The inept and corrupt federal government

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
Now see....if I were you....I would try to sell you now on how "wonderful" and "amazing" it would be to have the federal government handling snow removal in your community. This would be the kind of nonsense you and your fellow progressives would say:
  • Some cities (like Detroit) are bankrupt and can't afford proper snowplowing.
  • Why should cold weather cities incur the costs of snow removal while warm weather cities like Miami can avoid those costs? It's only "fair" that all Americans bear the burden for weather events in various parts of America.
  • Some cities don't do as good of a job with snow removal as other cities. By moving to a federally-controlled snowplowing model, all citizens will get a "fair" and uninformed snow removal experience.
During a major blizzard......We the People will chip in through the Federal Government to provide emergency services to a city like Detroit
During a hurricane........We the People will help Miami recover

Is this a great country or what!
Especially if you are one of the hacks that gets a sweet no-bid contract paid for by Uncle Sugar! Pad the bills as much as you want, nobody will say a word about it!

Which hack are you a coatholder for, dude?
Clearly we're not, nitwit. As we're $20 trillion in debt and still have millions of people either hungry, homeless, or uninsured. Any other stupid things you'd like to say?

Why would you measure wealth by debt?

We have a GDP of $18 trillion a year and national assets in excess of $125 trillion
Another shining example of the profound progressive failure to grasp even basic economics. One cannot eat "assets" chief. One cannot receive healthcare from "assets".

Furthermore, why do we have $20 trillion in debt if we have all of these assets?!? Why not just liquidate the assets rather than leveraging our future by selling bonds and making our enemy (China) very wealthy at our own expense?!? :dunno:

Seriously brother, the further down the rabbit hole you go, the worse you are making things on yourself. You're trying to defend something which cannot be defended (it's like trying to defend child molestation and make the case that it's ok).
We have $20 trillion in debt because we are fat and lazy. We demand full services while we also demand low taxes.
Most of that $125 trillion is in the hands of our super wealthy who we refuse to inconvenience. The rest is in the hands of business who refuse to pay wages that keep up with inflation
How much extra tax do YOU pay every year?

What's that, none? Thought so.
That is not the way our tax code works

It's like me saying....If you support a war, why don't you chip in extra to pay for it?
If you support schools....why don't you chip in extra?
I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
Now see....if I were you....I would try to sell you now on how "wonderful" and "amazing" it would be to have the federal government handling snow removal in your community. This would be the kind of nonsense you and your fellow progressives would say:
  • Some cities (like Detroit) are bankrupt and can't afford proper snowplowing.
  • Why should cold weather cities incur the costs of snow removal while warm weather cities like Miami can avoid those costs? It's only "fair" that all Americans bear the burden for weather events in various parts of America.
  • Some cities don't do as good of a job with snow removal as other cities. By moving to a federally-controlled snowplowing model, all citizens will get a "fair" and uninformed snow removal experience.
During a major blizzard......We the People will chip in through the Federal Government to provide emergency services to a city like Detroit
During a hurricane........We the People will help Miami recover

Is this a great country or what!
Especially if you are one of the hacks that gets a sweet no-bid contract paid for by Uncle Sugar! Pad the bills as much as you want, nobody will say a word about it!

Which hack are you a coatholder for, dude?
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted
When will we come to understand that government is an antiquated idea? It needs to die.
That is not the way our tax code works. It's like me saying....If you support a war, why don't you chip in extra to pay for it?
The difference being, of course, is that defense is the constitutional responsibility of government while art is not.

Every time you repeat that stupid phrase you send a message to everyone not to take you seriously.
Again, Poodle. That's Iran's money. The international courts have ruled for decades we have to pay it back.
Tell them to fuck off.

Well, no. You see, the problem with that is, once we tell Iran that we don't have to follow the rules, no one else has to follow the rules, either.

It means any other country can take our money and assets, any time they feel like it.

You just aren't very bright.
That is not the way our tax code works
Yeah...and paying for art is not the way our tax code works. Funny how you ignore that indisputable reality.

We can pay for art
We can pay for parks
We can pay for a fireworks display

We can pay for anything that We the People want. Our founding fathers paid for art.....just visit the Capital some day
We can pay for art
We can pay for parks
We can pay for a fireworks display

We can pay for anything that We the People want. Our founding fathers paid for art.....just visit the Capital some day
Poor little nitwit here has absolutely no clue how his own government functions. The U.S. Constitution outlines the structure of our government and its limitations. I know you're a quasi-anarchist who hates the limitations of the law, but you don't get to ignore it just because you're greedy.

We the People can alter laws, but we don't get to break the laws. And since you're in the extreme minority of the bat-shit crazy progressive ideology and can't get the laws altered as you want them, you like to pretend that you can violate them. You can't.

“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” - Thomas Jefferson (1798)

See, nitwit? Thomas Jefferson didn't say "bind government down by We the People". He said "bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". It is the law. It is the supreme law of the land. As usual, you lose. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole with each post trying to defend something illegal.
We can pay for art
We can pay for parks
We can pay for a fireworks display

We can pay for anything that We the People want. Our founding fathers paid for art.....just visit the Capital some day
Poor little nitwit here has absolutely no clue how his own government functions. The U.S. Constitution outlines the structure of our government and its limitations. I know you're a quasi-anarchist who hates the limitations of the law, but you don't get to ignore it just because you're greedy.

We the People can alter laws, but we don't get to break the laws. And since you're in the extreme minority of the bat-shit crazy progressive ideology and can't get the laws altered as you want them, you like to pretend that you can violate them. You can't.

“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” - Thomas Jefferson (1798)

See, nitwit? Thomas Jefferson didn't say "bind government down by We the People". He said "bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". It is the law. It is the supreme law of the land. As usual, you lose. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole with each post trying to defend something illegal.

The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Another egregious lie by wrongwinger. For starters, there wasn't even federal income tax when the founders were still alive. The federal government was financed by donations.

Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.

Like I said chief, the more you attempt to defend your previous lies, the deeper hole you keep digging. You'll never get out of this now. Might as well just admit you were wrong and you lied.
See, nitwit? Thomas Jefferson didn't say "bind government down by We the People". He said "bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". It is the law. It is the supreme law of the land. As usual, you lose. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole with each post trying to defend something illegal.

Thomas Jefferson also raped the shit out of his slaves, but that doesn't mean that we should hold him as paragon of anything. He wasn't Jesus. (Actually, Jesus wasn't actually Jesus, but never mind.)

Point is, most of want the government to do things for us. We're good with what the government does. IT's why all the smack your side talks about shrinking government, you usually end up growing it faster than the Democrats do.
Another egregious lie by wrongwinger. For starters, there wasn't even federal income tax when the founders were still alive. The federal government was financed by donations.

Actually, it was funded by excises and tariffs, which is why the South got so darned upset that they weren't getting as much money as they could from the work done by the slaves they weren't raping.

The thing is, the Founders lived in a time where you had no internet, no cars, no planes, no radio or TV, no modern medicine... People lived short, brutish lives, half the children born died in childhood... A quarter of the population were slaves and most of the rest were exploited labor. It was actually kind of a fucked up time to live in for most people.

Sorry, we became a better country because we moved beyond those slave-raping assholes. America is great because of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, LBJ, heck, I'd even throw Ike into that mix.

When I drive at 60MPH down a nice road today, I'm glad there's a federal government to maintain it and keep it safe.
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Another egregious lie by wrongwinger. For starters, there wasn't even federal income tax when the founders were still alive. The federal government was financed by donations.

Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.

Like I said chief, the more you attempt to defend your previous lies, the deeper hole you keep digging. You'll never get out of this now. Might as well just admit you were wrong and you lied.

Are you serious? You are just making shit up as you go along

Visit the Capital or the White House and look at all the paintings and sculptures....all paid for by the federal government


Looks like art to me
Donations? Are you serious? You are just making shit up as you go along
You're lack of knowledge about the U.S. government is astounding (and explains why you are a progressive). Federal income tax did not exist until Abraham Lincoln implemented it during the Civil War. We went nearly 100 years without federal income tax. Some money was generated via tariffs. The rest was all donations.
Donations? Are you serious? You are just making shit up as you go along
You're lack of knowledge about the U.S. government is astounding (and explains why you are a progressive). Federal income tax did not exist until Abraham Lincoln implemented it during the Civil War. We went nearly 100 years without federal income tax. Some money was generated via tariffs. The rest was all donations.

LOL.......You think the Federal Government passed the hat?

They still got revenue from tariffs and taxes

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