The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

I don't have to show you shit. There was no complaining by whites about government overreach when whites were making laws denying non whites or their civil rights.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

He's spot on.

The fact that you can't post more than two sentences isn't our issue. The fact that you are to lazy to read more that two sentences isn't our issue either.

Stop deflecting.
The question being addressed was government overreach.

Do you struggle with reading too?

Neither Barry Goldwater nor the Republican Party ever supported Jim Crow. You are being sloppy with language, in an attempt to imply otherwise,

while planning to use your vagueness to weasel out of having to defend your smears, if called on them.

Like the dishonest coward you are, liberal.

But I repeat myself.

That you are being smug about it, is just a layer of asshole on top of that.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

He's spot on.

The fact that you can't post more than two sentences isn't our issue. The fact that you are to lazy to read more that two sentences isn't our issue either.

Stop deflecting.
The question being addressed was government overreach.

Do you struggle with reading too?

And he was spot on in his argument.

If you want to present more than two sentences to make yours...feel free.

Otherwise, don't waste our time.

he is being vague on purpose, so that he can say stupid shit, and then weasel out of it, when we call him on it.

Libs are sub human scum.
Where did he ever claim Goldwater said that?

Goldwater did say let the states decide on their own Civil Rights

I don't have to show you shit. There was no complaining by whites about government overreach when whites were making laws denying non whites or their civil rights.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

And Goldwater's position on it. YOur statement implies that he did those things, when you know he did not.

You are trying to be misleading, while giving yourself cover, by using vague pro-nouns.

You are a dishonest assshole.

Goldwater never supported Jim Crow and neither did the Republican Party. You are a lying asshole.
Goldwater voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act

Make of it what you want
I don't have to show you shit. There was no complaining by whites about government overreach when whites were making laws denying non whites or their civil rights.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

And Goldwater's position on it. YOur statement implies that he did those things, when you know he did not.

You are trying to be misleading, while giving yourself cover, by using vague pro-nouns.

You are a dishonest assshole.

Goldwater never supported Jim Crow and neither did the Republican Party. You are a lying asshole.
Goldwater voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act

Make of it what you want

Except you leapt from that, to talking about supporting the use of government power to enforce Jim Crow.

YOU did that, not me. So, drop your pretense that you did not.

His stated reason was not opposition to Civil Rights but concern about how that particular bill addressed the issue.

Considering his life long support of Civil Rights AND smaller government, that position is highly credible.

Thus his position and his presidential run was not the beginning of the debunked conspiracy theory of "The Southern Strategy".
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.

I can tell you exactly when we republicans will nominate a black presidential candidate.

Blacks have been in our primaries. They get "equal opportunity" to get the nomination.

There are blacks speaking at GOP conventions.

When was the last time you saw a pro-life woman speak at a DNC convention ?
View attachment 312087

There has been no black nominee for president in the republican party. The "blacks" that speak at GOP conferences are sellouts used in order to validate the anti black agenda of the republican party. There have been all kinds of pro life women speaking at DNC affairs. Anti war, anti death penalty and gun control women are pro life. And like clockwork we get an example of a sellout racist whites use in order to move forward with their agenda. Thomas Sowell is a joke.
LOL so now you try to redefine pro life. You are just an idiot. Remind us what the dems did to the dem that ran for president before Obama. Ohh and Zel Miller?

I have not redefined anything. Pro life means for life. So all the people I mentioned are for life. Del Miller was not for life, he was anti abortion.
trump has been a failure. Sheriff Clarke is mentally retarded and Candice Owens is dumber than he is..

Having read your fool fueled rants of vapid nothingness for a few years now? You seem to be as pissed today as you were when Barrypuppet was riding high. Are you one of those types that live to have a bug lodged up your ass and anger is actually fulfilling for you? Just askin'.........

I've spoken fact. You can't handle it.

There hasn't been a single thing that you have written that I "can't handle". I weigh, consider and reflect. All I see from you is unfettered anger and an unwillingness to let go of the past even though there are those like myself that see us all in the same fight and it's worse than you could even imagine as to what is being planned for all of us that are not in the .000001 percent.

You do not weigh or consider anything. You deny. This is not about the past idiot, it is all about right now. We are talking about continuing white racism. If white racism was a thing of the past, we would not be talking about it because it would not exist. So you can't be weighing or considering anything. Second, why people like you can be mad at what you claim is some kind of debt based monetary system but then act like we should not be angry because we get treated with no respect shows that you don't weigh or consider, but that you think we have no right to be angry and that we should just take it.

Whites give our theology a name, but you not believing in liberation theology shows that you have chosen to dismiss the experience blacks have had in America completely. What you believe is the same thing as white extremists. I generally have chosen to ignore your ignorance because what you believe is crazy. Your monetary system would not work and you really don't understand the nature of anything. And when you talk about being rooted in the past, your belief is some system based on a decision made during the depression is nothing but a belief based on the past and a lack of understanding of how our system operates based on conspiracy theories.

What is it that you claim I "deny"? I don't have the power to keep you down and if I had the power to raise you up and not make you feel inferior? I would do it in a heartbeat because no man is better than another all things being equal. My best friend and someone that I consider closer than kin isn't a white man. He is black and a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is but we are kindred souls. I would gladly lay down my life for him without would be just reflex. We don't see color, we see the world in the same way.

Did you know that I lived in a condo complex that catered to singles? It was built right across from the old Dallas Cowboys practice facility before they moved to Valley Ranch in Irving, Texas during the Tom Landry era. A judge in Dallas ruled that it was discrimination for "singles only" communities to exclude and that since Plano and North Dallas didn't want subsidized housing projects built in their communities and wanted to keep blacks in places like Oak Cliff that they would subsidize housing in mostly white communities? That included where I lived. We had black families, mostly single black mothers with children getting subsidized housing in our condo community. These little children moved into a community that had no kind of accommodations for kids to have any kind of recreational activities? I saw these children bouncing a basketball or throwing a football in the parking lot. So, I built a basketball back board with anchors that I could easily hang up over MY parking space so these kids would have a place to play for a few hours a day after I got off work. I got notices from the "Association" telling me that my basketball goal hung over my own fucking paid for parking space was a violation and that neighbors were complaining. I knew my neighbors and they were the ones whose cars were many feet away from my space and they even signed a petition to attest to the fact that my portable basketball goal was in no way infringing on their ability to park or endangered their vehicles but yet I was to be fined unless I refrained from putting up my plywood basketball backboard and goal over my own fucking parking space that I paid for. Guess who the whiner was? An old black lady that was a school teacher whose car was nowhere near where our little court was.........I spent my own money, I paid for the parking spot and I was a mentor to kids that didn't have any kind of recreational activities or a male role how fucking DARE you accuse ME of being racist. You don't know me, you can't even presume to stand in judgement of me. I care about people regardless of the tint of their skin. I don't see color, I see people. You? If they have white skin then they must be the devil. I could really bust on you and how you have offended me but you wouldn't see anything else but how you want to see it.

BTW, Liberation theology was brought about by the Jesuits that were complicit in the slave you had no idea about that, one.....

You don't know me either but you have made the same racist assumptions as the other right wing extremists here. The Jesuits had nothing to do with what blacks teach. I know this because I am black, my father was a preacher and I do go to church.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

And Goldwater's position on it. YOur statement implies that he did those things, when you know he did not.

You are trying to be misleading, while giving yourself cover, by using vague pro-nouns.

You are a dishonest assshole.

Goldwater never supported Jim Crow and neither did the Republican Party. You are a lying asshole.
Goldwater voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act

Make of it what you want

Except you leapt from that, to talking about supporting the use of government power to enforce Jim Crow.

YOU did that, not me. So, drop your pretense that you did not.

His stated reason was not opposition to Civil Rights but concern about how that particular bill addressed the issue.

Considering his life long support of Civil Rights AND smaller government, that position is highly credible.

Thus his position and his presidential run was not the beginning of the debunked conspiracy theory of "The Southern Strategy". were the one jumping to a conclusion
I merely corrected you on it
I can tell you exactly when we republicans will nominate a black presidential candidate.

Blacks have been in our primaries. They get "equal opportunity" to get the nomination.

There are blacks speaking at GOP conventions.

When was the last time you saw a pro-life woman speak at a DNC convention ?
View attachment 312087

There has been no black nominee for president in the republican party. The "blacks" that speak at GOP conferences are sellouts used in order to validate the anti black agenda of the republican party. There have been all kinds of pro life women speaking at DNC affairs. Anti war, anti death penalty and gun control women are pro life. And like clockwork we get an example of a sellout racist whites use in order to move forward with their agenda. Thomas Sowell is a joke.
LOL so now you try to redefine pro life. You are just an idiot. Remind us what the dems did to the dem that ran for president before Obama. Ohh and Zel Miller?

I have not redefined anything. Pro life means for life. So all the people I mentioned are for life. Del Miller was not for life, he was anti abortion.
LOL claiming someone against abortion is NOT pro life, how VERY FUCKING Moronic of you.
Having read your fool fueled rants of vapid nothingness for a few years now? You seem to be as pissed today as you were when Barrypuppet was riding high. Are you one of those types that live to have a bug lodged up your ass and anger is actually fulfilling for you? Just askin'.........

I've spoken fact. You can't handle it.

There hasn't been a single thing that you have written that I "can't handle". I weigh, consider and reflect. All I see from you is unfettered anger and an unwillingness to let go of the past even though there are those like myself that see us all in the same fight and it's worse than you could even imagine as to what is being planned for all of us that are not in the .000001 percent.

You do not weigh or consider anything. You deny. This is not about the past idiot, it is all about right now. We are talking about continuing white racism. If white racism was a thing of the past, we would not be talking about it because it would not exist. So you can't be weighing or considering anything. Second, why people like you can be mad at what you claim is some kind of debt based monetary system but then act like we should not be angry because we get treated with no respect shows that you don't weigh or consider, but that you think we have no right to be angry and that we should just take it.

Whites give our theology a name, but you not believing in liberation theology shows that you have chosen to dismiss the experience blacks have had in America completely. What you believe is the same thing as white extremists. I generally have chosen to ignore your ignorance because what you believe is crazy. Your monetary system would not work and you really don't understand the nature of anything. And when you talk about being rooted in the past, your belief is some system based on a decision made during the depression is nothing but a belief based on the past and a lack of understanding of how our system operates based on conspiracy theories.

What is it that you claim I "deny"? I don't have the power to keep you down and if I had the power to raise you up and not make you feel inferior? I would do it in a heartbeat because no man is better than another all things being equal. My best friend and someone that I consider closer than kin isn't a white man. He is black and a mountain of a man with a heart as big as he is but we are kindred souls. I would gladly lay down my life for him without would be just reflex. We don't see color, we see the world in the same way.

Did you know that I lived in a condo complex that catered to singles? It was built right across from the old Dallas Cowboys practice facility before they moved to Valley Ranch in Irving, Texas during the Tom Landry era. A judge in Dallas ruled that it was discrimination for "singles only" communities to exclude and that since Plano and North Dallas didn't want subsidized housing projects built in their communities and wanted to keep blacks in places like Oak Cliff that they would subsidize housing in mostly white communities? That included where I lived. We had black families, mostly single black mothers with children getting subsidized housing in our condo community. These little children moved into a community that had no kind of accommodations for kids to have any kind of recreational activities? I saw these children bouncing a basketball or throwing a football in the parking lot. So, I built a basketball back board with anchors that I could easily hang up over MY parking space so these kids would have a place to play for a few hours a day after I got off work. I got notices from the "Association" telling me that my basketball goal hung over my own fucking paid for parking space was a violation and that neighbors were complaining. I knew my neighbors and they were the ones whose cars were many feet away from my space and they even signed a petition to attest to the fact that my portable basketball goal was in no way infringing on their ability to park or endangered their vehicles but yet I was to be fined unless I refrained from putting up my plywood basketball backboard and goal over my own fucking parking space that I paid for. Guess who the whiner was? An old black lady that was a school teacher whose car was nowhere near where our little court was.........I spent my own money, I paid for the parking spot and I was a mentor to kids that didn't have any kind of recreational activities or a male role how fucking DARE you accuse ME of being racist. You don't know me, you can't even presume to stand in judgement of me. I care about people regardless of the tint of their skin. I don't see color, I see people. You? If they have white skin then they must be the devil. I could really bust on you and how you have offended me but you wouldn't see anything else but how you want to see it.

BTW, Liberation theology was brought about by the Jesuits that were complicit in the slave you had no idea about that, one.....

You don't know me either but you have made the same racist assumptions as the other right wing extremists here. The Jesuits had nothing to do with what blacks teach. I know this because I am black, my father was a preacher and I do go to church.

What racial assumptions would those be? That you have this massive chip on your shoulder and blame that you wish to lay at my feet? I care about people regardless of their skin tint. Am I more prone to help my black brothers and sisters than those of my own skin tint? Yeah, I am guilty if that is what you want to call "racism" but I don't do it out of "white guilt" but because I have been "there" if you get my drift. If you only knew MY history and what my life story is, you would understand where I am coming from. I saw my father that was a peace officer (before they were known as police) stand up for two black teens that committed the unforgivable sin of wanting to buy a couple of hamburgers and were refused service while being catcalled by a bunch of racist POS teenagers that were sitting at the picnic table in front of this drive-in when I was seven years old. This was in 1970...not that long ago in the great big scheme of things and I remember it like it was yesterday.

My dad wasn't large in stature but he was a scrapper. If you wanted to fight him, you better be ready to kill him because he would never stop coming at ya. We went to a drive-in (which were big back in the day) and he faced and backed down these punks that were much bigger than he was and then he turned his attention to the lady (and I use the term loosely in her case) and ordered her to serve these patrons or he would make it his business to shut them down. When she sneered at him, he showed his badge and she couldn't have gotten any whiter if she had tried. My dad was my hero that stood up for those that had no voice and I have followed his example by standing up and being counted and I have had people stand up for me...again, you have to know MY story. I am on your side to the extent that I want everyone to be given a chance to prove their character and worth, I simply disagree with these divisive tactics being used. People are basically good, children are basically good because it is an inherent trait God gave us. The trait to have empathy, the traits of having the ability to love unconditionally and lift up those that need it and hope that the same is given in return should by the grace of God, go I. This constant pitting of using one thing or another to divide us makes us easier to conquer and never seeing the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. You say liberation theology isn't a tried and true tactic of the Jesuits? History says otherwise. So, "Yes", I stand by my contention that liberation theology was a creation of the Jesuits and the Vatican. I challenge you to do a google search using "Jesuits, Liberation theology" and if you are honest with yourself and really seek the truth? You will have your eyes opened up to a whole new reality.

We have got to come together as one voice or we have no chance at all. Sadly, we stood by and were silent about the abuse of policemen that hassled those for "driving while black" and civil forfeiture. I had a very good friend that had his wallet emptied after he cashed his paycheck (because he didn't trust banks) because the cop that stopped him was convinced the money was ill-gotten gains from drug dealing. He simply assumed that was the source of the money and it took him a month to get back even a portion of what was stolen from him. I "get it", trust me because now they have come for all of us because we allowed it to happen to those that were deemed as "different".
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.

I can tell you exactly when we republicans will nominate a black presidential candidate.

Blacks have been in our primaries. They get "equal opportunity" to get the nomination.

There are blacks speaking at GOP conventions.

When was the last time you saw a pro-life woman speak at a DNC convention ?
View attachment 312087

There has been no black nominee for president in the republican party. The "blacks" that speak at GOP conferences are sellouts used in order to validate the anti black agenda of the republican party. There have been all kinds of pro life women speaking at DNC affairs. Anti war, anti death penalty and gun control women are pro life. And like clockwork we get an example of a sellout racist whites use in order to move forward with their agenda. Thomas Sowell is a joke.
The Hive Mind mentality is strong with you. You don't even believe black conservatives are really black.

You serve your white liberal masters well.
Such as...?

But it's interesting that you set the cutoff at 50 years. Because if you'd gone back further, you'd have forced me to illustrate the Democratic Party's opposition to civil rights legislation since the founding of the GOP.

Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.

No it is not false. Rutherford Hayes made an agreement with southern democrats to remove troops from southern states if they vote him into the presidency and that ended reconstruction. I can keep going with examples of republican opposition to civil rights before and after the 1965 Civil Rights Act was passed.
Reconstruction was about reconstructing the South, repairing all the war damage the North did. Had nothing to do with civil rights.

So if that's the best you've got, you've got nothing.
It was also to enforce civil rights and protect former slaves.

Republicans sold them out and withdrew military forces in an agreement to win a disputed Presidential election.
And the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan as their terrorist arm to keep those former slaves in line.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
They are big on the 'Blacks are not smart enough to know what is good for them' forum.
That's the view of white liberals, actually.
I am calling bullshit on that one.
Yeah? So? Doesn't alter the reality.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
They are big on the 'Blacks are not smart enough to know what is good for them' forum.
That's the view of white liberals, actually.
I am calling bullshit on that one.
Yeah? So? Doesn't alter the reality.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
They are big on the 'Blacks are not smart enough to know what is good for them' forum.
That's the view of white liberals, actually.
I am calling bullshit on that one.
Yeah? So? Doesn't alter the reality.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
They are big on the 'Blacks are not smart enough to know what is good for them' forum.
That's the view of white liberals, actually.
I am calling bullshit on that one.
Yeah? So? Doesn't alter the reality.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
They are big on the 'Blacks are not smart enough to know what is good for them' forum.
That's the view of white liberals, actually.
I am calling bullshit on that one.
Yeah? So? Doesn't alter the reality.
Yes it does.
Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.

No it is not false. Rutherford Hayes made an agreement with southern democrats to remove troops from southern states if they vote him into the presidency and that ended reconstruction. I can keep going with examples of republican opposition to civil rights before and after the 1965 Civil Rights Act was passed.
Reconstruction was about reconstructing the South, repairing all the war damage the North did. Had nothing to do with civil rights.

So if that's the best you've got, you've got nothing.
It was also to enforce civil rights and protect former slaves.

Republicans sold them out and withdrew military forces in an agreement to win a disputed Presidential election.
And the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan as their terrorist arm to keep those former slaves in line.

No actually whites did that. And they were enabled by supreme court opinions written by republican justices.

Blacks were supposed to have been given the right to vote by the fifteenth amendment.

The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." It was ratified on February 3, 1870, as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments.

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

But alas, the constitution didn't matter to whites.

Minor v. Happersett, U.S. Supreme Court case in which the court ruled unanimously in 1874 that the right of suffrage was not protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In its decision the Supreme Court declared that the privileges and immunities of citizenship are not defined by the U.S. Constitution; thus, individual states’ enfranchisement of male citizens only was not necessarily a violation of the citizenship rights of women. This finding effectively put an end to attempts to win voting rights for women through court decree. Subsequent efforts in the woman suffrage movement in the United States focused on the revision of voting laws of individual states and on the ratification of a separate amendment to the Constitution.

Minor v. Happersett | law case

United States v. Reese, 92 U.S. 214 (1876), was a voting rights case in which the United States Supreme Court narrowly construed the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provides that suffrage for citizens can not be restricted due to race, color or the individual having previously been a slave.

This was the Supreme Court's first voting rights case under the Fifteenth Amendment and the Enforcement Act of 1870. A Kentucky electoral official had refused to register an African‐American's vote in a municipal election and was indicted under two sections of the 1871 act: section 1 required that administrative preliminaries to elections be conducted without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude; section 2 forbade wrongful refusal to register votes where a prerequisite step “required as foresaid” had been omitted.

The Court held that the Fifteenth Amendment did not confer the right of suffrage, but it prohibited exclusion from voting on racial grounds. The justices invalidated the operative section 3 of the Enforcement Act since it did not repeat the amendment's words about race, color, and servitude. They ruled that the section exceeded the scope of the Fifteenth Amendment. This ruling was the grounds for which the Ku Klux Klan was invented, as it provided white southerners with legal reassurance.

United States v. Reese - Wikipedia

This was an 8-1 SCOTUS decision whereby the court decided that, "the 15th amendment did not guarantee the right to vote but it just prevented states from giving preference to one citizen over another on account of race or color." Chief Justice Morrison Waite, a REPUBLICAN, decided that the right to vote was decided by the states.
Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.

No it is not false. Rutherford Hayes made an agreement with southern democrats to remove troops from southern states if they vote him into the presidency and that ended reconstruction. I can keep going with examples of republican opposition to civil rights before and after the 1965 Civil Rights Act was passed.
Reconstruction was about reconstructing the South, repairing all the war damage the North did. Had nothing to do with civil rights.

So if that's the best you've got, you've got nothing.
It was also to enforce civil rights and protect former slaves.

Republicans sold them out and withdrew military forces in an agreement to win a disputed Presidential election.
And the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan as their terrorist arm to keep those former slaves in line.
KKK was a conservative organization
Still is
Where did he ever claim Goldwater said that?

Goldwater did say let the states decide on their own Civil Rights

I don't have to show you shit. There was no complaining by whites about government overreach when whites were making laws denying non whites or their civil rights.
They had no problem getting the government to enforce Jim Crow or the legal system to deny the vote and equal access to the justice system.

"They"? We were talking about Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater never did that.

He was always a supporter of Civil Rights.
Try to follow the thread

The question was government overreach

And Goldwater's position on it. YOur statement implies that he did those things, when you know he did not.

You are trying to be misleading, while giving yourself cover, by using vague pro-nouns.

You are a dishonest assshole.

Goldwater never supported Jim Crow and neither did the Republican Party. You are a lying asshole.

Wow...four sentences.....

He won't read the last two.
My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.

If he was sincere in his stated concern about government overreach, then he was not insulting the intelligence of blacks , when he made that statement.

It would only have been an insult to their intelligence if it was not only a lie, but a stupid lie.

If his concern was sincere, and his stated reason was the truth, then his opposition to that particular bill was not opposition to the idea of civil rights but how it was being done in that bill.

That thought is not even logical. Obviously he put staying within the confines of "government limits" over ensuring equal rights for ALL Americans.

Which was a conflict with what blacks wanted. But it was not an insult to their intelligence. It would only have been an insult to their intelligence if he has been lying about why he was doing it. That was my point. It is pathetic that you cannot admit that.

Why should any American have to "wait" for equal treatment in what is supposed be the so called
"land of the free"?

Because the cure had the potential to be another additional problem for the country.

As tax paying citizens, black people were entitled to the same rights as every other citizen, and he apparantly believed that it was ACCEPTABLE for them to be selectively discriminated against at the whim of any state at any time, while he and his fellow oppressors "decided how to make the bill more palatable to the majority". That was nothing but the same ideology that the Confederacy supported prior to the start of the civil war.

No, it is not. Stating that he believed that the way the bill went about it was wrong, is not the same as being against the goal.

It was a moral issue to black citizens during that era, and was definately an INSULT.

Bullshit. It was a practical matter of self interest to blacks. And Goldwater disagreeing with them on how to get there, was NOT an insult to them. It was a political disagreement.

It was only an insult to their intelligence, if he was LYING about his reasons. Which is why you denying that you said that, is stupid.

Unlike you, I am old enough to recall the outrage over it, and black voters responded as they should the polls.

That is a no brainer, and it will be a well deserved footnote in Goldwaters legacy for eternity.

It is understandable that blacks, suffering under Jim Crow, and facing real racism and discrimination, were not patient with any discussion of METHODS, of fighting racism and discrimination.

IMO, that blame for the lie, lies with the dem liberals, who told and still tell them.

Simply put, YOU were not a black voter in 1964, nor were you even born. I was, and I heard them voice their disdain for Goldwaters draconian "states rights, government overreach" INSULT, first hand.

You, did not.

My parents and grandparents were involved in the civil rights movement, and on foot they went out and knocked on doors to convince registered black voters in our community to leave the Republican party.

Because they were OUTRAGED and INSULTED.

Black voters WERE insulted by it. PERIOD.

Your post is nothing but speculation and a thinly veiled defense of an ideology that the civil war should have buried FOREVER.

Consequently, his position further drove black voters out of the Republican party, as it should have.

And it also left a PERMANENT stain on his legacy. As it SHOULD HAVE.

Putting the rights of citizens on hold due to what an outdated politician calls "government overreach," WAS AN INSULT.

Democrats take sadistic pleasure in telling blacks that conservatives hate them!
Democrats don't tell us shit. Conservatives tell us they hate us. Forums like this show us that.

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