The fatal flaw of the Green Energy agenda.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Green energy sources make perfect sense and work well in small scale applications or as a supplementary energy source to a fossil fuel based generator. Take a hybrid car as an example. The lithium battery is a manageable size at about 80 pounds and does a fine job improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and best of all it is recharged via the ICE and the braking system. No charging station and NO IMPACT TO THE GRID!!! That is a win-win. But instead, we embark on the insane mission of making vehicles completely dependent on the battery. This requires the battery to be over 1000 pounds, requires charging stations, very long charge times and thus a major impact our power grids.

Instead of taking the common sense approach and growing the hybrid car market, the Democrats are going full bore on eliminating ICE vehicles decades before the EV technology or our grids are ready. You can speculate as to the reasons why, but it is clear that the result will be detrimental to the American people and the country.
Green energy sources make perfect sense and work well in small scale applications or as a supplementary energy source to a fossil fuel based generator. Take a hybrid car as an example. The lithium battery is a manageable size at about 80 pounds and does a fine job improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and best of all it is recharged via the ICE and the braking system. No charging station and NO IMPACT TO THE GRID!!! That is a win-win. But instead, we embark on the insane mission of making vehicles completely dependent on the battery. This requires the battery to be over 1000 pounds, requires charging stations, very long charge times and thus a major impact our power grids.

Instead of taking the common sense approach and growing the hybrid car market, the Democrats are going full bore on eliminating ICE vehicles decades before the EV technology or our grids are ready. You can speculate as to the reasons why, but it is clear that the result will be detrimental to the American people and the country.
First understand that EV's can't possibly replace gas and diesel vehicles 1 for 1.

Then we'll all come to an understanding that mass transit and far less travel are the only answers other than just ignoring the problem of AGW.
First understand that EV's can't possibly replace gas and diesel vehicles 1 for 1.

Then we'll all come to an understanding that mass transit and far less travel are the only answers other than just ignoring the problem of AGW.

And then a massive drop in the standard of living as the economy is decimated
Green energy sources make perfect sense and work well in small scale applications or as a supplementary energy source to a fossil fuel based generator. Take a hybrid car as an example. The lithium battery is a manageable size at about 80 pounds and does a fine job improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and best of all it is recharged via the ICE and the braking system. No charging station and NO IMPACT TO THE GRID!!! That is a win-win. But instead, we embark on the insane mission of making vehicles completely dependent on the battery. This requires the battery to be over 1000 pounds, requires charging stations, very long charge times and thus a major impact our power grids.

Instead of taking the common sense approach and growing the hybrid car market, the Democrats are going full bore on eliminating ICE vehicles decades before the EV technology or our grids are ready. You can speculate as to the reasons why, but it is clear that the result will be detrimental to the American people and the country.
The problem with petroleum is capitalist monopolizing the industry to control the market.
First understand that EV's can't possibly replace gas and diesel vehicles 1 for 1.

Then we'll all come to an understanding that mass transit and far less travel are the only answers other than just ignoring the problem of AGW.
There are endless numbers of people who use mass transit in cities who will tell you different. You push it as some clean foreign transportation. The reality is they are packed in with a percentage of people angered. An accident involving a public transportation vehicle may have had 5 people on it however 20 people are on it after the accident. This is just one of the fun things. Civility is not negotiable. And progs push violence.
There are endless numbers of people who use mass transit in cities who will tell you different. You push it as some clean foreign transportation. The reality is they are packed in with a percentage of people angered. An accident involving a public transportation vehicle may have had 5 people on it however 20 people are on it after the accident. This is just one of the fun things. Civility is not negotiable. And progs push violence.
Climate science has never promised a rose garden.
Here are common sources of renewable energy:
  • SOLAR ENERGY. Solar energy is the most abundant of all energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. ...
  • WIND ENERGY. ...
  • All of the above can provide all of the energy the USA needs forever ........ one cannot hide from carcinogenic radioactive waste.
The problem with petroleum is capitalist monopolizing the industry to control the market.

What is the problem with APPL partially monopolizing the phone market or other similar examples. There are many sources of OIL across the globe. They deserve to make a profit. You could invest in your own drill and refinery team if you don't like it.
Here are common sources of renewable energy:
  • SOLAR ENERGY. Solar energy is the most abundant of all energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. ...
  • WIND ENERGY. ...
  • All of the above can provide all of the energy the USA needs forever ........ one cannot hide from carcinogenic radioactive waste.

Heat your North Dakota or Minnesota home in FEB you dumb OX.
What is the problem with APPL partially monopolizing the phone market or other similar examples. There are many sources of OIL across the globe. They deserve to make a profit. You could invest in your own drill and refinery team if you don't like it.
Or do without.
"For years, 'green and socially responsible investments,' also known as ESG (environmental, social and governance), have dominated the investment world," Zerohedge writes.
However, according to Bloomberg data, a seismic shift is now underway as BlackRock and other financial managers have decided to end green products amid growing negative investor backlash.

Morningstar data shows that State Street, Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Janus Henderson Group and Hartford Funds Management Group have liquidated more than two dozen ESG funds this year. The latest news comes from BlackRock, which told regulators that it plans to close two emerging-market ESG bond funds with total assets of $55 million.
The number of ESG funds closed this year is more than the last three years combined. The trend comes as investors are withdrawing money from these funds as the ESG bubble has likely burst.

In January, BlackRock's Larry Fink told Bloomberg TV at the World Economic Forum in Davos that ESG investments are tainted because they create tremendous polarization.
Fink went on to say that it is no longer a business. In June, Fink's BlackRock dropped the term "ESG" after Republican governors withdrew billions of dollars from these funds.

The crux of the problem with radical ESG funds is that attempts to push green initiatives at the corporate level have proven highly unpopular with voters.

Alyssa Stankiewicz, associate director of sustainability research at Morningstar, told Bloomberg, "We've definitely seen a drop in demand in 2022 and 2023."
Matt Lawton, a portfolio manager at T. Rowe Price Group Inc. recently concluded, "It's getting harder and harder to find solid ESG-related bonds."

The situation is reversing for Fink: "The backlash: the world's fourth-largest iron ore producer stops buying carbon offsets," challenging the entire "green policy."
Green energy sources make perfect sense and work well in small scale applications or as a supplementary energy source to a fossil fuel based generator. Take a hybrid car as an example. The lithium battery is a manageable size at about 80 pounds and does a fine job improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and best of all it is recharged via the ICE and the braking system. No charging station and NO IMPACT TO THE GRID!!! That is a win-win. But instead, we embark on the insane mission of making vehicles completely dependent on the battery. This requires the battery to be over 1000 pounds, requires charging stations, very long charge times and thus a major impact our power grids.

Instead of taking the common sense approach and growing the hybrid car market, the Democrats are going full bore on eliminating ICE vehicles decades before the EV technology or our grids are ready. You can speculate as to the reasons why, but it is clear that the result will be detrimental to the American people and the country.
You know that gasoline comes
from oil that is pumped using electricity
Refined using electricity
Pumped into the vehicle using electricity

While wind, solar, and geothermal deliver power with zero additional electricity use.

Perhaps your argument isn't as bulletproof as you think.
First understand that EV's can't possibly replace gas and diesel vehicles 1 for 1.

Then we'll all come to an understanding that mass transit and far less travel are the only answers other than just ignoring the problem of AGW.
Over time, why not?

You know we could build charging capacity right into the roadways or have you never observed street cars in action?

The technology is coming all that is missing is the political will.
Electric dryers powered by solar/wind/geothermal energy.
What's the problem again?
Do you know what the problem was with eco-friendly waterwheels and why they were replaced by non-environmental steam engines?

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