The inept and corrupt federal government

If we finally do get the rich to pay their fair share, we will have less revenue to the government than ever. Because we'd have to lower their taxes by at least 50% for them to be paying their "fair share".

No, we wouldn't. Hey, let's put "paying their fair share" to a vote. You'd probably lose that one.

Trump didn't run on "tax cuts for the rich". He ran against the rich, which is why they supported Hillary.

By the way....if we confiscated every single dollar in the entire U.S. economy (including the middle class and the poor), it wouldn't even come close to paying off the national debt. Not even half of it.

Guy, that isn't true.

We have a national debt of 20 Trillion. We have a GDP of 20 trillion and total assets of 269 Trillion.

As far as debt, we as a country have 145.8 Trillion in debt, if you count everything from mortgages, business loans, credit cards, etc. Federal Government Debt is only a fraction of that.

The thing was, the debt WAS going down under Bill Clinton. Had we kept with his sensible policies, we'd probably have had it paid down by now.

Define fair share.
Everything that is $1 more than Joey has.
Wow...we agree.

Sales tax used to be less than 3%.

Now, it hurts when you buy a car.

What is all that for.

Mostly, it's for programs we all want, but don't want to pay for. and frankly, making merchants the tax collector is a terrible idea. It not only depresses economic activity, but a lot of money is lost just in collecting it.

You say we all want.

I won't say we don't want.

I will say we don't know about.
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.

Sure we can. We just need to make the rich pay their fair share. And stop propping up Israel. and stop spending hundreds of billions playing "Hall Monitor of the Hormuz".


The poor need to pay their fair share too.

I think everyone should pay a minimum of 2% regardless of tax deductions.

As punishment for being poor?

Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services. They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

As punishment for being poor?

what he doesn't get is that the poor are already paying 10% of their income in sales taxes...

They don't pay sales tax on their incomes...they pay it on their purchases. And little of that goes to the fed (or used to anyway).

They do, like everyone else, pay a lot of hidden taxes which is why I agree with one of your earlier comments about being nickled and dimed at every turn.
Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services.

Not really. First and foremost, entitlements for poverty relief is a very small part of our federal expenditures. In fact, "Welfare" spending, which includes such middle class entitlements as unemployment insurance, constitutes less than 3% of GDP.

They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

From who? You see, the thing is, we haven't fought a war on our own soil since WWII.

I should point out that it's the poor who mostly make up those armies...

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

the question is, who really benefits.

Let's take one of your favorite 'welfare' programs, food stamps. Food stamps really benefit the agriculture industry by keeping demand for food high. Yes, we have to limit it because some people would spend that money on high-tops and video games if we gave them lump sum payments.

The ideal world- Every able bodied American has a job that pays a remunerative wage. Then there would be no need for welfare.
Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services.

Not really. First and foremost, entitlements for poverty relief is a very small part of our federal expenditures. In fact, "Welfare" spending, which includes such middle class entitlements as unemployment insurance, constitutes less than 3% of GDP.

They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

From who? You see, the thing is, we haven't fought a war on our own soil since WWII.

I should point out that it's the poor who mostly make up those armies...

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

the question is, who really benefits.

Let's take one of your favorite 'welfare' programs, food stamps. Food stamps really benefit the agriculture industry by keeping demand for food high. Yes, we have to limit it because some people would spend that money on high-tops and video games if we gave them lump sum payments.

The ideal world- Every able bodied American has a job that pays a remunerative wage. Then there would be no need for welfare.

Less than 3% of GDP ??? And that is small ?

I don't know about today's armies, but I do know that poor people did when being in the army was not a good thing. Regardless, the army then benefits the poor in many ways.

Food stamps are promoted by the food corporations. I'd have no problem with them if I didn't see it as another corporate program that made the rich richer.
No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.

Sure we can. We just need to make the rich pay their fair share. And stop propping up Israel. and stop spending hundreds of billions playing "Hall Monitor of the Hormuz".


The poor need to pay their fair share too.

I think everyone should pay a minimum of 2% regardless of tax deductions.

As punishment for being poor?

Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services. They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

You tax where the money is.

No we can't. We're $20 trillion in debt.

Sure we can. We just need to make the rich pay their fair share. And stop propping up Israel. and stop spending hundreds of billions playing "Hall Monitor of the Hormuz".


The poor need to pay their fair share too.

I think everyone should pay a minimum of 2% regardless of tax deductions.

As punishment for being poor?

Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services. They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

You tax where the money is.


Where is that written ?

If you benefit, you can help.
BTW: We are 20 Trillion in debt.

Didn't hear a lot of about this during the election.

I don't blame Obama (although he certainly didn't help the issue).

It's more Bush (or he had more opportunity to do something about it), but we as a people need to face up to the fact we are in a pile of poop in this regard.
Sure we can. We just need to make the rich pay their fair share. And stop propping up Israel. and stop spending hundreds of billions playing "Hall Monitor of the Hormuz".


The poor need to pay their fair share too.

I think everyone should pay a minimum of 2% regardless of tax deductions.

As punishment for being poor?

Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services. They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

You tax where the money is.


Where is that written ?

If you benefit, you can help.

Why do you advocate taxing those who only control two TENTHS of a percent of the wealth while offering those who have 34.6 of the wealth historically low tax rates

The poor need to pay their fair share too.

I think everyone should pay a minimum of 2% regardless of tax deductions.

As punishment for being poor?

Punishment....can you stop being stupid....just for a little while.

The poor absorb a disproportionate amount of taxes in the form of welfare and other public services. They also benefit from the protection of our armies.

The term "fair" was used. I simply applied it.

Unless you think it fair that someone get these benefits and not contribute.

You tax where the money is.


Where is that written ?

If you benefit, you can help.

Why do you advocate taxing those who only control two TENTHS of a percent of the wealth while offering those who have 34.6 of the wealth historically low tax rates

I don't recall saying anything about the wealthy. I am all for raising their taxes.

Shove your strawman.

But I don't advocate raising taxes unless there is an agreement that for every extra dollar of tax, there are three real dollars cut from the federal spending registers.
Dollars are dollars whether in hard cold cash or assets
Yes folks...wrongwinger really is that stupid. He just said "dollars are dollars whether in assets". He literally has no idea of the definition of a dollar.

Dollars are dollars. Assets are assets you nitwit. One cannot make a payment in assets. We do not work on a bartering system in the U.S. An asset must be liquidated first. And since that far exceeds the total amount of money in circulation, it would not even be possible to liquidate them.
We are not broke......not even close
Do you realize how idiotic you sound attempting to deny something so indisputable? We are $20 trillion in debt. If we were soooooo wealthy as you are lying about, we wouldn't have any debt. We have the debt because we didn't have the money to pay for the idiotic progressive communism.
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Why do you advocate taxing those who only control two TENTHS of a percent of the wealth while offering those who have 34.6 of the wealth historically low tax rates

1. Because the American people are tired of people like you getting a free ride

2. The wealthy create jobs which are desperately needed

3. Communism/socialism/marxism/progressivism has been a spectacular failure world wide

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