The FBI Debacle in a Nutshell

1 FBI agent changes the language in the final report proving Hillary broke the law, is part of the interview team that caused the indictment of Flynn, then was fired (Mueller had no choice) for demonstrating extreme Pro-Hillary Anti-Trump bias

What a BUNCH of 'coincidences'...
Being that the FBI agent was the lead investigator, he certainly had the right and duty to make the change. Interesting how Trump keeps trying to change the focus back to Hillary. Muller must be getting close.

In your dreams. flynn was hit with a procedural crime and nothing more. The fact that there is no other crime mentioned in the plea deal means that your wet dream of impeachment is toast.
That "procedural crime" carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in a federal prison and a $250,000 fine. Granted Flynn may never spend a day in jail if he tells what he knows. However, if he keeps his mouth shut, he might get some real prison time but Trump would probably pardon him. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump pardoned everyone that refused to give evidence against him.

Big whoop. If trump were complicit in a crime the plea deal would have specified that connection. There is none. That is prosecution 101. So, either mueler is the biggest imbecile the FBI has ever known, or there isn't anything for him to pursue without suborning perjury, and that is something that would get mueller arrested so I doubt he is willing to go down that particular road.
1 FBI agent changes the language in the final report proving Hillary broke the law, is part of the interview team that caused the indictment of Flynn, then was fired (Mueller had no choice) for demonstrating extreme Pro-Hillary Anti-Trump bias

What a BUNCH of 'coincidences'...

You said he CAUSED Flynn to commit a felony and lie? :rofl: :rofl:

Get a grip!!!
Mueller IS THE ONE who removed him from the investigation in the summer, when he found out about his tweet during the campaign..... which was the RIGHT thing to do
You said he CAUSED Flynn to commit a felony and lie?
You're an idiot. I did not say he caused Flynn to lie. I said he was on the interview team involved with Flynn's testimony that resulted in Flynn's charge.

You need serious reading comrehension tutoring.
1 FBI agent changes the language in the final report proving Hillary broke the law, is part of the interview team that caused the indictment of Flynn, then was fired (Mueller had no choice) for demonstrating extreme Pro-Hillary Anti-Trump bias

What a BUNCH of 'coincidences'...
Being that the FBI agent was the lead investigator, he certainly had the right and duty to make the change. Interesting how Trump keeps trying to change the focus back to Hillary. Muller must be getting close.

In your dreams. flynn was hit with a procedural crime and nothing more. The fact that there is no other crime mentioned in the plea deal means that your wet dream of impeachment is toast.
That "procedural crime" carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in a federal prison and a $250,000 fine. Granted Flynn may never spend a day in jail if he tells what he knows. However, if he keeps his mouth shut, he might get some real prison time but Trump would probably pardon him. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump pardoned everyone that refused to give evidence against him.
There is no evidence against him, which is why Mueller has no problem ruining people's lives - his 'Scooter Libby's - in hopes they will give him something he does not have - EVIDENCE.
In your dreams. flynn was hit with a procedural crime and nothing more. The fact that there is no other crime mentioned in the plea deal means that your wet dream of impeachment is toast.

I find it hilarious that the same people who thought lying about a blow job was an impeachable offense are the ones arguing that lying about dealing with the Russians is a "procedural crime".

Too funny.
I find it hilarious that the same people who thought lying about a blow job was an impeachable offense are ...

I find it hard to believe the same lying snowflakes who tried to convince people that the career sexual predator Clinton was Impeached for an adulterous BJ years ago are still sticking with that lie! :p

Bill Clinton, the 1st sitting President having to testify in a court trial against him, engaged in deceit in an attempt to save his own ass, stripping an American citizen of a fair trial, and he was gound in Contemp of Court and stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas.

Not to mention that after his declaration to the world that he had not had sex with 'that' woman, he lost all credibility, credibility a world leader needs when engaging ither world leaders.

The BS talking point about a BJ didn't work when Willy was Impeached, and it's not working now.
This is truly the Swamp...the Obama Deep State...a massive step in the process of the collapse of our Democracy.

Something absolutely must be done, or this Country, the greatest thus far in the Human done.
Its the lawyers in Washington. How many democrat (republican) politicians are lawyers first and politicians second? Actually, those two really go hand in hand.

Comey lawyer

What is the meaning of IS? Was that answered?

There is your swamp.

Then when the democrats have control over the minds of our nation through the msm and entertainment industry....along with the educational system, we have a country full of lambs. Most, afraid to stand up to the masses.

Look at how loud and proud the libs in hollywood are as their demented fans applaud them. Notice how conservative hollywood is relegated to being silent.

You think just because the republicans have seats of power means much? Not much. Until those three institutions are turned around and until the swamp is drained of these pathetic lawya scumbags, we conservatives are pissing the wind.
The left have a big nothing burger fabricated by one rogue FBI agent.



It’s also worth noting that Mueller actively concealed this fact for months.
when you're going after someone for "lying" it really helps your case if you don't lie along the way.

it would also help if people would recognize real crimes and not ones against people they simply hate.
I find it hard to believe the same lying snowflakes who tried to convince people that the career sexual predator Clinton was Impeached for an adulterous BJ years ago are still sticking with that lie! :p

Bill Clinton, the 1st sitting President having to testify in a court trial against him, engaged in deceit in an attempt to save his own ass, stripping an American citizen of a fair trial, and he was gound in Contemp of Court and stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas.

Actually, she had a fair trial. The judge found that she was full of shit, Clinton wasn't her supervisor and she suffered no career backlash. No case.

That Clinton lied about a personal matter he never should have been asked about and the judge ruled was irrelevent wasn't an impeachable offense, as the Senate Found.

Not to mention that after his declaration to the world that he had not had sex with 'that' woman, he lost all credibility, credibility a world leader needs when engaging ither world leaders.

Yes, because none of those world leaders have a woman on the side. Oh, no, wait. They all do.

The BS talking point about a BJ didn't work when Willy was Impeached, and it's not working now.

Actually, the people found it to be bullshit, which is why Republicans ran away from it as quickly as they could. Ten Republicans found it to be not proven, as Arlan Specter said.
Look at how loud and proud the libs in hollywood are as their demented fans applaud them. Notice how conservative hollywood is relegated to being silent.

Because they don't have any talent. There's nothing stopping conservatives from making movies and TV shows. The problem is, when they do, it's usually crap with heavy handed messages.
This is truly the Swamp...the Obama Deep State...a massive step in the process of the collapse of our Democracy.

Something absolutely must be done, or this Country, the greatest thus far in the Human done.
They need to fire everyone and rehire those deemed to be trustful.
That seems to be what Trump is trying to do, fire all those he can't trust. He fired Comey. Eventually, he will have to fire Mueller as he keeps getting closer and closer.
No asshole!
Trump will have Mullier fired but NOT until Mullier has completed his 'popcorn fart' witch hunt.
Mullier KNOWS he'll be fired the day after he releases the final report to congress.
Along with a few dozen FBI US traitors.
The list has already been drawn up. These FBI US traitors KNOW they are going to need to 'pack light' when Trey Gowdy is finished with them. Watch for the live congressional hearings.
No asshole!
Trump will have Mullier fired but NOT until Mullier has completed his 'popcorn fart' witch hunt.
Mullier KNOWS he'll be fired the day after he releases the final report to congress.

Okay, guy, after he completes his final report, he's probably done. Unless there are still trials going on or appeals of the convictions he gets.

The fact he has already gotten two guilty pleas tells me that this is more than a popcorn fart.

Along with a few dozen FBI US traitors.
The list has already been drawn up. These FBI US traitors KNOW they are going to need to 'pack light' when Trey Gowdy is finished with them. Watch for the live congressional hearings.

More masturbation.

Hey, going to let you in a little secret. Republicans in Washington hate Trump just as much as Democrats do. When Mueller comes up with proof of obstruction of justice, the Republicans will be on the impeachment bandwagon.
1 FBI agent changes the language in the final report proving Hillary broke the law, is part of the interview team that caused the indictment of Flynn, then was fired (Mueller had no choice) for demonstrating extreme Pro-Hillary Anti-Trump bias

What a BUNCH of 'coincidences'...
Being that the FBI agent was the lead investigator, he certainly had the right and duty to make the change. Interesting how Trump keeps trying to change the focus back to Hillary. Muller must be getting close.
If this FBI agent was so clean why did Mullier fire him from the investigation?
I LOVE you LIBs constantly claiming: "We MUST BE THERE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The only place you are getting is closer to is waking up from your 'Impeach Trump' wet dream fantasy.
When this bullshit is over I can't wait to watch President Trump order the new AG Ted Cruz appoint Trey Gowdy as SC to uncover every rock where the Clintons have hide the bodies going back to Arkansa. And a full investigation into the top shit heads in the FBI.
Live congressional hearings.
Corruption, plain and simple. Using the FBI to cover for illegal activities of favored political figures while simultaneously abusing the authority of the FBI to attack political opponents.

How many smaller figures the FBI has gone after that we don't know about? Trump can fight back, but what about smaller folks that said or did something political that folks in the FBI didn't like? You don't usually get corruption this high up without having it also down the line.
Economy taking off after 9 years, tax reform passed, Obamacare dead, Russiagate imploded, travel ban in place, MSM gutting itself.
That's just this last week.

So much winning. So much.
You republican idiots screamed for 10 years about debt being too high NOW you increase it by 2 trillion?? Are you fn mad??
Corruption, plain and simple. Using the FBI to cover for illegal activities of favored political figures while simultaneously abusing the authority of the FBI to attack political opponents.

How many smaller figures the FBI has gone after that we don't know about? Trump can fight back, but what about smaller folks that said or did something political that folks in the FBI didn't like? You don't usually get corruption this high up without having it also down the line.
Economy taking off after 9 years, tax reform passed, Obamacare dead, Russiagate imploded, travel ban in place, MSM gutting itself.
That's just this last week.

So much winning. So much.
You republican idiots screamed for 10 years about debt being too high NOW you increase it by 2 trillion?? Are you fn mad??
Hilarious. Trump is truly a miracle worker. Even leftists now recognize the debt for the first time.
If this FBI agent was so clean why did Mullier fire him from the investigation?

Mostly to deny Trump grounds for appeal later.

When this bullshit is over I can't wait to watch President Trump order the new AG Ted Cruz appoint Trey Gowdy as SC to uncover every rock where the Clintons have hide the bodies going back to Arkansa. And a full investigation into the top shit heads in the FBI.

Guy, you've been masturbating about getting the Clintons for 26 years now.

Seriously, Wile E. Coyote Called. He said to Chill!

Hilarious. Trump is truly a miracle worker. Even leftists now recognize the debt for the first time.

Well, yeah, we recognize when you are doing something that is going to blow it up.

first priority should be to balance the budget and the second to pay down the debt.

Not cut taxes for people who can afford to pay the tax.
Like Obama saying for every dollar of additional spending there will be a dollar cut somewhere else?

Where were you the past 9 years? In a coma?

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