The Good Samaritan and how it influences your political beliefs.

Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?

I answered your question, in my words. sort of rephrasing it, to change the meaning, is a troll move.

My answer stands.

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
So because you dont trust me you will denounce your faith ? That is bizarre.
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?

I answered your question, in my words. sort of rephrasing it, to change the meaning, is a troll move.

My answer stands.

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
So because you dont trust me you will denounce your faith ? That is bizarre.

Not what I said.

Pleases address what I said, and stop making up shit, you lying whore.

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
you first,,
Good answer

Let Tommy play Go Fetch first
oh well-----BLUES------that's because you are "poorly educated"
No it's because I know the definition of neighbor.

And I'm not dumb enough to believe some guy in China is my neighbor
I'm not dumb enough to be impressed with a little ditty written by a person who never
met Jesus or witnessed encounters between Samaritans and Jews. The Parable is not
actually Meaningless------it is propaganda. As to the definition of "neighbor"-----depends
on the language and its customary usage. Luke wrote in Greek
you never met Jesus.

in fact no one living in the past 2000 years has
Luke never met Jesus-----he lived something like 50 AD in some place uhm
PATMOS? ---greek syrian. He wrote the parable. One time---on the road to
Glocca Mara----a Catholic guy saw a Protestant guy ----injured in the street----so
he took him home and put iodine on his wounds SEE? I wrote a parable too---but
I have never been in Ireland
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?
I don't think the 10 commandments get universal support.

Government / politicians define being a good neighbor as taking more of your money to waste on their own whims

If you want to be a good neighbor then do it of your own accord and leave the politicians out of it
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
I must intimidate you guys an awful lot. Could we not agree that the message of the parable is a good thing ?
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
I must intimidate you guys an awful lot. Could we not agree that the message of the parable is a good thing ?
You don’t intimidate, I don’t respect or believe you. I already said the parable was a good parable. You simply don’t live by it As seen on your actions on this board. Just sayin.
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
I must intimidate you guys an awful lot. Could we not agree that the message of the parable is a good thing ?
The message of the parable is a good thing. I don't believe that is in dispute.

If my memory serves me Jesus told that parable in response to a smart alecky question asked by a Pharisee who was trying to play the gotcha game. The question he asked was who is my neighbor. What is lost in the parable by many is that the two people who passed by the injured Jew were fellow Jews. One was a priest and the other a Levite. Both were religious representatives of Judaism who would have been expected to be models of “neighbor” to the victim but pass him by. The other thing that isn't widely recognized is the parallel to Cain and Abel. When God asked Cain where Abel was his response was am I my brothers keeper. Yes, we are our brother's keepers.

So it is pretty clear that we are called to be good stewards. But being a good steward does not mean fobbing off our responsibilities on government. Government solutions do not solve problems. They make the problems worse. Subsidiarity is the only way to lift people up. Government handouts are like a subtle narcotic which destroys the spirit of man. Subsidiarity ennobles men.

So I agree that the message of the parable is a good thing. I disagree with your solution to the problem.

Last edited:
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
I must intimidate you guys an awful lot. Could we not agree that the message of the parable is a good thing ?
you made no attempt to interpret the parable. I will help. The samaritans were
and ARE a "break-off" group from standard Judaism-----Their "holy book" is the Torah
and they have a special attachment to Mount Gerizim (I forgot why) ---it is located in
the land specific to EPHRAIM which is situated on the West Bank. They seem ALSO to
approximate the SADDUCEES (Caiaphas was a Sadducee) The Sadducees had a bad
reputation for having a penchant for Hellenism (that would include Antiochus) ie----at
some time in their history they were greek/syria friendly. Paul and Luke were colleagues.
BOTH were HELLENIST s.......which also amounted to pro-roman (weird but true since
Rome enslaved Greece) The early christians, like LUKE and PAUL were HELL-BENT on
discrediting the TEMPLE SYSTEM and rabbinical Judaism----thus the bad guy in this
parable is a -----guest what? A LEVITE PRIEST. Interestingly the SAMARITANS of
back in the day and even today----adhere to the same system of LEVITICAL PRIESTS.
It was the christians who discredited THAT system along with, as do the
Samaritans, Rabbinical Judaism (Talmudic Judaism) For the record--Jesus was a pharisee
and follower of the Talmudist Hillel whom He Quotes incessantly (according to the
writing in the NT). He also despised the SADDUCEAN PRIESTS whom the pharisees
knew as Roman shills. In order to understand the NT----you have to read it
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.
Christian scholars have been really HOT on the idea that the ESSENES who
were monastic ----somewhat mystic jews who sought refuge out in the
MIDBAR (wilderness-----make that the desert near the dead sea) were
SOCIALIST in their societal construct----and, indeed, they were and it is THEY
who really liked to associate Jesus with the ESSENES
Its quite striking that apart from maybe 2 or3 people nobody on this board has stepped up and embraced the parable. And certainly nobody, bar one, has admitted that it helps guide their political beliefs.

And yet, I suspect that if we were looking to affirm the commandments we would get universal support.

Why do Christians find the Good Samaritan to be so problematic ?

Because they know that you are doing this not out of goof faith, but as a weapon to get them to support policies that are harmful to them.
By being a good neighbour ?
He is talking about you specifically which I tried to do earlier. We don’t believe that you are sincere and honest about the parable.

The Good Samaritan point out that we are all neighbors and even if you are an enemy you treat others with respect. On this board you don’t respect those with differing beliefs, you call them names and accuse them of things that they may not be saying or you not knowing what they mean.

In this thread, based on past posts, you come off as not credible. That I think is his point, so we want to know what is your real motivation.
I must intimidate you guys an awful lot. Could we not agree that the message of the parable is a good thing ?
you made no attempt to interpret the parable. I will help. The samaritans were
and ARE a "break-off" group from standard Judaism-----Their "holy book" is the Torah
and they have a special attachment to Mount Gerizim (I forgot why) ---it is located in
the land specific to EPHRAIM which is situated on the West Bank. They seem ALSO to
approximate the SADDUCEES (Caiaphas was a Sadducee) The Sadducees had a bad
reputation for having a penchant for Hellenism (that would include Antiochus) ie----at
some time in their history they were greek/syria friendly. Paul and Luke were colleagues.
BOTH were HELLENIST s.......which also amounted to pro-roman (weird but true since
Rome enslaved Greece) The early christians, like LUKE and PAUL were HELL-BENT on
discrediting the TEMPLE SYSTEM and rabbinical Judaism----thus the bad guy in this
parable is a -----guest what? A LEVITE PRIEST. Interestingly the SAMARITANS of
back in the day and even today----adhere to the same system of LEVITICAL PRIESTS.
It was the christians who discredited THAT system along with, as do the
Samaritans, Rabbinical Judaism (Talmudic Judaism) For the record--Jesus was a pharisee
and follower of the Talmudist Hillel whom He Quotes incessantly (according to the
writing in the NT). He also despised the SADDUCEAN PRIESTS whom the pharisees
knew as Roman shills. In order to understand the NT----you have to read it

Jesus was safe in the north around Galilee and the Decapolis cities. Herod Antipas didn't seem to have a problem with him.
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
In this country it was intended by the founding fathers to keep religion and the federal government from colluding. Socialism has found a loophole and now is being used to implement morally relativistic policies such as forced charity.
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
In this country it was intended by the founding fathers to keep religion and the federal government from colluding. Socialism has found a loophole and now is being used to implement morally relativistic policies such as forced charity.

Forced charity? Wow.
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
In this country it was intended by the founding fathers to keep religion and the federal government from colluding. Socialism has found a loophole and now is being used to implement morally relativistic policies such as forced charity.

Forced charity? Wow.
Sure. What else do you call redistribution of wealth under the guise of progressive taxation?
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
In this country it was intended by the founding fathers to keep religion and the federal government from colluding. Socialism has found a loophole and now is being used to implement morally relativistic policies such as forced charity.

Forced charity? Wow.
Sure. What else do you call redistribution of wealth under the guise of progressive taxation?

Without a middle class the US is Venezuela.
I hate that socialism has co-opted Christianity. But there it is.

How has socialism co-opted Christianity?
By politicizing virtue. Unfortunately they are morally relativistic virtues.

Religion has always been political. See Sermon on the Mount. The burning issue of the day was Roman occupation. Before that the Jews demonized all the neighbors.
In this country it was intended by the founding fathers to keep religion and the federal government from colluding. Socialism has found a loophole and now is being used to implement morally relativistic policies such as forced charity.

Forced charity? Wow.
Sure. What else do you call redistribution of wealth under the guise of progressive taxation?

Without a middle class the US is Venezuela.
Except we can print money... for now.

I believe it is only a matter of time before the standard of living bubble collapses in the US.

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