The FBI was actually trying to ‘Protect Trump’

Should Trump put spy's into the 2020 Dem campaigns to protect them?

  • Yes, and the democRATs will thank him.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No need, because Russians only try to hack Republican campaigns. Everybody know that.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes, we need to find out about Trump, Russians, et al. We also need to revisit Clinton if necessary.

But right now, the alt right neofacist antiAmerican agenda has to be broken up.
What a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Good luck with that.
You can talk all you want but you make no sense.

I just said that about YOU!!! LOL......Copycat. And, of course, I said it much more eloquently than you.
No, you are copycatting me. You always have done that.

You are trolling, you always do that.
Tell us about the dossier, alt right mumblers. :) Since you say it was the main reason, explain it.

The Steele Dossier was a political hit piece paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, primarily based on 3rd party info from the Russians and unverified or substantiated to this day. It is said this dossier was the main basis for the FISA warrant and the surveillance/spying program on the Trump campaign cuz there's really nothing else that is known at that time against Trump or his people. And I find it VERY difficult to believe that anything does exist in the way of incriminating evidence, cuz as sure as God made little green apples it would've been leaked by now.

Proof? Nope. But hey, I've been around awhile and the most logical explanation is that certain members within the FBI, DOJ, and the Obama Admin, among others, planned, orchestrated, and carried out the spying and surveillance ops based on that Dossier. You can do your song and dance all you want, but to this day that dossier remains unverified, and so everything and anything that came from it is and should be classified as inadmissible in court. (I.E., BULLSHIT.) Guys, this is not how federal agencies are supposed to work; no matter who it is, any agency who wants authorization to do this kind of thing HAS TO HAVE substantiated and verified data and evidence of wrong-doing, which they flat out did not have in July 2016.
There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.
There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.

Well, I didn't say there was no evidence, there's plenty of that. From emails to IG reports and testimony to Congress, there's all sorts of evidence. But see, here's the thing: as I said earlier, the FISA warrant and the surveillance and spying operations that were undertaken against the Trump campaign were supposed to be authorized based on factual, verified, and substantial evidence of wrong-doing, yet there is absolutely NOTHING from your side that indicates anything like that existed as of July 2016. Which leads anyone with an unbiased and objective mind to reach one and only one conclusion, which is that the operations mentioned above were illegal and counter to what we used to expect from them: fair, impartial, and professional performance of their duties.

Do you deny that the Steele Dossier was unverified?

Do you deny that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC?

Do you deny that it consists of information provided by the Russians of all people to Mr. Steele?

And yet you support the use of that dossier as a basis for the FISA warrant and the surveillance/spying operations against Trump and his campaign, even though the FBI/DOJ never told the FISA court who paid for that dossier?

Do you believe that as of July 2016 the listed organizations had any other information that would constitute the basis for the operations against an American citizen, much less a presidential candidate and his campaign?

Do you believe that federal agencies can and should conduct such operations against American citizens without due process AND reasonable and verified information that any wrong-doing has occurred?
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There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.
Listen to news sources that don't kiss liberal's asses. You might learn the truth.

Even asshole Clapper has admitted that the FBI had informants questioning people in the Trump campaign and reporting their findings to them. If that's not spying, it doesn't exist.
There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.

Well, I didn't say there was no evidence, there's plenty of that. From emails to IG reports and testimony to Congress, there's all sorts of evidence. But see, here's the thing: as I said earlier, the FISA warrant and the surveillance and spying operations that were undertaken against the Trump campaign were supposed to be authorized based on factual, verified, and substantial evidence of wrong-doing, yet there is absolutely NOTHING from your side that indicates anything like that existed as of July 2016. Which leads anyone with an unbiased and objective mind to reach one and only one conclusion, which is that the operations mentioned above were illegal and counter to what we used to expect from them: fair, impartial, and professional performance of their duties.

Do you deny that the Steele Dossier was unverified?

Do you deny that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC?

Do you deny that it consists of information provided by the Russians of all people to Mr. Steele?

And yet you support the use of that dossier as a basis for the FISA warrant and the surveillance/spying operations against Trump and his campaign, even though the FBI/DOJ never told the FISA court who paid for that dossier?

Do you believe that as of July 2016 the listed organizations had any other information that would constitute the basis for the operations against an American citizen, much less a presidential candidate and his campaign?

Do you believe that federal agencies can and should conduct such operations against American citizens without due process AND reasonable and verified information that any wrong-doing has occurred?
You are making statements that you cannot support. when you support them, I will respond, but, no, you don't get ask unverified questions, expect anyone to rebut that nonsense.

You have no idea what the "dossier" was. You have no idea how it was brought into the intel and FBI and SC purviews at all.

When you can document operations were conducted without due process, that FISA courts were operating improperly, sure, I will talk with you, but until you do, you have nothing.
There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.
Listen to news sources that don't kiss liberal's asses. You might learn the truth. Even asshole Clapper has admitted that the FBI had informants questioning people in the Trump campaign and reporting their findings to them. If that's not spying, it doesn't exist.
Your sources write fake news, stories that are fabrications without factual, objective evidence to support their silly, false claims.

Show us verified factual, objective evidence that Clapper ever said such a thing.
There is no proof. Thank you for being honest, Task0778. You have a conspiracy theory opinion with absolutely nothing to factually, objectively evidence.

So take it elswhere unless you can support it.

Those who attack the pointing out of the alt right conspiracy are nothing but trolls.
Listen to news sources that don't kiss liberal's asses. You might learn the truth. Even asshole Clapper has admitted that the FBI had informants questioning people in the Trump campaign and reporting their findings to them. If that's not spying, it doesn't exist.
Your sources write fake news, stories that are fabrications without factual, objective evidence to support their silly, false claims.

Show us verified factual, objective evidence that Clapper ever said such a thing.
These are direct quotes and videos of Liar Clapper. Do not dismiss them based upon the sources. Read (or listen to) what the man actually said.

James Clapper Admits to 'Spying' from Inside the Trump Campaign

Clapper: 'Good Thing' If FBI Spied on Trump Campaign

James Clapper admits FBI spied on Trump campaign

...and by the way, Clapper is a known LIAR!

James Clapper leaked classified information to CNN's Jake Tapper and lied about it
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that.

You know he did not.
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that.

You know he did not.
Evidently you are deaf and blind....which explains why you have no reading comprehension.

You are a total waste of time.
Posts 151 and 152 are absolute admissions that "factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said" what asaritis is insisting does not exist. No actual, factual objective evidence exists that Clapper said any such thing.
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that. You know he did not.
Oh just stop it Jake. Obviously any source you don't agree with is 'fake'....Juvenile argument.
Yes, your juvenile argument does not stand when confronted for a request of factual, objective evidence in place of supposition, theory, and unsupported opinion.

That is never going to change, Leo123.
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that. You know he did not.
Oh just stop it Jake. Obviously any source you don't agree with is 'fake'....Juvenile argument.
Yes, your juvenile argument does not stand when confronted for a request of factual, objective evidence in place of supposition, theory, and unsupported opinion.

That is never going to change, Leo123.
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that. You know he did not.
Oh just stop it Jake. Obviously any source you don't agree with is 'fake'....Juvenile argument.
Yes, your juvenile argument does not stand when confronted for a request of factual, objective evidence in place of supposition, theory, and unsupported opinion.

That is never going to change, Leo123.

I gave you factual info with links.....You trashed my link. Just stop it Jake.....All you do is repeat the same garbage
Give us real news sources, not Fake Alt Right Media propaganda sources, that gives us factual, objective evidence that Clapper really said that. You know he did not.
Oh just stop it Jake. Obviously any source you don't agree with is 'fake'....Juvenile argument.
Yes, your juvenile argument does not stand when confronted for a request of factual, objective evidence in place of supposition, theory, and unsupported opinion.

That is never going to change, Leo123.

But Jake, you have presented 0 factual, objective evidence. I gave you a quote and a link. (way back in post #30 in this thread) You just trashed my link without any counter evidence. Put up or shut up.
When you provide us actual, factual objective evidence in those links, Leo123, (not just suppositions and theories and opinions), we can actually discuss the situation.

You alt righties need to understand that an opinion by itself requires no response from me.

Give us actual evidence to support opinions.
When you provide us actual, factual objective evidence in those links, Leo123, (not just suppositions and theories and opinions), we can actually discuss the situation.

You alt righties need to understand that an opinion by itself requires no response from me.

Give us actual evidence to support opinions.

The article QUOTES facts you idiot!!! If you have other FACTS then POST A LINK!!! Do your own research or just go away and stop trolling.
They are not facts, merely opinions. If you can't handle debate, then go read a book.

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