The GOP Path to Prosperity — 6 TRILLION in Budget Cuts

I find it highly amusing that the same people who were ridiculing the GOP for attempting ONLY $61B in cuts are now hyperventilating that the budget proposal will destroy Big Government As They Know It.

It's only a start...but a good one.
I'm sorry, but you're a tool. PO Workers are not parasites in any way shape or form. That's belligerence.

They work for an organization that requires massive taxpayer bailouts.

That's parasitical. You can continue to deny it all you want, but it's the truth.

That's almost the entire defense industry.

I agree that we should cut back on defense spending - but there is a difference between the government's purchase of legitimate goods and services and funneling taxpayer dollars into failing companies facing bankruptcy.
The founders are relevant because they designed the fucking government, moron. If you don't think it is important to take them into consideration when going forward than by that logic you might as well drive through red lights because that law is really old. Get a grip. The founders got it right.

and none of what they said other than in the constitution and its amendments is enforceable law.

did the founders get it right when they said blacks were 3/5 of a person?

when they allowed only landed gentry to vote?

when they denied women the vote?

when they didn't outlaw slavery?

the "founders" may have been correct 200 plus years ago. their musings aren't binding on us now.


as for 3/5 a person, that was to protect congress from having a majority of southern representatives. it wasn't 3/5 a person it was 3/5 of a vote, the reasoning was because if the slaves in the south had full voting rights then their owners would force them to vote in the way the owners demanded, and thus congress would have a majority of pro-slave representatives. This would have been bad, so they tricked the south into this compromise to keep out pro-slave representatives out of the majority. This is basic history. The 3/5 clause was a great idea as it allowed for the eventual emancipation.

Also, I want to discuss the present time, all of the issues that you seem to have a problem with have been rectified with amendments and laws to protect the amendments over time.

My question is, what problem with the founders do you still have that relate tot he present time?

That's incorrect. 3/5 was because representatives to the constitutional congress who were from free states didn't want enslaved people counted at all for purposes of allocating the number of representatives per State. Representatives from slave states wanted the slaves to be counted for purposes of allocating representatives. it certainly wasn't 3/5 of a vote because SLAVES COULDN'T VOTE.

Constitutional construction isn't only about amendments and laws. It is about CONSTRUCTION of the words. For example, what is due process as it is set forth in the Constitution? Answer: It is what the Court has said it is over more than 200 years of caselaw and varies with the right which is at risk.

If you really want to learn the constitution, learn that. The constitution isn't some fundie's bible with only one possible meaning per word.

Start here:

because if you don't know what the process is, you know very little.
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They work for an organization that requires massive taxpayer bailouts.

That's parasitical. You can continue to deny it all you want, but it's the truth.

That's almost the entire defense industry.

I agree that we should cut back on defense spending - but there is a difference between the government's purchase of legitimate goods and services and funneling taxpayer dollars into failing companies facing bankruptcy.

how so if both fall under the general welfare and/or interstate commerce clause? there is nothing prohibiting such action.
The founders are relevant because they designed the fucking government, moron. If you don't think it is important to take them into consideration when going forward than by that logic you might as well drive through red lights because that law is really old. Get a grip. The founders got it right.

and none of what they said other than in the constitution and its amendments is enforceable law.

did the founders get it right when they said blacks were 3/5 of a person?

when they allowed only landed gentry to vote?

when they denied women the vote?

when they didn't outlaw slavery?

the "founders" may have been correct 200 plus years ago. their musings aren't binding on us now.


Actually they did.
No one is claiming their views are binding. But they do constitute the basic vision of our government. And that vision involves limited government with as many functions as possible devolved to state and local governments.
Of course if you had gone to college instead of sweeping dorms you might have known that.
That's almost the entire defense industry.

I agree that we should cut back on defense spending - but there is a difference between the government's purchase of legitimate goods and services and funneling taxpayer dollars into failing companies facing bankruptcy.

how so if both fall under the general welfare and/or interstate commerce clause? there is nothing prohibiting such action.

Two things falling under the same clause of the Constitution do not make them equivalent in either a moral or an economically justified sense.
I agree that we should cut back on defense spending - but there is a difference between the government's purchase of legitimate goods and services and funneling taxpayer dollars into failing companies facing bankruptcy.

how so if both fall under the general welfare and/or interstate commerce clause? there is nothing prohibiting such action.

Two things falling under the same clause of the Constitution do not make them equivalent in either a moral or an economically justified sense.

Actually defense comes under powers of both congress and the executive. The other comes under...well I don't know what justification there is for the fed gov propping up banks.
There isn't any, but assuming for the sake of argument that the Constitution can be interpreted in such a way, fulfilling the duties of national defense is not the equivalent of bailing out a tanking financial institution.
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

poor little pretend rabbi....

Poor little pretend college grad...
Ryan's idiocy is the same rightwing radical nonsense that the crackpots who surrounded Reagan in 1980 wanted to pull.
Meanwhile, Democrats and liberals race one another to see who can more quickly grow the deficit.
You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

poor little pretend rabbi....

Poor little pretend college grad...

Poor little pretend american.....

This is fun!
Anyway, the GOP is a bold workable proposal that deals with the tough issues. Is it perfect? No. But it is a giant step forward.
What is the Democrat plan? Oh yeah they dont have a plan. That's why they didnt pass a budget this past year. I guess they are The Party of No.
Anyway, the GOP is a bold workable proposal that deals with the tough issues. Is it perfect? No. But it is a giant step forward.
What is the Democrat plan? Oh yeah they dont have a plan. That's why they didnt pass a budget this past year. I guess they are The Party of No.

I agree. the GOP plan is bold and workable. I would also add completely necessary.

It's a great jumping off place. we should be cutting as much as humanly possible.
Giving people control over their own health care insurance decisions will not destroy Medicare. Off the top, this program should dramatically decrease fraud.

Kudos to Ryan - he is doing the yeoman's work on this mess.

Giving seniors vouchers and leaving them at the mercy of the private insurance industry will destroy Medicare and severely limit seniors' access to affordable health care. I hope seniors are paying attention. Ryan's plan has no chance. The only thing it'll do is remind voters what the GOP is all about.
I'm sorry, but you're a tool. PO Workers are not parasites in any way shape or form. That's belligerence.

They work for an organization that requires massive taxpayer bailouts.

That's parasitical. You can continue to deny it all you want, but it's the truth.

I worked for a company in the 90s that proposed an automated sorting system that would have saved the USPS a huge amount of money. But the union contracts required that, even if sorting was done via a machine, the employees would still be paid for standing around doing nothing but watch the machine. Yep, parasites.

You're a tool, like I said.

PO Workers are to quit mid-career and up-root their lives because top-level retards cannot handle their responsibilities, or else be labeled by some loon as a "parasite?" That sounds great on nerdy partisan message boards and probably in your moth-ball smelling house, but in the real world that's ridiculous on its face.

So what your saying is we should not implement cost saving measures in company? Let alone a government subsidized one.
Thats plane stupid,where would we be if we did that?
Boy we should just stop progress and move into some mud huts! Then the economy would realy take off!!!:cuckoo:
Just heard Juan Williams argue that $6,000,000,000,000 in cuts will lead to $8,000,000,000,000 in deficits.

Poor little pretend american.....

This is fun!

Poor. Little education.

That about describes you.

Which school taught you that blacks can't be good leaders?

When you play the Race Card, you concede the debate.

They work for an organization that requires massive taxpayer bailouts.

That's parasitical. You can continue to deny it all you want, but it's the truth.

I worked for a company in the 90s that proposed an automated sorting system that would have saved the USPS a huge amount of money. But the union contracts required that, even if sorting was done via a machine, the employees would still be paid for standing around doing nothing but watch the machine. Yep, parasites.

You're a tool, like I said.

PO Workers are to quit mid-career and up-root their lives because top-level retards cannot handle their responsibilities, or else be labeled by some loon as a "parasite?" That sounds great on nerdy partisan message boards and probably in your moth-ball smelling house, but in the real world that's ridiculous on its face.

So what your saying is we should not implement cost saving measures in company? Let alone a government subsidized one.
Thats plane stupid,where would we be if we did that?
Boy we should just stop progress and move into some mud huts! Then the economy would realy take off!!!:cuckoo:

Any downsized USPS workers should be given preferential treatment for all those jobs at the buggy whip factory.

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