The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

Declared normal? By who exactly are "they" trying to get homosexuality declared to be normal by? Ah wait...they aren't.

And exactly what laws are they trying to get which "support only their sexual behavior"?

They have been trying for the last 10 years to get special laws passed in numerous States. Laws that would give them special status if fired, for hiring, for renting or buying, special status on par with blacks. They even make the same claims that somehow they are entitled because they are just like blacks when it comes to past discrimination and behavior. Which is of course an interesting feat since Homosexual behavior is not skin color and while there are a few people that are so queer you can tell most are not. Special laws that are not required since they already have all the same protections as everyone else.

Further they have derailed any effort to compromise and create Civil Union laws that would give them everything they claim they are lacking. Instead demanding the term marriage be used.
Declared normal? By who exactly are "they" trying to get homosexuality declared to be normal by? Ah wait...they aren't.

And exactly what laws are they trying to get which "support only their sexual behavior"?

You going to try one of your dishonest, games of semantics? The Hell they aren't trying to have homosexuality accepted as normal behavior. You even argue that it is. Or are you now going to try and say you don't?

A law that allows gay marriages is beneficial to only who? Gays.
They have been trying for the last 10 years to get special laws passed in numerous States. Laws that would give them special status if fired, for hiring, for renting or buying, special status on par with blacks. They even make the same claims that somehow they are entitled because they are just like blacks when it comes to past discrimination and behavior. Which is of course an interesting feat since Homosexual behavior is not skin color and while there are a few people that are so queer you can tell most are not. Special laws that are not required since they already have all the same protections as everyone else.

Umm, no they aren't. The most they have been trying to do is try to get non-discrimination laws passed, or get sexual orientation added to existing discrimination categories.

Further they have derailed any effort to compromise and create Civil Union laws that would give them everything they claim they are lacking. Instead demanding the term marriage be used.

Separate but equal is not equal. Sound familar?
A rose by an other name that Matts tries to twist it into is STILL a rose.:badgrin:

We have gone over this before. Homosexuals, like heterosexuals, are people. They want different things. Some want federal recognition of gay marriage. Some just want civil unions. Some gays just don’t care. Another point is that what they want, even if legislated, might not be what they get. Some people to this day do not think that interracial marriage is normal or okay. Yet, interracial marriage is legal. You can’t force people to change their hearts and minds about something being right or wrong just because the government declares it so.
You going to try one of your dishonest, games of semantics? The Hell they aren't trying to have homosexuality accepted as normal behavior. You even argue that it is. Or are you now going to try and say you don't?

Ahh...accepted and declared are very different things.

A law that allows gay marriages is beneficial to only who? Gays.

Perhaps the most dishonest thing ever. Yes it would only help gays...because gays are the only ones being discriminated in this way. That does NOT mean it is a "special law only for gays" means it is making them the SAME as straights.
Umm, no they aren't. The most they have been trying to do is try to get non-discrimination laws passed, or get sexual orientation added to existing discrimination categories.

Separate but equal is not equal. Sound familar?

It is not separate, In order for Civil Unions to work correctly a push would have to occur to eliminate States from the marriage business all together. Marriage is ultimately a RELIGIOUS function, Government only cares about assigning rights and ensuring proper passing of rights. Civil Unions is all that is required and in fact a Judge marrying you is nothing more than a civil union anyway.

Civil Unions are what is needed to ensure that all the States meet the requirement of honoring all other States laws. As it stands now Constitutionally if any State ( and one does) legally allows gays to marry, in effect every State has to honor that law. That is Tryanny and has resulted in the idiotic push in Congress to pass legislation stating that in the case of marriages, one State does not have to honor another States marriages.
It is not separate, In order for Civil Unions to work correctly a push would have to occur to eliminate States from the marriage business all together.

Many gays are in favor of that. But the problem is that its unrealistic. If you are only advocating gay civil unions if the state gets out of marriage, then you might as well be advocating for not allowing gays civil unions because its not going to happen.

Civil Unions are what is needed to ensure that all the States meet the requirement of honoring all other States laws. As it stands now Constitutionally if any State ( and one does) legally allows gays to marry, in effect every State has to honor that law. That is Tryanny and has resulted in the idiotic push in Congress to pass legislation stating that in the case of marriages, one State does not have to honor another States marriages.

Tyranny? A bit melodramatic.
Many gays are in favor of that. But the problem is that its unrealistic. If you are only advocating gay civil unions if the state gets out of marriage, then you might as well be advocating for not allowing gays civil unions because its not going to happen.

Tyranny? A bit melodramatic.

It is Tyranny when ONE State's Judge's or even Legislature shit on what the other 49 believe.

Once again a civil union that has all the power of what we call marriage now is in fact all the State needs as a power. And even if initially only Gays HAVE to get Civil Unions, it is irrelevant to the Separate but Equal claim you made.

I DO though mean that EVERYONE that wants the Government to recognize their union should get Civil Unions. The State should not be in the marriage business. It solves all kind of problems. Further it cuts the argument out from under the right and the left that Marriage is only between a man and a woman, since the Government will not be issuing marriage licenses and will not be authorizing marriage at all. AND believe me both the Right AND the Left are against Gay marriages.
If you are so certain that I am lying then why won't you make a wager on that?
I got enough money to cover anything you can put up, so just prove it, and stop pretending.

Umm its called Ad Hominem. Its a flaw.
You love word games don't you? Problem is, I don't. I deal in facts and straight talk. I know that irritates you when you can't suck someone into your games. I'm the real deal. You're an equivocator.

Actually lots of people have and survive just fine. But you condemn them because they are different then you. Disgusting.
I'm not condemning anyone. That's God's job, and yes, he has condemned them. I'm exposing the sickness, and the agenda of those who push it.
Way to dodge the question, genius.

Good Lord... what a moron. "YOU" made an OUTLANDISH claim.

Larkinn said:
So you won't mind me saying that there is a Republican agenda to rape children then?

"I" challenged you to PROVE IT.

Get with the program you fucking IDIOT!
It is Tyranny when ONE State's Judge's or even Legislature shit on what the other 49 believe.

Nope...they still can't get married in that state, just the state has to recognize them as married if they go there.

Once again a civil union that has all the power of what we call marriage now is in fact all the State needs as a power. And even if initially only Gays HAVE to get Civil Unions, it is irrelevant to the Separate but Equal claim you made.

Irrelevant? You just basically said separate but equal is irrelevant to separate but equal.
I DO though mean that EVERYONE that wants the Government to recognize their union should get Civil Unions. The State should not be in the marriage business. It solves all kind of problems.

And creates a lot as well. Wills, hospital visits, etc. It also gets rid of any incentives the government can give individuals to get married.

Further it cuts the argument out from under the right and the left that Marriage is only between a man and a woman, since the Government will not be issuing marriage licenses and will not be authorizing marriage at all. AND believe me both the Right AND the Left are against Gay marriages.

So if the right and the left are all against gay marriage, who exactly are the 39% of Americans who favor it?
You love word games don't you? Problem is, I don't. I deal in facts and straight talk. I know that irritates you when you can't suck someone into your games. I'm the real deal. You're an equivocator.

It is not “word games”. It is called vocabulary, logic, grammar, and communication. They are skills and tools that you evidently lack. Without them, you are merely a BS artist.

I'm not condemning anyone. That's God's job, and yes, he has condemned them. I'm exposing the sickness, and the agenda of those who push it.

Ah yes. You mention God again. You never did say whether or not you believe in all of those bizarre sexist things in the New Testament that I pulled from another web site. Do you make sure that the heads of the churchwomen are well covered?
I got enough money to cover anything you can put up, so just prove it, and stop pretending.

So would you like to make a wager?...$1k? We can each send it to gunny and if I can prove I qualify for Mensa I get all the money, and if I can't, you get all the money. Sound fair?

You love word games don't you? Problem is, I don't. I deal in facts and straight talk. I know that irritates you when you can't suck someone into your games. I'm the real deal. You're an equivocator.

Aww...did I confuse widdle PR with the word Ad hominem? I'm sorry...a logical flaw means your argument has no merit and come up with a better argument, retard.

I'm not condemning anyone. That's God's job, and yes, he has condemned them. I'm exposing the sickness, and the agenda of those who push it.

Ahh, God talks to you does he?

Good Lord... what a moron. "YOU" made an OUTLANDISH claim.

Notice the question mark at the end of that sentence? That means its a QUESTION, not a CLAIM, dumbass. I'm curious how you want me to prove my question.
But yet we only hear about the liberal agenda and homosexual agenda.

Why is that?

Because even though there is a brash and blatant homosexual agenda, there are those who try and deny it exists, like some did here, and they are ALWAYS "liberals."

That's why.
Because even though there is a brash and blatant homosexual agenda, there are those who try and deny it exists, like some did here, and they are ALWAYS "liberals."

That's why.

No, actually its probably because there are paranoid conspiracy theorist freaks like yourself.
So would you like to make a wager?...$1k? We can each send it to gunny and if I can prove I qualify for Mensa I get all the money, and if I can't, you get all the money. Sound fair?

That might be a little bit complicated. Why not ask a moderator to judge and ban the loser from the board for a few days.
That might be a little bit complicated. Why not ask a moderator to judge and ban the loser from the board for a few days.

Why pass up easy money if I can convince the sucker to do it? I'll go through a little bit of complexity for taking $1k from a moron like PR.
So would you like to make a wager?...$1k? We can each send it to gunny and if I can prove I qualify for Mensa I get all the money, and if I can't, you get all the money. Sound fair?
$1K? What's the matter? You broke? Lets make it $100K. Didn't know you were dealing with a millioniare did you? Just goes to show, you never know who's on the other end of the internet.

Aww...did I confuse widdle PR with the word Ad hominem? I'm sorry...a logical flaw means your argument has no merit and come up with a better argument, retard.
You are an idiot and an equivocator.

Ahh, God talks to you does he?
Yes he does, through the words in the Bible.

Notice the question mark at the end of that sentence? That means its a QUESTION, not a CLAIM, dumbass. I'm curious how you want me to prove my question.
I think it's amazing anybody here tolerates you. 99 out of 100 of your posts are full of nothing more than bull shit.
No, actually its probably because there are paranoid conspiracy theorist freaks like yourself.

Thank you, for that fine display of total misunderstanding of what words really mean.

You're not doing your claim that you're a mensa member any good at all talking horse shit like that.
$1K? What's the matter? You broke? Lets make it $100K. Didn't know you were dealing with a millioniare did you? Just goes to show, you never know who's on the other end of the internet.

I don't have 100k. So if you are a millionaire then 1k will be sufficient, yes?

I think it's amazing anybody here tolerates you. 99 out of 100 of your posts is full of nothing more than bull shit.

Thats your response to my pointing out the difference between a claim and a question? Come now, certainly you can do better then that.

You're not doing your claim that you're a mensa member any good at all talking horse shit like that.

Well I guess you'll win 1k when you agree to the bet then, won't you? PS..I'm not a MENSA member, I'm just automatically qualified if I chose to be one.

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