The Gaystapo is at it again

Of what use is there to argue about a guy who has been dead for close to 2,000 years? It's okay to think that he somehow channeled a supreme being, just don't use this to try to harass and hurt other people.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.

Here in the United States this is happening?
Fortunately no...with our secular laws keeping sharia of all kinds from turning this into a the Puritans tried to do.
Of what use is there to argue about a guy who has been dead for close to 2,000 years? It's okay to think that he somehow channeled a supreme being, just don't use this to try to harass and hurt other people.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.

Here in the United States this is happening?
Sure. Muslim dads have also murdered daughters in "honor killings". So why do you defend Islam and insult Christians?
Of what use is there to argue about a guy who has been dead for close to 2,000 years? It's okay to think that he somehow channeled a supreme being, just don't use this to try to harass and hurt other people.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.
Why should I do this? We don't have many Muslims here in the U.S. much less Muslims who do the things you mentioned. However, we have a bumper crop of non-Muslim assholes. You are just trying to deflect.
Why do you and your leftist pals defend muslims and insult and artack Christians?
Of what use is there to argue about a guy who has been dead for close to 2,000 years? It's okay to think that he somehow channeled a supreme being, just don't use this to try to harass and hurt other people.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.
Why should I do this? We don't have many Muslims here in the U.S. much less Muslims who do the things you mentioned. However, we have a bumper crop of non-Muslim assholes. You are just trying to deflect.
Why do you and your leftist pals defend muslims and insult and artack Christians?
Show the posts were anyone is defending muslims.
Transgendered and drag queen are not the same. If a guy puts on a dress and gets a sexual thrill, he is a crossdresser. If a man puts on a dress and says "I look fabulous", he's a drag queen. If a man puts on a dress and says "this is the person I was meant to be", she is transgendered.
If a man puts on a dress and gets a sexual thrill, he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.

If a man puts on a dress and says "I look fabulous", he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.

If a man puts on a dress and says "this is the person I was meant to be", he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.
Show the posts were anyone is defending muslims.
What are you talking about, Bodecea? You people are so absurdly pro-muslim that all of you are screaming and crying that President Trump is “banning muslims” (even though that is not even the case).
Transgendered and drag queen are not the same. If a guy puts on a dress and gets a sexual thrill, he is a crossdresser. If a man puts on a dress and says "I look fabulous", he's a drag queen. If a man puts on a dress and says "this is the person I was meant to be", she is transgendered.
If a man puts on a dress and gets a sexual thrill, he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.

If a man puts on a dress and says "I look fabulous", he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.

If a man puts on a dress and says "this is the person I was meant to be", he is a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant. That’s fine as long as he keeps that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. When he tries to get his mental illness accepted by society and then tries to get laws passed to facilitate his access as a predator to victims - we’re going to fight. And I’m going to win. Every. Fucking. Time.
If a person believes all this, he's against human liberty.
Right...the two honorably retired veterans aren't patriots. Only folks like you and the football "star" can be "real" patriots because...?
Excuse me jack-ass....I have sincerely thanked both you and bodecea for your service. And you act like an ungrateful jack-ass when I do.

And maybe people would show a lot more respect towards your patriotism if you didn’t put sexual deviance and your homosexuality above your country.
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If a person believes all this, he's against human liberty.
If a person doesn’t, he’s a sick fuck against personal liberty. I don’t have to call a man a “woman” just because he wants me to call him a “woman”. And I don’t have to do it just because you’re a fascist either.
If a person believes all this, he's against human liberty.
If a person doesn’t, he’s a sick fuck against personal liberty. I don’t have to call a man a “woman” just because he wants me to call him a “woman”. And I don’t have to do it just because you’re a fascist either.
The difference between your position and mine: mine is logically and intellectually consistent.
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.
Advocating that the government has the right and the power to force citizens to perpetuate a lie (and ignore science) by referring to a man as a woman is the textbook definition of fascism, you immature nitwit.
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.
Advocating that the government has the right and the power to force citizens to perpetuate a lie (and ignore science) by referring to a man as a woman is the textbook definition of fascism, you immature nitwit.
No, it isn't.

Of the top of my head, the textbook definition of fascism is: The political philosophy founded by Benito Mussolini as a reaction against Marxists and socialists, espousing the tenets of: strict hierarchical rule beneath a dictator with essentially unlimited power; Nationalism in terms of industry and defense; Autarky or the nation's right to expand its territory to control essential resources; Authoritarianism with severe sanction against non-compliant elements of society; and finally - the denial of all basic human rights.

That's Donald Trump's whole shtick.

Like I said: don't use the term in front of educated people until you know what it means.
If a man is born a man, NOTHING is going to make him a woman. Nothing. Can't change what one is born as. Same with a woman wanting to be a man. She is still WOMAN. Nothing will change that either. Forcing people to be politically correct won't work, either.
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.
Advocating that the government has the right and the power to force citizens to perpetuate a lie (and ignore science) by referring to a man as a woman is the textbook definition of fascism, you immature nitwit.
No, it isn't.
Well of course a fascist isn’t going to acknowledge that the polices they advocate (namely the government forcing citizens to relinquish their 1st Amendment rights and perpetuate a bold-faced lie) is fascism.

It’s the textbook definition, you uneducated nitwit.
If a man is born a man, NOTHING is going to make him a woman. Nothing. Can't change what one is born as. Same with a woman wanting to be a man. She is still WOMAN. Nothing will change that either. Forcing people to be politically correct won't work, either.
It’s not even “politically correct”. It’s forcing people to renounce reality, reject science, and perpetuate an outrageous lie.
Of what use is there to argue about a guy who has been dead for close to 2,000 years? It's okay to think that he somehow channeled a supreme being, just don't use this to try to harass and hurt other people.
You really should direct your warnings about harassment and hurting others to the muslims. They're murdering queers and beating their wives every day and no one says a word.

Here in the United States this is happening?
Sure. Muslim dads have also murdered daughters in "honor killings". So why do you defend Islam and insult Christians?

Muslims are killing gays and beating their wives here, in the United States every day and nobody is saying a word? You sure that's your contention? Christian parents have murdered their children here in the United States too, likely on a far greater scale than Muslims wouldn't you say?

I live in the United States. Here, as a gay person, I am at far greater risk of personal harm from extremist Christians than I am from Muslim extremists. There are a far greater number of Christian extremists in the US than there are Muslim extremists. If we were in the Middle East, that would not be the case.

Here in the United States it is not Muslims that want to take away my right to marry. It's not Muslims that want the right to fire gays or refuse to serve them. I am a citizen of the United States and therefore my concerns lean more locally. That's not to say I'm not concerned about Russia jailing gays, extremist Muslims in the Middle East throwing gays off buildings or other human rights abuses, but just as I don't condemn American Russians for what their former countrymen are doing, I don't condemn American Muslims for the actions of extremists elsewhere. Why do you?
Learn what fascism is before you use the word in front of people who have an education, quisling.
Advocating that the government has the right and the power to force citizens to perpetuate a lie (and ignore science) by referring to a man as a woman is the textbook definition of fascism, you immature nitwit.
No, it isn't.
Well of course a fascist isn’t going to acknowledge that the polices they advocate (namely the government forcing citizens to relinquish their 1st Amendment rights and perpetuate a bold-faced lie) is fascism.

It’s the textbook definition, you uneducated nitwit.
Who is forcing you to relinquish your first amendment rights? Who has even proposed such a thing?

Shout your unenlightened, unintelligible nonsense from the rooftops.

Just don't expect to not pay a social price for it.
IF I choose to be polite and the person is a friend of mine...sure. I will call him whatever he prefers. But in general...I refuse to bow down to pressure to go along with her, she if its a him he. And nobody can FORCE me to. Which is the problem. Forcing.

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