The final desperate battle cry of the liberal - "We have woads!"

Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.
Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

No sir, it's Memphis and they have to use union labor on interstates, it's takes em a loooong time. And how long is fast?
Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

Nah, it has everything to do with the government contract. Adding a unionized construction company only ensures further retardation after the fact. The government always finds a way to incentivize a company to do sloppy work. With a union you’re just incentivizing them to do slower sloppy work at higher cost to the taxpayer. With job security comes complacency. There is no need for me to preform if I know that it would cost my employer more to fire me than to keep my lazy ass working as the lone street sign holder next to the guys with their hands in their pockets at a construction site.

[ame=]Project Veritas: Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling Them Back In - YouTube[/ame]
Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

always have to put other peopels views down i see.
Dumb and threatening violence, the staples of being a right winger :eusa_clap:

violence? ARE you so stupid I have to spell it out for's was a mental and intellectual beatdown ;)

But I'm a big dude, so I doubt it would get physical.

The only mental beatdown idiots like you can do is smashing tables and chairs over eachother's heads during your backyard wrestling events.

Look dude two people have already made you look like an idiot and if you keep going you'll be the third. Unions are in all states, but not all industries....governments even in the south have unions....which is why governments suck ass in most cases.

BTW how about the CA Teachers unions....woooohooo lets side with sexual predators....God I love teachers unions, they do some many good things like that (/sarcasm)
Dumb and threatening violence, the staples of being a right winger :eusa_clap:

violence? ARE you so stupid I have to spell it out for's was a mental and intellectual beatdown ;)

But I'm a big dude, so I doubt it would get physical.

The only mental beatdown idiots like you can do is smashing tables and chairs over eachother's heads during your backyard wrestling events.

and you with the eloquent insults as soon as someone disagrees with you.
Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

Nah, it has everything to do with the government contract. Adding a unionized construction company only ensures further retardation after the fact. The government always finds a way to incentivize a company to do sloppy work. With a union you’re just incentivizing them to do slower sloppy work at higher cost to the taxpayer. With job security comes complacency. There is no need for me to preform if I know that it would cost my employer more to fire me than to keep my lazy ass working as the lone street sign holder next to the guys with their hands in their pockets at a construction site.

[ame=""]Project Veritas: Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling Them Back In - YouTube[/ame]

Gee I wonder why blue states are going broke....clowns like Black Label think this is good policy.....what a dumbass
You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

Nah, it has everything to do with the government contract. Adding a unionized construction company only ensures further retardation after the fact. The government always finds a way to incentivize a company to do sloppy work. With a union you’re just incentivizing them to do slower sloppy work at higher cost to the taxpayer. With job security comes complacency. There is no need for me to preform if I know that it would cost my employer more to fire me than to keep my lazy ass working as the lone street sign holder next to the guys with their hands in their pockets at a construction site.

Gee I wonder why blue states are going broke....clowns like Black Label think this is good policy.....what a dumbass

Obama Voters.

[ame=]Union Workers Caught Drinking and Smoking Pot on the Job Again - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Busted: NYC sanitation sitting idle in snow ploy - YouTube[/ame]

See some NYC unionized police crazyness here JimmyJustice4753 - YouTube

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Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

Nah, it has everything to do with the government contract. Adding a unionized construction company only ensures further retardation after the fact. The government always finds a way to incentivize a company to do sloppy work. With a union you’re just incentivizing them to do slower sloppy work at higher cost to the taxpayer. With job security comes complacency. There is no need for me to preform if I know that it would cost my employer more to fire me than to keep my lazy ass working as the lone street sign holder next to the guys with their hands in their pockets at a construction site.

Nice propaganda piece, but states and local municipalities flip the bills for most roadwork, but can ask for funds when the government has them such as with the Obama stimulus. I saw quite a bit of highway improvement being done with signs saying to the extent "paid for by the US stimulus"

Also the unions have no "incentivize" to do slow work, they are paid by the job and most work I've seen gets done in a timely manner, often times with people working all night long the keep traffic closures to a minimum.

Sounds like to you right wing goons the answer to everything is to hire the illegals to do shotty work :eusa_hand:
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Why does it take 20 years to lay a stretch of one mile of road? Hint: UNIONS! Governement workers!

And we're all for roads, but that's a pretty small pice dont ya think?

You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

No sir, it's Memphis and they have to use union labor on interstates, it's takes em a loooong time. And how long is fast?

Fast is relative to the type of project. I remember when I lived in Chicago back in the early 90's they rebuilt an eight mile stretch of the Kennedy Expressway. It took three summers and seemed like they would never finish, but this is a ten to twelve lane expressway with one bridge after another, and they redid the entire expressway, tearing it completely apart an rebuilding from scratch including all new bridges. It was a massive project, and they kept both inbound and outbound traffic open the entire time. They also could only work in the warmer months. Most normal repaving projects only take a few months. Many times it just seems like it takes forever because in many states, they can only work during the warmer months and then it seems like there is construction everywhere. When I lived in Colorado, they rebuilt I-25. I can't remember how long it took, it was two to three years also, but they did all the work at night and the roads were open during the daytime.
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You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

Nah, it has everything to do with the government contract. Adding a unionized construction company only ensures further retardation after the fact. The government always finds a way to incentivize a company to do sloppy work. With a union you’re just incentivizing them to do slower sloppy work at higher cost to the taxpayer. With job security comes complacency. There is no need for me to preform if I know that it would cost my employer more to fire me than to keep my lazy ass working as the lone street sign holder next to the guys with their hands in their pockets at a construction site.

Nice propaganda piece, but states and local municipalities flip the bills for most roadwork, but can ask for funds when the government has them such as with the Obama stimulus. I saw quite a bit of highway improvement being done with signs saying to the extent "paid for by the US stimulus"

Also the unions have no "incentivize" to do slow work, they are paid by the job and most work I've seen get done in a timely manor, often times with people working all night long the keep traffic closures to a minimum.

Sounds like to you right wing goons the answer to everything is to hire the illegals to do shotty work :eusa_hand:

Propaganda? What, you think people are reading this stuff outside of this forum? I don't think so. Making and argument is not propaganda.

You explained nicely part of the reason the stimulus didn't work. Those shovel ready projects were what the states were going to do with or without that stimulus. So instead of borrowing the money they just took it from the federal government who borrowed the money.

You cant tell me that it is not expensive to fire a union worker. Therefore, you cant tell me that the union worker doesn't know this. Thus, there is no need to preform as you would if your employer could fire you for being lazy.

Those stimulus signs?

[ame=]Dayton's WHIO-TV Highlights Wasteful "Stimulus" Road Signs - YouTube[/ame]

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You must have non-union workers. In union states, roads get finished up in a very reasonable amount of time.

No sir, it's Memphis and they have to use union labor on interstates, it's takes em a loooong time. And how long is fast?

Fast is relative to the type of project. I remember when I lived in Chicago back in the early 90's they rebuilt an eight mile stretch of the Kennedy Expressway. It took three summers and seemed like they would never finish, but this is a ten to twelve lane expressway with one bridge after another, and they redid the entire expressway, tearing it completely apart an rebuilding from scratch including all new bridges. It was a massive project, and they kept both inbound and outbound traffic open the entire time. They also could only work in the warmer months. Most normal repaving projects only take a few months. Many times it just seems like it takes forever because in many states, they can only work during the warmer months and then it seems like there is construction everywhere. When I lived in Colorado, they rebuilt I-25. I can't remember how long it took, it was two to three years also, but they did all the work at night and the roads were open during the daytime.
Well in MEmphis, they are making a 10 mile highway from Alington to Germantown and it's 1/3 the way finished and it's been in the works since atleast 2004....waaaaaaaaay too long. I remember after the CA Northridge Earthquake, they finished that Highway FAST...withi 6 months, and it was a laaaarge stretch, but there were incentives to finish it, it takes waaaaay too long to do this in most cases.
  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you now obsess over like children with Down Syndrome!

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Funny how the federal government takes from the 51% who pay taxes, invests their money in roads, then has the nerve to scorn the very people who paid for them; as if the 49% who don’t pay taxes paid for those federal roads. This is classic Barack Obama socialist workers of the world unite rhetoric. In Obama’s populist socialist mind, the worker holds true title to the ownership of businesses, corporations, and factories. Not the investors, not the business owners, and not the inventors, but the workers. Not the men who take all the risk, putting their finances and livelihood on the line and working the long hours to ensure that its managed properly, but the common worker who lacks the talent, the drive to save up for his own business, and the knowledge, else he would already have a business of his own. Not the owner of a business who doesen''t hold himself to the work/saftey regulations that he holds for his employees.But the worker, who, in Obama's mind has the right to collectivly make demands of pay, horurs, and benefits to the business owner as if they owned it without being fired. We are all equal in an Obama world where no one man is more exceptional than another. Where intelligence and experience has no weight and egalitarianism wins the day. Where the hardest workers are no better than the laziest worker. Where the lazy worker must be given the same advancement as the hardest worker. Where those who pay for the roads are ridiculed for using the roads they paid for. It is truly an Obama world.

Which is to say nothing of the OWS parasite belief that the business owners money and hard work to build a business really did not create the jobs required to operate the business. It was the demand of the consumers that did that.

If every liberal were to mysteriously disappear and never be heard from again, this country would be much better off.
  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you now obsess over like children with Down Syndrome!

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Funny how the federal government takes from the 51% who pay taxes, invests their money in roads, then has the nerve to scorn the very people who paid for them; as if the 49% who don’t pay taxes paid for those federal roads. This is classic Barack Obama socialist workers of the world unite rhetoric. In Obama’s populist socialist mind, the worker holds true title to the ownership of businesses, corporations, and factories. Not the investors, not the business owners, and not the inventors, but the workers. Not the men who take all the risk, putting their finances and livelihood on the line and working the long hours to ensure that its managed properly, but the common worker who lacks the talent, the drive to save up for his own business, and the knowledge, else he would already have a business of his own. Not the owner of a business who doesen''t hold himself to the work/saftey regulations that he holds for his employees.But the worker, who, in Obama's mind has the right to collectivly make demands of pay, horurs, and benefits to the business owner as if they owned it without being fired. We are all equal in an Obama world where no one man is more exceptional than another. Where intelligence and experience has no weight and egalitarianism wins the day. Where the hardest workers are no better than the laziest worker. Where the lazy worker must be given the same advancement as the hardest worker. Where those who pay for the roads are ridiculed for using the roads they paid for. It is truly an Obama world.

Which is to say nothing of the OWS parasite belief that the business owners money and hard work to build a business really did not create the jobs required to operate the business. It was the demand of the consumers that did that.

If every liberal were to mysteriously disappear and never be heard from again, this country would be much better off.

Demand only attracts business. Demand is no good if you have a lousy product. Demand is no good if you provide a lousy service. Demand is no good if you cant produce at an affordable rate. All this, and much more must be considered by the business owner who created his own business. It is the responsibility of the business owner alone to ensure the growth and stability of a business. If it failes, the failure is his. If it suceeds, on the other hand, Obama wants you to think it's because of someone else.
No we dont want every liberal to disappear, just most.....we need a few around like smallpox, so we can develope some vaccinations.
No we dont want every liberal to disappear, just most.....we need a few around like smallpox, so we can develope some vaccinations.

No we dont want every liberal to disappear, just most.....we need a few around like smallpox, so we can develope some vaccinations.

Yes, there’s nothing like posting in a thread and watching them skip over my responses while responding to someone else. Or perhaps conveniently forgetting about previous subscribed threads that remain on the top of all the others as they make their way around the forum to others yet subscribed to.
Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

LMAO! Is that really the best you've got? What an embarassment to mankind you are...

  • For starters, that was a great example of stereo typing and bigotry!

  • Not everyone wants to live in the communist world you're creating while hiding that agenda behind the argument of "roads and bridges"

  • A town with more cows than people is a paradise! Cows are smarter than liberals like you, there is no traffic congestion issues in a town like that, there are no crime issues in a town like that, and there certainly would be no food shortage issues in a town like that. But hey, you keep pushing for those over-crowded communist filth-hole oppresive metropolises like China keeps building :)lol:)

  • If you libs love "infrastructure" so much, build it yourself with your own money (oops - that's right, you're too fucking lazy to do anything yourself and you have no money because you refuse to work and provide for yourselves)

  • Um, there is nothing "modern" about choo-choo trains, stupid. They were around over 100 years before the automobile. We already have modern transportation. What you and Obama want is communist transportation (there is a huge difference, stupid)

I tried reading this, but the sounds of banjos playing and the "ping" sounds of chewing tobacco spitting overpowered.

Try again, but much less ignorant and actually coming across at least half way intelligent, not just spewing a bunch of fox brainwashed garbage. If you can,.. :up:

I don't live in the south and never have, stupid. You are truly the most ignorant person on this message board. There are dirt roads in EVERY state in the union, stupid.

But more importantly, you can't dispute one thing I just said, so like Obama with his failed record, you're trying to change the issue. Sorry, you lose...
Roads are most often paid for with a 90/10 or 80/20 federal match.

And I'm still trying to figure out how we'd move billions of dollars of freight across an interstate highway system made of dirt.
Not everyone wants to live like yokels driving on dirt roads in rusted pickups and farmalls bitching about "da libs" as an excuse for their miserable existence in towns with more cows than people.

Some people like things such as infrastructure, paved "woads", highways, modern transportation systems, and other things the rest of the developed world has.

Really? Is that why you leftists twits advocate fucking windmills, curse the incandescent bulb in favor of curly q ones that take 10 minutes to heat up and want us all eating kelp and berries? Are these supposed to be signs of your devotion to the modern lifestyle?

Whatever.... you guys are some of the most backward-ass people going.

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