The Gaystapo is at it again

I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.

It is always so refreshing to hear how you "real patriots" feel about those that served their country proudly and retired honorably.

It's pretty obvious you are shaken because you're coming off like a petulant child saying "you're a doody head and I have lots of friends better than you so there!".

That not the tone you were going for?
You and your pal aren't real patriots. You joined the military to hide out and get a paycheck. The real patriots and vets know your type very well.

Right...the two honorably retired veterans aren't patriots. Only folks like you and the football "star" can be "real" patriots because...?
Because you don't honor our founders. You trash the good decent hard-working taxpayers simply because they won't bow to your perversions. You're patriots to your leftist socialist new age agenda. You're not true traditional American patriots.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
My comment was about honoring the faith of a soldier fallen in Afghanistan, Patrick Stewart, for our national interest, on a private individual grave. Captain Humayun Khan lost his life in service. We have the right to religious choice in this country. Why wouldn't we honor anyone's choice of faith. Good grief. Billy graham's body was just up at the U.S. Capitol and there was a big governmental hoopla and politico barfing over a southern baptist, complete with limos, and he didn't even die in service.

This thread is about a mentally ill sicko, and Wicca is not a religion, and neither is Islam. Just because some weirdos claim they are doesn't mean anybody else has to pretend they are, any more than we have to pretend this freak harassing a cop is a woman and not just a annoying tard.

Unbelievable. Wicca and Islam are religions, the same as any bastardized thing that some imbecile like tony perkins can make up is. What constitutes a religion is not for you to say. If you choose to dislike LGBTs for whatever psychological reason that you choose this, that's your business.

You definitely have some crossover dealings with LGBTs between your version of religion and their sexual orientation, completely disregarding the religious beliefs and affiliations of LGBTs themselves.I don't recall any poll being taken of religious beliefs of LGBT people, and I can't speak for them except to note that I know of a gay man who is very reverent and teaches Sunday School. I also do know that a gay man founded a Christian denomination so that Christian LGBT people could worship freely.

Your individual opinions are your own, but if you attempt to do something to harm LGBTs and their rights, or do so to any other group of people, defined by sex, sexual orientation, or religion, it definitely is our business.

You count, but only as one individual amount hundreds of millions. You count only as much as a gay or lesbian person marrying, a Wiccan priestess, a Muslim mother. You have grown too big for your britches, sonny. You have absolutely no right to ride a high horse in American society.
And it's our business when you and your sick bunch try to influence our children in our schools that we pay for.

Do you have children in public school? What "influence" do you believe is being had? I can only speak for myself when I say I DO try to influence kids in own .:lol:
Yep, I had 4 children in public school. The public school system needs to get back to education and get out of the social experimentation business. So does the military. You leftists are infecting everything.
Public Education is the default position that must please everyone....if it concerns you THAT much, you get MORE involved in the decision making process or else you homeschool or find a private school to your liking.
Did you know that the Washington monument is a model of an Egyptian obelisk and that it was picked as that shape because Washington was a Free mason and the Capitol building was even dedicated using a Freemason ceremony? And let's not forget that a lot of the major Government buildings in Washington are built to model Greek and Roman temples.....
Yes, I knew that. Did you know the Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen, and God used him to write 2/3 of the New Testament?

He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.

Yeah he was an apostle you deluded dumbass. Also a saint.

St Paul would tell you to STFU

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Gfy faux veteran. How's that? Now you sit down and stfu fraud. You and Hairy Back are hacks
And Mal, who never served at all but sure likes to tell us all about the military, speaks up in one of his catfish personas.
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.

Yeah he was an apostle you deluded dumbass. Also a saint.

St Paul would tell you to STFU

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Gfy faux veteran. How's that? Now you sit down and stfu fraud. You and Hairy Back are hacks
I'm just quoting the bible, toots. Take it up with Paul.
Taking verses out of context is common with the unbelievers that never actually study the bible. The people Paul was speaking to were new believers and were interrupting the teaching. If you actually read the book of Acts, it mentions women that were teachers and prophetesses. Many churches have women teachers and pastors. The Foursquare denomination was founded by Aimee McPhereson and thrives to this day. Your ignorance shows up continually.

Yes, many churches no longer follow the letter of "God's law". We used to burn witches and stone adulterers too. It's so strange. It's almost like it's more cultural than religious doesn't it?
Do you have children in public school? What "influence" do you believe is being had? I can only speak for myself when I say I DO try to influence kids in own .:lol:
Yep, I had 4 children in public school. The public school system needs to get back to education and get out of the social experimentation business. So does the military. You leftists are infecting everything.

Had, as in past tense? How long ago was this? I have two teens in HS (in "leftist" California) and they sure seem all edumacated and stuff. In all the years they've attended public school, I've yet to see any indoctrinating or social experimentation homework.
Of course you don't see any indoctrinating or social experimentation. I believe you. Yup. And I bet I'd be shocked to find out there is gambling going on in the back room, huh. I wouldn't believe a word you say. You're a habitual filthy liar.

So you've got examples of all this social experimentation and indoctrinating? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it will revolve around sex education?

You'd be wise to get off the forum and spewing BS and get informed, toad
Another thing you always have liked to do, Mal....tell other people to get off the forum as if you had any power. :71:
So you've got examples of all this social experimentation and indoctrinating? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it will revolve around sex education?
You know a big part of the social experimentation in public schools is about the lgbtq perversion, so don't play dumb. Indoctrinate your kids at home. Public schools are for reading, writing, history, and math. I see many young adults can't even make change for a $20. Educate, don't indoctrinate. Do that in your own home.

Still waiting for examples...

My kids clean out their backpacks and dump their homework in the burn barrel. I use it to start fires in the woodstove. Not one paper I burned all winter had anything gay on them. I just read a very funny paper my daughter wrote on Tom Sawyer. The math papers? Way beyond my simple ability to make change for a $20. In fact, I'm so glad I kept in touch with a pilot buddy of mine who was a math major...
I really don't give a hoot about your kids or your personal life. Move along now.

Move along because you have no examples of the indoctrinating and social experimenting you've been claiming you mean. :lol:
I could never provide enough examples for you. I stopped jumping for you leftist trash a long time ago.

You haven't provided one.:lol:
Yep, I had 4 children in public school. The public school system needs to get back to education and get out of the social experimentation business. So does the military. You leftists are infecting everything.

Had, as in past tense? How long ago was this? I have two teens in HS (in "leftist" California) and they sure seem all edumacated and stuff. In all the years they've attended public school, I've yet to see any indoctrinating or social experimentation homework.
Of course you don't see any indoctrinating or social experimentation. I believe you. Yup. And I bet I'd be shocked to find out there is gambling going on in the back room, huh. I wouldn't believe a word you say. You're a habitual filthy liar.

So you've got examples of all this social experimentation and indoctrinating? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it will revolve around sex education?
You know a big part of the social experimentation in public schools is about the lgbtq perversion, so don't play dumb. Indoctrinate your kids at home. Public schools are for reading, writing, history, and math. I see many young adults can't even make change for a $20. Educate, don't indoctrinate. Do that in your own home.

That one isn't playing dumb, it is dumb. It also avoids the elephant in the room on indoctrination in public schools

The Elephant in the room......classic Mal meme.....absolutely classic!
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.

Yeah he was an apostle you deluded dumbass. Also a saint.

St Paul would tell you to STFU

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Gfy faux veteran. How's that? Now you sit down and stfu fraud. You and Hairy Back are hacks
I'm just quoting the bible, toots. Take it up with Paul.
Taking verses out of context is common with the unbelievers that never actually study the bible. The people Paul was speaking to were new believers and were interrupting the teaching. If you actually read the book of Acts, it mentions women that were teachers and prophetesses. Many churches have women teachers and pastors. The Foursquare denomination was founded by Aimee McPhereson and thrives to this day. Your ignorance shows up continually.
Aimee McPhereson......:71:....the one who disappeared and partied?
So you've got examples of all this social experimentation and indoctrinating? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it will revolve around sex education?
You know a big part of the social experimentation in public schools is about the lgbtq perversion, so don't play dumb. Indoctrinate your kids at home. Public schools are for reading, writing, history, and math. I see many young adults can't even make change for a $20. Educate, don't indoctrinate. Do that in your own home.

Still waiting for examples...

My kids clean out their backpacks and dump their homework in the burn barrel. I use it to start fires in the woodstove. Not one paper I burned all winter had anything gay on them. I just read a very funny paper my daughter wrote on Tom Sawyer. The math papers? Way beyond my simple ability to make change for a $20. In fact, I'm so glad I kept in touch with a pilot buddy of mine who was a math major...
I really don't give a hoot about your kids or your personal life. Move along now.

Move along because you have no examples of the indoctrinating and social experimenting you've been claiming you mean. :lol:
I could never provide enough examples for you. I stopped jumping for you leftist trash a long time ago.
So once again, you can't provide any examples at all.....:21:
Unbelievable. Wicca and Islam are religions, the same as any bastardized thing that some imbecile like tony perkins can make up is. What constitutes a religion is not for you to say. If you choose to dislike LGBTs for whatever psychological reason that you choose this, that's your business.

You definitely have some crossover dealings with LGBTs between your version of religion and their sexual orientation, completely disregarding the religious beliefs and affiliations of LGBTs themselves.I don't recall any poll being taken of religious beliefs of LGBT people, and I can't speak for them except to note that I know of a gay man who is very reverent and teaches Sunday School. I also do know that a gay man founded a Christian denomination so that Christian LGBT people could worship freely.

Your individual opinions are your own, but if you attempt to do something to harm LGBTs and their rights, or do so to any other group of people, defined by sex, sexual orientation, or religion, it definitely is our business.

You count, but only as one individual amount hundreds of millions. You count only as much as a gay or lesbian person marrying, a Wiccan priestess, a Muslim mother. You have grown too big for your britches, sonny. You have absolutely no right to ride a high horse in American society.
And it's our business when you and your sick bunch try to influence our children in our schools that we pay for.

In what way? The schools that we pay for are a gift of education for those coming up behind us, to prepare them to take our places when we are gone. They are not meant to be indoctrination centers for anyone's fantasy life. This is not why we taxpayers do this.

BTW: I pay thousands for schools when I do not have anyone enrolled, and I have the checks to prove it.
Hey, news flash. I also pay for my schools. When you try to indoctrinate children with your lgbtq perversions, then you're no longer educating, but indoctrinating. You demand we keep our Christianity out of schools, you do the same with your sexual perversions.
We all pay for our also pay for our veterans' benefits and retirement. Thank you.
Yep, and because I pay taxes that means I have a say in what is taught and policy. That's the way it works in this country, even though you leftists would love to shut us up.
And I pay taxes too as does everyone else that owns a home...we all have a say....looks like you are letting your "say" not be heard very well. Or you could be outvoted....or you are just a lazy whiner.
It is always so refreshing to hear how you "real patriots" feel about those that served their country proudly and retired honorably.

It's pretty obvious you are shaken because you're coming off like a petulant child saying "you're a doody head and I have lots of friends better than you so there!".

That not the tone you were going for?
You and your pal aren't real patriots. You joined the military to hide out and get a paycheck. The real patriots and vets know your type very well.

Right...the two honorably retired veterans aren't patriots. Only folks like you and the football "star" can be "real" patriots because...?
Because you don't honor our founders. You trash the good decent hard-working taxpayers simply because they won't bow to your perversions. You're patriots to your leftist socialist new age agenda. You're not true traditional American patriots.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
You and your pal aren't real patriots. You joined the military to hide out and get a paycheck. The real patriots and vets know your type very well.

Right...the two honorably retired veterans aren't patriots. Only folks like you and the football "star" can be "real" patriots because...?
Because you don't honor our founders. You trash the good decent hard-working taxpayers simply because they won't bow to your perversions. You're patriots to your leftist socialist new age agenda. You're not true traditional American patriots.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
Right...the two honorably retired veterans aren't patriots. Only folks like you and the football "star" can be "real" patriots because...?
Because you don't honor our founders. You trash the good decent hard-working taxpayers simply because they won't bow to your perversions. You're patriots to your leftist socialist new age agenda. You're not true traditional American patriots.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
Because you don't honor our founders. You trash the good decent hard-working taxpayers simply because they won't bow to your perversions. You're patriots to your leftist socialist new age agenda. You're not true traditional American patriots.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
No need. Just go read any leftist posts around here, including yours.
"Honor our founders"? Like they are gods? I don't think so. We are not treating our Founders as gods in this country. Maybe in YOUR fantasy country....but not in the U.S.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
No need. Just go read any leftist posts around here, including yours. are 0 for 3 in providing any evidence for any of your claims. Looks like not only are you showing us what you REALLY think about our military veterans, but you are also showing us that you make claims you cannot back up with facts. You're quite the piece of work, aren't you?
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.

Yeah he was an apostle you deluded dumbass. Also a saint.

St Paul would tell you to STFU

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Gfy faux veteran. How's that? Now you sit down and stfu fraud. You and Hairy Back are hacks
I'm just quoting the bible, toots. Take it up with Paul.
Taking verses out of context is common with the unbelievers that never actually study the bible. The people Paul was speaking to were new believers and were interrupting the teaching. If you actually read the book of Acts, it mentions women that were teachers and prophetesses. Many churches have women teachers and pastors. The Foursquare denomination was founded by Aimee McPhereson and thrives to this day. Your ignorance shows up continually.

She wants to quote Paul she should see what he said about homos. Lol
Yeah he was an apostle you deluded dumbass. Also a saint.

St Paul would tell you to STFU

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Gfy faux veteran. How's that? Now you sit down and stfu fraud. You and Hairy Back are hacks
I'm just quoting the bible, toots. Take it up with Paul.
Taking verses out of context is common with the unbelievers that never actually study the bible. The people Paul was speaking to were new believers and were interrupting the teaching. If you actually read the book of Acts, it mentions women that were teachers and prophetesses. Many churches have women teachers and pastors. The Foursquare denomination was founded by Aimee McPhereson and thrives to this day. Your ignorance shows up continually.

She wants to quote Paul she should see what he said about homos. Lol
They're so dumb. I know I shouldn't laugh at them for being dumb, but they're ignorant on purpose.
Once again you put words in my mouth. Tell the truth, damn it. That's all I expect.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
No need. Just go read any leftist posts around here, including yours. are 0 for 3 in providing any evidence for any of your claims. Looks like not only are you showing us what you REALLY think about our military veterans, but you are also showing us that you make claims you cannot back up with facts. You're quite the piece of work, aren't you?
Whatever, dum dum. I gave up taking you seriously a long time ago. Looks like most of the good decent people around here also have given up on you.
"Honor our founders" deny saying that? :71:
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
No need. Just go read any leftist posts around here, including yours. are 0 for 3 in providing any evidence for any of your claims. Looks like not only are you showing us what you REALLY think about our military veterans, but you are also showing us that you make claims you cannot back up with facts. You're quite the piece of work, aren't you?
Whatever, dum dum. I gave up taking you seriously a long time ago. Looks like most of the good decent people around here also have given up on you. you make yet another claim that you speak for "most of the good decent people around here" think good decent people want someone who continuously denigrates our veterans as a spokesperson? :71: You think good decent people want someone who makes claims and can never back them up with facts as their spokesperson? :71: You DO realize you've got your BS filter running backwards, right?
Nope. Telling the truth is honoring the founders. Damn, you're stupid.
And where has the truth not been told? Link it.
No need. Just go read any leftist posts around here, including yours. are 0 for 3 in providing any evidence for any of your claims. Looks like not only are you showing us what you REALLY think about our military veterans, but you are also showing us that you make claims you cannot back up with facts. You're quite the piece of work, aren't you?
Whatever, dum dum. I gave up taking you seriously a long time ago. Looks like most of the good decent people around here also have given up on you. you make yet another claim that you speak for "most of the good decent people around here" think good decent people want someone who continuously denigrates our veterans as a spokesperson? :71: You think good decent people want someone who makes claims and can never back them up with facts as their spokesperson? :71: You DO realize you've got your BS filter running backwards, right?
I've been giving you way too much attention. I think I'll change that.

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