The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

I've encountered blacks who made their hatred for all whites crystal clear. Being far less worldly decades ago my ego took many hits until I understood how stupid I was being.. IM2 does not even come close imo, but that still wouldn't qualify as racist until someone actually got hurt as a direct result of racial bias in some meaningful, measurable way. Like getting fired. Got pictures of your bruises, Ghost? Psychiatrist bills? No? Then what exactly are you still crying about, not being believed or taken seriously? Being called names?

1. Why would a black being racist, be a hit to your ego?

2. Racism does not require harm to be racism. THat is a truly pathetic dodge.

3. Calling out discussion on this issue, "crying" is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule. And it is just another way of you avoiding dealing with the issue.

4. Being able to accurately describe racist ideas and people is important, as anti-white racism, such as from you and im2, is so widespread. That is why is it important to demand the Truth on this issue. Beyond just the point of this site, ie political discussion.

1. Why would a black being racist, be a hit to your ego?

2. Racism does not require harm to be racism. THat is a truly pathetic dodge.

3. Calling out discussion on this issue, "crying" is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule. And it is just another way of you avoiding dealing with the issue.

4. Being able to accurately describe racist ideas and people is important, as anti-white racism, such as from you and im2, is so widespread. That is why is it important to demand the Truth on this issue. Beyond just the point of this site, ie political discussion.
I've encountered blacks who made their hatred for all whites crystal clear. Being far less worldly decades ago my ego took many hits until I understood how stupid I was being.. IM2 does not even come close imo, but that still wouldn't qualify as racist until someone actually got hurt as a direct result of racial bias in some meaningful, measurable way. Like getting fired. Got pictures of your bruises, Ghost? Psychiatrist bills? No? Then what exactly are you still crying about, not being believed or taken seriously? Being called names?

And IM2? You remember I told you that he calls me racist, right? So where are his bruises and psychiatrist bills?

You're telling me I would have to lose my job or be physically hurt or traumatized to call it racism, right? Well, I did none of those things to IM2 but he calls me racist anyway. You know full well he was not hurt or traumatized by me in any way but you have nothing to say about this.

You're using bullshit double standards here. This is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Every time I call you on your errors, bullshit, misconceptions and hypocrisy, you resort to the old stale unimaginative tactic of trying to make me look like a crybaby. It's completely ludicrous and intellectually dishonest.

Something you should know: IM2 was the first one to make the racist accusation, and this was after he accused me of making up the story. So ask him to show you the bruises I inflicted on him and to see his psychiatrist bills. When you've seen that he was not hurt in any way, ask him what the fuck he's crying about.
I've encountered blacks who made their hatred for all whites crystal clear. Being far less worldly decades ago my ego took many hits until I understood how stupid I was being.. IM2 does not even come close imo, but that still wouldn't qualify as racist until someone actually got hurt as a direct result of racial bias in some meaningful, measurable way. Like getting fired. Got pictures of your bruises, Ghost? Psychiatrist bills? No? Then what exactly are you still crying about, not being believed or taken seriously? Being called names?

And IM2? You remember I told you that he calls me racist, right? So where are his bruises and psychiatrist bills?

You're telling me I would have to lose my job or be physically hurt or traumatized to call it racism, right? Well, I did none of those things to IM2 but he calls me racist anyway. You know full well he was not hurt or traumatized by me in any way but you have nothing to say about this.

You're using bullshit double standards here. This is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Every time I call you on your errors, bullshit, misconceptions and hypocrisy, you resort to the old stale unimaginative tactic of trying to make me look like a crybaby. It's completely ludicrous and intellectually dishonest.

Something you should know: IM2 was the first one to make the racist accusation, and this was after he accused me of making up the story. So ask him to show you the bruises I inflicted on him and to see his psychiatrist bills. When you've seen that he was not hurt in any way, ask him what the fuck he's crying about.

IM2 is black. YOu are white. Thus, Ghost, being a liberal, has different standards for you, based on race.

This is not racist, because, "reasons".
Being able to accurately describe racist ideas and people is important, as anti-white racism, such as from you and im2, is so widespread. That is why is it important
Oh "anti-white racism" "is so widespread" now? So "important"? How about anti-black racism? Anti-woman sexism? Anti-gay bigotry? I'm sure they all just pale in comparison. Such a bundle of joy and compassion, you are.. Boggles the mind!
Being able to accurately describe racist ideas and people is important, as anti-white racism, such as from you and im2, is so widespread. That is why is it important
Oh "anti-white racism" "is so widespread" now? So "important"? How about anti-black racism? Anti-woman sexism? Anti-gay bigotry? I'm sure they all just pale in comparison. Such a bundle of joy and compassion, you are.. Boggles the mind!

White male fragility syndrome is quite widespread. Note the shrill victimy moans of the white males who bought into the glory of American style capitalism only to have their livelihoods outsourced to communists by the capitalists they trusted. Now we're all shocked at the locally empty shelves we used to scoff at in other countries we attacked with sanctions and blockades we placed at the behest of our capitalists.

Didn't happen overnight, did indeed happen bipaertisanly. It's a bit to digest and confront if one has not been paying attention for decades I suppose.
I've encountered blacks who made their hatred for all whites crystal clear. Being far less worldly decades ago my ego took many hits until I understood how stupid I was being.. IM2 does not even come close imo, but that still wouldn't qualify as racist until someone actually got hurt as a direct result of racial bias in some meaningful, measurable way. Like getting fired. Got pictures of your bruises, Ghost? Psychiatrist bills? No? Then what exactly are you still crying about, not being believed or taken seriously? Being called names?
And yet Ascelopis IM2 and the new dude all claim names are all it takes to be a white racist and YOU agree.
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Frankly, I'm surprised how civil our black members remain in light of all the shameless white supremacist commentary easily found daily on this forum. Some of you lily white pansies really need to put away your popguns and try on a pair of big boy pants.
Wait, in the above post you stated unless actual harm was done it wasn't racism, now you are claim just words by white people cause blacks harm. Are blacks so weak that words are all it takes to cause harm? Or are you, as usual using a double standard, one for whitey and one for the black members?
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
It most likely will be sometime after a black Republican candidate announces his'her candidacy.

You know we can't just conscript people, right?
You've had black republicans announce before.
Black Republicans have announced before, yes, but, unlike Democrats, Republicans don't vote for skin color. Alan Keyes didn't win the Republican nomination--not because he was black, but because he wasn't presidential material.
Therefore, if I was to say something about blacks and fried chicken, you would say I'm a racist with no hesitation, without even ascertaining whether or not I think blacks are inferior, would you not?
Of course not. You're communicating a racial slur or stereotype, but further context is required to conclude one is "racist" else the term is simply superfluous. As IM2 has stated, some form of abuse has to be evident. Actual harm must be detectable. When blacks refer to one another as "nigga" it's all in good fun. Supremacist whites doing it to express their shared belief of superiority is the opposite. To put or keep blacks in their place. Abuse and harm clearly intended. Chris Rock using racial stereotypes in an effort to help us all laugh together at ourselves is not being racist.

Whites eat fried chicken, whites have made millions off fried chicken franchises and in the farming, processing and distribution of chickens, so to talk about blacks and chicken is portraying a racist stereotype that needs to stop.
Frankly, I'm surprised how civil our black members remain in light of all the shameless white supremacist commentary easily found daily on this forum. Some of you lily white pansies really need to put away your popguns and try on a pair of big boy pants.
Wait, in the above post you stated unless actual harm was done it wasn't racism, now you are claim just words by white people cause blacks harm. Are blacks so weak that words are all it takes to cause harm? Or are you, as usual using a double standard, one for whitey and one for the black members?

It is this simplisrtic opinion that many whites have that is part of the problem.

Racism is more than a word used as a slur, and it causes damage that is not temporary. Many outside of the African American or other non-white communities do not seem to understand to what extent racism can drive a person to unhealthy and societally negative behaviors. Reality dictates that emotions are involved in this matter and there is a very wide spectrum of emotions people will express in such situations. To understand the dual standards in such thinking, white people here get all bent out of shape because I present white behavior that is documented in ther annals of American history. Using the word white has got people like you whining about my racism, but yet you are here talking about how blacks must be weak because of words. But white racism has been more than words. Actions detrimental to our survival have resulted after those words were spoken.

Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites (Himle et al, 2009). That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma (Malcoun, Williams, & Bahojb-Nouri, 2015).
Dennis R. Upkins

Racism causes PTSD. PTSD is no respecter of socioeconomic status. Rich blacks and poor blacks are suffering with PTSD as result of the racism we all must endure. Therefore, simple minded comments such as “just get over it”, “move beyond race”, and “why can’t you get past racism” is a show of just how ignorant people are to what racism entails.

So many people who are white who have never felt how racism feels when its directed to you, have sermons to preach about how one can get beyond this. But as in any other form of abuse there are things that trigger the stressors which bring back the negative experiences felt because of racism. I have a simple layman’s understanding of psychology. I am no expert on PTSD. What I have been told is that when a person has this disorder there can be events that trigger the old terror the individual went through due to the past abuse. So then looking at racism as people of color who continue to see acts of racism in all the various iterations, it is important to recognize how these events trigger a reminder to people of color of the bad experiences they had due to racism and because of that certain behaviors might arise or resurface.

So hearing a racial slur or racist comment can trigger memories of bad experiences blacks have had due to racism. It is easy for those who have never been done this way to make silly comments thinking they are making sense, but you aren't and you need to learn to just shut up. If you cannot present a positive to this situation, stand down and let us work with whites who want to do so instead of crying about how somebody hates all whites because they don't like a specific group of whites like you who happen to be practicing racism.

You said you have black family members, but you don't. Because if you had, you would understand things like this.
Funny how you don't want to talk about the 189 years whites got affirmative action before the executive order.

I understand your fear son. Because your little white delusion of grandeur will be deconstructed if you chose to even try getting into such a discussion. So go on to sleep before I put you there.
Threats from a pussy like you who's scared of words are less than credible.

Being offended is far different from being scared son. But since I am such a pussy, I guess that means you will engage in a discussion of white racism after slavery.
Nope. You don't want discussion. You want to spew your Hate Whitey garbage and get instant, unthinking endorsement. I don't do that. I am not a leftist.
I understand your fear. If citing historical fact is hate whitey, maybe whitey should not have done the things recorded.
Frankly, I'm surprised how civil our black members remain in light of all the shameless white supremacist commentary easily found daily on this forum. Some of you lily white pansies really need to put away your popguns and try on a pair of big boy pants.
Wait, in the above post you stated unless actual harm was done it wasn't racism, now you are claim just words by white people cause blacks harm. Are blacks so weak that words are all it takes to cause harm? Or are you, as usual using a double standard, one for whitey and one for the black members?

It is this simplisrtic opinion that many whites have that is part of the problem.

Racism is more than a word used as a slur, and it causes damage that is not temporary. Many outside of the African American or other non-white communities do not seem to understand to what extent racism can drive a person to unhealthy and societally negative behaviors. Reality dictates that emotions are involved in this matter and there is a very wide spectrum of emotions people will express in such situations. To understand the dual standards in such thinking, white people here get all bent out of shape because I present white behavior that is documented in ther annals of American history. Using the word white has got people like you whining about my racism, but yet you are here talking about how blacks must be weak because of words. But white racism has been more than words. Actions detrimental to our survival have resulted after those words were spoken.

Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites (Himle et al, 2009). That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma (Malcoun, Williams, & Bahojb-Nouri, 2015).
Dennis R. Upkins

Racism causes PTSD. PTSD is no respecter of socioeconomic status. Rich blacks and poor blacks are suffering with PTSD as result of the racism we all must endure. Therefore, simple minded comments such as “just get over it”, “move beyond race”, and “why can’t you get past racism” is a show of just how ignorant people are to what racism entails.

So many people who are white who have never felt how racism feels when its directed to you, have sermons to preach about how one can get beyond this. But as in any other form of abuse there are things that trigger the stressors which bring back the negative experiences felt because of racism. I have a simple layman’s understanding of psychology. I am no expert on PTSD. What I have been told is that when a person has this disorder there can be events that trigger the old terror the individual went through due to the past abuse. So then looking at racism as people of color who continue to see acts of racism in all the various iterations, it is important to recognize how these events trigger a reminder to people of color of the bad experiences they had due to racism and because of that certain behaviors might arise or resurface.

So hearing a racial slur or racist comment can trigger memories of bad experiences blacks have had due to racism. It is easy for those who have never been done this way to make silly comments thinking they are making sense, but you aren't and you need to learn to just shut up. If you cannot present a positive to this situation, stand down and let us work with whites who want to do so instead of crying about how somebody hates all whites because they don't like a specific group of whites like you who happen to be practicing racism.

You said you have black family members, but you don't. Because if you had, you would understand things like this.
LOL so words hurt blacks, are you really that weak? I call bull shit this is more proof the left has victimized you till you think everything is an attack everything is an affront, everything is racism. By the way IM2 now be VERY specific and link to me every calling you a racial slur, or for that matter any black person. Link to what you claim I have done that is racist.
Frankly, I'm surprised how civil our black members remain in light of all the shameless white supremacist commentary easily found daily on this forum. Some of you lily white pansies really need to put away your popguns and try on a pair of big boy pants.
Wait, in the above post you stated unless actual harm was done it wasn't racism, now you are claim just words by white people cause blacks harm. Are blacks so weak that words are all it takes to cause harm? Or are you, as usual using a double standard, one for whitey and one for the black members?

It is this simplisrtic opinion that many whites have that is part of the problem.

Racism is more than a word used as a slur, and it causes damage that is not temporary. Many outside of the African American or other non-white communities do not seem to understand to what extent racism can drive a person to unhealthy and societally negative behaviors. Reality dictates that emotions are involved in this matter and there is a very wide spectrum of emotions people will express in such situations. To understand the dual standards in such thinking, white people here get all bent out of shape because I present white behavior that is documented in ther annals of American history. Using the word white has got people like you whining about my racism, but yet you are here talking about how blacks must be weak because of words. But white racism has been more than words. Actions detrimental to our survival have resulted after those words were spoken.

Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites (Himle et al, 2009). That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma (Malcoun, Williams, & Bahojb-Nouri, 2015).
Dennis R. Upkins

Racism causes PTSD. PTSD is no respecter of socioeconomic status. Rich blacks and poor blacks are suffering with PTSD as result of the racism we all must endure. Therefore, simple minded comments such as “just get over it”, “move beyond race”, and “why can’t you get past racism” is a show of just how ignorant people are to what racism entails.

So many people who are white who have never felt how racism feels when its directed to you, have sermons to preach about how one can get beyond this. But as in any other form of abuse there are things that trigger the stressors which bring back the negative experiences felt because of racism. I have a simple layman’s understanding of psychology. I am no expert on PTSD. What I have been told is that when a person has this disorder there can be events that trigger the old terror the individual went through due to the past abuse. So then looking at racism as people of color who continue to see acts of racism in all the various iterations, it is important to recognize how these events trigger a reminder to people of color of the bad experiences they had due to racism and because of that certain behaviors might arise or resurface.

So hearing a racial slur or racist comment can trigger memories of bad experiences blacks have had due to racism. It is easy for those who have never been done this way to make silly comments thinking they are making sense, but you aren't and you need to learn to just shut up. If you cannot present a positive to this situation, stand down and let us work with whites who want to do so instead of crying about how somebody hates all whites because they don't like a specific group of whites like you who happen to be practicing racism.

You said you have black family members, but you don't. Because if you had, you would understand things like this.
LOL so words hurt blacks, are you really that weak? I call bull shit this is more proof the left has victimized you till you think everything is an attack everything is an affront, everything is racism. By the way IM2 now be VERY specific and link to me every calling you a racial slur, or for that matter any black person. Link to what you claim I have done that is racist.

You seem to want to miss everything but what you want to believe. Words stated by whites have been followed by actions enforcing those words. So the left hasn't done shit. You just can't handle the truth. And I'm not looking for anything. I am talking about white racism and you are a racist based on what you show here.
Frankly, I'm surprised how civil our black members remain in light of all the shameless white supremacist commentary easily found daily on this forum. Some of you lily white pansies really need to put away your popguns and try on a pair of big boy pants.
Wait, in the above post you stated unless actual harm was done it wasn't racism, now you are claim just words by white people cause blacks harm.
You just quoted what I actually said. If any hint of "just words by white people cause blacks harm" were actually in there it would be evident. You make zero sense.
  • Thanks
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I understand your fear son. Because your little white delusion of grandeur will be deconstructed if you chose to even try getting into such a discussion. So go on to sleep before I put you there.
Threats from a pussy like you who's scared of words are less than credible.

Being offended is far different from being scared son. But since I am such a pussy, I guess that means you will engage in a discussion of white racism after slavery.
Nope. You don't want discussion. You want to spew your Hate Whitey garbage and get instant, unthinking endorsement. I don't do that. I am not a leftist.
I understand your fear. If citing historical fact is hate whitey, maybe whitey should not have done the things recorded.
It's hilarious the way you believe I'm afraid of anything you could possibly say.

I am not a leftist. I don't operate solely on emotion.

Did whitey do bad things? Of course. So has every other race and ethnicity...including your own.

But you can't seem to work up much outrage for any of that, can you?
I understand your fear son. Because your little white delusion of grandeur will be deconstructed if you chose to even try getting into such a discussion. So go on to sleep before I put you there.
Threats from a pussy like you who's scared of words are less than credible.

Being offended is far different from being scared son. But since I am such a pussy, I guess that means you will engage in a discussion of white racism after slavery.
Nope. You don't want discussion. You want to spew your Hate Whitey garbage and get instant, unthinking endorsement. I don't do that. I am not a leftist.
I understand your fear. If citing historical fact is hate whitey, maybe whitey should not have done the things recorded.
It's hilarious the way you believe I'm afraid of anything you could possibly say.

I am not a leftist. I don't operate solely on emotion.

Did whitey do bad things? Of course. So has every other race and ethnicity...including your own.

But you can't seem to work up much outrage for any of that, can you?

I operate on fact son. You don't want to discuss the facts. No one in America has done what whitey has done. That's why you run from the conversation.
Many outside of the African American or other non-white communities do not seem to understand to what extent racism can drive a person to unhealthy and societally negative behaviors.

I am a white man, and I guarantee I have been the victim of racism more often than you and more severely.

Have you ever been beaten up because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been denied a place to live because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been evicted because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been turned down for a job because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been denied entrance into a nightclub because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been charged more for goods because of your race? I have.
Have you ever paid more for an entrance ticket because of your race? I have.
Have you ever been lynched because of your race? I have. (I was being literally stoned to death with my dog at the hands of a murderous black mob on the corner of Port St and Lanvale in Baltimore and only survived thanks to the heroism of a black woman.)

So fuck you and your constant whining about white racism, you pathetic, bitter little thing. Blacks all over the world are risking their lives to move to majority white countries because blacks have it better, not worse, where whites are in charge.

Ignorant, ungrateful, uneducated fool.
Threats from a pussy like you who's scared of words are less than credible.

Being offended is far different from being scared son. But since I am such a pussy, I guess that means you will engage in a discussion of white racism after slavery.
Nope. You don't want discussion. You want to spew your Hate Whitey garbage and get instant, unthinking endorsement. I don't do that. I am not a leftist.
I understand your fear. If citing historical fact is hate whitey, maybe whitey should not have done the things recorded.
It's hilarious the way you believe I'm afraid of anything you could possibly say.

I am not a leftist. I don't operate solely on emotion.

Did whitey do bad things? Of course. So has every other race and ethnicity...including your own.

But you can't seem to work up much outrage for any of that, can you?

I operate on fact son. You don't want to discuss the facts. No one in America has done what whitey has done. That's why you run from the conversation.
Meanwhile, there are people still owning human beings in the world.

But since they're not whitey, you don't give a shit.

But whitey must pay, right?

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