The frightening speech by Ben Shapiro...the highlights. LOL at the freaking left.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

That is the short version.

There is the full speech.

The pathetic left folks. That is the horrific white supremacist who is an orthodox Jew.

I seem to recall a story of a group of people trying to close down another Jewish person for speaking the truth. What story was that again?

Devil does not change his tactics, does he?
Mr Shapiro always backs up his arguments with hard facts which to the left makes him a bigoted, racist, misogynistic, phobic.
Will watch later......everyone has the right to speak, IMO....the Berkeley snowflakes are indeed the Alt-Right trumpanzees' definition of a snowflake. They are embarassing to those of us made of sterner stuff.

That being is totally possible to have someone to be hateful against their own "kind"....just think Phyllis Schlafly for that.

That is the short version.

There is the full speech.

The pathetic left folks. That is the horrific white supremacist who is an orthodox Jew.

I seem to recall a story of a group of people trying to close down another Jewish person for speaking the truth. What story was that again?

Devil does not change his tactics, does he?

Was it the story of Hananiah? You know, the one about the false prophet that ended up dead because he spouted false crap?
Lets put it this way. The stupid useful idiots as stalin called them are what make up the pathetic losers causing more violence than neo nazis and a far bigger threat to America than those white morons. Far bigger.

This is about the globalist movement puppet masters not wanting these sort of speeches to happen. The greatest threat to these world globalists is ALWAYS truth. Truth is the great sterilizer of this pure left wing corrupt movement.

They need to silence the truth in all of its forms to press their agenda ahead. That is what this is about. We know soros is the devil behind all of this. Along with the other silent globalist leaders we not aware of.

That is what fuels these thugs. Like I said, the devil does not change. Whether it is the roman army, blosheviks, brown shirts, red guard, khmer rouge, castro thugs, blm or antifa. It is the same thing. Silence the truth.
"The constitution is a document of freedom, not a document of ethnicity."

Best line. No wonder antifa was scared

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