The Genesis Conflict - 102 - A Universal Flood

There are stories of a great flood in almost every religion and cultural memory if they've been around long enough. The Epic of Gilgamesh I think is the first written account we have, and they make it plain that there was indeed an epic flood at one time in the distant past.

Now lets take a look at some geological evidence for the flood. We know that sea level was at least 200 feet lower during the last Ice Age. We also know that people live along coast lines. They do now and they did way back then. We have evidence of flooded towns on the various continental shelves of the world and Dr. Ballard found many in the Black Sea where I am sure the majority of these ancestral memories come from.

The Mediterranean sea witnessed a catastrophic flood when the Atlantic breached the Pillars of Hercules and that led to the ancestral memories in that region. Was there a "biblical flood" where it rained for 40 days and 40 nights? No, there wasn't. But there was a tremendous change in the way people lived 14,000 years ago and it was so significant that they remembered it through their various Bardic traditions and finally, when they figured out how to put thoughts to paper they wrote them down.
There are stories of a great flood in almost every religion and cultural memory if they've been around long enough. The Epic of Gilgamesh I think is the first written account we have, and they make it plain that there was indeed an epic flood at one time in the distant past.

Now lets take a look at some geological evidence for the flood. We know that sea level was at least 200 feet lower during the last Ice Age. We also know that people live along coast lines. They do now and they did way back then. We have evidence of flooded towns on the various continental shelves of the world and Dr. Ballard found many in the Black Sea where I am sure the majority of these ancestral memories come from.

The Mediterranean sea witnessed a catastrophic flood when the Atlantic breached the Pillars of Hercules and that led to the ancestral memories in that region. Was there a "biblical flood" where it rained for 40 days and 40 nights? No, there wasn't. But there was a tremendous change in the way people lived 14,000 years ago and it was so significant that they remembered it through their various Bardic traditions and finally, when they figured out how to put thoughts to paper they wrote them down.

Many flood legends but there could not have been one major flood.

Even though evidence in this video supports the global flood.

Besides the dubious evidence presented, the story in Genesis 6-9 is just plain silly.

To start with, if the way that animals survived was by taking a pair of every species, you would need to have a boat big enough to contain one million terrestrial animal species. And you would need hundreds of people to tend to them, and lots of space for one years worth of food for them. You see the logistical problem.

Yet we are to believe that 8 people tended to 2 million animals in a huge boat. (By way of comparison, Brookfeild Zoo in Chicago has a staff of 400 people to tend to only a few thousand animals.)

Of course, if the flood produced enough rain to cover every mountain, then the air would be so thin that Noah and all his animals would suffocate.

Then you have the problem of after the flood. All the animals get out... Which means each animal species (including the people) would then descend from a single pair of parents... you'd have those inbreeding problems. And the predators would start picking off the herbivores... The herbivores would have nothing to eat because all the plants drowned, and the saline content of the soild would have increased as the waters receded...

Do I need to go on?

But here's my biggest problem, and it's the one that started with the nun who said that it was right for God to drown every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiicked".

What kind of God drowns fucking babies and still expects to be called "good"? He just comes off like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and that woman was crazy.

Not if it was DNA! Maybe it was actually a space ship fleeing a devastated planet.

But if it is taken literally, to kill all the people on the earth, the entire earth may not have had to be flooded. Only those parts that were occupied by people. And of course they took 7 of the clean animals so they would have food to eat.

I have to tell you that you are wrong about there being no vegetation for the animals to eat. I have seen flooding and I have seen flooding over long periods of time. Flooding does not kill all the vegetation and vegetation does regnerate very quickly.

Me? I just want proof of Atlantis!
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Besides the dubious evidence presented, the story in Genesis 6-9 is just plain silly.

To start with, if the way that animals survived was by taking a pair of every species, you would need to have a boat big enough to contain one million terrestrial animal species. And you would need hundreds of people to tend to them, and lots of space for one years worth of food for them. You see the logistical problem.

Yet we are to believe that 8 people tended to 2 million animals in a huge boat. (By way of comparison, Brookfeild Zoo in Chicago has a staff of 400 people to tend to only a few thousand animals.)

Of course, if the flood produced enough rain to cover every mountain, then the air would be so thin that Noah and all his animals would suffocate.

Then you have the problem of after the flood. All the animals get out... Which means each animal species (including the people) would then descend from a single pair of parents... you'd have those inbreeding problems. And the predators would start picking off the herbivores... The herbivores would have nothing to eat because all the plants drowned, and the saline content of the soild would have increased as the waters receded...

Do I need to go on?

But here's my biggest problem, and it's the one that started with the nun who said that it was right for God to drown every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiicked".

What kind of God drowns fucking babies and still expects to be called "good"? He just comes off like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and that woman was crazy.

Not if it was DNA! Maybe it was actually a space ship fleeing a devastated planet.

But if it taken literally, to kill all the people on the earth, the entier earth may not have had to be flooded. Only those parts that were occupied by people. And of course they took 7 of the clean animals so they would have food to eat.

I have to tell you that you are wrong about there being no vegetation for the animals to eat. I have seen flooding and I have seen flooding over long periods of time. Flooding does not kill all the vegetation and vegetation does regnerate very quickly.

Me? I just want proof of Atlantis!

Do you really, now? :doubt:

Besides the dubious evidence presented, the story in Genesis 6-9 is just plain silly.

To start with, if the way that animals survived was by taking a pair of every species, you would need to have a boat big enough to contain one million terrestrial animal species. And you would need hundreds of people to tend to them, and lots of space for one years worth of food for them. You see the logistical problem.

Yet we are to believe that 8 people tended to 2 million animals in a huge boat. (By way of comparison, Brookfeild Zoo in Chicago has a staff of 400 people to tend to only a few thousand animals.)

Of course, if the flood produced enough rain to cover every mountain, then the air would be so thin that Noah and all his animals would suffocate.

Then you have the problem of after the flood. All the animals get out... Which means each animal species (including the people) would then descend from a single pair of parents... you'd have those inbreeding problems. And the predators would start picking off the herbivores... The herbivores would have nothing to eat because all the plants drowned, and the saline content of the soild would have increased as the waters receded...

Do I need to go on?

But here's my biggest problem, and it's the one that started with the nun who said that it was right for God to drown every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiicked".

What kind of God drowns fucking babies and still expects to be called "good"? He just comes off like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and that woman was crazy.

Not if it was DNA! Maybe it was actually a space ship fleeing a devastated planet.

But if it taken literally, to kill all the people on the earth, the entier earth may not have had to be flooded. Only those parts that were occupied by people. And of course they took 7 of the clean animals so they would have food to eat.

I have to tell you that you are wrong about there being no vegetation for the animals to eat. I have seen flooding and I have seen flooding over long periods of time. Flooding does not kill all the vegetation and vegetation does regnerate very quickly.

Me? I just want proof of Atlantis!

Do you really, now? :doubt:

Yeah. The Pyramids didn't quite do it.
The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.
The Bible obviously presumes the earth is flat.

Besides the dubious evidence presented, the story in Genesis 6-9 is just plain silly.

To start with, if the way that animals survived was by taking a pair of every species, you would need to have a boat big enough to contain one million terrestrial animal species. And you would need hundreds of people to tend to them, and lots of space for one years worth of food for them. You see the logistical problem.

Yet we are to believe that 8 people tended to 2 million animals in a huge boat. (By way of comparison, Brookfeild Zoo in Chicago has a staff of 400 people to tend to only a few thousand animals.)

Of course, if the flood produced enough rain to cover every mountain, then the air would be so thin that Noah and all his animals would suffocate.

Then you have the problem of after the flood. All the animals get out... Which means each animal species (including the people) would then descend from a single pair of parents... you'd have those inbreeding problems. And the predators would start picking off the herbivores... The herbivores would have nothing to eat because all the plants drowned, and the saline content of the soild would have increased as the waters receded...

Do I need to go on?

But here's my biggest problem, and it's the one that started with the nun who said that it was right for God to drown every baby in the world because they were "wiiiiiicked".

What kind of God drowns fucking babies and still expects to be called "good"? He just comes off like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and that woman was crazy.

Almost every civilization in the world has it's own story of a great flood...a "worldwide" flood. In fact the story of Noah is based on another story from another civilization, they changed the names and put it in the Bible.

They've now found evidence that the great flood may have been the flooding of the black sea when a wall broke and the sea came in and flooded it. For those people there, that was their whole world. Apparently some escaped to tell the tale and that's what has been passed down through the centuries.

As for what kind of God drowns babies...those babies are out of the pain of this world and go straight to heaven. Not a bad trade, if you ask me.

Was there a worldwide flood? I don't know. Was there a flood of the known world...several times.

Again, you interpret the Bible your way and I'll interpret it mine.
The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.
The Bible obviously presumes the earth is flat.

Actually that is not ture. When Jesus, I believe, talks of the end of the world he says that some will be working their fields, others sleeping in their beds. This would inidcate it would be day to some and night to to others.

Also, when the antichrist is raised from 'a mortal wound' the whole world is supposed to be watching. That could only happen via satellite TV.
The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.
The Bible obviously presumes the earth is flat.

Actually that is not [true].
Actually it is.

When Jesus, I believe, talks of the end of the world he says that some will be working their fields, others sleeping in their beds. This would inidcate it would be day to some and night to to others.

Also, when the antichrist is raised from 'a mortal wound' the whole world is supposed to be watching. That could only happen via satellite TV.
Stretching out the heavens is not talking of an expanding universe ?
Absolutely not. You must take the verse out of context to assert otherwise.

The planet his being held in position on the same plane as is all other planets.

Can you see the force keeping planets on their plane ?
Non-sequitur much?

A man wrote that God stretched out the heavens and it's still going on today not to mention that it is so vast .

What question do you want answered ?

The planet remains on the same plane we can set our clocks and calendar by it that just happened by chance :lol:
The numbers of judeo-christians that believed the earth was flat was exaggerated. Evolutionist at the time of darwin seized on that to try and portray the bible as teaching a flat earth ,they also taught believers were nuts believing in a flat earth when science knew better.

Early scientist that were creationist never believed in a flat earth.

The bible does not teach it.
The Bible obviously presumes the earth is flat.

Believe as you wish but I disagree.
The Bible obviously presumes the earth is flat.

Actually that is not [true].
Actually it is.

When Jesus, I believe, talks of the end of the world he says that some will be working their fields, others sleeping in their beds. This would inidcate it would be day to some and night to to others.

Also, when the antichrist is raised from 'a mortal wound' the whole world is supposed to be watching. That could only happen via satellite TV.

The only nonsense in this thread is what you and few others type.
Stretching out the heavens is not talking of an expanding universe ?
Absolutely not. You must take the verse out of context to assert otherwise.

The planet his being held in position on the same plane as is all other planets.

Can you see the force keeping planets on their plane ?
Non-sequitur much?

A man wrote that God stretched out the heavens and it's still going on today not to mention that it is so vast .

What question do you want answered ?

The planet remains on the same plane we can set our clocks and calendar by it that just happened by chance :lol:

What do clocks and calendars have to do with whether or not something happened by chance? Because we came up with time measurements based on the rotation and orbit of the planet, there is an intelligence behind it's motion?
Absolutely not. You must take the verse out of context to assert otherwise.

Non-sequitur much?

A man wrote that God stretched out the heavens and it's still going on today not to mention that it is so vast .

What question do you want answered ?

The planet remains on the same plane we can set our clocks and calendar by it that just happened by chance :lol:

What do clocks and calendars have to do with whether or not something happened by chance? Because we came up with time measurements based on the rotation and orbit of the planet, there is an intelligence behind it's motion?

The question is why we can count on it ?

Why is the sun in the right position to benefit us ?

Why is the moon in just the right place to benefit us ?

You might believe in chance or coincedence but I do not.

That is like walking through a forest and finding a something you have never seen before like a watch or a home and coming to the conclusion that these by chance were formed over time.
A man wrote that God stretched out the heavens and it's still going on today not to mention that it is so vast .

What question do you want answered ?

The planet remains on the same plane we can set our clocks and calendar by it that just happened by chance :lol:

What do clocks and calendars have to do with whether or not something happened by chance? Because we came up with time measurements based on the rotation and orbit of the planet, there is an intelligence behind it's motion?

The question is why we can count on it ?

Why is the sun in the right position to benefit us ?

Why is the moon in just the right place to benefit us ?

You might believe in chance or coincedence but I do not.

That is like walking through a forest and finding a something you have never seen before like a watch or a home and coming to the conclusion that these by chance were formed over time.

The sun isn't in perfect position to benefit us, people get skin cancer all the time. Look at the 2 poles, there because of the sun's toxins and it's not an infinite sun. It'll burn out in time leaving everything dead.

The only species arrogant enough to think the entire universe was created for him, is man.
What do clocks and calendars have to do with whether or not something happened by chance? Because we came up with time measurements based on the rotation and orbit of the planet, there is an intelligence behind it's motion?

The question is why we can count on it ?

Why is the sun in the right position to benefit us ?

Why is the moon in just the right place to benefit us ?

You might believe in chance or coincedence but I do not.

That is like walking through a forest and finding a something you have never seen before like a watch or a home and coming to the conclusion that these by chance were formed over time.

The sun isn't in perfect position to benefit us, people get skin cancer all the time. Look at the 2 poles, there because of the sun's toxins and it's not an infinite sun. It'll burn out in time leaving everything dead.

The only species arrogant enough to think the entire universe was created for him, is man.

Last night I watched a science show can't remember the scientist he said the sun will increase in heat and size. That everything on earth will die,and eventually like other planets will be absorbed by the sun.

This is suppost to happen in 5 billion years.

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