The inept and corrupt federal government

Now imagine that in the WH. It will be a scandal a minute, and we can count on the MSM to cover it all up. She will be unconstrained by the media and we know the Rs in Congress will do their usual disappearing act.

Hillary The All Powerful....
Donald Trump acknowledged Sunday that he's receiving intelligence briefings less frequently that other President-elects have in the past, explaining that he doesn't "have to be told" of the critical session's findings because he's "a smart person."

In a wide-ranging interview with "Fox News Sunday," Trump, who is receiving the briefings on a weekly basis, seemed to suggest that he should only be briefed when there is new material.

"First of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. And I say, 'If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I'm available on one-minute's notice,'" he explained to Fox's Chris Wallace.

"I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that," he continued. "

Trump unusually reluctant to hear intelligence: officials

"But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know,'" he said.

Trump went on to suggest that it's not necessary for him to receive the briefings with the daily frequency that past President-elects have had because other key advisers are getting the info.

"In the meantime, my generals are great — are being briefed. And Mike Pence is being briefed, who is, by the way, one of my very good decisions," Trump said. "And they're being briefed. And I'm being briefed also. But if they're going to come in and tell me the exact same thing that they tell me — you know, it doesn't change, necessarily."

"Now, there will be times where it might change. I mean, there will be some very fluid situations," Trump said. "I'll be there not every day, but more than that. But I don't need to be told, Chris, the same thing every day, every morning — same words. 'Sir, nothing has changed. Let's go over it again.' I don't need that."

Donald Trump has dodged intelligence briefings since election

Reuters reported Friday that Trump was only taking once-a-week sit-downs on highly-classified information about vital U.S. concerns.
Trump is too busy to be President.
Yes the federal government is inept and corrupt. Is this really a debate?
No but many on the Left don't care and still want more government.

Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?
Stupid question.
Name one

I'll wait
A dumb question by a dummy. Government is an antiquated idea who's time has come for termination.
No but many on the Left don't care and still want more government.

Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?
Stupid question.
Name one

I'll wait
A dumb question by a dummy. Government is an antiquated idea who's time has come for termination.
Why do I bother?
Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?
Stupid question.
Name one

I'll wait
A dumb question by a dummy. Government is an antiquated idea who's time has come for termination.
Why do I bother?
Because you love Big Brother and don't know any better.
Yes the federal government is inept and corrupt. Is this really a debate?
No but many on the Left don't care and still want more government.

Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?

I didn't say different, I said smaller government.
So I take it you agree we have the best Government in the world?
Yes the federal government is inept and corrupt. Is this really a debate?
No but many on the Left don't care and still want more government.

Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?

I didn't say different, I said smaller government.
So I take it you agree we have the best Government in the world?
We have the worst government in the world...dummy
Yes the federal government is inept and corrupt. Is this really a debate?
No but many on the Left don't care and still want more government.

Crazy isn't it, the bigger the more corrupt and yet people vote for it every time.

Which government in the world do you prefer to ours?

I didn't say different, I said smaller government.
So I take it you agree we have the best Government in the world?

Yes, but we were better years ago and as we increase size and scope we will deteriorate. That is a worry I have. The Patriot Act is a bad idea. The current health care is another bad idea.
Clearly we're not, nitwit. As we're $20 trillion in debt and still have millions of people either hungry, homeless, or uninsured. Any other stupid things you'd like to say?

Why would you measure wealth by debt?

We have a GDP of $18 trillion a year and national assets in excess of $125 trillion
Another shining example of the profound progressive failure to grasp even basic economics. One cannot eat "assets" chief. One cannot receive healthcare from "assets".

Furthermore, why do we have $20 trillion in debt if we have all of these assets?!? Why not just liquidate the assets rather than leveraging our future by selling bonds and making our enemy (China) very wealthy at our own expense?!? :dunno:

Seriously brother, the further down the rabbit hole you go, the worse you are making things on yourself. You're trying to defend something which cannot be defended (it's like trying to defend child molestation and make the case that it's ok).
We have $20 trillion in debt because we are fat and lazy. We demand full services while we also demand low taxes.
Most of that $125 trillion is in the hands of our super wealthy who we refuse to inconvenience. The rest is in the hands of business who refuse to pay wages that keep up with inflation
How much extra tax do YOU pay every year?

What's that, none? Thought so.
Taxes are still taxes. They pay for what we need as a society.
And do we need "art" that provides smells from the medieval period? No. No we do not. It took you a long time to come full circle and figure out that this was frivolous, wasteful spending. But you finally got there.
Yeah, that's like asking people in the arts, what is art, or in the military what is a tank.
I came up with one method a while back. If my first thought upon seeing something is, "Damn, I could scrap that and pay for my vacation this year!" then it probably is not art.

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