The Genesis Conflict - 102 - A Universal Flood

Every single question you've ever asked that isn't a strawman has been answered quite easily dozens of times.

Even the silly questions you've asked in this post I've answered more than once.

All your crazy assessments and interpretations have been shattered over and over again, but you think your strategy of repeating what's already been shattered makes you the winner.

If you need such satisfaction, have at it, you're the winner.

Drock time to wake up now. :lol:

I must have missed those answers care to repost them.
It seems that Drock, et al are redefining whatever they want as "strawmen questions" in an attempt to justify not answering them. AKA not having any answers to those legitimate questions.

It ain't hard to tell.

He didn't do that except when the badness in the earth was so bad he had no choice.

He took it a step further coming to the earth as a man and humbled himself and took on the humiliation and sin of others so he didn't have to take that action again until the final judgement.

What could these people possibly have been doing that merited genocide? What were the babies doing to deserve to die? (Sorry, this is where the Nun Lost me 40 years ago.)

All the mythic bullshit aside, nothing these people were doing could be as bad as what we've done to each other in the last century.

This writing should give you insight into how the people of the earth were like during that time...
Days of Noah

We are living in the last days and mankind has once again become as they were in the days of Noah.

Even though crime is down, divorce rates are down, teen pregnancy is down, abortion rates are down. I could go on but I imagine you are just one of those people who think today is worse than any other day in the life.
Every major civilization also thought the world was flat.

Luckily in that case and the case with the great flood myths, we have science to thank for making a mockery of those fairy tales.

Wrong flat earthers came from evolutionist taking scripture out of context.

Yes it was a fairytale but please blame the correct people.

The theory of evolution came much later than belief in a flat earth.

No evoluitionist took advantage because a few believers believed in a flat earth then they took scripture out of context to suggest that is what the bible taught.

How else do you think darwin could have suggested such a theory without him being commited at that time.
I have done it many times no one knows how many creatures were taken on the ark but you can bet they were all juveniles.

Do you remember the size of the ark is the same exact size as many of our ships today why ? is that just a coincedence ?

Remember we creationist believe that it only takes one set of parents to create each breed within a family and that is your microevolution in a nut shell it's through interbreeding,then cross breeding.

Take two muts for example now reason out how we got so many different breeds.

There would be very little possibility of crossbreeding in the situation you are talking about.

Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.
Drock time to wake up now. :lol:

I must have missed those answers care to repost them.
It seems that Drock, et al are redefining whatever they want as "strawmen questions" in an attempt to justify not answering them. AKA not having any answers to those legitimate questions.

It ain't hard to tell.

What could these people possibly have been doing that merited genocide? What were the babies doing to deserve to die? (Sorry, this is where the Nun Lost me 40 years ago.)

All the mythic bullshit aside, nothing these people were doing could be as bad as what we've done to each other in the last century.

This writing should give you insight into how the people of the earth were like during that time...
Days of Noah

We are living in the last days and mankind has once again become as they were in the days of Noah.

Even though crime is down, divorce rates are down, teen pregnancy is down, abortion rates are down. I could go on but I imagine you are just one of those people who think today is worse than any other day in the life.

Are you just cosidering this country or the whole world ?
Wrong flat earthers came from evolutionist taking scripture out of context.

Yes it was a fairytale but please blame the correct people.

The theory of evolution came much later than belief in a flat earth.

No evoluitionist took advantage because a few believers believed in a flat earth then they took scripture out of context to suggest that is what the bible taught.

How else do you think darwin could have suggested such a theory without him being commited at that time.

So, you are trying to say that only biologists, because I guess that is what you mean by evolutionists, unless you mean proponents of the theory before it was accepted, or people who work exclusively in the field of evolution believed that the bible taught that the earth was flat, when history tells us that 1,000 years before evolution was even thought of people believed in a flat earth and some of those people thought the bible taught it was flat. I am not saying it does, everything in the bible is up for interpretation. This is not sound reasoning.
Yes,but we corrected many things that were unjust.

We all inherit sin and are guilty of that period.

The ones that tried and did the best they could were spared judgement.

There was no way to save mankind except through the perfect sacrifice.

Wrong is wrong no matter how it is spun.

Do you think the world is better off ran by man ?

Uh, yeah, actually I do because there is no God and never was. So it's always been run by man. Except when the Dinosaurs were running things, and frankly, they had a better track record than we do.

It seems that Drock, et al are redefining whatever they want as "strawmen questions" in an attempt to justify not answering them. AKA not having any answers to those legitimate questions.

It ain't hard to tell.

This writing should give you insight into how the people of the earth were like during that time...
Days of Noah

We are living in the last days and mankind has once again become as they were in the days of Noah.

Even though crime is down, divorce rates are down, teen pregnancy is down, abortion rates are down. I could go on but I imagine you are just one of those people who think today is worse than any other day in the life.

Are you just cosidering this country or the whole world ?

Well, I could not say in every country, but in general the statistic are good compared to the past.
There would be very little possibility of crossbreeding in the situation you are talking about.

Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

Why is it not possible you believe beneficial mutations are the cause of all diversity knowing the results of mutations.

If the genetic information is there how is it that traits can't change in a group of organisms
over time ?

If you have two different purebred dogs cross breed would you see change in the 1st generation of the offspring.

Mutts have a huge genepool there is no telling what you might see over time until man started to do selective breeding. Breeding for certain traits. You see it with horses ,and cattle. Even plant life.
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Even though crime is down, divorce rates are down, teen pregnancy is down, abortion rates are down. I could go on but I imagine you are just one of those people who think today is worse than any other day in the life.

Are you just cosidering this country or the whole world ?

Well, I could not say in every country, but in general the statistic are good compared to the past.

The whole world is in chaos and it's obvious. We are being driven to the brink which happened to be predicted in the scriptures.
Yes,but we corrected many things that were unjust.

We all inherit sin and are guilty of that period.

The ones that tried and did the best they could were spared judgement.

There was no way to save mankind except through the perfect sacrifice.

Wrong is wrong no matter how it is spun.

Do you think the world is better off ran by man ?

Uh, yeah, actually I do because there is no God and never was. So it's always been run by man. Except when the Dinosaurs were running things, and frankly, they had a better track record than we do.


You are entitled to believe as you wish.

We are both driven by faith.
The theory of evolution came much later than belief in a flat earth.

No evoluitionist took advantage because a few believers believed in a flat earth then they took scripture out of context to suggest that is what the bible taught.

How else do you think darwin could have suggested such a theory without him being commited at that time.

So, you are trying to say that only biologists, because I guess that is what you mean by evolutionists, unless you mean proponents of the theory before it was accepted, or people who work exclusively in the field of evolution believed that the bible taught that the earth was flat, when history tells us that 1,000 years before evolution was even thought of people believed in a flat earth and some of those people thought the bible taught it was flat. I am not saying it does, everything in the bible is up for interpretation. This is not sound reasoning.

The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.
Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

Why is it not possible you believe beneficial mutations are the cause of all diversity knowing the results of mutations.

If the genetic information is there how is it that traits can't change in a group of organisms
over time ?

If you have two different purebred dogs cross breed would you see change in the 1st generation of the offspring.

Mutts have a huge genepool there is no telling what you might see over time until man started to do selective breeding. Breeding for certain traits. You see it with horses ,and cattle. Even plant life.

No, I do not believe that beneficial mutations, whatever that is, is the cause of all diversity. I believe mutations and breeding are the cause of all diversity. Of course mutts have a larger gene pool, one of the reasons the flood could not have happened. Even if they were mutts, there is not enough variation and since you brought all the niches with you, there would still not be enough new niches to drive natural selection. As far as bacteria, most need other organic life to survive, all fungus need other organic life to survive except algae, and you must know that viruses always need other organic life to survive. Oh and the pure bred dog thing, yes you would see changes in DNA at every generation no matter how much they try to breed it out.
Are you just cosidering this country or the whole world ?

Well, I could not say in every country, but in general the statistic are good compared to the past.

The whole world is in chaos and it's obvious. We are being driven to the brink which happened to be predicted in the scriptures.

Really, its not. Just because something is affecting us personally does not mean that things are worse. Just because we have 24/7 news reporting bad things, does not mean that things are worse. They are actually better, no matter how much you want to believe otherwise. Things are worse for the US in ways, but that is not unusual. We have had a lot of success historically, and hopefully that will continue in the future.
No evoluitionist took advantage because a few believers believed in a flat earth then they took scripture out of context to suggest that is what the bible taught.

How else do you think darwin could have suggested such a theory without him being commited at that time.

So, you are trying to say that only biologists, because I guess that is what you mean by evolutionists, unless you mean proponents of the theory before it was accepted, or people who work exclusively in the field of evolution believed that the bible taught that the earth was flat, when history tells us that 1,000 years before evolution was even thought of people believed in a flat earth and some of those people thought the bible taught it was flat. I am not saying it does, everything in the bible is up for interpretation. This is not sound reasoning.

The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.

Well, okay now it seems as if you are changing your tune. That is okay, maybe I misunderstood you. I do not believe this was at all true. Science is so much less concerned with chrisitans than christians are concerned with science.
There would be very little possibility of crossbreeding in the situation you are talking about.

Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

Instead of jumping from thread to thread lets stay in this thread.

I am gonna ignore the other thread.
That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

Why is it not possible you believe beneficial mutations are the cause of all diversity knowing the results of mutations.

If the genetic information is there how is it that traits can't change in a group of organisms
over time ?

If you have two different purebred dogs cross breed would you see change in the 1st generation of the offspring.

Mutts have a huge genepool there is no telling what you might see over time until man started to do selective breeding. Breeding for certain traits. You see it with horses ,and cattle. Even plant life.

No, I do not believe that beneficial mutations, whatever that is, is the cause of all diversity. I believe mutations and breeding are the cause of all diversity. Of course mutts have a larger gene pool, one of the reasons the flood could not have happened. Even if they were mutts, there is not enough variation and since you brought all the niches with you, there would still not be enough new niches to drive natural selection. As far as bacteria, most need other organic life to survive, all fungus need other organic life to survive except algae, and you must know that viruses always need other organic life to survive. Oh and the pure bred dog thing, yes you would see changes in DNA at every generation no matter how much they try to breed it out.

Really, because we see very quick variations in a group through cross breeding.

Wolves, Coyotes and Dogs are the Same Species |
Well, I could not say in every country, but in general the statistic are good compared to the past.

The whole world is in chaos and it's obvious. We are being driven to the brink which happened to be predicted in the scriptures.

Really, its not. Just because something is affecting us personally does not mean that things are worse. Just because we have 24/7 news reporting bad things, does not mean that things are worse. They are actually better, no matter how much you want to believe otherwise. Things are worse for the US in ways, but that is not unusual. We have had a lot of success historically, and hopefully that will continue in the future.

Believe as you wish but if you look to the east it's obvious.
There would be very little possibility of crossbreeding in the situation you are talking about.

Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

This does not make any sense explain.
So, you are trying to say that only biologists, because I guess that is what you mean by evolutionists, unless you mean proponents of the theory before it was accepted, or people who work exclusively in the field of evolution believed that the bible taught that the earth was flat, when history tells us that 1,000 years before evolution was even thought of people believed in a flat earth and some of those people thought the bible taught it was flat. I am not saying it does, everything in the bible is up for interpretation. This is not sound reasoning.

The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.

Well, okay now it seems as if you are changing your tune. That is okay, maybe I misunderstood you. I do not believe this was at all true. Science is so much less concerned with chrisitans than christians are concerned with science.

I'm not changing my tune there were scientists who believed in a flat earth and some religous people but the idea did not come from the bible and the number has been exaggerated of the people of faith believing it.
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There would be very little possibility of crossbreeding in the situation you are talking about.

Not if the genetic information was already present in all animals that were on the ark to procreate the diversity we see.

That is not possible. You do know that we would not see the bacteria we see today if most of the creatures on earth died, there would be very little fungus, and also very few viruses. You are not thinking about this on the molecular level at all.

I am reposting this since I am ignoring the other thread.

So other organisms that have DNA similarity to humans proves by your reasoning they are related to humans as well ?
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