The fight for the presidency in 2020 will be a total battle.

Because right wingers that have been kept under rocks by a civilized country in the past and now have found a voice in Scum Bag will fight like hell to keep that voice because once gone they will never see support for their ugly group again and will be put back underneath their rocks by civilized American , were they belong.

I agree, I expect those not in power to become violent. I also expect an assassination attempt on the President.
Hopefully successful,, I know I know that makes me a bad guy But this POS deserves it Hopefully he's standing next to McConnell
Hatred and bigotry is hurting America.
No, I would blame your media for making up the story in the first place.
False news? lol lol How come every time your trump filth is accused it's always false news ?

Because the unmistakable is obvious.
Then how do you manage to screw it up. Every. Single. Time?

Feel free to provide examples.
25 women accusing him of molesting them aren't enough for a patriot like you?? Cheating on not one ,not two , but three wives isn't enough for you?

There are lots of Democrat women willing to sacrifice themselves for the Party.
Because the unmistakable is obvious.
Then how do you manage to screw it up. Every. Single. Time?

Feel free to provide examples.
25 women accusing him of molesting them aren't enough for a patriot like you?? Cheating on not one ,not two , but three wives isn't enough for you?
Stop being intolerant and hateful
We have to accept others life styles

Isnt that in one of your progressive nazi college pamphlets ?
We are the champions of the world Too bad republicans

Champions of the Whirl, maybe.
The 2020 election will go to the survivor.

Yes, left wing violence has gotten that bad but the right is fast learning that pushback can be fun.
I have to show how stupid this comment is , In 2018 50 people were killed in hate crimes all done by the right wing. You people are a joke.
If tRump angers Putin it's all over for him.

You people are incorrigibly ignorant suckers.

No offense. :10:
Us? You mean the ones who weren't influenced by silly Russian propaganda?

Did it change your vote?

Mine neither.
Trump could rape a 13 year old and BK would blame the kid
Ya I heard scum bag told her he would kill her if she told on him. any one else hear that.
Care to relive the glorious 2016 election, with the MSM, Never-Trumpers, Unstoppable Hillary Clinton, women, minorities, polls, everyone seemingly against Trump....
There was no way Trump could win, no way to 270 EC votes, H had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no organization, no money, nothing to compete against Hillary's well-oiled political what happened next........

People of sound mind never tire of that vid. :113:
Because right wingers that have been kept under rocks by a civilized country in the past and now have found a voice in Scum Bag will fight like hell to keep that voice because once gone they will never see support for their ugly group again and will be put back underneath their rocks by civilized American , were they belong.
Uncle Vlad will keep Trump in the White House
I glad that when in comes to the 2020 presidential election that The Curse of Tippecanoe has been laid to rest.
If tRump angers Putin it's all over for him.

You people are incorrigibly ignorant suckers.

No offense. :10:
Us? You mean the ones who weren't influenced by silly Russian propaganda?

Did it change your vote?

Mine neither.
Trump could rape a 13 year old and BK would blame the kid
Ya I heard scum bag told her he would kill her if she told on him. any one else hear that.

You got a link or just your hatred, bigotry, and ignorance blabbering?
You don't have to respond at all to these haters , they back up my charges in literally everyone of their creepy posts. The hate me , they will kill me and kill all dem. , they say i'm stupid, multiple cartoon answers. But the best part is that they can't even deny what I'm saying.Trust me many that have commented here are the ones that will fight like hell from being put back out of sight and out of mind , to never have another voice in their lifetime, this is it . We will wave when they are put back under their rocks , where they belong by a civilized people. Next they will attack my spelling. This shit never changes.
You people are incorrigibly ignorant suckers.

No offense. :10:
Us? You mean the ones who weren't influenced by silly Russian propaganda?

Did it change your vote?

Mine neither.
Trump could rape a 13 year old and BK would blame the kid
Ya I heard scum bag told her he would kill her if she told on him. any one else hear that.

You got a link or just your hatred, bigotry, and ignorance blabbering?
Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

  • 16 women have accused Donald Trump of various forms of sexual assault, including one accusation of rape and another, in which the accuser has not used the word “rape” but whose description meets the legal definition of rape. This figure includes standing accusations from both before and after the release of the Access Hollywood tape on October 7, 2016.
  • Four other women have publicly said Mr. Trump walked in on them and other pageant contestants while they were undressing. Buzzfeed reports another three women have confirmed the pageant stories but did not want their names used.
  • The alleged incidents range from the early 1980s to 2013.
  • Donald Trump has adamantly denied all of the stories and accuses the women of being political tools who were trying to undermine either his candidacy or presidency.
Us? You mean the ones who weren't influenced by silly Russian propaganda?

Did it change your vote?

Mine neither.
Trump could rape a 13 year old and BK would blame the kid
Ya I heard scum bag told her he would kill her if she told on him. any one else hear that.

You got a link or just your hatred, bigotry, and ignorance blabbering?
Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
View attachment 268355
  • 16 women have accused Donald Trump of various forms of sexual assault, including one accusation of rape and another, in which the accuser has not used the word “rape” but whose description meets the legal definition of rape. This figure includes standing accusations from both before and after the release of the Access Hollywood tape on October 7, 2016.
  • Four other women have publicly said Mr. Trump walked in on them and other pageant contestants while they were undressing. Buzzfeed reports another three women have confirmed the pageant stories but did not want their names used.
  • The alleged incidents range from the early 1980s to 2013.
  • Donald Trump has adamantly denied all of the stories and accuses the women of being political tools who were trying to undermine either his candidacy or presidency.

So you have an allegation of him raping a 13 year old girl, that is it.
You don't have to respond at all to these haters , they back up my charges in literally everyone of their creepy posts. The hate me , they will kill me and kill all dem. , they say i'm stupid, multiple cartoon answers. But the best part is that they can't even deny what I'm saying.Trust me many that have commented here are the ones that will fight like hell from being put back out of sight and out of mind , to never have another voice in their lifetime, this is it . We will wave when they are put back under their rocks , where they belong by a civilized people. Next they will attack my spelling. This shit never changes.

Sorry nut job, I don’t hate you Nor do I care to kill you, I think all mentally ill people need attention, I hope you seek it and get off of planet delusional.
The dems can't battle Trump's ideas, so they sling shit and try to get any of it to stick. Problem for them is that none of it ever does.
Because right wingers that have been kept under rocks by a civilized country in the past and now have found a voice in Scum Bag will fight like hell to keep that voice because once gone they will never see support for their ugly group again and will be put back underneath their rocks by civilized American , were they belong.
Who fires the first shot?

This "battle" will be short lived and bloody.

I don't think you are prepared.
There is no way I meant, killing anyone . But you will kill me anyway is that right.
The dems can't battle Trump's ideas, so they sling shit and try to get any of it to stick. Problem for them is that none of it ever does.
There is no Scum Bag Ideas other then his hate driven rants.
Because right wingers that have been kept under rocks by a civilized country in the past and now have found a voice in Scum Bag will fight like hell to keep that voice because once gone they will never see support for their ugly group again and will be put back underneath their rocks by civilized American , were they belong.

There won't be much of a battle. The Democrats will kill each other off in a race to the bottom to claim the right to be the big loser then a landslide will follow which will bury the democratic party for good.
Because right wingers that have been kept under rocks by a civilized country in the past and now have found a voice in Scum Bag will fight like hell to keep that voice because once gone they will never see support for their ugly group again and will be put back underneath their rocks by civilized American , were they belong.

I agree, I expect those not in power to become violent. I also expect an assassination attempt on the President.
There is only one side that is violent. Fact 50 people were killed in hate crimes in 2018 all of them were killed by right wingers like you people here. So tell me again about violence. That stat says all that needs to be said on the subject doesn't it. No single bore as anecdotes allowed.

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