the hypocrisy of libs (guns and abortion)

its twilight zone time! Liberals hate gun right that save lives but love abortion which kills them.:slap::nono::puke3:

Yes, I never have understood that.
They think guns are violent and kill, yet they want an abortion which rips off the head, arms a legs of a little human life.
I think that it's much more violent to rip the head, legs and arms off an innocent little developing human than to get shot and killed.
Either way it's killing.
its twilight zone time! Liberals hate gun right that save lives but love abortion which kills them.:slap::nono::puke3:

Yes, I never have understood that.
They think guns are violent and kill, yet they want an abortion which rips off the head, arms a legs of a little human life.
I think that it's much more violent to rip the head, legs and arms off an innocent little developing human than to get shot and killed.
Either way it's killing.

As Micheal Savage says Liberalism is a mental disorder. And as Rush says it is a religion to them; their "god".
oh and Peach, most libs are against the death penalty of criminals found guilty. Only the worst of the worst get it. Yet the libs are against the D.P. But the criminals ARE dying legally and quickly. Yet its ok if innocent babies die painfully and slowly. Liberalism is EVIL.
oh and Peach, most libs are against the death penalty of criminals found guilty. Only the worst of the worst get it. Yet the libs are against the D.P. But the criminals ARE dying legally and quickly. Yet its ok if innocent babies die painfully and slowly. Liberalism is EVIL.

That's just it, they believe the lies that they can't feel when they are being ripped apart.
so the jist of all this is that liberals protect the guilty and damn the innocent. WOW.
It is funny to watch the far left drone on and on with these threads showing their hypocrisy.

Under Bush they were all about "Due Process", now they could care less as Obama conducts his illegal wars..

Well, no, Obama is being pretty straight up about what he's fighting his war over.

Unlike Bush, who lied about his rational for war.

Are you talking about the WMD's which they found?
you're going to have to prove that statement.... newsmax isn't a source nor is whirlynutddaily

US did find Iraq WMD New York Post
Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air
BOMBSHELL New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq - The Political Insider
bull Shit!!!!

That's the problem with many on the left.
They don't think that the two documents go together.
so when it says to promote the general welfare what does that mean to you???

Restrained Federal Power
To promote the general welfare, not provide it like the left thinks.
it does to mean provide for the general welfare that's why obama care was said to be constitutional ... the supreme ruled that it meant to provide ... you lose

That's the problem with many on the left.
They don't think that the two documents go together.
so when it says to promote the general welfare what does that mean to you???

Restrained Federal Power
To promote the general welfare, not provide it like the left thinks.
it does to mean provide for the general welfare that's why obama care was said to be constitutional ... the supreme ruled that it meant to provide ... you lose

Had to be rewritten from a mandate to a tax by one Justice, also unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to rewrite a law.

That's the problem with many on the left.
They don't think that the two documents go together.
so when it says to promote the general welfare what does that mean to you???

Restrained Federal Power
To promote the general welfare, not provide it like the left thinks.
it does to mean provide for the general welfare that's why obama care was said to be constitutional ... the supreme ruled that it meant to provide ... you lose

Had to be rewritten from a mandate to a tax by one Justice, also unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to rewrite a law.
show us where it says its unconstitutional for a justice to rule that the mandate is a tax . ??? the supremes ruled that a mandate is a tax thats what they do... the fact that you don't like their ruling is your problem, but when they rule it makes it constitutional ...unless you can find in the constitution where it says differently
That's the problem with many on the left.
They don't think that the two documents go together.
so when it says to promote the general welfare what does that mean to you???

Restrained Federal Power
To promote the general welfare, not provide it like the left thinks.
it does to mean provide for the general welfare that's why obama care was said to be constitutional ... the supreme ruled that it meant to provide ... you lose

Had to be rewritten from a mandate to a tax by one Justice, also unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to rewrite a law.
show us where it says its unconstitutional for a justice to rule that the mandate is a tax . ??? the supremes ruled that a mandate is a tax thats what they do... the fact that you don't like their ruling is your problem, but when they rule it makes it constitutional ...unless you can find in the constitution where it says differently

You will be just as upset if they rule that the Health Care can't force the States into the exchanges.
In what world do you live in? You seem to think that anecdotal evidence overrides what is actually happening. You are not even close to objective. I even brought you the statutes and you still can't find the red tape. You wouldn't recognize objectivity if it nibbled on your ear and loudly proclaimed to be objectivity. The only thing that you have demonstrated is your ability to lie and drool while stating "liberal" and "left".

You would make a good politician who does not listen to the people's complaints and thinks that the rules a regulations are just. fine.

You can't locate the regulations. That's the problem. The moment that you can identify them then we can discuss further.

I put them up.
You won't change your mind so the discussion will not matter.

You lied. You didn't put anything up and you have no intention of addressing them because you don't know how. You don't have a clue as to what "regulations" exist. You are nothing but deceitful.

Once Again
Child Adoption Laws
All of the rules and regulations of each State.
federal law superceeds state law game over
You would make a good politician who does not listen to the people's complaints and thinks that the rules a regulations are just. fine.

You can't locate the regulations. That's the problem. The moment that you can identify them then we can discuss further.

I put them up.
You won't change your mind so the discussion will not matter.

You lied. You didn't put anything up and you have no intention of addressing them because you don't know how. You don't have a clue as to what "regulations" exist. You are nothing but deceitful.

Once Again
Child Adoption Laws
All of the rules and regulations of each State.
federal law superceeds state law game over

Yes if does,So?
What has that got to do with anything that we were discussing?
so when it says to promote the general welfare what does that mean to you???

Restrained Federal Power
To promote the general welfare, not provide it like the left thinks.
it does to mean provide for the general welfare that's why obama care was said to be constitutional ... the supreme ruled that it meant to provide ... you lose

Had to be rewritten from a mandate to a tax by one Justice, also unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to rewrite a law.
show us where it says its unconstitutional for a justice to rule that the mandate is a tax . ??? the supremes ruled that a mandate is a tax thats what they do... the fact that you don't like their ruling is your problem, but when they rule it makes it constitutional ...unless you can find in the constitution where it says differently

You will be just as upset if they rule that the Health Care can't force the States into the exchanges.
so by coming here and calling it to be unconstitutional is you venting your anger at the people who can't afford health care ... now that they can you want to scream states rights ... doesn't work that way and it never has...
Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution and B.O.R. Gun owners, 99% of whom are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.

Libs want women to have control over their bodies and make their own decisions. They say that no one has the right to tell them what to do. Libs say no one should force a woman to not abort.

Can you see the issue here?
Abortions are legal. People need to mind their own business and not the business of others.

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