The GOP has placed its future in the hands of a Senator with 9 months experience

So the Cruz "plan" was to threaten to shut down the government if the Dems didn't surrender on the ACA? And the tea party believed in Cruz's plan because the Dems had "surrendered" once before and it was what the tea party has wanted all along.

But instead the Dems did not surrender. They took a stand and said no to political blackmail. Which means that the Cruz "plan" had to be implemented and the government was shut down. But the Dems still didn't surrender. So they tried throwing feces at the wall in the hope that something might stick but still the Dems haven't surrendered.

What has happened in the meantime is that Cruz has been publicly reprimanded by his own Republican colleagues in the Senate and the party leadership. There is a schism opening between the Republicans in the House. 72% of the American people are opposed to the government shutdown.

So what was "Plan B" if the Dems failed to "surrender"?

There must have been a "Plan B", right? No one plays political suicide games without a "Plan B". So why are we only hearing crickets when it comes to "Plan B"?

Last night while listening to a little talk radio (I don't watch TV), I heard Mike Medved say something that made me think that the Repubicans are in a pretty bad way, assuming Medved has any sources inside DC.

He said that the Reps don't want this thing to continue. All Obama needs to do, is offer the GOP something, anything to break the log jam. In fact, according to MM, Obama should do this to keep things from spinning any further out of control.

Basically, what it comes down to is Medved was saying that Obama should save the GOP from themselves. Republicans dug this whole for themselves, threw gas on the fire they set, and now Obama should run to their rescue to put the fire out and pull them out of the hole they themselves dug.

Anvils should be thrown.

But hey, maybe I'm just being a big meanie....
so the dems stood their ground over an ego law, obamacare....and you're proud? wow..just wow.

if the dems would agree to a mere one year delay, something they have given corps and unions, there would be no shutdown.

dems are the more responsible party here. sit back, think about it.

You ask me to "think about it" and so I put myself in the Dems shoes and did exactly that and this is what it looks like to me, Yurt.

The Dems stood their ground because there was nothing on the table for them. When you back someone into a corner they will stand and fight.

Cruz and the tea party were holding a gun to the nation's head and threatening to start "shooting hostages" if the Dems didn't cave into their demands.

Basically you are "blaming the victim" because they refused to cave under the economic terrorism that was being shoved down their throats.

So now it is your turn to "think about it", Yurt. Imagine if the Dems had done the same thing to the Republicans? What would you have expected the Republicans to do if the Dems were threatening them? Would you have advised them to cave into the demands of economic terrorism? Or would you have told them to "stand their ground"?

If you are honest you would have to admit that you would have demanded the latter so why are you surprised when the shoe is on the other foot that this is the outcome?

the fact you think that delaying obamacare by one year is "economic terrorism" proves you're an irrational partisan hack.

pound sand.

It's not reasonable in the least, therefore it won't be done. The Repubs that have been asking for it can pound sand.
Ain't that a hoot?

A young senator with little experience, an Ivy League education and a father from a Communist country....and these morons are talking 2016 for him.

They never cease to amaze me with their sheer stupidity.
Ironic post is ironic in its irony


Let's put it this way....

If Obama pulled this shit when he was Senator, he never would have been elected President

Neither will Cruz

How many "present" votes?
How hard did he fight to keep from raising the debt ceiling?

Obama could be caught with a body in the trunk and you lemmings would say he was giving the stiff a ride.
Shutting down the government, which is costing taxpayers billions of dollars, until their demands are met equates to economic terrorism, Yurt. Corporations are losing money over imports stranded in dockside warehouses because there are no customs inspectors. The tourism industry is being hammered financially because of the shutdown of the national parks. Restaurants and other food services that cater to workers who have been furloughed are losing money. Everywhere you look there are signs of economic terrorism.

Little wonder that 72% of the American people are opposed to what the Republicans are doing to the nation's economy by shutting down the government.

The raising taxes on wage earners is also economic terrorism.
Bush was driving when the economy was wrecked. Obama has managed to steer us back onto the road to economic recovery.

:lol: Yes, you Obamabots keep talking about this "recovery" and yet the millions of people out of work or working part time jobs because they can't get full time employment don't seem to know where this "recovery" is. Do you get paid to lie or are you just that much of an immoral, incredulous human being?
Shutting down the government, which is costing taxpayers billions of dollars, until their demands are met equates to economic terrorism, Yurt. Corporations are losing money over imports stranded in dockside warehouses because there are no customs inspectors. The tourism industry is being hammered financially because of the shutdown of the national parks. Restaurants and other food services that cater to workers who have been furloughed are losing money. Everywhere you look there are signs of economic terrorism.

Little wonder that 72% of the American people are opposed to what the Republicans are doing to the nation's economy by shutting down the government.

The raising taxes on wage earners is also economic terrorism.

So the Founding Fathers were "economic terrorists" because they included the power to tax in the Constitution?
Ironic post is ironic in its irony


Let's put it this way....

If Obama pulled this shit when he was Senator, he never would have been elected President

Neither will Cruz

How many "present" votes?
How hard did he fight to keep from raising the debt ceiling?

Obama could be caught with a body in the trunk and you lemmings would say he was giving the stiff a ride.

None......Obama never voted present while a US Senator
How many has Ted Cruz voted present?
The only option is keep the course. Only liberals surrender

We shall see

Right now, President Obama is holding open a door that says "End the shutdown and pass a clean CR"

Republicans are starting to break for that door. How long can Boehner hold them off?

Seeing that the cost of Obamacare is only going to increase our national debt, with each exemption that's ALLOWED by this President to avoid participating in the system, I say it's a legitament concern. Also add the fact that other businesses are not taking in more full time workers, and is in fact looking to REDUCE workers hours, I'd say the Republican Party is looking to the devistating effect it's beginning to have on this economy. Now couple those facts along with NHS, MASSCARE both have cost issues, as well as Canada having quality care and wait time issues, and it doesn't look any better. Obama has to turn to Hollywood actors to drum up a ploy to convince young people ...... "No, no, this healthcare will be different", which doesn't appear to be selling. To use a visual metaphor - Obama is trying desperately to hold onto a lame horse, while the Republican Party feels it's better for everyone (and all the additional costs that will have to be involved) to just have it shot.

Totally unsubstantiated rightwing propaganda not supported by CBO studies
Republicans are whimpering because they have fallen and they can't get up

Ted Cruz spent the summer working up a coalition to shut down government. Republicans took the bait and are asking Ted....What do we do next?

The only option available is surrender

The only option is keep the course. Only liberals surrender

We shall see

Right now, President Obama is holding open a door that says "End the shutdown and pass a clean CR"

Republicans are starting to break for that door. How long can Boehner hold them off?

Seeing that the cost of Obamacare is only going to increase our national debt, with each exemption that's ALLOWED by this President to avoid participating in the system, I say it's a legitament concern. Also add the fact that other businesses are not taking in more full time workers, and is in fact looking to REDUCE workers hours, I'd say the Republican Party is looking to the devistating effect it's beginning to have on this economy. Now couple those facts along with NHS, MASSCARE both have cost issues, as well as Canada having quality care and wait time issues, and it doesn't look any better. Obama has to turn to Hollywood actors to drum up a ploy to convince young people ...... "No, no, this healthcare will be different", which doesn't appear to be selling. To use a visual metaphor - Obama is trying desperately to hold onto a lame horse, while the Republican Party feels it's better for everyone (and all the additional costs that will have to be involved) to just have this particular horse shot.
We shall see

Right now, President Obama is holding open a door that says "End the shutdown and pass a clean CR"

Republicans are starting to break for that door. How long can Boehner hold them off?

Seeing that the cost of Obamacare is only going to increase our national debt, with each exemption that's ALLOWED by this President to avoid participating in the system, I say it's a legitament concern. Also add the fact that other businesses are not taking in more full time workers, and is in fact looking to REDUCE workers hours, I'd say the Republican Party is looking to the devistating effect it's beginning to have on this economy. Now couple those facts along with NHS, MASSCARE both have cost issues, as well as Canada having quality care and wait time issues, and it doesn't look any better. Obama has to turn to Hollywood actors to drum up a ploy to convince young people ...... "No, no, this healthcare will be different", which doesn't appear to be selling. To use a visual metaphor - Obama is trying desperately to hold onto a lame horse, while the Republican Party feels it's better for everyone (and all the additional costs that will have to be involved) to just have it shot.

Totally unsubstantiated rightwing propaganda not supported by CBO studies

It's not propaganda to those that are actually willing to look beyond the hype and do some ACTUAL research. Perhaps it would help you to provide something more than jumping on the Obama media frenzy.

From the Social Security Institute:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that Obamacare would increase the national debt. The CBO writes that, by the end of 2019 alone, Obamacare "would amount to a net increase in federal deficits of $226 billion."

The $226 billion in projected debt spending doesn't include "the $115 billion needed to implement the law." (That figure of $115 billion is provided by the CBO as well.) So, $115 billion plus $226 billion equals $341 billion that Obamacare would add to the national debt by the end of 2019.

The CBO’s new baseline estimate shows that ObamaCare subsidies offered through the insurance exchanges – which are supposed to be up and running by next January – will total more than $1 trillion through 2022, up from $814 billion over those same years in its budget forecast made a year ago. That’s an increase of nearly 29%. The CBO upped the 10-year subsidy cost by $32 billion since just last August.” Part of that is expecting more people in the exchanges thanks to employer dumping and more limited Medicaid expansion

Obamacare as disruptive
The CBO has long said it expects the new federal health law will prompt some companies to drop millions of employees from health plans because workers have new options to buy insurance on their own. In August, CBO put the number at four million over 10 years. Now it’s seven million (as of Feb 2013).

The CBO Is Skeptical about Obamacare | Heartlander Magazine
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Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

Then they will get what they asked "also ran" party. The Teatards are in control and are writing the bleak future of the GOP.
Are they freaking crazy?

They allow him to dictate that we should shut down the government?

The Dems put their future in a Senator with 20 months of experience.

Math is not your best subject?

right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?
The Dems put their future in a Senator with 20 months of experience.

Math is not your best subject?

right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?

None at all, it will be Cruz's experience at shutting down the government that will be the most crucial factor when it comes to determining his fitness to hold the highest office in the land.
The Dems put their future in a Senator with 20 months of experience.

Math is not your best subject?

right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?

What part of that resume makes Cruz an expert in Congressional back room politics, budgets, Congressional rules or bipartisan wheeling and dealing?

Republicans hooked their wagon to a politician with 9 months experience with no idea how to get out of the crisis he created
Math is not your best subject?

right, so 11 months is some huge benchmark?

oh and-

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor.[1][29] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[21][30][31][32][33][34] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[35]


so I guess if cruz runs for 2016 you'll have no issue with his experience either, right?

None at all, it will be Cruz's experience at shutting down the government that will be the most crucial factor when it comes to determining his fitness to hold the highest office in the land.

well, if thats how you define fitness for office, well, my respect for your ability to think has dropped.

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