The Hypocrisy of Ron Paul


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
As to Reagan, the young Congressman who had once been so anxious to be photographed with him scampered like a Texas jackrabbit when the going got tough. In 1987, when Reagan truly needed his supporters to stand by him, Ron Paul suddenly disappeared from the man's side. In fact, he resigned from the Republican Party and blamed Reagan for his disillusionment with the GOP. In a letter that echoed the prevailing Democrat talking points of the day he wrote, "The chickens have yet to come home to roost, but they will, and America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism." That letter was not merely an act of breathtaking betrayal -- it actually compares Reagan to Josef Stalin -- its characterization of Reagan's economic policies is utterly absurd.

Moving on to the Perry smear, Paul left an important fact out of his ad: Rick Perry was a Democrat when he supported Gore 23 years ago. And, if that puts you off, remember that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat. Perry and Reagan eventually realized that the Democrat party was drifting ever leftward, abandoning the principles that had once claimed their loyalty. The party of Scoop Jackson had morphed into the party of George McGovern, so both joined the GOP because it more closely matched their ideals and those of the nation's founders. As to "Dr. No," having received fewer than half a million votes as the 1988 Libertarian presidential candidate, he came crawling back to the party he had so vehemently denounced and was eventually reelected to Congress under the GOP banner

The American Spectator : The Hypocrisy of Ron Paul
Wow...The neocon douchebags at American Spectator detest libertarians in general and Dr. Ron Paul in particular?

Be sure to alert the rest of the media! :rolleyes:

boo. ron paul is an oddball.:lol:
What the fuck is a libertarian doing in a Republican debate? Hypocrite much?
As to Reagan, the young Congressman who had once been so anxious to be photographed with him scampered like a Texas jackrabbit when the going got tough. In 1987, when Reagan truly needed his supporters to stand by him, Ron Paul suddenly disappeared from the man's side. In fact, he resigned from the Republican Party and blamed Reagan for his disillusionment with the GOP. In a letter that echoed the prevailing Democrat talking points of the day he wrote, "The chickens have yet to come home to roost, but they will, and America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism." That letter was not merely an act of breathtaking betrayal -- it actually compares Reagan to Josef Stalin -- its characterization of Reagan's economic policies is utterly absurd.

Moving on to the Perry smear, Paul left an important fact out of his ad: Rick Perry was a Democrat when he supported Gore 23 years ago. And, if that puts you off, remember that Ronald Reagan himself was once a Democrat. Perry and Reagan eventually realized that the Democrat party was drifting ever leftward, abandoning the principles that had once claimed their loyalty. The party of Scoop Jackson had morphed into the party of George McGovern, so both joined the GOP because it more closely matched their ideals and those of the nation's founders. As to "Dr. No," having received fewer than half a million votes as the 1988 Libertarian presidential candidate, he came crawling back to the party he had so vehemently denounced and was eventually reelected to Congress under the GOP banner

The American Spectator : The Hypocrisy of Ron Paul

here is the OP pages link to the Ron Paul letter.
Oh, wait... it's not an 'actual' letter, or copy. It's 'the text' of the letter. No corroborating evidence that it was actually a Ron Paul authored letter.

I am NOT saying I don't believe it was a Ron Paul letter. I am saying an un-named source, with text attributed to Ron Paul, doesn't convince me that it is a Ron Paul authored letter.

Now, if someone had an actual scan of the letter, or if Ron Paul admitted he wrote it, that's another story.


I have to do everything myself around here.... slackers;)
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That letter was not merely an act of breathtaking betrayal -- it actually compares Reagan to Josef Stalin -- its characterization of Reagan's economic policies is utterly absurd.[/B]

I looked at the text link, which mentions Stalin, but the image does not (unless I missed it).
I supported Ron Paul since 2008 based almost entirely on my belief that he is the man most likely to follow through once being elected. After the last two debates, and countless WTF statements, I am no longer supporting Ron Paul.
Reagan ran as a small government fiscal conservative, got into office and spent $ like the world had never seen and grew government to new heights every year he was in office, so of course Ron Paul abandoned him.

Thank goodness he did, Ron Paul is a real conservative, that's what sickens neocons/republicans.
Hey CatintheHat::

Do you even know the DEFINITION of hypocrisy?

""America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism""

That's PRINCIPLE to oppose those policies WHEREEVER you find them.. You can call him a loon, you can waste your time expounding on all the things you DON'T like rather than trying to support "your guys". But you can't call R. Paul a hypocrit with a straight face. He's Known as Dr. No for a reason..
Hey CatintheHat::

Do you even know the DEFINITION of hypocrisy?

""America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism""

That's PRINCIPLE to oppose those policies WHEREEVER you find them.. You can call him a loon, you can waste your time expounding on all the things you DON'T like rather than trying to support "your guys". But you can't call R. Paul a hypocrit with a straight face. He's Known as Dr. No for a reason..

Hypocrisy is talking about your principles behind a podium but when your party asks you to reject your principles in favor of the party you abide by their demands.

Willow is upset that Ron Paul isn't a hypocrit like all the rest of her beloved republicans. He'll happily go against his party when they reject fiscal conservatism and the idea of making the federal gov't as small as possible.
What the fuck is a libertarian doing in a Republican debate? Hypocrite much?
What the fuck are liberoidals like Chimpola, McLame, Huntsman, Romney, Pawlenty, etcetera doing masquerading as republicans?

Sell out much?


Not odd at all. There is little difference in all of those people and the Dems. It's just that half wear blue shirts and half wear red, but they all play the same game. "Conservatives" have been led so far astray by the establishment and the our tean against your team mentality that they don't recognize true conservative principles when Ron Paul or Gary Johnson smack them in the head with them.
what the fuck are liberoidals like chimpola, mclame, huntsman, romney, pawlenty, etcetera doing masquerading as republicans?

Sell out much?


laugh if you want to their lip prints aren't on bin laden's ass.

Holy shit you're worthless... In fact you come across like TM does on this Ron Paul subject. Next you will tell is "Ron Paul over country" or some made up on the spot enraged Paul hater bullshit. Willo, you are more annoying than Ron Paul fanboys.
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