The GOP's foreign policy is that everyone shoots at our soldiers



Look at Yemen. al Qaeda and Isis are now having gun battles over Yemen.

ISIS gaining ground in Yemen competing with al Qaeda -

This is what happened. Republicans invaded Iraq letting in al Qaeda when they disbanded the Iraq military. Saddam didn't allow al Qaeda to be in Iraq.

Saddam's old military became Isis.

Isis and al Qaeda are now fighting each other for control over Yemen.

Republicans want Obama to send our troops over to stand between al Qaeda and Isis. Why?

The GOP wants our troops to be where ever there is danger. These creeps should just give it a rest. They think sending troops is keeping us safe. It's not. Let the crazies in the Middle East kill each other and we can deal with whoever is left.
In case you forgot, we won the Iraq War. That is, until Obozo lost it. But keep on blaming Bush...
That's a Lib for ya....
Stand by and let ISIS/ISIL get stronger and stronger.
Stand by while they savagely kill people for no reason other then they felt a need to kill.

If America is to be a world power and I know that's the last thing Obama wants then sometimes we need to stand up and
have a backbone.
Look at Yemen. al Qaeda and Isis are now having gun battles over Yemen.

ISIS gaining ground in Yemen competing with al Qaeda -

This is what happened. Republicans invaded Iraq letting in al Qaeda when they disbanded the Iraq military. Saddam didn't allow al Qaeda to be in Iraq.

Saddam's old military became Isis.

Isis and al Qaeda are now fighting each other for control over Yemen.

Republicans want Obama to send our troops over to stand between al Qaeda and Isis. Why?

The GOP wants our troops to be where ever there is danger. These creeps should just give it a rest. They think sending troops is keeping us safe. It's not. Let the crazies in the Middle East kill each other and we can deal with whoever is left.
Idiot alert. Obutthurt is the one who pulled out and abandoned Iraqi troops. Isis is gaining ground because your worthless PoTUS is spineless like you.
Look at Yemen. al Qaeda and Isis are now having gun battles over Yemen.

ISIS gaining ground in Yemen competing with al Qaeda -

This is what happened. Republicans invaded Iraq letting in al Qaeda when they disbanded the Iraq military. Saddam didn't allow al Qaeda to be in Iraq.

Saddam's old military became Isis.

Isis and al Qaeda are now fighting each other for control over Yemen.

Republicans want Obama to send our troops over to stand between al Qaeda and Isis. Why?

The GOP wants our troops to be where ever there is danger. These creeps should just give it a rest. They think sending troops is keeping us safe. It's not. Let the crazies in the Middle East kill each other and we can deal with whoever is left.

Another peice of bullshit brought to you by Deaney.

I doubt anyone wants to send anymore of our troops to the ME. Its bad enough Barry sent two hundred to our embassy in Bagdad.

We left Iraq with an Army. A duly elected group of offcials and the ability to make their country anything they wanted it to be.

In three years they lost it all and I for one could give shit one.
So the Iraq military became isil now?
You said: So the Iraq military became isil now?

i'll start with you because you are clearly the most ignorant. Although it is close:

They include former Iraqi officers like Fadel al-Hayali, the top deputy for Iraq, who once served Mr. Hussein as a lieutenant colonel, and Adnan al-Sweidawi, a former lieutenant colonel who now heads the group’s military council.

The pedigree of its leadership, outlined by an Iraqi who has seen documents seized by the Iraqi military, as well as by American intelligence officials, helps explain its battlefield successes: Its leaders augmented traditional military skill with terrorist techniques refined through years of fighting American troops, while also having deep local knowledge and contacts. ISIS is in effect a hybrid of terrorists and an army.

Military Skill and Terrorist Technique Fuel Success of ISIS

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

As they steamrolled across northern Iraq, Sunni militants had important help from an old power in the country — former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party and his army.

One retired air force colonel said he is a member of a newly formed military council overseeing Mosul, the large city captured last week by ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and its allies from Sunni Arab armed factions.

Better yet, do a search on:

The point is that we could have left a residual force in Iraq to discourage outside intervention, but we didn't and are now paying the price for Obama's leftist ideology.
In case you forgot, we won the Iraq War. That is, until Obozo lost it. But keep on blaming Bush...
You said: In case you forgot, we won the Iraq War. That is, until Obozo lost it.

That doesn't even make sense. If Republican "won" the war, how could it be "lost"?

Why are Iraqi women in burkas? They weren't under Saddam.

And look at the constitution Republicans helped write:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

How the Republicans delude themselves into believing the mess they created in Iraq was actually a "success" I'll never know. And Bush wasn't even welcome at the 2008 or the 2012 Republican conventions.

And what happened to the Christians living in Iraq under Saddam? Where did they go?

dimocrap scum achieve peace through either surrender or running away.

Republicans and other Patriots believe in Peace through Superior Firepower.

It's just effective, but we don't end up somebody else's bitch...... Which doesn't seem to bother dimocrap scum in the least.

I guess being someone's bitch is the same no matter who's in charge, right dims?
dimocrap scum achieve peace through either surrender or running away.

Republicans and other Patriots believe in Peace through Superior Firepower.

It's just effective, but we don't end up somebody else's bitch...... Which doesn't seem to bother dimocrap scum in the least.

I guess being someone's bitch is the same no matter who's in charge, right dims?
You said: dimocrap scum achieve peace through either surrender or running away.

Republicans and other Patriots believe in Peace through Superior Firepower.

It's just effective, but we don't end up somebody else's bitch...... Which doesn't seem to bother dimocrap scum in the least.

I guess being someone's bitch is the same no matter who's in charge, right dims?


Peace through murder? That's what you are advocating? I love it when we get to see "REAL REPUBLICANS". The funny part is the fact that Red States are heavily dependent on Blue States. Guess that makes you a bitch after all

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