The Future of Atheism::OUTLAWED!


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
Hi everyone, its me again, the annoying one!!

(Thanks to those who gave input to my other thread, Are atheist really that annoying??")

This time, I wish to talk about the growing trend against Atheism. But to begin, lets ask the most basic question of all.

What is Atheism?

Atheism is disbelief in a god or deity. That is it. Any philosophy that is ascribed to atheism is basically someones opinion on the matter. But one thing that is certain is this. Atheist practice blasphemy towards any theistic religion that requires belief in their doctrines and claims about a deity worthy of praise.

Why is this--well, it is pretty obvious by definition!

So what is the future of Atheism. Bleak, I tell you! If we keep putting Christian Socialist in office, every atheist will become a criminal by the next decade!! I say this because it is apparent that the current adminstration, in its aim to protect the "Peaceful Religion of Islam" has endorsed Islams anti-blasphemy laws!!

That is right. Laws that will incriminate me for saying that Muhammad did not ride to heaven on a Horse and to claim the opposite is a fantastical lie!!

A bunch of BS, right? Think about it, all this time we have ridiculed Christian for their beliefs there was never a call for anti-blasphemy laws to protect the Jesus junkies.

But lo and behold, some socio-pathic thug muslims comes along, and the US government saggs it pants, misrepresent the cause of a death of an ambassador and propose support curtailing an atheist right of freedom from religion!!

Dont believe me? Go ahead and search for anti-blasphemy law and Obama/Islam

I never thought I would say it, but I guess we have to help the Christians fundies on repealing this one. Sucks, don't it?
I just thought of something---all the sources are right wing political outlets.

I guess I just step into a pile of steamy crap, huh?
Christian Socialism. That's a term I don't hear too many Americans bring up. That's probably because the topic becomes extremely uncomfortable once certain things start to get uncovered, such as the fact that the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance was written by American Christian socialist Francis Bellamy, and that the Bellamy salute, which was the standard salute of the American flag before WWII, was adopted by the Nazis. Heil Hitler. Christian socialists hold the same basic belief in a Christian nation that the Christian right does, so it is justified to be concerned about it.

However, I do have to disagree with your slippery slope premise. No offense meant.
Atheism is not disbelief, it is no belief.

Atheists are incapable of blasphemy by definition.

Any belief one holds is the result of choice on the matter.
Certainly there are SOME PEOPLE who believe ATHEISM IS EVIL!
and would ban it/outlaw it/criminalize it if they could.

But I don't believe those people have as much clout as you seem to think they do.

And even though they find ways to insert themselves into positions of power and authority with the intent of creating a christian nation, GENERALLY what happens is; they say something dangerously deranged! (evolution is EVIL!) revealing who they REALLY are and what their ACTUAL AGENDA is and then they are dismissed as lunatics, diminishing forever any power or influence they may have attained through false prestenses.
Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. I repeat, not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Future of Atheism::OUTLAWED!
There sure are a lot of people out there desperate to be victims of something, aren't there?

Even if they have to make it up.

Actually it is right wingers that are claiming anti blasphemy laws under Islam. One act of Blasphemy is the disbelief in one god.

But then, I realize that it is no more than right wing scare tactics, I feel that I have nothing to worry about. So I am only a victim in believing of political BS for a while. Nothing more. Also, that is my fault for even bringing it up without checking the integrity of the source, which integrity that does not appear to exists.

So excuse my "Sky is falling" premise. I mistakenly believed and repeated lies.
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As long as there is the ACLU, you have nothing to worry about.
The ACLU will fight any case that gets any publicity at all in the media.
And atheists like you will continue creating jobs and work for them in return.

The Christians, in time, will learn that secular Gentiles including nontheists
and atheists are created by God for a reason, most critically to check faith with science,
so this allergic reaction between theists and atheists will also be less and less an issue.

Hi everyone, its me again, the annoying one!!

(Thanks to those who gave input to my other thread, Are atheist really that annoying??")

This time, I wish to talk about the growing trend against Atheism. But to begin, lets ask the most basic question of all.

What is Atheism?

Atheism is disbelief in a god or deity. That is it. Any philosophy that is ascribed to atheism is basically someones opinion on the matter. But one thing that is certain is this. Atheist practice blasphemy towards any theistic religion that requires belief in their doctrines and claims about a deity worthy of praise.

Why is this--well, it is pretty obvious by definition!

So what is the future of Atheism. Bleak, I tell you! If we keep putting Christian Socialist in office, every atheist will become a criminal by the next decade!! I say this because it is apparent that the current adminstration, in its aim to protect the "Peaceful Religion of Islam" has endorsed Islams anti-blasphemy laws!!

That is right. Laws that will incriminate me for saying that Muhammad did not ride to heaven on a Horse and to claim the opposite is a fantastical lie!!

A bunch of BS, right? Think about it, all this time we have ridiculed Christian for their beliefs there was never a call for anti-blasphemy laws to protect the Jesus junkies.

But lo and behold, some socio-pathic thug muslims comes along, and the US government saggs it pants, misrepresent the cause of a death of an ambassador and propose support curtailing an atheist right of freedom from religion!!

Dont believe me? Go ahead and search for anti-blasphemy law and Obama/Islam

I never thought I would say it, but I guess we have to help the Christians fundies on repealing this one. Sucks, don't it?

More Muslims and Christians will also learn how to align in teaching Jesus and Scripture as consistent with both, so this will become less and less of an issue as well.
Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. I repeat, not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Maybe if they are trying to choose to be atheist against natural design?
But of the people who naturally think that way, they can't help it.
They just don't see or look at life in terms of a personified God.

Now, one of my atheist friends DOES believe in the abundance of free grace.
So whatever goodness it takes faith in to have that, he has that faith. He just does not
ascribe it to God the way Christians do. He just does not see it that way.

I guess it is like seeing black and white where other people see color.
Or being able to hear low pitches other people can't who can only hear high pitches
The Future of Atheism::OUTLAWED!
There sure are a lot of people out there desperate to be victims of something, aren't there?

Even if they have to make it up.

Actually it is right wingers that are claiming anti blasphemy laws under Islam. One act of Blasphemy is the disbelief in one god.

But then, I realize that it is no more than right wing scare tactics, I feel that I have nothing to worry about. So I am only a victim in believing of political BS for a while. Nothing more. Also, that is my fault for even bringing it up without checking the integrity of the source, which integrity that does not appear to exists.

So excuse my "Sky is falling" premise. I mistakenly believed and repeated lies.
Find any one of the atheists' threads about the coming Dominion.

Like I said:

Some people are desperate to be victims. It validates them somehow.

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