The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

It is in State Constitutions, not implied in right wing fantasy, right wingers.

You forget, State governments are Unitary not federal.
OH I get it now, you are brain dead and need the government to tell you what you can do.
Those who can think for themselves know they can defend themselves therefore right to self-defense predates any form of government.
You are the one who is brain dead. We have a First Amendment. Our Second Amendment is expressly about the security of our free States.
iSo you're saying no one has a right to fight for their lives?
lol. no, You are saying that. was your mos in Red Herrings?
That's not a red herring it's what you have been implying
Well, with that logic, we should not have any laws because supposedly the rich and famous can just circumvent them and that is not fair to the poor. Sorry, the country, society, needs laws regardless of what you think the rich are capable of.

We have laws you dickless turd: The Bill of Rights, and I have the right to bear arms without your punk ass infringing on it with your faggot bitch ass rules.
Only well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment.

The founders were extremely clear that they considered everyone part of the well regulated militia.
Remember there were NO police back then at all, and the military was supposed to be citizens soldiers, which included some women even.

But it is impossible to read the Bill of Rights at all and get anything except that it was entirely and completely a ban on any and all federal jurisdiction.
Whether or not weapons are an individual right is far more clear from the 4th and 5th amendments.
But the 2nd amendment absolutely forbids any federal weapons laws at all, in any way, shape, or form.
This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant and wrong.

All governments have the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment, including the Federal government.

If you read the 2nd as it was intended for the day, it was meant to limit the Federal Government. Now, with that in mind, reread it.
If you read Heller, you’ll see it codifies current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

If you read McDonald, you’ll see it incorporates the Second Amendment to the states and local jurisdictions.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court – including the Second Amendment.

Now with that in mind, reread both.
The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

In order to purchase a firearm, an individual must do the following:

01. Attend three month class on firearms

02. Pass a written test when the class has been completed

03. Achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test

04. Pass a Mental Health evaluation at a hospital

05. Pass a background check in which the government digs into their criminal record

06. Pass a background check involving interviews with friends and family

07. Only shotguns and Air Rifles may be purchased, no handguns

08. New magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones

09. When a gun owner dies, their relatives must surrender the deceased members firearms

10. Every three years, the individual must pass the above tests and investigations
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
...Not all guns need to be removed. Just those that are causing the most body counts. It's called "Common Sense" which little is used in this discussion. One side says "Get rid of them all" and the other side says "You can't take my Toys". It's more like two adjoining monkey cages throwing feces at each other.
Hell, you want your assault rifle? Go ahead and keep it - once you jump through the new hoops required by new law that will eventually unfold. One per customer.

Nope, are not going to be any new gun laws.
The ex post facto concept prevents any new laws from effecting anyone, and with over 30 million assault weapons out there now, there is never going to be an Assault Weapons Ban.

There already are in 7 states and a bunch of Counties and Cities. And it looks like more are on the way. The States and below have the legal right to heavily regulate (notice, I didn't say ban) the AR into non existence.
…until the Supreme Court rules otherwise – and hopefully so.
...Not all guns need to be removed. Just those that are causing the most body counts. It's called "Common Sense" which little is used in this discussion. One side says "Get rid of them all" and the other side says "You can't take my Toys". It's more like two adjoining monkey cages throwing feces at each other.
Hell, you want your assault rifle? Go ahead and keep it - once you jump through the new hoops required by new law that will eventually unfold. One per customer.

Nope, are not going to be any new gun laws.
The ex post facto concept prevents any new laws from effecting anyone, and with over 30 million assault weapons out there now, there is never going to be an Assault Weapons Ban.
Ignorant nonsense.

There won’t be a new Federal AWB because there’s no political will to enact such a measure; Democrats couldn’t even enact a Federal UBC when they controlled the Senate.
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?
...Not all guns need to be removed. Just those that are causing the most body counts. It's called "Common Sense" which little is used in this discussion. One side says "Get rid of them all" and the other side says "You can't take my Toys". It's more like two adjoining monkey cages throwing feces at each other.
Hell, you want your assault rifle? Go ahead and keep it - once you jump through the new hoops required by new law that will eventually unfold. One per customer.

Nope, are not going to be any new gun laws.
The ex post facto concept prevents any new laws from effecting anyone, and with over 30 million assault weapons out there now, there is never going to be an Assault Weapons Ban.
Ignorant nonsense.

There won’t be a new Federal AWB because there’s no political will to enact such a measure; Democrats couldn’t even enact a Federal UBC when they controlled the Senate.

Never mind something as complex as a Clinton-era AW ban. Democrats can't seem to enact anything these days.

...Not all guns need to be removed. Just those that are causing the most body counts. It's called "Common Sense" which little is used in this discussion. One side says "Get rid of them all" and the other side says "You can't take my Toys". It's more like two adjoining monkey cages throwing feces at each other.
Hell, you want your assault rifle? Go ahead and keep it - once you jump through the new hoops required by new law that will eventually unfold. One per customer.

Nope, are not going to be any new gun laws.
The ex post facto concept prevents any new laws from effecting anyone, and with over 30 million assault weapons out there now, there is never going to be an Assault Weapons Ban.

There already are in 7 states and a bunch of Counties and Cities. And it looks like more are on the way. The States and below have the legal right to heavily regulate (notice, I didn't say ban) the AR into non existence.
7 states are all you have cities and counties cannot supersede what the state they are in says
Nor can they tax anything out of existence
Except the courts have already ruled you are wrong.
The Bill of Rights are strict prohibitions on federal jurisdiction.

I think you need to start talking about the Constitution since the Bill of Rights isn't worth the parchment it was printed on in a court of law.

How can you say that, since the Bill of Right ARE the first 10 amendments?
Are you claiming none of the Amendment count?
What about the 14th amendment?
Are we to claim slavery is legal now?

The Constitution was adopted (ratified by 10 states) by 1790 and the last state in early 1791. The bill of rights was a copy of the first 10 amendments which was written in 1791. The Bill of Rights has no legal standing.
"The Bill of Rights has no legal standing"
WOW, the stupid is thick in this one.

Okay, Brilliant one, show me one court case, arrest or anything else that the Bill of Rights has affected in the History of the United States? Just one.
Mapp v. Ohio – Fourth Amendment (search warrants, probable cause)

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan – First Amendment (freedom of the press, defamation)

Gideon v. Wainwright – Sixth Amendment (“you have the right to an attorney if you can’t afford one”)

Miranda v. Arizona – Fifth Amendment (“you have the right to remain silent”)

And of course:

DC v. Heller – Second Amendment (individual right to possess a handgun, right to self-defense)

The Bill of Rights, its court cases, and its jurisprudence has played a significant role in the history of the United States.
It is the SCOTUS's job to defend individual rights from infringement by states. The 14th amendment started that up.
But I agree they will try to avoid this.
Our Second Amendment is about the security of our free States not natural rights.

Wrong, us usual. Government doesn't need to guarantee itself the Right to own guns.

That is the most retarded argument I have ever heard.....but then it's you, so go figure.

On the first half of the 2nd amendment, that's exactly what it does. It makes sure that the States has the right to an Organized Militia separate from the Federal Government. Due to the 1916 National Guard Act, that name is no longer State Guard, it's now State SDF or State Defense Force.

No, it doesn't. Well regulated is a term that at the time it was written meant "in good working order" or do you claim that there was a law governing the usage of clocks that have that engraved upon them?

If you wish to use the meaning like that then you need to use that same for the rest of the 2nd. You are only authorized Muskets. You can't have it one way and then the other way. Either take it one way or the other way. Let's break it down the other way.

The States have the right to project their SDFs without Federal interference. And, unless it affects national security and interstate, the States determine the laws on just about everything including firearms regulation.

You can't gave it both ways and expect cooperation.

I refer you to the aforementioned SCOTUS ruling where it was held that a sawed off shotgun could be banned because "it had no foreseeable military purpose"

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?
confiscate all the guns. GICE. Guns Intercepting Criminals Enforcement
There already are in 7 states and a bunch of Counties and Cities. And it looks like more are on the way. The States and below have the legal right to heavily regulate (notice, I didn't say ban) the AR into non existence.
Regulating into non-existence is the same as a ban, is not not?

That's pretty much what you commies are trying to do, right?

How is that not infringement?

the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?
confiscate all the guns. GICE. Guns Intercepting Criminals Enforcement
Over your dead body.

Our 2nd Amendment's operation is to protect a pre-existing right of the people.

Nothing has substantially changed since the 2nd's ratification that makes it invalid.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of our free States not natural rights. It says so in the first clause. The second clause, merely follows the first clause.

Bullshit. Now go away troll.
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?

Well, the First is already in tatters. The Ninth was never honored. The Tenth has been depleted. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth are pretty much at the mercy of Homeland Security, thanks to Bush. I guess the Third, Seventh and the Eighth are still hanging in there.
How can you say that, since the Bill of Right ARE the first 10 amendments?
Are you claiming none of the Amendment count?
What about the 14th amendment?
Are we to claim slavery is legal now?

The Constitution was adopted (ratified by 10 states) by 1790 and the last state in early 1791. The bill of rights was a copy of the first 10 amendments which was written in 1791. The Bill of Rights has no legal standing.
"The Bill of Rights has no legal standing"
WOW, the stupid is thick in this one.

Okay, Brilliant one, show me one court case, arrest or anything else that the Bill of Rights has affected in the History of the United States? Just one.
The right to a fair and speedy trial

Written in the Constitution and ratified 2 years before the Bill of Rights. When anyone gets popped for violating that, it's always under the Constitution. The phrase is "That's Unconstitutional" not "That's Unbill of rightable".
This is likely the stupidest argument I have seen in a while.

Our 2nd Amendment's operation is to protect a pre-existing right of the people.

Nothing has substantially changed since the 2nd's ratification that makes it invalid.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of our free States not natural rights. It says so in the first clause. The second clause, merely follows the first clause.

The Second Amendment is a God-given right to protect ourselves and our loved ones against any form of tyranny, whether it be criminals or an out of control government.

The Bible has alot to say about that right...

What Does the Bible Say About Defending Yourself?
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?
confiscate all the guns. GICE. Guns Intercepting Criminals Enforcement
Good luck with that I suggest you start in those blue inner leftist run cities those will be easier targets when you get done with them bring plenty of replacements and body bags
the 2nd amendment is not a suicide pact, my friends

if you got a rape list and kill list and they shut the whole school down because you're nuts, you go to the guy's house, you take his guns.

if politicians dont have the guts to repeal the 2nd amendment, they should get out of politics, find another job!
So you repeal the second amendment then what?

Well, the First is already in tatters. The Ninth was never honored. The Tenth has been depleted. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth are pretty much at the mercy of Homeland Security, thanks to Bush. I guess the Third, Seventh and the Eighth are still hanging in there.
it's got to be stopped sooner or later First we stop the damage and then we fix the damage

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