The Impeachment ‘Kill Switch’: McConnell Dismissal Rule Corners Dems, Blocks Antics as Trial Starts

Really, the State Dept confirmed it.


Confirmed “it”? What exactly is “it”? A request for a meeting or an actual meeting?


Not in any of the stories about this meeting that I’ve seen. You have a link where the State Dept confirms the meeting?

An email between State Department officials dated Feb. 24, 2016 with the subject line “Burisma,” reveals that Karen Tramontano, a lawyer whom Burisma had hired to help end the U.S.’s probe into Ukrainian corruption, asked the State Department how it had come to the “determination that the company is corrupt.”


The company cited the fact that no hearing or evidence had been made public as its justification for ending the investigation.

“According to Tramontano, there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the email reads.

Tramontano then met twice with State Department officials in March 2016.

Another Burisma board member, Devon Archer, secured a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in March, as well. Archer had been one of Kerry’s senior advisers and was the college roommate of Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz.

REPORT: Hunter Biden's Ukraine Co. Repeatedly Met w/ Obama Admin to Quash Probe - Liberty Headlines


That’s not what John Solomon said.
The emails show Tramontano was scheduled to meet Novelli on March 1, 2016, and that State Department officials were scrambling to get answers ahead of time from the U.S. embassy in Kiev.

The records don’t show whether the meeting actually took place. The FOIA lawsuit is ongoing and State officials are slated to produce additional records in the months ahead.

Argue with the article. I notice you didn't say anything about Archer's meeting with Kerry. He also met with poppa joe just before hunter was appointed to the Burisma board.


We’ve already heard from the witnesses that Schiff allowed to be heard. Why didn't he get them all?
They refused to testify.
And you think the Senate will have better luck? Face it, Schiff decided not to follow up and compel their testimony. Now he (and you) both want to have the Senate make up for his lack of diligence. It's not their job. If he wanted their testimony, he knew how to get it. He didn't want it that bad, so there's little need for it now either. He left things in a state where Trump has the power. He can let them testify if the Senate allows it or he can hold them back unless the Senate wants a lengthy court battle keeping them off the campaign trail. Schiff really messed this up, because the democrats know full well they're stuck in session until the trial is over.

Yes, I do. Trump has been pulling these bullshit moves of block all oversight by the House by refusing to allow staff to testify and by sending over no documents, and telling staffers to ignore supoenas. The Courts have thrown out ever one of Trump's arguments and briefs and called their assertions of "executive privilege", specious, and in violation of the obligtion of the House to provide oversight under the Constitution. The witnesses have been ordered to appear, and the court has order the documents to be provided. William Barr's Department of Justice, whose job it is to uphold the laws of the land, are defending the President on this obstruction.

Trump thinks that if this goes to the SC, he'll win, and he's going to keep appealling these decisions until they get to the SC. That is why the impeachment has to go ahead now. Trump has done nothing to stop Russian interference in the 2020 election, and has actually handcuffed the security services of the government in preventing such interference, by refusing to declare this a problem and to devote the necessary resources to protecting the elections.

So yes, the Senate needs to do it's job here and continue to call witnesses and get documents, because their oath of office requires it.

Simple fix in the Senate that wasn't available in the House. Rump wants to obstruct, fine. Rump wants to intimidate witnesses, fine. Rump wants to refuse to release information, fine. Simple solution and it doesn't involve a single court. His next round of golf is on HIS dime as a private citizen and the new President can decide what needs to be done.

That's not going to happen, moron. Trump isn't doing anything illegal. He isn't doing anything Obama didn't do, and you had no problem with it then.

He didn't do anything that All Capone did either. Or anything from the GodFathers Movie. Rump probably hasn't done what the Boston STrangler did but it's early. He may be saving that for his next, "Here, Hold My Beer" moment.
Confirmed “it”? What exactly is “it”? A request for a meeting or an actual meeting?


Not in any of the stories about this meeting that I’ve seen. You have a link where the State Dept confirms the meeting?

An email between State Department officials dated Feb. 24, 2016 with the subject line “Burisma,” reveals that Karen Tramontano, a lawyer whom Burisma had hired to help end the U.S.’s probe into Ukrainian corruption, asked the State Department how it had come to the “determination that the company is corrupt.”


The company cited the fact that no hearing or evidence had been made public as its justification for ending the investigation.

“According to Tramontano, there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the email reads.

Tramontano then met twice with State Department officials in March 2016.

Another Burisma board member, Devon Archer, secured a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in March, as well. Archer had been one of Kerry’s senior advisers and was the college roommate of Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz.

REPORT: Hunter Biden's Ukraine Co. Repeatedly Met w/ Obama Admin to Quash Probe - Liberty Headlines


That’s not what John Solomon said.
The emails show Tramontano was scheduled to meet Novelli on March 1, 2016, and that State Department officials were scrambling to get answers ahead of time from the U.S. embassy in Kiev.

The records don’t show whether the meeting actually took place. The FOIA lawsuit is ongoing and State officials are slated to produce additional records in the months ahead.

Argue with the article. I notice you didn't say anything about Archer's meeting with Kerry. He also met with poppa joe just before hunter was appointed to the Burisma board.



Great. And?
This was already investigated in the first half of 2019.
There was no need for further investigation, since it was already investigated to death.

Your article is behind a pay wall. But tell the class, why are the Ukrainians are going after the money he was paid?

The same article was published directly from Ukraine.

Hunter was paid $600,000 per year. Such a good salary due to be Joe Biden's son. Buying influence perhaps. Just like Ivanka/Jared making more than 100 million per year.

Just one minor difference, Ivanka and Jared were self employed.

Dims are always trying to compare their sleaze with the behavior of honest people, as if they were equivalent.

Ivanka received more than 20 personal trade marks from the Chinese government, some as a personal gift from Chairman Xi. The Chinese do not give trade marks to foreigners, but they gave Ivanka more than 20.

Trump is a criminal President and his crooked family are scooping up the loot with both hands. Jared got a big loan for his company from the Saudis. These are benefits they’re getting directly from foreign governments.

Bullshit, Ivanka held Chinese trademarks before Trump ran for office.

Your article is behind a pay wall. But tell the class, why are the Ukrainians are going after the money he was paid?

The same article was published directly from Ukraine.

Hunter was paid $600,000 per year. Such a good salary due to be Joe Biden's son. Buying influence perhaps. Just like Ivanka/Jared making more than 100 million per year.

Just one minor difference, Ivanka and Jared were self employed.

Dims are always trying to compare their sleaze with the behavior of honest people, as if they were equivalent.

Ivanka received more than 20 personal trade marks from the Chinese government, some as a personal gift from Chairman Xi. The Chinese do not give trade marks to foreigners, but they gave Ivanka more than 20.

Trump is a criminal President and his crooked family are scooping up the loot with both hands. Jared got a big loan for his company from the Saudis. These are benefits they’re getting directly from foreign governments.
In this country you don't even have to apply for a trademark. You simply declare whatever it is to be a trademark. So I don't understand the controversy about Ivanka getting trademarks in China. It seems to me that getting trademarks for your products should be standard government policy.


United States Patent and Trademark Office

So Mitch takes his ball and goes home

Let him sell to the voters that Trump was acquitted on the merits of his case
You realize the vast majority of people do not support the impeachment right?
Democrats are the only population in which over half want him impeached.... but how much of that is due to hate?
And how much is due to honest, thoughtful reasons?
Americans do not need to be "sold" on impeachment, they didn't buy it in the first place.

When you say MOST, do you mean the 53% that support it? Or the 30 some odd that don't support it. And don't sue the "Cite, Cite, Cite" cry here. It's already been linked in here a few times. Do your own research.
Like calling witnesses...
An avenatti type of character would absolutely qualify.
Not sure what you mean by that.

Schumer has asked for 4 witnesses.

Any reason you can think of that we shouldn’t hear from any of these people?

Yes. We had enough of the Democrats third world circus while they were losing the Kavanaugh and gorsuch fights. So let’s beat them again and move on.
They can demand it and hope for sympathy but, being losers, they can’t force it. That should be illustrated and their noses rubbed in it.

Careful now. Every Dog has it's day.

I can see it now.

Moscow Mitch: I yield the floor to the Prosecuting Team.

Shiff: Good Mo....

Moscow Mitch: That will be enough of the chicanory and I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to continue)

Moscow Mitch: Let me reyield the floor to the Prosecuting Team

Schiff: Good After......

Moscow Mitch: I warned you before, no chicanory. I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to's going to be a long month)

I can see it now.

Moscow Mitch: I yield the floor to the Prosecuting Team.

Shiff: Good Mo....

Moscow Mitch: That will be enough of the chicanory and I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to continue)

Moscow Mitch: Let me reyield the floor to the Prosecuting Team

Schiff: Good After......

Moscow Mitch: I warned you before, no chicanory. I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to's going to be a long month)

May it be so.

I'd love to see Schiffhead break down in tears on TV.

I can see it now.

Moscow Mitch: I yield the floor to the Prosecuting Team.

Shiff: Good Mo....

Moscow Mitch: That will be enough of the chicanory and I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to continue)

Moscow Mitch: Let me reyield the floor to the Prosecuting Team

Schiff: Good After......

Moscow Mitch: I warned you before, no chicanory. I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to's going to be a long month)

May it be so.

I'd love to see Schiffhead break down in tears on TV.

I can't wait to see Moscow Mitch's quivering chin go full throttle when he's told by Justice Roberts that he's out of order a few time. man, I bet you could power a small city with that quiver.

I can see it now.

Moscow Mitch: I yield the floor to the Prosecuting Team.

Shiff: Good Mo....

Moscow Mitch: That will be enough of the chicanory and I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to continue)

Moscow Mitch: Let me reyield the floor to the Prosecuting Team

Schiff: Good After......

Moscow Mitch: I warned you before, no chicanory. I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to's going to be a long month)

May it be so.

I'd love to see Schiffhead break down in tears on TV.

I can't wait to see Moscow Mitch's quivering chin go full throttle when he's told by Justice Roberts that he's out of order a few time. man, I bet you could power a small city with that quiver.

I suspect you might be right.

However, Roberts will likely telling Schiffhead to SFTU and present his case instead of grandstanding like he did in the house.
I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?

Anything that Pelosi does.

Which is why McConnell should be considered part of the coverup.

Can we please keep using that word.

It made you look stupid the first time you used....and it hasn't lost it's edge.

Can you all just be honest for once and admit you don’t want to know the truth?
I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?

Anything that Pelosi does.

Which is why McConnell should be considered part of the coverup.

Can we please keep using that word.

It made you look stupid the first time you used....and it hasn't lost it's edge.

Can you all just be honest for once and admit you don’t want to know the truth?

I do know the "truth".

What are you talking about.

You still look stupid when you use the word cover-up.

Get over it.
Confirmed “it”? What exactly is “it”? A request for a meeting or an actual meeting?


Not in any of the stories about this meeting that I’ve seen. You have a link where the State Dept confirms the meeting?

An email between State Department officials dated Feb. 24, 2016 with the subject line “Burisma,” reveals that Karen Tramontano, a lawyer whom Burisma had hired to help end the U.S.’s probe into Ukrainian corruption, asked the State Department how it had come to the “determination that the company is corrupt.”


The company cited the fact that no hearing or evidence had been made public as its justification for ending the investigation.

“According to Tramontano, there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the email reads.

Tramontano then met twice with State Department officials in March 2016.

Another Burisma board member, Devon Archer, secured a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in March, as well. Archer had been one of Kerry’s senior advisers and was the college roommate of Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz.

REPORT: Hunter Biden's Ukraine Co. Repeatedly Met w/ Obama Admin to Quash Probe - Liberty Headlines


That’s not what John Solomon said.
The emails show Tramontano was scheduled to meet Novelli on March 1, 2016, and that State Department officials were scrambling to get answers ahead of time from the U.S. embassy in Kiev.

The records don’t show whether the meeting actually took place. The FOIA lawsuit is ongoing and State officials are slated to produce additional records in the months ahead.

Argue with the article. I notice you didn't say anything about Archer's meeting with Kerry. He also met with poppa joe just before hunter was appointed to the Burisma board.


Your "article" is from a far right website with a history of promotion of fake news

Liberty Headlines - Media Bias/Fact Check

Notes: Liberty Headlines is a news and opinion website with a far right wing bias in reporting. Every article reviewed was favorable to the right and negative toward the left. Headlines are somewhat sensational, but certainly not to the extreme. Liberty Headlines makes an effort to source information in their articles, however they sometimes source to conspiracy and questionable sources such as Zero Hedge and WND, which both have poor track records with fact checkers. Overall, this is a far right biased website based on story selection and mixed for factual reporting based on use of poor sources. (D. Van Zandt 7/22/2017)

You folks keep trotting out these lying fake news sites as "proof" of Trump's lies. This is not evidence, or anything that approaches evidence.

I can see it now.

Moscow Mitch: I yield the floor to the Prosecuting Team.

Shiff: Good Mo....

Moscow Mitch: That will be enough of the chicanory and I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to continue)

Moscow Mitch: Let me reyield the floor to the Prosecuting Team

Schiff: Good After......

Moscow Mitch: I warned you before, no chicanory. I move to dismiss

(Senate votes to's going to be a long month)

May it be so.

I'd love to see Schiffhead break down in tears on TV.

I can't wait to see Moscow Mitch's quivering chin go full throttle when he's told by Justice Roberts that he's out of order a few time. man, I bet you could power a small city with that quiver.

I suspect you might be right.

However, Roberts will likely telling Schiffhead to SFTU and present his case instead of grandstanding like he did in the house.

There was a hell of a lot of grandstanding from both sides. But you Extremists only call it grandstanding when the other side does it. The bad news for both sides is, they have to stay on track and present information that applies only to the 2 articles of impeachment. Sorry, No Biden. No Shady Business Deals. The biggest entertainment will be the unruly reps and dems that are shown the door. Maybe we can bring back rubber hoses.

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