The Landscape of Inequality, & Why President Warren will fix it

we need to disentangle economic value and human value. They are not the same things...We each have intrinsic value as citizens as human beings and as owners and shareholders of the richest country in the history of the world
when ordinary people put a little extra on their ordinary, extraordinary things can happen! HELLO SOMEBODY? COME ON SOMEBODY!

Persistence has been the defining characteristic of Her campaign: the battle cry that made her a progressive icon, and the quality that could propel her through a long slog to the nomination. Warren is still an Energizer Bunny of ideas and optimism, with no hint of alarm at her position in the polls. Her campaign has become a test case for what many well-educated liberals wish to believe: that Democrats are sane, that policy matters, and that if a smart, qualified woman just works hard enough, she can come out on top.
let the record show how my arguments are detailed and reasoned while all the other side has is petty personal attacks
I gotta tell you … if your posts are to entertain only you are winning. If they actually represent your opinions then you are bat-shit crazy, my friend.
A basic point of economic theory that economists don’t like to talk about is that reducing the rents going to a high-income person is a gain for the rest of us. This is a crucial point, since it is necessary to recognize that policies designed to reduce the incomes of high-end earners are not just a matter of being gratuitously nasty to those who were lucky enough to be successful. Whether or not these policies are nasty, it is important to recognize that the money enjoyed by these high-end earners comes from somewhere; it is not manna from heaven. And where it comes from is the pockets of the rest of us

The defenders of the status quo benefit enormously, but regular folks not so much

a shift in the profit share back to pre-recession levels as a result of tighter labor markets would certainly be good news for ordinary workers. that's why we need to vote for Warren.


Why Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Work
one way to correct income equality is to tax the wealthiest Americans on their savings rather than their incomes. But the wealth tax is not simply a tax, as Warren says it, on "the diamonds, the yachts, and the Rembrandts."

Under this plan, the wealth of billionaires would be cut in half over 15 years, which would substantially break up the concentration of wealth and power of this small privileged class. the wealth tax would only apply to the wealthiest 180,000 households in America
one way to correct income equality is to tax the wealthiest Americans on their savings rather than their incomes. But the wealth tax is not simply a tax, as Warren says it, on "the diamonds, the yachts, and the Rembrandts."

Under this plan, the wealth of billionaires would be cut in half over 15 years, which would substantially break up the concentration of wealth and power of this small privileged class. the wealth tax would only apply to the wealthiest 180,000 households in America
Yeah as long as it's not your money you don't care

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one way to correct income equality is to tax the wealthiest Americans on their savings rather than their incomes. But the wealth tax is not simply a tax, as Warren says it, on "the diamonds, the yachts, and the Rembrandts."

Under this plan, the wealth of billionaires would be cut in half over 15 years, which would substantially break up the concentration of wealth and power of this small privileged class. the wealth tax would only apply to the wealthiest 180,000 households in America

All you need to do is amend the Constitution.
A basic point of economic theory that economists don’t like to talk about is that reducing the rents going to a high-income person is a gain for the rest of us. This is a crucial point, since it is necessary to recognize that policies designed to reduce the incomes of high-end earners are not just a matter of being gratuitously nasty to those who were lucky enough to be successful. Whether or not these policies are nasty, it is important to recognize that the money enjoyed by these high-end earners comes from somewhere; it is not manna from heaven. And where it comes from is the pockets of the rest of us

The defenders of the status quo benefit enormously, but regular folks not so much

a shift in the profit share back to pre-recession levels as a result of tighter labor markets would certainly be good news for ordinary workers. that's why we need to vote for Warren.


Why Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Work
Warren is an open borders injun

Which means more low income workers competing for jobs

and that lowers wages
this is crunch time

And Elizabeth Warren is elevating her game, my friends. and this is how she'll be as president.

she will come through in the clutch and give working families A FIGHTING CHANCE!
Warren took advantage of the debate to revisit her greatest hits—not just “I’ve got a plan” and “three brothers in the military” but also her takedown of Bloomberg in Las Vegas, which generated its own sequel in Charleston. Warren toys with Bloomberg like a cat with a mouse, and instead of effectively defending himself, he comes off as defensive.

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