The final solution to take Trump down.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.
The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.

In a nutshell, the world is sacrificing their citizens and economies just to stop Trump from getting re-elected? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
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The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.

In a nutshell, the world is sacrificing their citizens and economies just to stop Trump from getting re-elected? Do you realize how studio you sound?

Get your head out of the sand and wake up!
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"It's the economy stupid." Take out the economy and you take out the president. This is a master plan with a global initiative. This is for control of the world. You have to attack the world and defeat it first before you can submit it to your will. The Chinese are going all in on this one.
The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.
Globo homo Inc last gasp I hope ...or things are gonna get really really dark
The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.

In a nutshell, the world is sacrificing their citizens and economies just to stop Trump from getting re-elected? Do you realize how studio you sound?

Get your head out of the sand and wake up!

Sure, just post your tripe in the conspiracy forum where it belongs, or humor would work too
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When you see something right in front of your face and you say what you see instead of what you are told to see, you scare all the people that see what they are told to see. It's just a fantastic coincidence the economy is attacked right when an election is at stake to decide the direction the world goes in.

Fancy that; it's like the coincidence that Bush attacked Iraq after the US was attacked by Saudi Arabia. These coincidences happen more often than many think. It's all for the people you know; they like being told what to see.

How many are condemning China for bringing out the big guns and using biowarfare? You won't see many; they're all on the payroll. Saddam didn't have control of US Congress so he ended up in rathole for using chemical weapons no one could find.
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The government wants the people to keep a level ahead and stay calm during this Chinese Coronavirus emergency. That's why all the liquor stores are open while non essential businesses are closed, jobs are lost and new poverty propagates reminiscent of the 1930's.
I think there is some partial truth to your post, Ray. But it goes a lot deeper than you think and the Chinese are but a tool being used to spread fear- the only thing to fear is fear itself- there was a time, long before the Chinese were even on our radar, or Saddam Hussein for that matter, that ingenuity paid dividends, immeasurable dividends.
The US pays tithes to Israel- follow the money, see the agenda- I care not who has the power, give me the money- he who has the gold makes the rules- it's really not an esoteric endeavor to connect the dots, but, it does require an inconveniencing ones self to look at the dots as more than points on interest on a piece of paper-

The US was founded on a philosophy of life- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat, not ethnicity or religious directive- here we are, some 240 years later, many of which were used to defy the beliefs of some pretty smart, and well educated, men who seemed to believe that to "trade with all and ally with none" and to avoid foreign entanglements was a better action, than say, trying to buy alliances with money taken by threat of force and calling them taxes, when, in reality, since Nixon was POTUS we pay user fees disguised as taxes to support an unholy alliance with- who?

Einstein is credited with a saying about crazy that is proper and fitting in our "system" of governance- it amounts to wash, rinse, repeat- for decades- and what do you get? The same dirty laundry in the District of Criminals-

Republicans (or conservatives) want to point fingers at Democrats (or Liberals) and Democrats want to point fingers at Republicans- voters seem to ignore the common denominator(s), yes the plural as there are many-
The most glaring is, monetary policy subscribed to by ALL in the District of Criminals, and used in almost criminal manners (law enFORCEment) by suits with badges and guns and uniforms of the same caliber person- control freaks-

At some point, the walls will come tumbling down- ALL Empires fail. The most important lesson we can learn from History is that ignoring History is not wise- I believe the founders were wise- they didn't, I don't think, thought that servants were leaders- I'm relatively sure they saw the gov't they established as an entity to secure Liberty within certain perimeters- not certain parameters-

When havoc is created, chaos will ensue, and catastrophe is inevitable- the Natural Order will run it's course.
Historians will assign time lines for each time- hopefully, they won't be as dumb as we the people and will use it for best interests-
realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed,
Thanks to Faux and right wing media getting 1/3 of the country to be misinformed is a shining success.
realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed,
Thanks to Faux and right wing media getting 1/3 of the country to be misinformed is a shining success.

The right wing is dumb? Then how did we whoop your ass in 2016, retain the Senate in 2018, and defeat your pathetic impeachment attempt in 2020? :itsok:
The current US president certainly caused a panic in 2016 when he won the White House. Globalists all over the world went to code red, realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed, upsetting the timetable. Then, almost on cue, Great Britain, emboldened by America’s repudiation of globalization, followed suit, and withdrew from the European Union. A lot of very rich elitists became uneasy that the plan to eliminate sovereign countries with borders was in jeopardy.

The kicker was that the new president’s platform of “America first” resonated deeply with working class citizens and almost immediately the economy went to levels not seen in decades. Many of the disadvantages American politicians had agreed to in order to sell out the people and lower the US standard of living were being eliminated with tariffs imposed on countries like the China with long histories of imposing tariffs on America; the new president was leveling the playing field.

Those that had become rich in American Congress by betraying America to a new world order went into overdrive to concoct all kinds of McCarthy-like accusations of collusion with Russians first, then Ukrainians. All kinds of mock investigations took place and the corruption of national security agencies was employed to assist in the propaganda fraud to overthrow the election. All of it was failing.

The president held regular rallies with huge attendance, and it was becoming clear that the strategy of forced globalization was being rejected by Main Street, and Wall Street globalist backers were getting nervous. Counter investigations ensued and the Deep State was getting exposed. A greater and unprecedented response was now on the table.

The seriousness of the new world order vs the upstart US president now had to met with an all or nothing attack-germ warfare. A lab in Wuhan Province, China,released a deadly pathogen into the population. The economic and ideological enemy of America blocked travel domestically but encouraged the spread of the genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.

The future of free people now hangs in the balance as the final victory of globalization is the goal. They wait like vultures to tear at the heart of sovereign countries that dared to resist.

In a nutshell, the world is sacrificing their citizens and economies just to stop Trump from getting re-elected? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Yep, it sounds really stupid. What's even stupiderer is it's true.
Let's vote for this guy!

biden senile.jpg

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