The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Already did,……Now it’s your turn. California has over 200 storage facilities alone. Look it up. Only idiots can’t Google.
You tried to get me in 228 hydro projects….Geesus, by the time you bothered to check, it was over 280….How stupid are you idiots ? There is no limit to your incompetence.

Only dumbass buffoons would claim we don’t store electricity..Is this really a new concept for you dumbos.

California has over 200 storage facilities alone. Look it up.

That's awesome. And how long can those storage facilities power the entire state?

You tried to get me in 228 hydro projects….

Yeah, Nepal, that was hilarious. You're such a moron.
Meanwhile, as the deniers babble, July 2023 was still the hottest July in the historical record, following the hottest June in the historical record. What the rational people predicted came to pass exactly as it was predicted.

That means deniers are flailing. Reality is causing the whole world to laugh at how crazy and stupid their cult looks, so they're getting more hysterical with their attacks on reality.

July 2023 was still the hottest July in the historical record, following the hottest June in the historical record.

And how long was that historical record again? 140 years? Or 120,000?
Meanwhile, as the deniers babble, July 2023 was still the hottest July in the historical record, following the hottest June in the historical record. What the rational people predicted came to pass exactly as it was predicted.

That means deniers are flailing. Reality is causing the whole world to laugh at how crazy and stupid their cult looks, so they're getting more hysterical with their attacks on reality.
It's called summertime weather. But every winter is a stark reminder that we live in an ice age on a planet which is considered to be an icehouse planet because it has ice caps on the polar regions during interglacial periods (which is about 10% of the last million years) and full blown extensive continental northern hemisphere glaciation during glacial periods (which is about 90% of the last million years).

So shove your ridiculously hot computer models up your ass and stop panicking over summertime temperatures.
You must be proud of China, but a little discourage they have also developed more renewable energy then the US. But then, they don’t have the imbecilic Republican party to deal with. They’ve pretty much started humping Putin instead.

And more green cars.......

China’s Abandoned, Obsolete Electric Cars Are Piling Up in Cities​

A subsidy-fueled boom helped build China into an electric-car giant but left weed-infested lots across the nation brimming with unwanted battery-powered vehicles.


That’s small potatoes. I’m still waiting for you to tell us why every university and college in the world are all frauds and spreading fake news. Gee, even Exxon mobile is spreading fraud. Who is paying them off ? Who is paying them all off.
So they are all frauds, right ?


small potatoes my ass....

Your side cannot explain Alaska vs. Greenland

That is PATHETIC given $20 trillion wasted on these fudgebaking frauds....
That’s small potatoes. I’m still waiting for you to tell us why every university and college in the world are all frauds and spreading fake news. Gee, even Exxon mobile is spreading fraud. Who is paying them off ? Who is paying them all off.
So they are all frauds, right ?
It’s a long wait you’re having huh?

It was explained before, you chose to ignore
You seem to care a lot for China. You just declared they should all switch to renewables.

You hate Chinese children ?
So renewables do suck and harm children as we’ve been telling you
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.

It’s the hottest year on record. And things have been getting progressively warmer for decades.
That’s small potatoes. I’m still waiting for you to tell us why every university and college in the world are all frauds and spreading fake news. Gee, even Exxon mobile is spreading fraud. Who is paying them off ? Who is paying them all off.
So they are all frauds, right ?
They don’t have to be frauds to be mistaken. They can just be wrong. Empirical climate data does not support their flawed computer models.
I didn’t dispute the cause. I disputed the claim.
It sounded like one in the same to me. Unless of course you don’t believe that man is responsible for altering the climate of the planet.
They don’t have to be frauds to be mistaken. They can just be wrong.
Or both. We know that there is a "go along to get along" requirement in academia, and the same actors willingly subscribe to whatever new theory supports their political agenda.

That is, the usual trolls just trolling in response to the hard data.

But what else can they do? The hard data says they've been completely wrong about every single thing for many years now, so they have to troll and deflect.

That is, the usual trolls just trolling in response to the hard data.

But what else can they do? The hard data says they've been completely wrong about every single thing for many years now, so they have to troll and deflect.
The hard data shows the earth is uniquely configured for colder temperatures which is why 900,000 of the past 1 million years has been 5 to 8C colder than today, ya science denier.


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