

And, as long as they can make excuses for their failures to win, why they didn't really that is why A, B, and C have to be thrown out, lol!

It is time that we as patriotic Americans, stand behind our LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT, and shout down those who would take power from the representatives, that we the people have elected under the rules of our republic. They have no leg to stand on, and until they get a little power back from the vote of the people, they are just little insects on our road to liberty!

Hmm, that sounds Russian to me. Russian. As in Vladimir Putin? Trump works for him.

Are you sure you thought this out?

Same goes for you---->this thread is about the left being phony. If you can't answer to that, go astro turf elsewhere-)

The right is just as phony, so you're not making any sort of cogent point here - just cheerleading. *shrugs*

No, they aren't. But that's a different topic.
The far left continue to scream, cry, moan, groan, and carry on. This is a strategy so as you put aside reality, and buy their Hollyweird, La-La Land, phony baloney bull of a narrative.

To understand how they are manipulating you, you first must understand what is reality.

QUESTION-----------> What actually happened? Did Donald Trump win the Presidency? Did Hillary Clinton lose the Presidency? Or instead, was it a combination of both of these factors that created the outcome of the election.

Now, most people would say, hmmmmmmmm, reasonable question.......A........B......or, C. Yep, let me think about it, and I will logically draw a conclusion.

But wait! Hold on a second! The left wants you to suspend reality, so as they can create a new scenario for you that lets them off the hook; oh yes they do!
Trump didn't win, no way, everyone knows Hillary is the greatest and had it in the bag!
Hillary didn't lose because she is the worlds smartest woman, and all of America loves Lefty ideas.
A combination? Not! Nope! Trump to racist to win, Hillary to smart and wonderful to lose!

Here is what actually happened---------> (drum roll please............long drum roll.............a little Darth Vader narration for the cause as I explain) The election was STOLEN LUKE! That is correct, the EVIL Empire run by Dar......errr, I mean, the Russians run by Vlad The Impaler AKA Dracu.....errrr, I mean Vladimir Putin, he did it! That is correct, he did it, you got screwed, Trump is a phony President, Hillary is the actual winner!

And there you have it! Just as in almost EVERY election or vote on a referendum across the country throughout the states that is close, or some not even close---------> When the Democrats win, the (Darth Vader Voice here) people have spoken LUKE!

And when they lose? Why they recount, lol! If that doesn't work, they go to court and try to overturn. Didn't work? Well then someone stole it from them, and it must have been the Russians, lolololol.........or maybe it was a right wing conspiracy, or maybe, just was THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! OMG, say it isn't so!

Yes, the left has an excuse politically for EVERYTHING, along with someone to blame. It can never be they WERE REJECTED! Oh no, oh hell no. California and New York luvvvssssssss them some Marxism, so the whole country must luvvvvvssss them too!

And, as long as they can make excuses for their failures to win, why they didn't really that is why A, B, and C have to be thrown out, lol!

It is time that we as patriotic Americans, stand behind our LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT, and shout down those who would take power from the representatives, that we the people have elected under the rules of our republic. They have no leg to stand on, and until they get a little power back from the vote of the people, they are just little insects on our road to liberty!

Hmm, that sounds Russian to me. Russian. As in Vladimir Putin? Trump works for him.

Are you sure you thought this out?

Same goes for you---->this thread is about the left being phony. If you can't answer to that, go astro turf elsewhere-)

The right is just as phony, so you're not making any sort of cogent point here - just cheerleading. *shrugs*

No, they aren't. But that's a different topic.

'Kay. Talk at ya later then, okay?
The far left continue to scream, cry, moan, groan, and carry on. This is a strategy so as you put aside reality, and buy their Hollyweird, La-La Land, phony baloney bull of a narrative.

To understand how they are manipulating you, you first must understand what is reality.

QUESTION-----------> What actually happened? Did Donald Trump win the Presidency? Did Hillary Clinton lose the Presidency? Or instead, was it a combination of both of these factors that created the outcome of the election.

Now, most people would say, hmmmmmmmm, reasonable question.......A........B......or, C. Yep, let me think about it, and I will logically draw a conclusion.

But wait! Hold on a second! The left wants you to suspend reality, so as they can create a new scenario for you that lets them off the hook; oh yes they do!
Trump didn't win, no way, everyone knows Hillary is the greatest and had it in the bag!
Hillary didn't lose because she is the worlds smartest woman, and all of America loves Lefty ideas.
A combination? Not! Nope! Trump to racist to win, Hillary to smart and wonderful to lose!

Here is what actually happened---------> (drum roll please............long drum roll.............a little Darth Vader narration for the cause as I explain) The election was STOLEN LUKE! That is correct, the EVIL Empire run by Dar......errr, I mean, the Russians run by Vlad The Impaler AKA Dracu.....errrr, I mean Vladimir Putin, he did it! That is correct, he did it, you got screwed, Trump is a phony President, Hillary is the actual winner!

And there you have it! Just as in almost EVERY election or vote on a referendum across the country throughout the states that is close, or some not even close---------> When the Democrats win, the (Darth Vader Voice here) people have spoken LUKE!

And when they lose? Why they recount, lol! If that doesn't work, they go to court and try to overturn. Didn't work? Well then someone stole it from them, and it must have been the Russians, lolololol.........or maybe it was a right wing conspiracy, or maybe, just was THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! OMG, say it isn't so!

Yes, the left has an excuse politically for EVERYTHING, along with someone to blame. It can never be they WERE REJECTED! Oh no, oh hell no. California and New York luvvvssssssss them some Marxism, so the whole country must luvvvvvssss them too!

And, as long as they can make excuses for their failures to win, why they didn't really that is why A, B, and C have to be thrown out, lol!

It is time that we as patriotic Americans, stand behind our LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT, and shout down those who would take power from the representatives, that we the people have elected under the rules of our republic. They have no leg to stand on, and until they get a little power back from the vote of the people, they are just little insects on our road to liberty!

Hmm, that sounds Russian to me. Russian. As in Vladimir Putin? Trump works for him.

Are you sure you thought this out?

Same goes for you---->this thread is about the left being phony. If you can't answer to that, go astro turf elsewhere-)

The right is just as phony, so you're not making any sort of cogent point here - just cheerleading. *shrugs*

So says a supporter of someone who governs with EOs and can't get anything passed through congress.

I am not cheerleading the fact that Trump is President........I am discussing how the left is flailing away and getting nowhere trying to delegitimize the President elect. It has become a running joke after Target that you mean, burly, leftists are really a bunch of pussycats who talk a good game, but will get hosed as long as we stand up to you.

Well guess what, you people are getting hosed, and it is apparent to everyone but you-)
You literally do not understand the terms you use.

But youwill.

In the meantime, the trumpelthinskins are having a rough week. Good.

LOL, you think so? I think come the 20th, you guys are so hosed, it is going to be a tidal wave over you.

Enjoy your last few days of power, because very soon, you guys are done, history, forget about it. It was like that for us with Obama too......but here is the difference-------->Obama screwed you on the left over. Trump hasn't done that or proven he will have already lost, we can still win!
he will be a president with the GOP in the senate divided against him, the freedom caucus in the GOP house against big spending, and whatever Obama did or did not do means nothing.

The rough weeks are going to continue.

Nice spin, but this thread is about how the left is phony, not about what the congress is going to do to Trump. Plenty of anti Trump threads here, go astro turf them-)
Your OP is phony, and that is what is being pointed out here.

There are no Marxists in government, but there is now a HUGE GOVERNMENT SPENDING wannabee president-elect, and all good Americans are going after him.

Why do you gaslight your own thread?

Says the commie propagandist.

There's a commie under every bed! There's a commie under every bed!!!
The far left continue to scream, cry, moan, groan, and carry on. This is a strategy so as you put aside reality, and buy their Hollyweird, La-La Land, phony baloney bull of a narrative.

To understand how they are manipulating you, you first must understand what is reality.

QUESTION-----------> What actually happened? Did Donald Trump win the Presidency? Did Hillary Clinton lose the Presidency? Or instead, was it a combination of both of these factors that created the outcome of the election.

Now, most people would say, hmmmmmmmm, reasonable question.......A........B......or, C. Yep, let me think about it, and I will logically draw a conclusion.

But wait! Hold on a second! The left wants you to suspend reality, so as they can create a new scenario for you that lets them off the hook; oh yes they do!
Trump didn't win, no way, everyone knows Hillary is the greatest and had it in the bag!
Hillary didn't lose because she is the worlds smartest woman, and all of America loves Lefty ideas.
A combination? Not! Nope! Trump to racist to win, Hillary to smart and wonderful to lose!

Here is what actually happened---------> (drum roll please............long drum roll.............a little Darth Vader narration for the cause as I explain) The election was STOLEN LUKE! That is correct, the EVIL Empire run by Dar......errr, I mean, the Russians run by Vlad The Impaler AKA Dracu.....errrr, I mean Vladimir Putin, he did it! That is correct, he did it, you got screwed, Trump is a phony President, Hillary is the actual winner!

And there you have it! Just as in almost EVERY election or vote on a referendum across the country throughout the states that is close, or some not even close---------> When the Democrats win, the (Darth Vader Voice here) people have spoken LUKE!

And when they lose? Why they recount, lol! If that doesn't work, they go to court and try to overturn. Didn't work? Well then someone stole it from them, and it must have been the Russians, lolololol.........or maybe it was a right wing conspiracy, or maybe, just was THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! OMG, say it isn't so!

Yes, the left has an excuse politically for EVERYTHING, along with someone to blame. It can never be they WERE REJECTED! Oh no, oh hell no. California and New York luvvvssssssss them some Marxism, so the whole country must luvvvvvssss them too!

And, as long as they can make excuses for their failures to win, why they didn't really that is why A, B, and C have to be thrown out, lol!

It is time that we as patriotic Americans, stand behind our LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT, and shout down those who would take power from the representatives, that we the people have elected under the rules of our republic. They have no leg to stand on, and until they get a little power back from the vote of the people, they are just little insects on our road to liberty!

Hmm, that sounds Russian to me. Russian. As in Vladimir Putin? Trump works for him.

Are you sure you thought this out?

Same goes for you---->this thread is about the left being phony. If you can't answer to that, go astro turf elsewhere-)

The right is just as phony, so you're not making any sort of cogent point here - just cheerleading. *shrugs*

So says a supporter of someone who governs with EOs and can't get anything passed through congress.

I am not cheerleading the fact that Trump is President........I am discussing how the left is flailing away and getting nowhere trying to delegitimize the President elect. It has become a running joke after Target that you mean, burly, leftists are really a bunch of pussycats who talk a good game, but will get hosed as long as we stand up to you.

Well guess what, you people are getting hosed, and it is apparent to everyone but you-)

You don't know me nor my political inclinations. At all. Thus, your speculation is completely meaningless. You don't like the left. You make it patently obvious. We get it. Orange is being investigated because, just like Hillary, he's got skeletons aplenty. You best pray the skeletons stay buried, or it's possible impeachment city or much, much worse for Orange. IMO, he comes off as completely arrogant and insincere to even his most fervent supporter. I guess that winds your crank, whatever... Whoever is 'hosed' or is standing up is purely the creation of your imagination.

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