The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

Yep. They complain about divisive politics, but don't realize how divisive it is, to accuse large numbers of people, falsely.

They are pissing off EVERYONE. AT EVERYONE ELSE.
It's not false.

Every time you do that, you are tearing this nation apart. You piss off the majority of whites, who are getting more and more pissed off at being treated like dirt.

And you get minorities pissed off at whites, because you are filling their heads with fear of the supposedly evul racist whites.

If your plan was to ruin this nation and inflame racial tension to the point of permanently damaging this nation, one would be hard pressed to come up with a better plan of action, than what you have already done.

I mean, I just always assumed that you lefties knew that and just considered it the cost of doing business.

Are you claiming that that is not true? That you did NOT know that?

Oh, wait, is this just more lying from you?

Whatever. FUck off and die.
Fuck you. The ones tearing this nation apart are the racists, not the ones calling out the racists.

Except that your accusations of racism, are almost always bullshit and you know it.

And so do the people you smear and vilify and marginalize.

you lefties, with your constant spreading of fear and hate, are tearing this country apart.
^^^ Utter bulllshit.

See here is the deal. THe debate has, as always with you racebaiting fuckers, moved around to where the thing for me to do to make a fool of you, is to challenge you, give me your best example.

And instead you would post various forms of bullshit, ranging from pretending it is a crazy question, to a bunch of links of gish galloping bullshit.

And we could go back and forth, but the result is what you alway want, ie we spend all week discussion whether or not republican are "racist".

Creating the illusion that with so much smoke, there the idea that there might be fire, must be valid.


Eat a big old pile of dicks, choke on them and die, you race baiting asshole.
"Except that your accusations of racism, are almost always bullshit and you know it. "

That is utter bullshit. The only accusations of racism I point out are not almost always bullshit. They are never bullshit. I wouldn't levy such claims if I didn't believe them and couldn't back them up.

"FUCK THAT SHIT. FUCK YOU, YOU ARE THE ONES TEARING THIS NATION APART. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Eat a big old pile of dicks, choke on them and die, you race baiting asshole. "


Fuck off, triggered bitch.


You are a race baiting asshole. Being pissed off at a person being a complete fucking asshole, is not being "triggered" you fucking moron.

Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

Or t
Any attempt to give favorable treatment to blacks, to make up for past disadvantages, by the math principle of simple subtraction, takes away those limited resources from whites. That this practice has grown from just blacks to fucking EVERYONE who is not a white, normal, healthy male, has just made the practice even more harmful to whites.
Who's the racist?

Add sexist. Because white females have prospered more than any other demographic in America due to Affirmative Action.

Which I am fine with.

Interestingly though, white males if extrapolated as a single demographic, represent roughly 30% of the US population, yet hold over 70% of managerial positions in the workforce.

There is no credible metric out there that supports the assertion that white males are "being discriminated against" on a mass scale.

That is pure, misinformed hysteria at work.

Simply because after multiple generations of privileged treatment, mandated equality feels like oppression.

Lefties always like to look at results when it comes to discrimination, because the failed families and schools and communities created by lefties. create huge gaps, that they can pretend might come from "racism".

But they know that if you look at what is actually going on comparing the action processes that get to those numbers, that the reasons for the various gaps, are never "white racism" but more often liberal policies causing dysfunction in a minority demographic.

Grumble has posted about the big gap in education. Liberals often complain about it and want to take steps to address it.

But they never make the obvious connection that if blacks are graduating from college at a much lower rate, then that would have impacts in "metrics" like how many blacks end up in management positions.

Admissions and graduation levels are two different entities.

In order to graduate, one must first be admitted.

Blacks more typically attend junior colleges after graduation from high school, based on financial reasons as opposed to being admitted to a 4 year university through programs like "legacy admissions" and after progressing to 4 year institutions are far more likely to go into debt, just in order to attend.

And you want to pretend that "financial reasons" must be "racism" when it is more likely the result of having a single parent.

So, once again, you look to avoid looking at the actual reasons for a difference, and just try to get people to assume "racism".

Ironically, demonstrating and validating my point.

RIght INSIDE of your attempt to counterpoint my point.

I did not "validate" your point, because you didn't really have one.

Furthermore, there is no reason for me to "pretend" regarding an actual fact.

Citing "financial hardship" is a far cry from citing the "racism", that you are attempting to spin my words as.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.

The race baiting asshole has bogged the thread down into a pointless argument over who said what when. IF you keep pushing it will turn into a point of semantics.

This is a standard defense technique when the leftard troll realizes that have been utterly defeated, and they have to bury the thread in static in an attempt to hide the Truth.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

Or t
Any attempt to give favorable treatment to blacks, to make up for past disadvantages, by the math principle of simple subtraction, takes away those limited resources from whites. That this practice has grown from just blacks to fucking EVERYONE who is not a white, normal, healthy male, has just made the practice even more harmful to whites.
Who's the racist?

Add sexist. Because white females have prospered more than any other demographic in America due to Affirmative Action.

Which I am fine with.

Interestingly though, white males if extrapolated as a single demographic, represent roughly 30% of the US population, yet hold over 70% of managerial positions in the workforce.

There is no credible metric out there that supports the assertion that white males are "being discriminated against" on a mass scale.

That is pure, misinformed hysteria at work.

Simply because after multiple generations of privileged treatment, mandated equality feels like oppression.

Lefties always like to look at results when it comes to discrimination, because the failed families and schools and communities created by lefties. create huge gaps, that they can pretend might come from "racism".

But they know that if you look at what is actually going on comparing the action processes that get to those numbers, that the reasons for the various gaps, are never "white racism" but more often liberal policies causing dysfunction in a minority demographic.

Grumble has posted about the big gap in education. Liberals often complain about it and want to take steps to address it.

But they never make the obvious connection that if blacks are graduating from college at a much lower rate, then that would have impacts in "metrics" like how many blacks end up in management positions.

Admissions and graduation levels are two different entities.

In order to graduate, one must first be admitted.

Blacks more typically attend junior colleges after graduation from high school, based on financial reasons as opposed to being admitted to a 4 year university through programs like "legacy admissions" and after progressing to 4 year institutions are far more likely to go into debt, just in order to attend.

And you want to pretend that "financial reasons" must be "racism" when it is more likely the result of having a single parent.

So, once again, you look to avoid looking at the actual reasons for a difference, and just try to get people to assume "racism".

Ironically, demonstrating and validating my point.

RIght INSIDE of your attempt to counterpoint my point.

I did not "validate" your point, because you didn't really have one.

Furthermore, there is no reason for me to "pretend" regarding an actual fact.

Citing "financial hardship" is a far cry from citing the "racism", that you are attempting to spin my words as.

You brought up the rate of white males in management, as though that proved that blacks are not discriminated in favor of.

IF, blacks are less qualified, then blacks SHOULD be less represented in management.

And indeed, it would be completely possible for blacks to be discriminated in favor of, to a great extent and yet, the impact of that discrimination to be hidden by the impact of the lower qualifications of the blacks.

The anti-white discrimination is still happening, despite the outcome you cited.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.

That is the whole point of this whole thread. YOu obviously believe it, and you are just playing stupid sophist games now.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Take the log out of your eye, you rightards are also nightmares.

So, you admit it. THe primary reason that Colin Power did not run, was him not wanting the job.

Can you admit that he would have been a strong contender for the nomination, if he had run, as the polling showed?
I admitted nothing about Powell, ya flaming moron. I didn't follow Powell to know if he was or was not thinking about running; or if so, why not.

YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too".

That is an admission that you libs make the job not desirable.

You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?

LOL!!! Well, that is completely credible for a lib. I accept your defense of ignorance.

You can either trust me on this, or go read up on it, and get back to me when you are caught up. Plenty on this issue online.

Your call.
"YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too"."

So? Are you so blind you can't see both sides attack each other in the manner you only cry about the left?

"You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?"

You said he had no passion for politics. That's your idea of the most likely black Republican to get elected? Ever???

Do you even have an idea of how stupid you sound?

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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

Yep. They complain about divisive politics, but don't realize how divisive it is, to accuse large numbers of people, falsely.

They are pissing off EVERYONE. AT EVERYONE ELSE.
It's not false.

Every time you do that, you are tearing this nation apart. You piss off the majority of whites, who are getting more and more pissed off at being treated like dirt.

And you get minorities pissed off at whites, because you are filling their heads with fear of the supposedly evul racist whites.

If your plan was to ruin this nation and inflame racial tension to the point of permanently damaging this nation, one would be hard pressed to come up with a better plan of action, than what you have already done.

I mean, I just always assumed that you lefties knew that and just considered it the cost of doing business.

Are you claiming that that is not true? That you did NOT know that?

Oh, wait, is this just more lying from you?

Whatever. FUck off and die.
Fuck you. The ones tearing this nation apart are the racists, not the ones calling out the racists.

Except that your accusations of racism, are almost always bullshit and you know it.

And so do the people you smear and vilify and marginalize.

you lefties, with your constant spreading of fear and hate, are tearing this country apart.
^^^ Utter bulllshit.

See here is the deal. THe debate has, as always with you racebaiting fuckers, moved around to where the thing for me to do to make a fool of you, is to challenge you, give me your best example.

And instead you would post various forms of bullshit, ranging from pretending it is a crazy question, to a bunch of links of gish galloping bullshit.

And we could go back and forth, but the result is what you alway want, ie we spend all week discussion whether or not republican are "racist".

Creating the illusion that with so much smoke, there the idea that there might be fire, must be valid.


Eat a big old pile of dicks, choke on them and die, you race baiting asshole.
"Except that your accusations of racism, are almost always bullshit and you know it. "

That is utter bullshit. The only accusations of racism I point out are not almost always bullshit. They are never bullshit. I wouldn't levy such claims if I didn't believe them and couldn't back them up.

"FUCK THAT SHIT. FUCK YOU, YOU ARE THE ONES TEARING THIS NATION APART. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Eat a big old pile of dicks, choke on them and die, you race baiting asshole. "


Fuck off, triggered bitch.


You are a race baiting asshole. Being pissed off at a person being a complete fucking asshole, is not being "triggered" you fucking moron.



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1. And you are using it to dismiss whites and white interests, with an implication that we are wealthy and white and thus our concerns are not to be taken seriously.
You just make shit up. I'm white. I have "interests." I speak for me. I don't try to to speak for you because I'm not an asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You inferring "implications" to argue with yourself about is as pathetic as pathetic gets.
2. That the justification for your assumption of blacks being morally superior
That's all you just making shit up again. I never said anything of the sort. Asshole.
3. And that you would Godwin your fellow American whites
There ya go girl! Clutch them pearls, you shameless pansy!

1. What "white" interests do you speak out for? Pick one for discussion purposes. ONE, your freaking moron. No gish gallop bullshit.

2. You "defer" to them, on certain, very large and important issues, because you believe their experiences and minority perspective, give them a better understanding that you, a white man operating from a position of "privilege" can have. That is a form of Moral Superiority. For one Race to be superior to your own race. You are an anti-white racist.

3. There is nothing "pansy" about calling you out for insulting US, by comparing and to some extent even equating our treatment of blacks to the Nazis treatment of Jews. You are being an asshole.
I'm white (for census purposes) and I have interests. I don't have "white interests." Only asshole racists like you think you have "white interests."
I defer to some minority members to best describe their own situation just as I defer to my dentist to best describe the condition of my teeth. Their viewing angle is clearly better. It has nothing to do with superior morals.
You're just pissed since I caught you Godwinning something last week. Ignore the point then. I write for the benefit of others anyway, not for hopelessly self-deluded wackos like you.

1. Got it. So, not only do you dismiss white interests, but you consider any belief in white interest to be "Racist". So, all you push back when I said you "dismissed white interests", why did you instead not just honestly say that, instead of denying it?

2. It is not racist to discuss white interests, nor to even advocate for them. All groups have moral and legal right to have their interests and to pursue them in the political realm. That you think that whites are special and for some reason DON'T have that right, is just another facet of your belief that whites are morally inferior to other racial groups. IE, your anti-white racism.

3. Race relations in this country are two way streets. It is not just "their situation". You defer to blacks and you dismiss whites. Based on race. That is racism from you.
Go right ahead then, Einstein. Grab your nuts and list all these lovely "white interests" of yours..

I'll be glad to give you a good example, for discussion purposes, after you explain to me, why you did not just state initially, that you do not believe that whites have interests and that stating that whites have interests is, in your view, racist?

I mean, other groups have interests, right? Blacks for one random example, you dont' have a problem with some black man, advocating for Black interests do you?

Yeah, funny thing. Somehow I always find myself far more interested in what the guy with the boot on his neck has to say about the situation than the one wearing the boot. Underdog fetish perhaps..?

Meanwhile.. stop pussy footing around and list your precious "white interests" already..

And how is that not Moral Superiority?

And I'm not pussyfooting around. The point of whether or not Whites have the right to have Interests is obviously relevant to what those interests might be.

Indeed, asking for details on the interests, when you are opposed to the very idea of such interests and indeed, consider such discussion racist and taboo,

is kind of putting the cart before the horse.

My question stands. HOw is what you describe, not blacks having, in your world view, Moral Superiority, based on their supposed victimhood?
You keep digging and getting nowhere fast instead of just supporting YOUR claim of "white interests." YOU now adding claims of "Moral Superiority" and "black victimhood" just makes you smell more and more like a desperate white supremacist.

YOU've been banging on about "white interests" this entire time. Do you have any or not? If so, please list them now for all to see..
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.

That is the whole point of this whole thread. YOu obviously believe it, and you are just playing stupid sophist games now.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Dumbfuck, that moron ascribed something to me I didn't actually say -- and I called him out on it. Youcan deny it, but it's clear you are easily triggered.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Take the log out of your eye, you rightards are also nightmares.

So, you admit it. THe primary reason that Colin Power did not run, was him not wanting the job.

Can you admit that he would have been a strong contender for the nomination, if he had run, as the polling showed?
I admitted nothing about Powell, ya flaming moron. I didn't follow Powell to know if he was or was not thinking about running; or if so, why not.

YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too".

That is an admission that you libs make the job not desirable.

You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?

LOL!!! Well, that is completely credible for a lib. I accept your defense of ignorance.

You can either trust me on this, or go read up on it, and get back to me when you are caught up. Plenty on this issue online.

Your call.
"YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too"."

So? Are you so blind you can't see both sides attack each other in the manner you only cry about the left?

"You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?"

You said he had no passion for politics. That's your idea of the most likely black Republican to get elected? Ever???

Do you even have an idea of how stupid you sound?


Dude. Your defense is ignorance. You've admitted to being ignorant on the subject.

Go educate yourself. It will only take a few minutes.

"Powell's experience in military matters made him a very popular figure with both American political parties. Many Democrats admired his moderate stance on military matters, while many Republicans saw him as a great asset associated with the successes of past Republican administrations. Put forth as a potential Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in the 1992 U.S. presidential election[43] or even potentially replacing Vice President Dan Quayle as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee,[44] Powell eventually declared himself a Republican and began to campaign for Republican candidates in 1995.[45][46] He was touted as a possible opponent of Bill Clinton in the 1996 U.S. presidential election, possibly capitalizing on a split conservative vote in Iowa[47] and even leading New Hampshire polls for the GOP nomination,[48] but Powell declined, citing a lack of passion for politics.[49] Powell defeated Clinton 50–38 in a hypothetical match-up proposed to voters in the exit polls conducted on Election Day.[50] Despite not standing in the race, Powell won the Republican New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary on write-in votes.[51] "
1. And you are using it to dismiss whites and white interests, with an implication that we are wealthy and white and thus our concerns are not to be taken seriously.
You just make shit up. I'm white. I have "interests." I speak for me. I don't try to to speak for you because I'm not an asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You inferring "implications" to argue with yourself about is as pathetic as pathetic gets.
2. That the justification for your assumption of blacks being morally superior
That's all you just making shit up again. I never said anything of the sort. Asshole.
3. And that you would Godwin your fellow American whites
There ya go girl! Clutch them pearls, you shameless pansy!

1. What "white" interests do you speak out for? Pick one for discussion purposes. ONE, your freaking moron. No gish gallop bullshit.

2. You "defer" to them, on certain, very large and important issues, because you believe their experiences and minority perspective, give them a better understanding that you, a white man operating from a position of "privilege" can have. That is a form of Moral Superiority. For one Race to be superior to your own race. You are an anti-white racist.

3. There is nothing "pansy" about calling you out for insulting US, by comparing and to some extent even equating our treatment of blacks to the Nazis treatment of Jews. You are being an asshole.
I'm white (for census purposes) and I have interests. I don't have "white interests." Only asshole racists like you think you have "white interests."
I defer to some minority members to best describe their own situation just as I defer to my dentist to best describe the condition of my teeth. Their viewing angle is clearly better. It has nothing to do with superior morals.
You're just pissed since I caught you Godwinning something last week. Ignore the point then. I write for the benefit of others anyway, not for hopelessly self-deluded wackos like you.

1. Got it. So, not only do you dismiss white interests, but you consider any belief in white interest to be "Racist". So, all you push back when I said you "dismissed white interests", why did you instead not just honestly say that, instead of denying it?

2. It is not racist to discuss white interests, nor to even advocate for them. All groups have moral and legal right to have their interests and to pursue them in the political realm. That you think that whites are special and for some reason DON'T have that right, is just another facet of your belief that whites are morally inferior to other racial groups. IE, your anti-white racism.

3. Race relations in this country are two way streets. It is not just "their situation". You defer to blacks and you dismiss whites. Based on race. That is racism from you.
Go right ahead then, Einstein. Grab your nuts and list all these lovely "white interests" of yours..

I'll be glad to give you a good example, for discussion purposes, after you explain to me, why you did not just state initially, that you do not believe that whites have interests and that stating that whites have interests is, in your view, racist?

I mean, other groups have interests, right? Blacks for one random example, you dont' have a problem with some black man, advocating for Black interests do you?

Yeah, funny thing. Somehow I always find myself far more interested in what the guy with the boot on his neck has to say about the situation than the one wearing the boot. Underdog fetish perhaps..?

Meanwhile.. stop pussy footing around and list your precious "white interests" already..

And how is that not Moral Superiority?

And I'm not pussyfooting around. The point of whether or not Whites have the right to have Interests is obviously relevant to what those interests might be.

Indeed, asking for details on the interests, when you are opposed to the very idea of such interests and indeed, consider such discussion racist and taboo,

is kind of putting the cart before the horse.

My question stands. HOw is what you describe, not blacks having, in your world view, Moral Superiority, based on their supposed victimhood?
You keep digging and getting nowhere fast instead of just supporting YOUR claim of "white interests." YOU now adding claims of "Moral Superiority" and "black victimhood" just makes you smell more and more like a desperate white supremacist.

YOU've been banging on about "white interests" this entire time. Do you have any or not? If so, please list them now for all to see..

As I said, discussing an example is putting the cart before the horse, if you believe that whites, as a group, do not have or do not have the right to have interests.

I am not "adding claims of Moral Superiority" YOu are, when you argue the it is morally acceptable for blacks to have interests but not whites.

That is different rules for different groups based on race.

ie racism.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.

That is the whole point of this whole thread. YOu obviously believe it, and you are just playing stupid sophist games now.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Dumbfuck, that moron ascribed something to me I didn't actually say -- and I called him out on it. Youcan deny it, but it's clear you are easily triggered.

YOu are a race baiting asshole, actively attempting to bog the thread down in semantics to distract from how much your ass has been kicked.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Take the log out of your eye, you rightards are also nightmares.

So, you admit it. THe primary reason that Colin Power did not run, was him not wanting the job.

Can you admit that he would have been a strong contender for the nomination, if he had run, as the polling showed?
I admitted nothing about Powell, ya flaming moron. I didn't follow Powell to know if he was or was not thinking about running; or if so, why not.

YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too".

That is an admission that you libs make the job not desirable.

You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?

LOL!!! Well, that is completely credible for a lib. I accept your defense of ignorance.

You can either trust me on this, or go read up on it, and get back to me when you are caught up. Plenty on this issue online.

Your call.
"YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too"."

So? Are you so blind you can't see both sides attack each other in the manner you only cry about the left?

"You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?"

You said he had no passion for politics. That's your idea of the most likely black Republican to get elected? Ever???

Do you even have an idea of how stupid you sound?


Dude. Your defense is ignorance. You've admitted to being ignorant on the subject.

Go educate yourself. It will only take a few minutes.

"Powell's experience in military matters made him a very popular figure with both American political parties. Many Democrats admired his moderate stance on military matters, while many Republicans saw him as a great asset associated with the successes of past Republican administrations. Put forth as a potential Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in the 1992 U.S. presidential election[43] or even potentially replacing Vice President Dan Quayle as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee,[44] Powell eventually declared himself a Republican and began to campaign for Republican candidates in 1995.[45][46] He was touted as a possible opponent of Bill Clinton in the 1996 U.S. presidential election, possibly capitalizing on a split conservative vote in Iowa[47] and even leading New Hampshire polls for the GOP nomination,[48] but Powell declined, citing a lack of passion for politics.[49] Powell defeated Clinton 50–38 in a hypothetical match-up proposed to voters in the exit polls conducted on Election Day.[50] Despite not standing in the race, Powell won the Republican New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary on write-in votes.[51] "

Moron, you're literally claiming your best shot at electing a Black Republican is someone who never ran for office nor wanted to.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.

That is the whole point of this whole thread. YOu obviously believe it, and you are just playing stupid sophist games now.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Dumbfuck, that moron ascribed something to me I didn't actually say -- and I called him out on it. Youcan deny it, but it's clear you are easily triggered.

YOu are a race baiting asshole, actively attempting to bog the thread down in semantics to distract from how much your ass has been kicked.
Dumbfuck, defending myself fro your fellow dumbfucks who misquote me and lie about what I say is not "semantics." You'll note that idiot was unable to quote me saying what he claimed I said. You're truly an abject imbecile.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Take the log out of your eye, you rightards are also nightmares.

So, you admit it. THe primary reason that Colin Power did not run, was him not wanting the job.

Can you admit that he would have been a strong contender for the nomination, if he had run, as the polling showed?
I admitted nothing about Powell, ya flaming moron. I didn't follow Powell to know if he was or was not thinking about running; or if so, why not.

YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too".

That is an admission that you libs make the job not desirable.

You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?

LOL!!! Well, that is completely credible for a lib. I accept your defense of ignorance.

You can either trust me on this, or go read up on it, and get back to me when you are caught up. Plenty on this issue online.

Your call.
"YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too"."

So? Are you so blind you can't see both sides attack each other in the manner you only cry about the left?

"You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?"

You said he had no passion for politics. That's your idea of the most likely black Republican to get elected? Ever???

Do you even have an idea of how stupid you sound?


Dude. Your defense is ignorance. You've admitted to being ignorant on the subject.

Go educate yourself. It will only take a few minutes.

"Powell's experience in military matters made him a very popular figure with both American political parties. Many Democrats admired his moderate stance on military matters, while many Republicans saw him as a great asset associated with the successes of past Republican administrations. Put forth as a potential Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in the 1992 U.S. presidential election[43] or even potentially replacing Vice President Dan Quayle as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee,[44] Powell eventually declared himself a Republican and began to campaign for Republican candidates in 1995.[45][46] He was touted as a possible opponent of Bill Clinton in the 1996 U.S. presidential election, possibly capitalizing on a split conservative vote in Iowa[47] and even leading New Hampshire polls for the GOP nomination,[48] but Powell declined, citing a lack of passion for politics.[49] Powell defeated Clinton 50–38 in a hypothetical match-up proposed to voters in the exit polls conducted on Election Day.[50] Despite not standing in the race, Powell won the Republican New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary on write-in votes.[51] "

Moron, you're literally claiming your best shot at electing a Black Republican is someone who never ran for office nor wanted to.

Exit polls showed him winning handily over Bill Clinton, as a Republican with the Republican voters very strongly supporting him.

That right there refutes the point of the op, ie that republicans are racist that is why no black republican presidents.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist.


No, I did not.

YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

No, I did not.
"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."
... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

It wouldn't be a problem if you didn't think there were so many racists on the right.

As for whether or not a black Republican nominee could get elected, I can't say that he would not get elected and I didn't say that in the first place. However, one thing I know for sure: many blacks would see him/her as a sellout and an Uncle Tom for deserting or not joining the party they think he should have. You know this as well as I do.
"No, I did not. "

The fuck you didn't.

Right, the fuck I didn't.

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected"

Quoted out of context. How original.

I think you know by now that I do not agree that most conservatives are racist and that I did not mean what you think I said. So what is the point in your pursuing this?
That's good because I never said most conservatives are racist.

You said I admitted to it dumbass.
Dumbfuck -- quote me saying you admitted "most conservatives are racist."

When you realize you can't since I never said that, fuck off.

That is the whole point of this whole thread. YOu obviously believe it, and you are just playing stupid sophist games now.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Dumbfuck, that moron ascribed something to me I didn't actually say -- and I called him out on it. Youcan deny it, but it's clear you are easily triggered.

YOu are a race baiting asshole, actively attempting to bog the thread down in semantics to distract from how much your ass has been kicked.
Dumbfuck, defending myself fro your fellow dumbfucks who misquote me and lie about what I say is not "semantics." You'll note that idiot was unable to quote me saying what he claimed I said. You're truly an abject imbecile.

Hard to be sympathetic to a race baiter who may or may not have been misquoted.

YOur lies are vile. IF ghost made an error, I'm sure it was not intentional and not harmful.

YOu spend all day spreading poison to the nation.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Take the log out of your eye, you rightards are also nightmares.

So, you admit it. THe primary reason that Colin Power did not run, was him not wanting the job.

Can you admit that he would have been a strong contender for the nomination, if he had run, as the polling showed?
I admitted nothing about Powell, ya flaming moron. I didn't follow Powell to know if he was or was not thinking about running; or if so, why not.

YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too".

That is an admission that you libs make the job not desirable.

You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?

LOL!!! Well, that is completely credible for a lib. I accept your defense of ignorance.

You can either trust me on this, or go read up on it, and get back to me when you are caught up. Plenty on this issue online.

Your call.
"YOur defense to "you libs make the job not a good choice" was, "you too"."

So? Are you so blind you can't see both sides attack each other in the manner you only cry about the left?

"You choose to enter a thread on Black Republican Presidents while being ignorant on the most likely to get elected potential candidate ever?"

You said he had no passion for politics. That's your idea of the most likely black Republican to get elected? Ever???

Do you even have an idea of how stupid you sound?


Dude. Your defense is ignorance. You've admitted to being ignorant on the subject.

Go educate yourself. It will only take a few minutes.

"Powell's experience in military matters made him a very popular figure with both American political parties. Many Democrats admired his moderate stance on military matters, while many Republicans saw him as a great asset associated with the successes of past Republican administrations. Put forth as a potential Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in the 1992 U.S. presidential election[43] or even potentially replacing Vice President Dan Quayle as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee,[44] Powell eventually declared himself a Republican and began to campaign for Republican candidates in 1995.[45][46] He was touted as a possible opponent of Bill Clinton in the 1996 U.S. presidential election, possibly capitalizing on a split conservative vote in Iowa[47] and even leading New Hampshire polls for the GOP nomination,[48] but Powell declined, citing a lack of passion for politics.[49] Powell defeated Clinton 50–38 in a hypothetical match-up proposed to voters in the exit polls conducted on Election Day.[50] Despite not standing in the race, Powell won the Republican New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary on write-in votes.[51] "

Moron, you're literally claiming your best shot at electing a Black Republican is someone who never ran for office nor wanted to.

Exit polls showed him winning handily over Bill Clinton, as a Republican with the Republican voters very strongly supporting him.

That right there refutes the point of the op, ie that republicans are racist that is why no black republican presidents.
Exit polls are meaningless when the topic is someone who's not running. :cuckoo:

Still -- you claim your best shot to get a black Republican as president is someone who didn't want the job.

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