The Implosion If Conservatism. Republicans Distill The Party To Its Rotted Core


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
The left prefer globalist authoritarians so much the chumps had to steal the election
View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
The left prefer globalist authoritarians so much the chumps had to steal the election
I'm glad you felt you had to (try to) change the subject.

Christian Conservatives are not systematically destroying this country. That would be your Democrats driven by a militant group of "progressives" and led by a brain damaged, corrupt swamp rat. What is the formula for destroying a country? Divide it from within, remove the border protection, control information and squash free speech. Check, check, check and check.
View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
The left prefer globalist authoritarians so much the chumps had to steal the election
Doofus, nobody stole anything. Your ideas for a top down white nationalist government to make you feel better about yourself were rejected at the ballot box. Anybody that still thinks election was stolen is a fool. We, as a country, just refused to be conned into accepting your latest hoax attempt to take over the country, as you will lose repeatedly in the future. We are not going to be ruled by our personal fears of future inadequacy to command and control, by relinquishing command and control to a top down, federal strongman regime.
The Christian right (if you can call it Christian anymore) is just the church-going supporters of a culture their grandparents told them about 60 or 70 years ago and liked and would like to recreate. They are anti-free election (if they do not get their favorite totalitarian du juor) that can assure them of being in the driver's seat, even in an oppressed authoritarian state, ruled by the riche. They rally around being anti-abortion as a Christian value, but it appears the only value they all adopt or will still support or make Christian-like (or Christian-lite) policy decisions. Anyone that espouses that one value can threaten or break any other so called Christian value written in the bible or anywhere else. In doing so, they have become the biggest blindly hypocrite segment of society we have ever seen.
Dailykooks runs this story once a month............and some single digit IQ leftist nutball starts a thread on it.
View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
The left prefer globalist authoritarians so much the chumps had to steal the election
I'm glad you felt you had to (try to) change the subject.


Not really monkey I'll leave that up to you low iq leftards
And the daily kos....... really

Any more q news useful idiot?
View attachment 460701

The man was an extremist himself, but he was a prophet, in religious terms, on where the Republican Party is today. Well written article.

Turns out these people were never really conservatives. They've been waiting for a populist authoritarian to take over, and he showed up in the form of an orange buffoon.

Limited government? Lower spending? Fiscal responsibility? Family Values? It was all bullshit, all this time.

They wanted a Right Wing autocrat to "lead" them. Trump showed us who these people really are.
The left prefer globalist authoritarians so much the chumps had to steal the election
I'm glad you felt you had to (try to) change the subject.


Not really monkey I'll leave that up to you low iq leftards
And the daily kos....... really

Any more q news useful idiot?
Another solid Trump-level response.

Right on, dude.

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