The House has Passed Two Stimulus Bills. The Senate has not acted.

I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
why not just send a clean single item bill???

sounds so easy even a caveman can do it,,,

Well, for one thing, that would require another vote. There is no guarantee that Speaker Pelosi could get the looney left to go along with it to make it happen.

What the Senate does have right now are two bills the Looney Left agreed on and passed. The Senate could take it up today, strip it down to the single item and pass it. The R's have the majority.

And then then the conference committees are formed and they hammer out the differences. Pelosi can appoint anyone she wants to the committees--we haven't had one in so long, I may be wrong about that--but it will be democratic party controlled and she can appoint whatever DEMS she wants at least. The looney left need not apply! If it passes the CC, then the looney left AOC faction will have to vote against aid. Something that they probably would have trouble doing.

What it comes down to is calling the House's bluff..."you passed a bill, here is our version"

IF, and this isn't a small thing, it does in the CC, that's great. But at least the Senate showed up. Right now...they're not showing up.
What's your time frame for getting this done? Seems you're just as much of the problem as your (how did you put it?) "Looney Left."

The Senate could do this today. Preferably, they could have done it in May. But no time like the present.
You're just being silly. Getting a committee together hashing it out, eh? :laughing0301:
Months, Candy, months. Nobody is as stupid as what you're playing in this thread. I've seen
much better posts from you in a serious OP. You're just being obtuse. Good day

Gotta start some time. No time like the present. Sorry you didn't enjoy your trip to school.
maybe the dems can call them out and send a clean bill that only includes the relief package,,,

Are your sure that could happen - even on YOUR planet?
I am sure the dems are not capable of sending a clean bill,, which would prove they dont care about the people,,,
So let the Senate act on the legislation they've had since the Spring and prove it.

I pretty much agree with you on this...I don't think Pelosi could get a single-issue bill through the House. Thats the beauty of the bill the Senate has right now....she wouldn't have to.
they did act on it,,, you just dont like how they did,,,
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?

The House was getting together with the President's team to hammer out a bill.
The Dems kept loading it with crap, so the President walked away.

Correct. Which is why I'm asking about the Congress. Where is the Senate?

The Senate won't waste their time discussing a non-serious bill.
They have a new justice to confirm.

They've had it since May....5 months before the justice vacancy was there.

Yes, a non-serious bill that isn't improving with age.

Which is why they can change the bill any way they want. You do know how a bill becomes a law, right?
Jesus It ain't rocket science.
Candy knows it, she's just playing us.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.
Republicans are being blamed for Americans facing multiple financial problems because they refuse to negotiate an agreement. They keep trying to convince us we do not need a quality Post Office service during an epidemic during an election and cities don't need help meeting payrolls supporting police and fire departments, public transportation, and even soup kitchens.
What's the point. Do you think Trump would sign a pork-laden bill for illegals and shitholes?

Nancy has to take this at least as serious as her hairdo.

Trump loves pork. You may remember the bail outs to the farmers.
If the bill that comes out of Congress is a single issue bill or pork least they acted. Something the Senate isn't doing.
I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
We're in the middle of a pandemic, not a time to be playing games, Candy.
Don't let common sense bitch slap you in the face.

Playing what games? Doing their job?

The did their job. They sent it back with NO approval as in NO vote.

That isn't sending anything back...
The House doesn't have a Senate bill to consider.
Seriously you lost all credibility by quoting a Broadway musical as to how to run a country

Oh lord...

It was an example of the compromise the founding fathers came up with...using one problem to solve another.
The House bill: help Americans but give us the pork?


Everyone sees what they and you are trying
I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
why not just send a clean single item bill???

sounds so easy even a caveman can do it,,,

Well, for one thing, that would require another vote. There is no guarantee that Speaker Pelosi could get the looney left to go along with it to make it happen.

What the Senate does have right now are two bills the Looney Left agreed on and passed. The Senate could take it up today, strip it down to the single item and pass it. The R's have the majority.

And then then the conference committees are formed and they hammer out the differences. Pelosi can appoint anyone she wants to the committees--we haven't had one in so long, I may be wrong about that--but it will be democratic party controlled and she can appoint whatever DEMS she wants at least. The looney left need not apply! If it passes the CC, then the looney left AOC faction will have to vote against aid. Something that they probably would have trouble doing.

What it comes down to is calling the House's bluff..."you passed a bill, here is our version"

IF, and this isn't a small thing, it does in the CC, that's great. But at least the Senate showed up. Right now...they're not showing up.

The Senate can strip the bill but they would have to send it back to the House for approval. Wonder if the House would approve a stand alone Covid Relief bill or try to stuff some of the pork back in and Send it back.
We already know the answer to that.... remember the millions that went to the Kennedy Center in the first relief bill
I remember the bail out of the LA Lakers and Ruth's Chris Steak House.

We don't know the answer to what will happen...because the Senate will not act.
the senate did act,,,
What was the outcome of the vote on the Senate bill?

I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
why not just send a clean single item bill???

sounds so easy even a caveman can do it,,,

Well, for one thing, that would require another vote. There is no guarantee that Speaker Pelosi could get the looney left to go along with it to make it happen.

What the Senate does have right now are two bills the Looney Left agreed on and passed. The Senate could take it up today, strip it down to the single item and pass it. The R's have the majority.

And then then the conference committees are formed and they hammer out the differences. Pelosi can appoint anyone she wants to the committees--we haven't had one in so long, I may be wrong about that--but it will be democratic party controlled and she can appoint whatever DEMS she wants at least. The looney left need not apply! If it passes the CC, then the looney left AOC faction will have to vote against aid. Something that they probably would have trouble doing.

What it comes down to is calling the House's bluff..."you passed a bill, here is our version"

IF, and this isn't a small thing, it does in the CC, that's great. But at least the Senate showed up. Right now...they're not showing up.

The Senate can strip the bill but they would have to send it back to the House for approval. Wonder if the House would approve a stand alone Covid Relief bill or try to stuff some of the pork back in and Send it back.
We already know the answer to that.... remember the millions that went to the Kennedy Center in the first relief bill
I remember the bail out of the LA Lakers and Ruth's Chris Steak House.

We don't know the answer to what will happen...because the Senate will not act.
the senate did act,,,

Yes they did.

Candy doesn't seem to understand that the Senate can strip the pork out but it has to go back to the House for approval.

Once the House approves it and sends it back to the Senate then the Senate can vote on it and pass it into law.

You get it and I get it but she doesn't seem to understand how Congress works.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
One would think that is the way t would work, but with Pelosi that is all but impossible

Pelosi and the Democrats did their job. You and I (to be truthful) may not like it but all the House or Senate can do is pass legislation. They did that. Twice. The Senate is doing nothing. So your post is simply not factual.

Stop trolling.
You know exactly why the senate isnt going to vote on the crap nancy and company keep sending them.
Republicans are being blamed for Americans facing multiple financial problems because they refuse to negotiate an agreement. They keep trying to convince us we do not need a quality Post Office service during an epidemic during an election and cities don't need help meeting payrolls supporting police and fire departments, public transportation, and even soup kitchens.
What's the point. Do you think Trump would sign a pork-laden bill for illegals and shitholes?

Nancy has to take this at least as serious as her hairdo.

Trump loves pork. You may remember the bail outs to the farmers.
If the bill that comes out of Congress is a single issue bill or pork least they acted. Something the Senate isn't doing.
I like pork too, but not porky chicks or pork for illegals and shiholes.
Last edited:
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?

I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
We're in the middle of a pandemic, not a time to be playing games, Candy.
Don't let common sense bitch slap you in the face.

Playing what games? Doing their job?

The did their job. They sent it back with NO approval as in NO vote.

That isn't sending anything back...
The House doesn't have a Senate bill to consider.
Seriously you lost all credibility by quoting a Broadway musical as to how to run a country

Oh lord...

It was an example of the compromise the founding fathers came up with...using one problem to solve another.
The House bill: help Americans but give us the pork?


Everyone sees what they and you are trying

Okay, have the Senate strip the pork out and pass a bill. Then let the conference committee hammer it out.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?


Wow... do you imagine a bill becomes a law.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?


Wow... do you imagine a bill becomes a law.

You should probably watch school house rock.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?

The Senate can remove the pork but It still has to go back to the House for their approval. Then they can send it back to the Senate where the Senate can vote to approve and if approved it will be passed into law.
I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
We're in the middle of a pandemic, not a time to be playing games, Candy.
Don't let common sense bitch slap you in the face.

Playing what games? Doing their job?

The did their job. They sent it back with NO approval as in NO vote.

That isn't sending anything back...
The House doesn't have a Senate bill to consider.

No its their own bill. The Senate sends it back and the House has to work on it again. Once they pull the pork out they send it back to the Senate. With no pork and a stand alone Covid relief bill the Senate will pass it into law.

Ummm no. That is in no way how it works. Once the Senate takes up House legislation (or vice versa) there is a conference committee that works to hash out differences.

There is a conference committee. Here, I'll let a fellow conservative explain it to you:

One house drafts a bill and submits it to the other house, the second house sends the bill to committee, makes the changes they think are appropriate and then passes it, the new bill is sent to a house senate committee to see if the differences can be worked out,

The lack of knowledge some have for how a bill becomes a law is shocking.
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?


Wow... do you imagine a bill becomes a law.

You should probably watch school house rock.
I did. I listened. You didn't.
I'm struck by the line in Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson wanted the Capitol in the South. Hamilton wanted to create the national bank. It was two separate issues.

I'm going from memory here so it may not be 100% accurate:

BURR: And Madison responds with Virginian insight
MADISON: Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words
MADISON: A quid pro quo
JEFFERSON: I suppose
MADISON: Wouldn't you like to work a little closer to home
JEFFERSON: Actually, I would
MADISON: Well, I propose the Potomac
JEFFERSON: And you'll provide him his votes
MADISON: Well, we'll see how it goes

If the President is going to be involved and his approval of action is important to the Senate it would seem as though such a thing could be hammered out. Probably not the wall since it's so contentious but there are a plethora of other things I'm sure the House would consider. Remember the infrastructure bill?

Why not put that into the mix. The House gets it's relief in whatever measure is decided, the infrastructure bill the President couldn't get off the ground gets done...

Unless, the Senate R's are just not that interested in giving this President what he wants.... That looks more and more the case really. Because in the end, it's a dollar amount we're talking about; when there are two amounts, the obvious thing to do is find the midpoint. Easy. But I'm not too sure the Senate R's are completely on board with Trump any longer. It sure seems that way.
We're in the middle of a pandemic, not a time to be playing games, Candy.
Don't let common sense bitch slap you in the face.

Playing what games? Doing their job?

The did their job. They sent it back with NO approval as in NO vote.

That isn't sending anything back...
The House doesn't have a Senate bill to consider.
Seriously you lost all credibility by quoting a Broadway musical as to how to run a country

Oh lord...

It was an example of the compromise the founding fathers came up with...using one problem to solve another.
The House bill: help Americans but give us the pork?


Everyone sees what they and you are trying

Okay, have the Senate strip the pork out and pass a bill. Then let the conference committee hammer it out.

Call Botox and demand a clean bill.

You're just trolling. Have a good one
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.

No and they won't pass a bill stuffed with money for illegals and tax dollars for Seattle, Portland and Indi.

Illegals already cost us billions each year. No way would I give them a stimulus check.

And the mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indi caused the looting and arson by telling the police forces to stand down.

I wouldn't give them one red cent of tax dollars to repair their cities. Let the tax payers in those cities foot the bill. Then vote the imbeciles out of office.

No. The Senate won't vote on this bill till the Dems remove what they added to the bill.

They don't have to. They can take the legislation and do whatever they want to it...add riders to the bill to fund exploring Pluto if they want.

The question is...where is the Senate?

Waiting on a clean bill.

The Senate can take the bill the House has sent to it--either one of them--and make it as "clean" as they want. They won't do it. Where is the Senate?


Wow... do you imagine a bill becomes a law.

You should probably watch school house rock.
I did. I listened. You didn't.

Than you lack comprehension.

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