the hypocrisy of libs (guns and abortion)

You can't locate the regulations. That's the problem. The moment that you can identify them then we can discuss further.

I put them up.
You won't change your mind so the discussion will not matter.

You lied. You didn't put anything up and you have no intention of addressing them because you don't know how. You don't have a clue as to what "regulations" exist. You are nothing but deceitful.

Once Again
Child Adoption Laws
All of the rules and regulations of each State.
federal law superceeds state law game over

Yes if does,So?
What has that got to do with anything that we were discussing?
its twilight zone time! Liberals hate gun right that save lives but love abortion which kills them.:slap::nono::puke3:

Yes, I never have understood that.
They think guns are violent and kill, yet they want an abortion which rips off the head, arms a legs of a little human life.
I think that it's much more violent to rip the head, legs and arms off an innocent little developing human than to get shot and killed.
Either way it's killing.
don't ya love it when they become graphic to make their point ... it shows they just lost the debate... ru486 doesn' t allow the egg to attach to the the body and is expelled from the body ... no arms and legs there . republicans feel its Ok for people who are crazy to buy and use automatic weapons to go and kill as many children as they can in the local schools ... its their right to have a gun ... thats what republicans believe other wise they would have passed a law to band guns from the mentally ill ...they said the mentally ill have gun rights too... see two can play that game
It is sick how staunchly liberal scumbags defend the act of killing the most innocent and defenseless of us. Evil fucks
and you sir are a immoral bastard

It's immoral to kill innocent life.
You have it backwards.
you sir are a immoral bastard

Sir? :lmao:
I'm Female
mam your are a immoral bitch
feel better now???
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
Were you able to locate the statutes (red tape) that prevent prospective adoptive parents from adopting those children ready to adopt in your own state?

Let me refresh your memory:
the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

At the bottom is a link. Locate the red tape.
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Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
that's not my call - ask a woman.
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
that's not my call - ask a woman.

I am a Woman.
I think that Women should be fully informed about it before they make that decision.
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
Were you able to locate the statutes (red tape) that prevent prospective adoptive parents from adopting those children ready to adopt in your own state?

Let me refresh your memory:
the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

At the bottom is a link. Locate the red tape.

If you did not read the link I put up that is your problem and I never said the red tape prevents prospective adoptions. I said it makes it more difficult compared to other countries.
It has the laws for adoptions of each State and on the left side it has a place to click for the regulations and if you think that I am going to get all 50 states regulations and put them up as a link you are crazy.
I refuse to argue semantics with you it's pointless.
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tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
Were you able to locate the statutes (red tape) that prevent prospective adoptive parents from adopting those children ready to adopt in your own state?

Let me refresh your memory:
the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

At the bottom is a link. Locate the red tape.

If you did no read the link I put up that is your problem and I never said the red tape prevents prospective adoptions. I said it makes it more difficult compared to other countries.
It has the laws for adoptions of each State and on the left side it has a place to click for the regulations and if you think that I am going to get all 50 states regulations and put them up as a link you are crazy.
I refuse to argue semantics with you it's pointless.

the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The link I provided for you was Arizona specific. Try again.

What is obvious is that you are a liar and you are comfortable with that. For you it's worth it. Given the opportunity to be truthful you opt out every time.
tell that to the people who scream its murder

It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
that's not my call - ask a woman.

I am a Woman.
I think that Women should be fully informed about it before they make that decision.
as do I. do you feel a law should be required to force that to happen? somehow, I feel that should be a personal decision.
It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
that's not my call - ask a woman.

I am a Woman.
I think that Women should be fully informed about it before they make that decision.
as do I. do you feel a law should be required to force that to happen? somehow, I feel that should be a personal decision.

If you can make a law to make it legal for abortions, then you can make a law to make sure, especially young women of what they are really getting rid of.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
that's not my call - ask a woman.

I am a Woman.
I think that Women should be fully informed about it before they make that decision.
as do I. do you feel a law should be required to force that to happen? somehow, I feel that should be a personal decision.

If you can make a law to make it legal for abortions, then you can make a law to make sure, especially young women of what they are really getting rid of.
how about just eliminating the laws and allow it to be a personal decision. I'm really not interested in government getting into the business of morality. we did that with prohibition and that did not bode well in the long term. besides, that law didn't really make it legal - simply a covered expense.
It's also our Constitutional right to call it murder of innocent life.
while I agree it is your constitutional right to call it as you see it, it is not your constitutional right to force others to abide by your ideas.

So you think it is wrong for a woman to be fully informed about what she is aborting before she has an abortion?
That is my position.
Were you able to locate the statutes (red tape) that prevent prospective adoptive parents from adopting those children ready to adopt in your own state?

Let me refresh your memory:
the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

At the bottom is a link. Locate the red tape.

If you did not read the link I put up that is your problem and I never said the red tape prevents prospective adoptions. I said it makes it more difficult compared to other countries.
It has the laws for adoptions of each State and on the left side it has a place to click for the regulations and if you think that I am going to get all 50 states regulations and put them up as a link you are crazy.
I refuse to argue semantics with you it's pointless.

the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the hypocrisy of libs guns and abortion Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The link I provided for you was Arizona specific. Try again.

What is obvious is that you are a liar and you are comfortable with that. For you it's worth it. Given the opportunity to be truthful you opt out every time.

You are the one not acknowledging my link to all of the States adoptions laws.
You put the link to Arizona which is in the link I had already provided with all of the States.
I also put up a link as to which regulations were overburdens told by a woman trying to adopt here in America and you refuse to acknowledge them.
Then you accused me of saying that the red tape prevents adoptions which I never said and you are calling me a liar?
You got some nerve buddy.
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Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
tell that to the people who scream its murder
I did.
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.
It was legal for Hitler to kill Jews in Germany as well that doesn't make it less evil. All you liberals have parts of your souls missing

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