The inept and corrupt federal government

The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Another egregious lie by wrongwinger.Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
Visit the Capital or the White House and look at all the paintings and sculptures....all paid for by the federal government


Looks like art to me
That is neither an "art exhibit" or an "art show" as we were discussing. That is a government building, which the government is allowed to reasonably furnish. I fully support our federal courts having desks and chairs - I do not expect them to stand through trial. That doesn't mean they are allowed to provide desk and chairs to people like you.

Do you realize how bad you look right now? People can see that you're lying in every post you make. You're not fooling anyone when we discuss "art exhibits" and "art shows" as egregious federal waste and you then post a picture of the rotunda as "proof" that it's ok. :lol:
Donations? Are you serious? You are just making shit up as you go along
You're lack of knowledge about the U.S. government is astounding (and explains why you are a progressive). Federal income tax did not exist until Abraham Lincoln implemented it during the Civil War. We went nearly 100 years without federal income tax. Some money was generated via tariffs. The rest was all donations.

LOL.......You think the Federal Government passed the hat?

They still got revenue from tariffs and taxes
No...they didn't nitwit. They got some from tariffs - the rest was from donations. I'm sorry you're so ignorant of U.S. history (I am) but you're making yourself look extra ignorant right now.
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Another egregious lie by wrongwinger.Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
Visit the Capital or the White House and look at all the paintings and sculptures....all paid for by the federal government


Looks like art to me
That is neither an "art exhibit" or an "art show" as we were discussing. That is a government building, which the government is allowed to reasonably furnish. I fully support our federal courts having desks and chairs - I do not expect them to stand through trial. That doesn't mean they are allowed to provide desk and chairs to people like you.

Do you realize how bad you look right now? People can see that you're lying in every post you make. You're not fooling anyone when we discuss "art exhibits" and "art shows" as egregious federal waste and you then post a picture of the rotunda as "proof" that it's ok. :lol:

Moving that goal post already?

Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I?
Anarchists such as yourself rage at a government that would actually spend money on....... Art
You reject the law. You are the anarchist. I support the law unlike you. The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art.

Wrong again Patriot

Its what happens when you make things up as you go along
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Anarchists such as yourself rage at a government that would actually spend money on....... Art
You reject the law. You are the anarchist. I support the law unlike you. The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art.

Wrong again Patriot. Its what happens when you make things up as you go along
You are the undisputed expert on "making things up". Like I said, the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Art is not one of them.

No matter how much you lie, or how much you support an anarchical view of ignoring the law, it doesn't change reality.
Moving that goal post already? Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I? moved the goalposts. Post #675:
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
You're suddenly awfully quiet over there wrongwinger. What's wrong - did pointing out post #675 illustrate you're stupidity for you?!? :lol:
We can pay for art
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.
We can pay for parks
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.
We can pay for a fireworks display
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.
We can pay for anything that We the People want.
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.

GDP is $18 trillion
National assets are $125 trillion

We are not in poverty

Once again you shift your argument when challenged. You have moved from "Government is not allowed to fund these things" to "Government shouldn't fund these things
Moving that goal post already? Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I? moved the goalposts. Post #675:
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
We the People just owned you the liar...

Moving that goal post already? Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I? moved the goalposts. Post #675:
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
You're suddenly awfully quiet over there wrongwinger. What's wrong - did pointing out post #675 illustrate you're stupidity for you?!? :lol:

Move that goalpost when you are losing an argument

From Post 603 last Saturday, you posted

The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art.
Anarchists such as yourself rage at a government that would actually spend money on....... Art
You reject the law. You are the anarchist. I support the law unlike you. The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art.

Wrong again Patriot. Its what happens when you make things up as you go along
You are the undisputed expert on "making things up". Like I said, the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Art is not one of them.

No matter how much you lie, or how much you support an anarchical view of ignoring the law, it doesn't change reality.

And I proved to you that the founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution spent money on art
Moving that goal post already? Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I? moved the goalposts. Post #675:
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
You're suddenly awfully quiet over there wrongwinger. What's wrong - did pointing out post #675 illustrate you're stupidity for you?!? :lol:

Move that goalpost when you are losing an argument

From Post 603 last Saturday, you posted

The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art. the context of what we were discussing nitwit (the federal government spending money on an "art exhibit" of smells from medieval time). lost. Badly. You attempted to defend the indefensible - government waste. With each post you had to dig deeper with more nonsense. Now your approach is to pretend like you didn't know we were discussing that exhibit from a government waste report because you've been so thoroughly defeated here with facts.
GDP is $18 trillion
National assets are $125 trillion

We are not in poverty
Then why do we have $20 trillion in debt? The most in the world. :dunno:

Because we can
We are wealthy enough to support a $20 trillion debt and still function

I have over $250,000 mortgage debt on two houses. More than I make in a year. I have equity well above that and choose to not pay off those mortgages. Why should I? The interest rate is so low on them, I can do better in other investments
Moving that goal post already? Your claim was that Government does not have the authority to purchase art
Proved you wrong didn't I? moved the goalposts. Post #675:
The founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution used tax money to pay for art
Name one "art exhibit" / "art show" that the founders paid for with tax dollars. You can't. Because they didn't.
You're suddenly awfully quiet over there wrongwinger. What's wrong - did pointing out post #675 illustrate you're stupidity for you?!? :lol:

Move that goalpost when you are losing an argument

From Post 603 last Saturday, you posted

The law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art. the context of what we were discussing nitwit (the federal government spending money on an "art exhibit" of smells from medieval time). lost. Badly. You attempted to defend the indefensible - government waste. With each post you had to dig deeper with more nonsense. Now your approach is to pretend like you didn't know we were discussing that exhibit from a government waste report because you've been so thoroughly defeated here with facts.

Nice groveling the nice people where the law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art
GDP is $18 trillion
National assets are $125 trillion

We are not in poverty
Then why do we have $20 trillion in debt? The most in the world. :dunno:

Because we can. We are wealthy enough to support a $20 trillion debt and still function
"Because we can" :lmao:

Holy shit have you reached the ultimate depths of desperation now. If we were so wealthy as you claimed, we'd simply pay cash for everything and not accumulate debt. We have more debt than our entire GDP. the nice people where the law strictly forbids the federal government from spending money on art
I already did, nitwit. At least a dozen times in this thread alone. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Financing "art exhibits" / "art shows" is not one of those powers. How many times does this need to be explained to you?

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