The Gay Agenda Isn't About Gays

Shattered said:
No, I don't think I'm a rebel-anything. I am, however, a person that can think for herself without the incessant need to follow a pack. Death penalty? Yes! Abortion? No! Religion? No! War? A necessary evil. Kerry? No! Bush? The lesser of two evils.

You, on the other hand, seem completely bitter, and lonely, for someone that has so much love for "God", and seemingly go with whatever will gain you the most popularity points... Which one of us is *really* lacking?

Go pick a fight with someone else - I'm not interested. Ta-ta, Smokey.

Whatever leads you to think that all religious people are sheeplike ? Stop whining about believers challenging you and take responsibility for your inabilty to cope with confrontation in a mature manner. True conservatives take responsibilty and avoid childishly blaming others.
Pale Rider said:
Revelation 6

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

If you read the Dolorous Passion it tells that Lucifer's minions were loosed on the earth about 50 years before Christ 2000 AD that would put us somewhere around the 1950's. I think evil has always been figthing for our souls, however I do think it has increased quite a bit in since the 60's at least. We would be told that sin isn't sin anymore, the line keeps getting blurred by those who wish depseratley to believe we can have an anything goes society with no consequences.
hmmmmmmmm YOU have 1950 rep points !!!!----is this a sign that we need to watch out for you ?? :teeth:
Shattered said:
That doesn't seem to matter.. The only prerequisite for getting into "Heaven" is admitting your sins "to God", and asking forgiveness... Forget personal responsibility in life... All I've ever heard is "If you believe in God, all your past sins will be forgiven, and you will have gained entrance to Heaven"...

All I hear now, is that although I don't rob people, I don't harm people, I make wise/responsible personal choices, I take responsibility for my own actions, and don't waste time trying to blame others, and I'm *still* doomed to "Hell"..

**shakes head**

The only thing to keep in mind really is that inspite of what some Chrsitian haters..(no not you, I think you have a lot of goodness in you) say about God being this horrible unforgiving entity. he isn't. The whole point of his son suffering unimaginable torture was for all of us to have chance at heaven. The point is all God asks of any of us is a simple im sorry and really mean it, EVERYTHING from that point foward is forgiven 70 times 7 in bible lingo means infinite. He doesn't want to loose any of us. Just keep dong the best you can everyday.
dilloduck said:
hmmmmmmmm YOU have 1950 rep points !!!!----is this a sign that we need to watch out for you ?? :teeth:

Hey ya never know............ :teeth:
Bonnie said:
The only thing to keep in mind really is that inspite of what some Chrsitian haters..(no not you, I think you have a lot of goodness in you) say about God being this horrible unforgiving entity. he isn't. The whole point of his son suffering unimaginable torture was for all of us to have chance at heaven. The point is all God asks of any of us is a simple im sorry and really mean it, EVERYTHING from that point foward is forgiven 70 times 7 in bible lingo means infinite. He doesn't want to loose any of us. Just keep dong the best you can everyday.

I don't remember ever saying/thinking that he's horrible, or unforgiving..(just nonexistent, IMO)... I just find it rather hypocritical that generally overall good people are constantly told they're going to Hell, or are not worthy of getting in to Heaven if they don't truely believe in God, but that people that *do* believe in God will supposedly be forgiven of all their sins, no matter what they are, so long as they don't do it again. There's just something wrong with that picture...

Let's see.. Billy Bob down the street raped and murdered some girl..He believes in God.. But he's sorry, and he never did it again...He's got a clear shot in to Heaven, because God forgives all sins... But if by some chance he should end up in Hell, well...then God doesn't really forgive all sins, I guess?

I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago..I'm sorry, and I never did it again.. I don't believe in God.. I'm doomed to hell according to every Christian I've ever run across..

Shattered said:
I don't remember ever saying/thinking that he's horrible, or unforgiving..(just nonexistent, IMO)... I just find it rather hypocritical that generally overall good people are constantly told they're going to Hell, or are not worthy of getting in to Heaven if they don't truely believe in God, but that people that *do* believe in God will supposedly be forgiven of all their sins, no matter what they are, so long as they don't do it again. There's just something wrong with that picture...

Let's see.. Billy Bob down the street raped and murdered some girl..He believes in God.. But he's sorry, and he never did it again...He's got a clear shot in to Heaven, because God forgives all sins... But if by some chance he should end up in Hell, well...then God doesn't really forgive all sins, I guess?

I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago..I'm sorry, and I never did it again.. I don't believe in God.. I'm doomed to hell according to every Christian I've ever run across..


Well Im sorry that you have come across people in your life that have condemned you to hell, not the best way to have a conversation with another. We're not all like that though. If you are secure in your beliefs and the way in which you conduct your life,( sounds like you are), than what others say should have no bearing on you.
Bonnie said:
Well Im sorry that you have come across people in your life that have condemned you to hell, not the best way to have a conversation with another. We're not all like that though. If you are secure in your beliefs and the way in which you conduct your life,( sounds like you are), than what others say should have no bearing on you.

It doesn't have any bearing on the way I choose to live my life.. I just don't get it, and I don't get the hypocrisy of it, and so far nobody has bothered to explain it, without stereotyping, or attaching some derrogatory label...
dilloduck said:
hmmmmmmmm YOU have 1950 rep points !!!!----is this a sign that we need to watch out for you ?? :teeth:

Now she has "1955", which is the year I was born.

HEY, maybe that means something... :mm:
Shattered said:
It doesn't have any bearing on the way I choose to live my life.. I just don't get it, and I don't get the hypocrisy of it, and so far nobody has bothered to explain it, without stereotyping, or attaching some derrogatory label...

The only way I can explain it to you is to say that God wants us to come to him on our own with free will. It is our responsibility to seek him out and learn as he is our creator. There really is a hell and a heaven, I can say that I have seen evil purely not anecdotally, and if there is a devil there is certainly a God. We make choices in this world, so if you chose not to believe in God then there isn't anything he can do to drag you by your ears, sans an actual miracle. I don't know if killers actually are forgiven and go right to heaven, as I believe in pergatury, where I believe most of us go until we are perfect enough and have atoned enough there be in his company. But Im Catholic which is slightly different than Christians who beleive in strictly heaven and hell, no in- between. So it's a little different in that way. And I don't know that non believers who have otherwise lived a good life automatically go to hell, I don't think they do, I think they go to pergatory as well. Like I said I know God doesnt'want to lose anyone to hell, we are all precious to him.
Shattered said:
It doesn't have any bearing on the way I choose to live my life.. I just don't get it, and I don't get the hypocrisy of it, and so far nobody has bothered to explain it, without stereotyping, or attaching some derrogatory label...

Maybe because you are so close minded to the idea. Many have tried to explain the essence of spirituality on this board without condemning you yet you feel feel to insult them by telling them they blindly follow religion like sheep. Eventually folks just give up on people who have closed minds.
Shattered said:
I don't remember ever saying/thinking that he's horrible, or unforgiving..(just nonexistent, IMO)... I just find it rather hypocritical that generally overall good people are constantly told they're going to Hell, or are not worthy of getting in to Heaven if they don't truely believe in God, but that people that *do* believe in God will supposedly be forgiven of all their sins, no matter what they are, so long as they don't do it again. There's just something wrong with that picture...

Let's see.. Billy Bob down the street raped and murdered some girl..He believes in God.. But he's sorry, and he never did it again...He's got a clear shot in to Heaven, because God forgives all sins... But if by some chance he should end up in Hell, well...then God doesn't really forgive all sins, I guess?

I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago..I'm sorry, and I never did it again.. I don't believe in God.. I'm doomed to hell according to every Christian I've ever run across..


It isn't a matter of being good enough to get into Heaven. No one is good enough. God is perfect, and we have all offended him in some way or another. He created the universe, so he gets to make the rules. He set up the definition of "good," and we have all gone against it. So the punishment for ruining his perfect creation is destruction.

Since we are all pretty much out of luck, and because he created us so we could live with him and be his children, he had pity on us and made a way for us to make it up to him. Believe in Jesus and submit our wills to his.

It isn't hypocritical or pompous to believe this. We all suck, but there's a chance to get out of Hell if we choose to take it. No other way is acceptable to God, because, like I said, he makes the rules.

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