Zone1 The infuriating charge of 'racism against white people'

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You aren't supposed to call people racists in zone 1. As for that charge of racism against whites, nah. And if there really was, it would not be OK.
Are you a racist?
I know one thing for sure. I can only sympathize with my friends who've told me their stories and I'm glad I can't empathize. All I can do is treat everyone I meet as fairly as possible.
We all have a responsibility to leave the world better than it was when we entered it and if that's what you're doing, it's all good.
Actually racism is still an act, or an attitude that can be proven.

“In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism.”
-Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

We see this in here every day in posts from members of this forum.
100% of white people want racism to end. We are just patiently waiting for people to write the laws that end racism. Nobody will do it. Martin Luther King's civil rights movement actually had activists writing laws and lobbying congress. To end racism today all we need is activists writing legislation to fix the problem. 100% of politicians would eagerly grab it and move forward within seconds because politicians like winning elections. There must be a reason that isn't happening. If it is happening, let me go to these activists' websites and read their proposed bills. I'll wait (for up to 50 years) right here to be given that information. I'm just guessing that I'll never see it. I do give credit to Black Lives Matter for actually offering tangible solutions but 0% of them had anything to do with racism. It was all about LGBTQUDSLNPOWEPHIOPD nonsense. I'm not lying. They weren't secretive about this at all. They were transparent as mofo's. I don't know if that is still the case or not. Black Lives Matter is a gay rights organization. It has nothing to do with black people or racism. Anyways that was a side note.

Racism as we define it in 2022 is not an act. It's just an accusation of someone's belief system that can never be proven. Therefore, it is a foolproof practice to just go around yelling racist constantly at people you want to discredit. I know it sounds pathetic, but this tactic actually works. Many white people have experienced devastating attacks against their careers just because they have been accused of possessing a belief system not because they did anything bad or actually possess the alleged belief system. If victims of this weak tactic would just embrace being a racist in jest then this tactic would lose its effectiveness. It's all fun and games. I don't know what to say. Pass laws or look like complete phony retards. It's really not my say.
Are you a racist?
We are not supposed to call people racists here and no, I am not a racist by the true definition of the word. White right wing victimologists have made up a definition of racist though, and make claims.
What is infuriating is racists like yourself claiming that you can’t be racist, because you operate on some unique special definition of the word that somehow excludes yourself from it ever possibly applying.
Racism is a system perpetrated against Black people.

As a black man, how can the OP be racist?
100% of white people want racism to end. We are just patiently waiting for people to write the laws that end racism. Nobody will do it. Martin Luther King's civil rights movement actually had activists writing laws and lobbying congress. To end racism today all we need is activists writing legislation to fix the problem. 100% of politicians would eagerly grab it and move forward within seconds because politicians like winning elections. There must be a reason that isn't happening. If it is happening, let me go to these activists' websites and read their proposed bills. I'll wait (for up to 50 years) right here to be given that information. I'm just guessing that I'll never see it. I do give credit to Black Lives Matter for actually offering tangible solutions but 0% of them had anything to do with racism. It was all about LGBTQUDSLNPOWEPHIOPD nonsense. I'm not lying. They weren't secretive about this at all. They were transparent as mofo's. I don't know if that is still the case or not. Black Lives Matter is a gay rights organization. It has nothing to do with black people or racism. Anyways that was a side note.

Racism as we define it in 2022 is not an act. It's just an accusation of someone's belief system that can never be proven. Therefore, it is a foolproof practice to just go around yelling racist constantly at people you want to discredit. I know it sounds pathetic, but this tactic actually works. Many white people have experienced devastating attacks against their careers just because they have been accused of possessing a belief system not because they did anything bad or actually possess the alleged belief system. If victims of this weak tactic would just embrace being a racist in jest then this tactic would lose its effectiveness. It's all fun and games. I don't know what to say. Pass laws or look like complete phony retards. It's really not my say.
I'm sure there is a large percentage of whites that want racism to end, but it isn't 100 percent. Polls have shown that 48-50 percent of whites think America will be weaker if whites are not the majority. 31 percent of whites felt that it was important for American to preserve it's western european "heritage". So no, it's not 100 percent.

Racism is just as much an act now than it ever was. I don't know who made you the definer of what racism is but racism is a belief that leads to actions based on that belief.
Name the laws and policies made by blacks purposefully to exclude whites from equal opportunity.

It didn't work very well. Enrollment PLUMMETED. If it happened at Evergreen, imagine how many other small "liberal arts" colleges it's happening at.

Everything I said was true. You are the disingenuous one. Funny how you can't discuss what was written in the article.
I already did.
You are disingenuous. You are a political hack.
Dems say you are too stupid to get an id. Too stupid to work the internet. Call you roaches. But you dont care about that stuff.
Thats why you are disingenuous.
It didn't work very well. Enrollment PLUMMETED. If it happened at Evergreen, imagine how many other small "liberal arts" colleges it's happening at.

There have been no laws or policies made by blacks that excluded whites from opportunity.
I already did.
You are disingenuous. You are a political hack.
Dems say you are too stupid to get an id. Too stupid to work the internet. Call you roaches. But you dont care about that stuff.
Thats why you are disingenuous.
Disingenuous is your consistent calling me a racist because I point out a record of past and continuing white racism. Disingenuous is your belief that blacks are just as racist as whites when the record does not show that blacks have used race to deny whites of any opportunity. Your entire argument is disingenuous and it always has been. Democrats don't tell me squat, and that's another example of your disingenuous argument.
Wait. We can end racism and implement all western European ideologies. Which Western European ideologies are racist?
Lol! Western European doctrine was built on white supremacy.
I don't see you posting anything by blacks.

Meanwhile I can be nice and not even include the colonial acts and start with the 1790 Naturalization Act and continue with modern racial gerrymandering and so called voter "integrity" legislation.
I don't see you posting anything by blacks.

Meanwhile I can be nice and not even include the colonial acts and start with the 1790 Naturalization Act and continue with modern racial gerrymandering and so called voter "integrity" legislation.

OK. You win.
Disingenuous is your consistent calling me a racist because I point out a record of past and continuing white racism. Disingenuous is your belief that blacks are just as racist as whites when the record does not show that blacks have used race to deny whites of any opportunity. Your entire argument is disingenuous and it always has been. Democrats don't tell me squat, and that's another example of your disingenuous argument.
My only argument here is you are disingenuous about racism. And you have proven that over and over in this thread. And every other thread you post in.
racism is a belief that leads to actions based on that belief.

It is a belief that cannot be proven. You have to wait for the action to administer punishment. You are not retarded, are you? If so, I apologize but you can't prove what someone thinks in their brain. It's super impossible. Anybody who says they can is either delusional as fuck or a full-blown lying sack of shit. What kind of actions is the run-of-the-mill racist engaging in today in 2022? Are they using the N-word? Are they burning a book written by a black author? Are they actively supporting an end to government programs that aren't government functions? Are they making racist jokes? Are they watching a comedian make super racist jokes? I understand there are still people that are racist under the old definition. That's not what we are discussing. We are talking about the watered-down 2022 word that has little to no meaning. The people that are "racist" under the new meaning, what kind of racist acts are manifesting themselves out of their hateful hearts and minds? What kind of racist act can we expect from these people with a belief system that cannot be proven?

Just don't answer it. There is no need in making yourself look fully retarded and dishonest. If you don't know what action these "racists" are doing, then you don't have to say anything. Honestly, it's ok. I totally understand. Having race discussions is extremely entertaining but never productive. Feel free to invest your energy elsewhere. I just talk about it because I think it is fun to watch idiots try to defend a completely retarded fantasy. It's just funnier that the fantasy is negative. If I was going to opt-out of reality I'd choose a better place not a worse place. Talking about race is just funny as fuck. I love watching idiots so damn much. So I welcome your entertainment. I suspect you are not out of touch with reality but are just 100% disingenuous and do this for fun just like I do. Out of all of the black people I know in real life only two of them talk incessantly about race issues. Obsessing over racism isn't normal behavior at all. Some people mistakenly think all black people are idiots. I'm like no. It's just that the idiots take it upon themselves to represent black people. One does it because he thinks it is funny to get people riled up. One does it because she is truly a full-blown idiot. So, you could be either one, but I think you are the disingenuous type.

What are these racist acts that we can expect from these modern racists?
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