The Green New Deal-Cost Analysis


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.

Youre all gonna get bent over
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
21 millions jobs !

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.
The article is from 2019. It is almost 2021. If the DEMORATS are in charge there will be so much fat in there it will cost 40 trillion dollars.
You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs

Specifically what jobs?

Solar panels and other components are made in China.

American Best Solar Manufacturers - Complete List 2018 |
Here’s the complete list of American solar panel manufacturers:
There are a ton of Inverter manufacturers in the US.

Solar Inverter Manufacturers from United States

Are you ignorant, misinformed, stupid or just a Liar.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.
The article is from 2019. It is almost 2021. If the DEMORATS are in charge there will be so much fat in there it will cost 40 trillion dollars.

It doesn't matter whom is in charge. Already, there is at least one Republican Mayor in Texas that has gone that route and it's saved his City and it's residence millions every year. It took the community to do it. His Government Buildings don't pay a dime for heating and cooling or lighting. While the older homes weren't required, all new construction buildings (including houses) had to be built to a specification for neutral energy standards. Tell me again that it will take a Democrat to do it. A Fiscal Conservative Mayor already has. And in Texas, no less.

Texas City Leads The Way On Renewable Energy

But there has been some problems. Not with the power or even the availability of the power. There are problems with the contracting, agreements and old Natural Gas and Coal fired Contracts that hadn't run out at the time when these were written.

How 100% renewables backfired on a Texas town

Keep in mind that the above URL is from a site that is primarily supported by the Oil and Gas Companies so a grain of salt needs to be used. It's 2 years later and the city is still using Renewable Energy. Montrose, Colorado got a court to break their contract with an energy company that was over 95% Natural Gas and Coal and went with a New Mexico Company that is 80% NG, 20% renewable and zero percent coal and saved 20%. There is no information whether Georgetown was successful in breaking of it's old contracts but Montrose was successful last year.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located

I'm a computer Guru, not a Employment Expert. But I think if you research the cites I already gave you would see where most of the new jobs would be A: Located and B: What they would be. Using your own imagination (You do have one of those, don't you) you would also see how it would expand to just about every community from sales, construction and support. And how it would expand even into the retail and services world.

There are many out of work community that are in trouble right now with a ready made work force. Yes, it will require Government assistance to get them started. And just how many empty warehouses are available in places like Detroit, Chicago, etc. that would lend themselves to be used as assembly plants?

Now, about the Batteries. There are places that lend itself well for the manufacture of Batteries and their components. We have hundreds of thousands of complete nothing out here in the west that can be used for processing. Tesla is already doing it. And how much Silicone is needed? Hell we have trillions of acres of Sand with nothing else there. If we need Lithium, same thing goes, do it in the empty spaces. Are you aware that the United States is second to only Australia in the amount of Lithium deposits and the only reason we don't mine them is because the process to make it usable was just too dirty until recently? Tesla is already doing it in some really gawd awful places in southern California and western Nevada. The Chinese are still using the dirty methods that the US and no other Western World Country would allow. And Lithium is on it's way out so that manufacturing plant may be able to be placed almost anywhere you have a shovel ready workforce. And trust me, the pay would be good and many companies would be competing for that same work force.

The Big 3 Auto Makers are quickly headed to electrics now. Tesla may have the lead right now but Ford is making some pretty serious inroads in that direction. GM, being about the most mismanaged company in the world will probably follow suit to stay in business. To give you an idea, Amazon place an order for 100,000 Rivian (US) Light Trucks to be delivered by 2024. They are starting to arrive now. The CEO of Rivian was stolen from Tesla just for this contract. Amazon isn't doing this to really save the world, they are doing it because it makes cents as in dollars and cents. I look for the Big 3 to jump on it very quickly. And someday, maybe even GM might join in.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located

I'm a computer Guru, not a Employment Expert. But I think if you research the cites I already gave you would see where most of the new jobs would be A: Located and B: What they would be. Using your own imagination (You do have one of those, don't you) you would also see how it would expand to just about every community from sales, construction and support. And how it would expand even into the retail and services world.

There are many out of work community that are in trouble right now with a ready made work force. Yes, it will require Government assistance to get them started. And just how many empty warehouses are available in places like Detroit, Chicago, etc. that would lend themselves to be used as assembly plants?

Now, about the Batteries. There are places that lend itself well for the manufacture of Batteries and their components. We have hundreds of thousands of complete nothing out here in the west that can be used for processing. Tesla is already doing it. And how much Silicone is needed? Hell we have trillions of acres of Sand with nothing else there. If we need Lithium, same thing goes, do it in the empty spaces. Are you aware that the United States is second to only Australia in the amount of Lithium deposits and the only reason we don't mine them is because the process to make it usable was just too dirty until recently? Tesla is already doing it in some really gawd awful places in southern California and western Nevada. The Chinese are still using the dirty methods that the US and no other Western World Country would allow. And Lithium is on it's way out so that manufacturing plant may be able to be placed almost anywhere you have a shovel ready workforce. And trust me, the pay would be good and many companies would be competing for that same work force.

The Big 3 Auto Makers are quickly headed to electrics now. Tesla may have the lead right now but Ford is making some pretty serious inroads in that direction. GM, being about the most mismanaged company in the world will probably follow suit to stay in business. To give you an idea, Amazon place an order for 100,000 Rivian (US) Light Trucks to be delivered by 2024. They are starting to arrive now. The CEO of Rivian was stolen from Tesla just for this contract. Amazon isn't doing this to really save the world, they are doing it because it makes cents as in dollars and cents. I look for the Big 3 to jump on it very quickly. And someday, maybe even GM might join in.
ok lets do this 1 at a time my imagination dose not create a job, not unless I am an Operations Manager I creatwe among other things Software for ERP systems in Business which I am, 2 jobs thier are pleanty and Many in Manufacturing with requires Fosile fule like Gas, Oil and other fuels for the equipment with run on electricity which in the USA is powerd by Fossil fuels 95 % so your saying KILL more Jobs Telsa is moving to Texas to use oil to run the machine to produce the electric cares, China they are the worst Country on earth to do any thing they created the COVID 19 Virus so why is that a trading partner. Amazon the best Nasdek Stoke on the planet I own 100 of them is wh
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located

I'm a computer Guru, not a Employment Expert. But I think if you research the cites I already gave you would see where most of the new jobs would be A: Located and B: What they would be. Using your own imagination (You do have one of those, don't you) you would also see how it would expand to just about every community from sales, construction and support. And how it would expand even into the retail and services world.

There are many out of work community that are in trouble right now with a ready made work force. Yes, it will require Government assistance to get them started. And just how many empty warehouses are available in places like Detroit, Chicago, etc. that would lend themselves to be used as assembly plants?

Now, about the Batteries. There are places that lend itself well for the manufacture of Batteries and their components. We have hundreds of thousands of complete nothing out here in the west that can be used for processing. Tesla is already doing it. And how much Silicone is needed? Hell we have trillions of acres of Sand with nothing else there. If we need Lithium, same thing goes, do it in the empty spaces. Are you aware that the United States is second to only Australia in the amount of Lithium deposits and the only reason we don't mine them is because the process to make it usable was just too dirty until recently? Tesla is already doing it in some really gawd awful places in southern California and western Nevada. The Chinese are still using the dirty methods that the US and no other Western World Country would allow. And Lithium is on it's way out so that manufacturing plant may be able to be placed almost anywhere you have a shovel ready workforce. And trust me, the pay would be good and many companies would be competing for that same work force.

The Big 3 Auto Makers are quickly headed to electrics now. Tesla may have the lead right now but Ford is making some pretty serious inroads in that direction. GM, being about the most mismanaged company in the world will probably follow suit to stay in business. To give you an idea, Amazon place an order for 100,000 Rivian (US) Light Trucks to be delivered by 2024. They are starting to arrive now. The CEO of Rivian was stolen from Tesla just for this contract. Amazon isn't doing this to really save the world, they are doing it because it makes cents as in dollars and cents. I look for the Big 3 to jump on it very quickly. And someday, maybe even GM might join in.
ok lets do this 1 at a time my imagination dose not create a job, not unless I am an Operations Manager I creatwe among other things Software for ERP systems in Business which I am, 2 jobs thier are pleanty and Many in Manufacturing with requires Fossil fuel like Gas, Oil and other fuels for the equipment with run on electricity which in the USA is powerd by Fossil fuels 95 % so your saying KILL more Jobs Telsa is moving to Texas to use oil to run the machine to produce the electric cares, China they are the worst Country on earth to do any thing they created the COVID 19 Virus so why is that a trading partner. Amazon the best NASDAQ Stoke on the planet I own 100 of them is what propels the US Economy because of people not being abel to work because of COVID 19. next thing your going to tell me Russia is a great Country?
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located
These great jobs pay 15.00 an hour, contract. No benefits.. and you got to get a certificate (education) and the program will set you back a cool 35k. Total joke!
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.
The article is from 2019. It is almost 2021. If the DEMORATS are in charge there will be so much fat in there it will cost 40 trillion dollars.

It doesn't matter whom is in charge. Already, there is at least one Republican Mayor in Texas that has gone that route and it's saved his City and it's residence millions every year. It took the community to do it. His Government Buildings don't pay a dime for heating and cooling or lighting. While the older homes weren't required, all new construction buildings (including houses) had to be built to a specification for neutral energy standards. Tell me again that it will take a Democrat to do it. A Fiscal Conservative Mayor already has. And in Texas, no less.

Texas City Leads The Way On Renewable Energy

But there has been some problems. Not with the power or even the availability of the power. There are problems with the contracting, agreements and old Natural Gas and Coal fired Contracts that hadn't run out at the time when these were written.

How 100% renewables backfired on a Texas town

Keep in mind that the above URL is from a site that is primarily supported by the Oil and Gas Companies so a grain of salt needs to be used. It's 2 years later and the city is still using Renewable Energy. Montrose, Colorado got a court to break their contract with an energy company that was over 95% Natural Gas and Coal and went with a New Mexico Company that is 80% NG, 20% renewable and zero percent coal and saved 20%. There is no information whether Georgetown was successful in breaking of it's old contracts but Montrose was successful last year.
Hey... The cost of. Kwh of electricity is cheap! Tell me... Your going to spend how much money.. lol. You could pay the electric bill for 100 years with the money you spent.... Lol.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located

I'm a computer Guru, not a Employment Expert. But I think if you research the cites I already gave you would see where most of the new jobs would be A: Located and B: What they would be. Using your own imagination (You do have one of those, don't you) you would also see how it would expand to just about every community from sales, construction and support. And how it would expand even into the retail and services world.

There are many out of work community that are in trouble right now with a ready made work force. Yes, it will require Government assistance to get them started. And just how many empty warehouses are available in places like Detroit, Chicago, etc. that would lend themselves to be used as assembly plants?

Now, about the Batteries. There are places that lend itself well for the manufacture of Batteries and their components. We have hundreds of thousands of complete nothing out here in the west that can be used for processing. Tesla is already doing it. And how much Silicone is needed? Hell we have trillions of acres of Sand with nothing else there. If we need Lithium, same thing goes, do it in the empty spaces. Are you aware that the United States is second to only Australia in the amount of Lithium deposits and the only reason we don't mine them is because the process to make it usable was just too dirty until recently? Tesla is already doing it in some really gawd awful places in southern California and western Nevada. The Chinese are still using the dirty methods that the US and no other Western World Country would allow. And Lithium is on it's way out so that manufacturing plant may be able to be placed almost anywhere you have a shovel ready workforce. And trust me, the pay would be good and many companies would be competing for that same work force.

The Big 3 Auto Makers are quickly headed to electrics now. Tesla may have the lead right now but Ford is making some pretty serious inroads in that direction. GM, being about the most mismanaged company in the world will probably follow suit to stay in business. To give you an idea, Amazon place an order for 100,000 Rivian (US) Light Trucks to be delivered by 2024. They are starting to arrive now. The CEO of Rivian was stolen from Tesla just for this contract. Amazon isn't doing this to really save the world, they are doing it because it makes cents as in dollars and cents. I look for the Big 3 to jump on it very quickly. And someday, maybe even GM might join in.
ok lets do this 1 at a time my imagination dose not create a job, not unless I am an Operations Manager I creatwe among other things Software for ERP systems in Business which I am, 2 jobs thier are pleanty and Many in Manufacturing with requires Fosile fule like Gas, Oil and other fuels for the equipment with run on electricity which in the USA is powerd by Fossil fuels 95 % so your saying KILL more Jobs Telsa is moving to Texas to use oil to run the machine to produce the electric cares, China they are the worst Country on earth to do any thing they created the COVID 19 Virus so why is that a trading partner. Amazon the best Nasdek Stoke on the planet I own 100 of them is wh
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located

I'm a computer Guru, not a Employment Expert. But I think if you research the cites I already gave you would see where most of the new jobs would be A: Located and B: What they would be. Using your own imagination (You do have one of those, don't you) you would also see how it would expand to just about every community from sales, construction and support. And how it would expand even into the retail and services world.

There are many out of work community that are in trouble right now with a ready made work force. Yes, it will require Government assistance to get them started. And just how many empty warehouses are available in places like Detroit, Chicago, etc. that would lend themselves to be used as assembly plants?

Now, about the Batteries. There are places that lend itself well for the manufacture of Batteries and their components. We have hundreds of thousands of complete nothing out here in the west that can be used for processing. Tesla is already doing it. And how much Silicone is needed? Hell we have trillions of acres of Sand with nothing else there. If we need Lithium, same thing goes, do it in the empty spaces. Are you aware that the United States is second to only Australia in the amount of Lithium deposits and the only reason we don't mine them is because the process to make it usable was just too dirty until recently? Tesla is already doing it in some really gawd awful places in southern California and western Nevada. The Chinese are still using the dirty methods that the US and no other Western World Country would allow. And Lithium is on it's way out so that manufacturing plant may be able to be placed almost anywhere you have a shovel ready workforce. And trust me, the pay would be good and many companies would be competing for that same work force.

The Big 3 Auto Makers are quickly headed to electrics now. Tesla may have the lead right now but Ford is making some pretty serious inroads in that direction. GM, being about the most mismanaged company in the world will probably follow suit to stay in business. To give you an idea, Amazon place an order for 100,000 Rivian (US) Light Trucks to be delivered by 2024. They are starting to arrive now. The CEO of Rivian was stolen from Tesla just for this contract. Amazon isn't doing this to really save the world, they are doing it because it makes cents as in dollars and cents. I look for the Big 3 to jump on it very quickly. And someday, maybe even GM might join in.
ok lets do this 1 at a time my imagination dose not create a job, not unless I am an Operations Manager I creatwe among other things Software for ERP systems in Business which I am, 2 jobs thier are pleanty and Many in Manufacturing with requires Fossil fuel like Gas, Oil and other fuels for the equipment with run on electricity which in the USA is powerd by Fossil fuels 95 % so your saying KILL more Jobs Telsa is moving to Texas to use oil to run the machine to produce the electric cares, China they are the worst Country on earth to do any thing they created the COVID 19 Virus so why is that a trading partner. Amazon the best NASDAQ Stoke on the planet I own 100 of them is what propels the US Economy because of people not being abel to work because of COVID 19. next thing your going to tell me Russia is a great Country?

Hate to break it to you but New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, South East California and west Texas have become solar and wind providers of electricity. They have sun light almost directly overhead about 18 hours a day near the border. Near the Border, outside of a few cities, it's not prime suburban real estate so unless you grab the sun that's there, it's of little worth. And there a lot of parts of those areas with high winds as well so you can even have power at night. You will still have a few NG gas turbines but during the time when the Renewables carry the load, they are powered down or running standby with negligible steam power just enough to keep then so they can come on line in an hour or two instead of a long day or two. Some NG units are so good that you can shut them all the way down and still get them up and running in a couple of hours. And you pipe the NG in, no trucks, trains. And NO Coal or Oil. The reason Colorado Coal Fired Plants lasted so long was because they build the powerplants within a short distance from the mines. Next year, Colorado will have Zero Coal plants. But we don't have the terrain that the southwest has nor the really, really long days for solar for the solar fields. But Solar still works pretty good here since we are higher and more of the rays gets through. And, around here, Solar finally hit energy neutral if you either build it for your business when your business is first built or you have a house that has a really good southern exposure. And the price of solar has gone down. Our VA here had their entire covered Parking Lot covered with Solar Panels and it saves a bunch in the long run. Imagine a half block of solar panels that you park under. But you are still hooked into the grid but that's another story. Regulations always lags technology.

And they are just now starting to tap into Geothermal for larger Buildings like Office Buildings and Factories. Yes, it takes electricity for it to work. Enter Solar and Wind or even, like we use here, Hydroelectric or NG. But you can cheaply heat and cool using Geothermal. To give you an idea, Geothermal is just 4 pipes taken down where the earth is warmer and down to where the earth is cooler. Different levels. Two are returns and the other two are forced with something as simple as a couple of fans. No compressor or combustion chamber needed. While it's started to be used in Industry, it's making it's way into the Rather Well off Peoples homes. It's not something you can add to an already existing home but you can add it to an already existing Industrial Complex. This isn't something new. It's been done for at least 4000 years in one form or another. But it's new to you therefore, it can't exist.

And don't play stupid on this one. Everyone is aware of what I am saying so no cite is necessary. Jobs are created to provide the solar, wind , geothermal, installation, service and manufacture. And it compliments the Construction Jobs. It also means that your support functions like Waitresses, Housemaids, Truck Drivers, and all other service jobs benefit. Not only does your industry grow but so does your entire community. And that is the short term benefit.

Now about the Regs not keeping up with the Tech thing. Right now we are in a transition. Many Cities and Towns have signed long term contracts with conventional energy companies and the sell back rate is rock bottom on Natural Gas Products like Electricity. They bulk bought because that was the cheapest way to do it 20 years ago. Many are going to be stuck for the next 5 to 10 years like that. Renewables cost 20% less to buy but they are stuck with having to consume the old NG or Coal contract amounts and can't do a timely switch over. They don't need any coal powered electricity at all because that is the most expensive and most of those energy companies use NG electricity at the same rates that they originally contracted when their primary source was coal. When they switched from Coal to NG, they refused to renegotiate the price because of the long term contract. Many Cites and Towns are still under those contracts that date back to the 1960s when Coal was king and NG was burned in spires at the Pumping Stations. I don't know if you are old enough to remember those flames shooting up from the pumping stations. They don't burn it now, they capture it and it's become a cheap and plentiful source of energy. Now, we are in the middle of another "Revolution" of sorts where Solar and Wind have become a factor in the Rural areas. And the Regs need to catch up to the Tech.

One of the worst cases is if you have your own method of generating Electricity. You HAVE to be connected into the Grid. On certain times per day, your energy need will be less than your Renewable energy source if you have done it right. Yes, even in a single family dwelling. Your meter will literally run backwards. But if it dips into the negatives, you will still be charge a minimum charge even though you are giving the Energy Company power that they will sell. This is why the best deal you can hope for is neutral energy rather than a negative energy. And you will still have to pony up the minimum service charge. Once again, the Regs fall far short of the Tech.

If you read what I typed, you will be smarter. But if you didn't, you are going to be as stupid as you were before I typed it.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.

You leave out the fact that it creates millions of new well paying jobs. Well paying Jobs pays well paid workers that pay well paying TAXES. That is the "Fairytale" idea of Trickle Down where if you give the rich the tax breaks, they trickle it down to the workers and create new jobs. They didn't. Instead, they paid themselves more, move the businesses overseas and bought more fun toys that only the Uber Rich can afford. Since they won't do what's right, we do a trickle up which makes much more sense.
List the new jobs, job description of these jobs, Education to have these jobs and the salarioes and were these jobs are located
These great jobs pay 15.00 an hour, contract. No benefits.. and you got to get a certificate (education) and the program will set you back a cool 35k. Total joke!

Let's look at Tesla. They pay from 30K to over 100K a year depending on the job.

Tesla Salaries in the United States

If you look at the URL, you will also see that those jobs, including the lower paying ones, do come with many benefits. Don't look for Tesla to Unionize anytime soon. If you figure out their pay scale and add what it would cost for the worker to pay to the union, they are on par with the best of the rest of the Industry. Coors Beer operates like that and it drives Busch totally crazy.
The Green New Deal And The Cost Of Virtue

"The proposed expansion of renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would, according to respected physicist Christopher Clark, cost about $2.0 trillion or approximately $200 billion a year for ten years.

The Deal’s desire to build a “smart power grid” for the entire country, would, according to the Electric Power Institute, cost some $400 billion or $40 billion a year for ten years.

According to several sources, AOC’s aspiration to “draw down greenhouse gases” would cost upwards of $11 trillion or about $110 billion a year for ten years.
The Deal’s goal to upgrade every home and industrial building in the country to state-of-the-art safety and energy efficiency would run some $2.5 trillion over ten years or about $250 billion a year. This figure may well understate. Consider that there are 136 million dwellings in the United States. An upgrade of each would conservatively cost $10,000 a unit on average or near $1.4 trillion, and this does not even include the industrial and commercial structures. Nor does it include upkeep.

The Green New Deal also aspires to provide jobs guarantees at a “living wage.” A government assessment of a similar proposal by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) puts the cost of such a program at $543 billion in its first year. Though the costs thereafter would fall, the cumulative expense over ten years would come to some $2.5 trillion.

The goal of developing a universal, single payer health-care system would, according to an MIT-Amherst study of a similar plan put forward by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), come to about $1.4 trillion a year.
Just these six of AOC’s long list of aspirations would then roughly cost some $2.5 trillion a year.
The article is from 2019. It is almost 2021. If the DEMORATS are in charge there will be so much fat in there it will cost 40 trillion dollars.

It doesn't matter whom is in charge. Already, there is at least one Republican Mayor in Texas that has gone that route and it's saved his City and it's residence millions every year. It took the community to do it. His Government Buildings don't pay a dime for heating and cooling or lighting. While the older homes weren't required, all new construction buildings (including houses) had to be built to a specification for neutral energy standards. Tell me again that it will take a Democrat to do it. A Fiscal Conservative Mayor already has. And in Texas, no less.

Texas City Leads The Way On Renewable Energy

But there has been some problems. Not with the power or even the availability of the power. There are problems with the contracting, agreements and old Natural Gas and Coal fired Contracts that hadn't run out at the time when these were written.

How 100% renewables backfired on a Texas town

Keep in mind that the above URL is from a site that is primarily supported by the Oil and Gas Companies so a grain of salt needs to be used. It's 2 years later and the city is still using Renewable Energy. Montrose, Colorado got a court to break their contract with an energy company that was over 95% Natural Gas and Coal and went with a New Mexico Company that is 80% NG, 20% renewable and zero percent coal and saved 20%. There is no information whether Georgetown was successful in breaking of it's old contracts but Montrose was successful last year.
Hey... The cost of. Kwh of electricity is cheap! Tell me... Your going to spend how much money.. lol. You could pay the electric bill for 100 years with the money you spent.... Lol.

Okay, I'll dumb it down just for you. When the contracts were made, there was an inflation adjustor figured in. And during the 70s Natural Gas was expensive if you use todays dollars. The Contracts were bulk buys, meaning you paid for X million KW whether you used it or not and got a discount at the contracted price. Many of today's contracts were made in the 80s when NG was still pretty high hence the bulk buy. But when Fracking was approved, the price of NG went rock bottom. If you were one of the lucky ones that entered into a new contract a bulk prices in say, 2005, you got a great price. But if your contract was made in the 1990s or 1980s, you paid through the nose and by contract, continued to pay the inflation adjusted price based on the 1990s or 1980s contract price. Those contracts are running out right about now or, like Georgetown, TX, it runs out in 2025. Montrose Colorado was under that type of contract but they sued and broke the contract and saved 20% on energy costs.
US green economy represents $1.3 trillion in annual sales revenue and employs nearly 9.5 million workers; both of which have grown by over 20% between 2012/16. Comparison with China, OECD members and the G20 countries suggests that the US is estimated to have a greater proportion of the working age population employed (4%) and higher sales revenue per capita in the green economy. Estimated values for other countries suggests that they too have significant production and consumption in the green economy and the US should consider, as other economies are, developing energy, environmental and educational policies relevant to the green economy to remain competitive in these areas.
Southern Company already generating 30% of the power it sells from Solar!!! Dirty Coal was replaced by Solar & Natural Gas!!! All their excess power generation powers the National Carbon Capture Center. Massive Job Creation at No Cost. Lower health issues without Dirty Coal.

Trump Deficit Spending Trillions for Zero Benefits or Sustainable Jobs!

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