Zone1 The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people'

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Mar 11, 2015


This guy has it spot on.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people'​

Sometimes I wish white people could be Black.

Not forever, mind you. Maybe for just a few weeks like John Howard Griffin, the author of “Black Like Me,” who darkened his skin and traveled the South in 1959. Sometimes, I wish white people could have that experience.

Not so they could feel the sickly apprehension that can accompany a simple traffic stop.

Not so they could feel the indignation of being asked to account for yourself just walking down the street.

Not so they could feel what it’s like when your bank loan is denied, your home appraises for less, your doctor doesn’t take your pain seriously, you don’t get the job, your preschooler gets suspended, the shopkeeper follows you around, you can’t hail a taxi or you wind up in handcuffs, because of the melanin in your skin.

No, I wish white people could be Black so they could know how it feels to deal with all of that — and then hear white people complain how hard they have it.

What is infuriating is racists like yourself claiming that you can’t be racist, because you operate on some unique special definition of the word that somehow excludes yourself from it ever possibly applying.
Again, people aren't supposed to be called racists here and the only one who operates using a unique special definition of the word is you.

Learn what the real definition of racist or racism is and stop repeating the right wing victimhood version. The real definition of racism is:

a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Do you understand?

Not all whites are racists, so I do not believe that being white is a fundamental determinant of racism. Racism is a learned behavior, therefore it is not an inherent human trait in ANYONE. And that means whites.

But there is a subculture in the white community that practices racism. There can be no denial of a system that denied people based on race and provided preference to whites. Nor can continuing modern white racism mostly coming from the right be ignored.

And if that causes you problems, OH WELL! Because that's the reality of how America has operated.
I possess far to high a work ethic and sense of personal responsibility for that to ever happen...
Lol! We have worked way harder and have a real sense of personal responsibility. You don't know what it means, you use it to try putting down blacks who speak out about the continuing racism we face from the white right wing.
I must confess. I'm a Human Racist.

We all suck, no matter your tone.

But I love humans......they make me laugh.
Lol! We have worked way harder and have a real sense of personal responsibility.

No, you haven't and no, you don't.

You're clueless as to what I've done to be as accomplished as I am. All you know is that I'm a white guy, and that angers you...

You don't know what it means, you use it to try putting down blacks who speak out about the continuing racism we face from the white right wing.

I know exactly what it means. I only put down those who blame everything and everything on the white man, as you always do. Never once on these forum pages have you ever taken responsibility for some sad state of affairs in your life. Not once.

That's not "personal responsibility", that's a "pathetic victim mentality"...
Doesnt matter. There is still racism against whites, and it is A-ok. No one gets cancelled for that crap.
Because you are all disingenuous hypocrites. Folks like you aint against "racism." You are against people being racist against you.
You fool no one, racist.

It is funny. People get all dramatic and psychotic when they write a news story or post something online about an alleged "racist". When you talk to that exact same person face-to-face, they are actually rational and willing to admit that nobody gives a doggone whether someone is accused of being a racist or not. It's all theatrics. As long as people stay isolated from addressing the topic with a real person then they can build a lot of anger over something that is just intended for entertainment. There isn't anybody rounding up black people anymore and convicting them of crimes without a trial. There isn't anybody burning crosses in black people's yards to intimidate them into moving. There aren't businesses refusing to serve black customers. There aren't separate bathrooms and water fountains for black people. Racism today is about distasteful jokes and silly political arguments. It's all just a bunch of stupidity. I think white people that are accused of being racist should proudly proclaim throughout the land that they are "racist as a mofo". It would force idiots to address actual problems, but white people act like their life is over because someone called them racist. If you aren't a racist, why do you care if a person called you racist? If you are a racist, why would you care if someone called you a racist? It doesn't change your life. Someone can call you a child molester. That doesn't make you a child molester. The only difference is that racism as we define it today is a belief, not an act. Child molestation is an act. It can be proven/disproven somewhat. The old definition of racist could be proven/disproven somewhat. Since today racism is a belief, it can neither be proven nor disproven. So, I think this laziness makes the accuser look stupid not the accused. Call me a racist. I welcome it. It is fun. I love being called a racist. It means I won an argument. It's like a trophy to be called racist.
Lol! We have worked way harder and have a real sense of personal responsibility. You don't know what it means, you use it to try putting down blacks who speak out about the continuing racism we face from the white right wing.
Exhibit B of why you are so disingenuous about racism.
I must confess. I'm a Human Racist.

We all suck, no matter your tone.

But I love humans......they make me laugh.
We all may suck, but that's not the thread topic. The topic is about how whites complain about something they really don't face and that maybe if they actually faced what they d to others things could get better.


This guy has it spot on.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people'​

Sometimes I wish white people could be Black.

Not forever, mind you. Maybe for just a few weeks like John Howard Griffin, the author of “Black Like Me,” who darkened his skin and traveled the South in 1959. Sometimes, I wish white people could have that experience.

Not so they could feel the sickly apprehension that can accompany a simple traffic stop.

Not so they could feel the indignation of being asked to account for yourself just walking down the street.

Not so they could feel what it’s like when your bank loan is denied, your home appraises for less, your doctor doesn’t take your pain seriously, you don’t get the job, your preschooler gets suspended, the shopkeeper follows you around, you can’t hail a taxi or you wind up in handcuffs, because of the melanin in your skin.

No, I wish white people could be Black so they could know how it feels to deal with all of that — and then hear white people complain how hard they have it.

What an absolute awesome thread this is!
What is infuriating is racists like yourself claiming that you can’t be racist, because you operate on some unique special definition of the word that somehow excludes yourself from it ever possibly applying.

An excess of melanin makes it biologically impossible to be a racist, don't you know?
You aren't supposed to call people racists in zone 1. As for that charge of racism against whites, nah. And if there really was, it would not be OK.

But you just did.

"Sometimes I wish white people could be Black."
It is funny. People get all dramatic and psychotic when they write a news story or post something online about an alleged "racist". When you talk to that exact same person face-to-face, they are actually rational and willing to admit that nobody gives a doggone whether someone is accused of being a racist or not. It's all theatrics. As long as people stay isolated from addressing the topic with a real person then they can build a lot of anger over something that is just intended for entertainment. There isn't anybody rounding up black people anymore and convicting them of crimes without a trial. There isn't anybody burning crosses in black people's yards to intimidate them into moving. There aren't businesses refusing to serve black customers. There aren't separate bathrooms and water fountains for black people. Racism today is about distasteful jokes and silly political arguments. It's all just a bunch of stupidity. I think white people that are accused of being racist should proudly proclaim throughout the land that they are "racist as a mofo". It would force idiots to address actual problems, but white people act like their life is over because someone called them racist. If you aren't a racist, why do you care if a person called you racist? If you are a racist, why would you care if someone called you a racist? It doesn't change your life. Someone can call you a child molester. That doesn't make you a child molester. The only difference is that racism as we define it today is a belief, not an act. Child molestation is an act. It can be proven/disproven somewhat. The old definition could be proven/disproven somewhat. Since today racism is a belief, it can neither be proven nor disproven. So, I think this laziness makes the accuser look stupid not the accuser. Call me a racist. I welcome it. It is fun. I love being called a racist. It means I won an argument. It's like a trophy to be called racist.
Actually racism is still an act, or an attitude that can be proven.

“In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism.”
-Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

We see this in here every day in posts from members of this forum.
An excess of melanin makes it biologically impossible to be a racist, don't you know?
Name the laws and policies made by blacks purposefully to exclude whites from equal opportunity.


This guy has it spot on.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people'​

Sometimes I wish white people could be Black.

Not forever, mind you. Maybe for just a few weeks like John Howard Griffin, the author of “Black Like Me,” who darkened his skin and traveled the South in 1959. Sometimes, I wish white people could have that experience.

Not so they could feel the sickly apprehension that can accompany a simple traffic stop.

Not so they could feel the indignation of being asked to account for yourself just walking down the street.

Not so they could feel what it’s like when your bank loan is denied, your home appraises for less, your doctor doesn’t take your pain seriously, you don’t get the job, your preschooler gets suspended, the shopkeeper follows you around, you can’t hail a taxi or you wind up in handcuffs, because of the melanin in your skin.

No, I wish white people could be Black so they could know how it feels to deal with all of that — and then hear white people complain how hard they have it.

The ridiculous lie of 'racism' against white people.
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Exhibit B of why you are so disingenuous about racism.
Everything I said was true. You are the disingenuous one. Funny how you can't discuss what was written in the article.
The topic is about how whites complain about something they really don't face

I know one thing for sure. I can only sympathize with my friends who've told me their stories and I'm glad I can't empathize. All I can do is treat everyone I meet as fairly as possible.
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