The lazy British, and the lies

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
I'll start with the lie -

"Brexit has caused a workforce shortage"

Now here's the truth -

More than a fifth of working-age adults in the UK are deemed not to be actively looking for work, figures suggest.

The UK's economic inactivity rate was 21.8% between November and January, marginally higher than a year earlier.

It means 9.2 million people aged between 16 and 64 in the UK are not in work nor looking for a job. The total figure is more than 700,000 higher than before the coronavirus pandemic.

Concerns have been raised over worker shortages affecting the UK economy.

In laymen terms, the Brits are becoming more lazy. I see it in the building trade.
I forgot to add this, which I had text to my girlfriend a few days ago because she's one of the lazy Brits too -

So hopefully state welfare will be reduced to a point that folk will have to get off their backside, I fully support that.
I forgot to add this, which I had text to my girlfriend a few days ago because she's one of the lazy Brits too -

So hopefully state welfare will be reduced to a point that folk will have to get off their backside, I fully support that.
You know that productivity is linked to investment which has died off due to brexit ?
You do know that dont you ? Thick fucker.
You know that productivity is linked to investment which has died off due to brexit ?
You do know that dont you ? Thick fucker.
That's why nationalised companies were privatised, you didn't know that? Thick fucker?

Did you forget you always championed that Brexit cut all the jobs? You didn't know that? You utter thick fucker.

And if you had your leg chopped off, you're on your backside claiming benefits. You're gonna have to get off your fat arse you thick fucker. The public have had enough paying spongers.

So the girlfriend was made redundant over a year ago, now signed off on the sick?? so she gets £300 more per month welfare. I said to her, "You don't want to work do you, and why work when you get paid a welfare wage". I'm self employed and I'm off for 2 or so weeks, unpaid, until the van gets fixed.

So hopefully hers and your benefits get scrapped, then you can go and fulfil one of those jobs that you feel Brexit has robbed off us.

Problem solved
I'll start with the lie -

"Brexit has caused a workforce shortage"

Now here's the truth -

More than a fifth of working-age adults in the UK are deemed not to be actively looking for work, figures suggest.

The UK's economic inactivity rate was 21.8% between November and January, marginally higher than a year earlier.

It means 9.2 million people aged between 16 and 64 in the UK are not in work nor looking for a job. The total figure is more than 700,000 higher than before the coronavirus pandemic.

Concerns have been raised over worker shortages affecting the UK economy.

In laymen terms, the Brits are becoming more lazy. I see it in the building trade.

That's why nationalised companies were privatised, you didn't know that? Thick fucker?

Did you forget you always championed that Brexit cut all the jobs? You didn't know that? You utter thick fucker.

And if you had your leg chopped off, you're on your backside claiming benefits. You're gonna have to get off your fat arse you thick fucker. The public have had enough paying spongers.

So the girlfriend was made redundant over a year ago, now signed off on the sick?? so she gets £300 more per month welfare. I said to her, "You don't want to work do you, and why work when you get paid a welfare wage". I'm self employed and I'm off for 2 or so weeks, unpaid, until the van gets fixed.

So hopefully hers and your benefits get scrapped, then you can go and fulfil one of those jobs that you feel Brexit has robbed off us.

Problem solved
I expect she is delighted to have you round the house all day. I suggest that you use the time to research a decent insurance policy that would provide a replacement van to keep you on the road.
I never lost a days work because I organised myself.

You waste your time with the Capn. He is full blown brexit. Facts are like kryptonite to them.
I expect she is delighted to have you round the house all day. I suggest that you use the time to research a decent insurance policy that would provide a replacement van to keep you on the road.
I never lost a days work because I organised myself.
This is the thing, I take zero holidays. When the van packed in, why try to work out of the boot of a car. So in 20 years, you reckon I should pay insurance in case my van breaks? So two weeks in 20 years is worth thousands? Could I hire a van? Building materials and tools is a no, you have to pay for scratches etc.. So a quiet 2 weeks or so off it is. First job back is a full bathroom job. All the walls to plaster, new ceiling, new shower, sink, and a toilet. The toilet is in it's separate room, but they want an extra one. The boiler is in a cupboard in the bathroom, so I'll plumb the condensate to the shower trap, the clowns who fitted the boiler fed the pipe outside and it froze.

You couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, so don't give me that twaddle.
I'll start with the lie -

"Brexit has caused a workforce shortage"

Now here's the truth -

More than a fifth of working-age adults in the UK are deemed not to be actively looking for work, figures suggest.

The UK's economic inactivity rate was 21.8% between November and January, marginally higher than a year earlier.

It means 9.2 million people aged between 16 and 64 in the UK are not in work nor looking for a job. The total figure is more than 700,000 higher than before the coronavirus pandemic.

Concerns have been raised over worker shortages affecting the UK economy.

In laymen terms, the Brits are becoming more lazy. I see it in the building trade.
There could be several reasons why, maybe they don't need to work, i was never out of work from the age of 16, as for the building trade they employed quite a few foreign workers, my job before the pandemic took me to construction sites to work, there were many Polish and other East Europeans, as far as i know many construction workers these days are not on Company books they are freelance.
That's why nationalised companies were privatised, you didn't know that? Thick fucker?

Did you forget you always championed that Brexit cut all the jobs? You didn't know that? You utter thick fucker.

And if you had your leg chopped off, you're on your backside claiming benefits. You're gonna have to get off your fat arse you thick fucker. The public have had enough paying spongers.

So the girlfriend was made redundant over a year ago, now signed off on the sick?? so she gets £300 more per month welfare. I said to her, "You don't want to work do you, and why work when you get paid a welfare wage". I'm self employed and I'm off for 2 or so weeks, unpaid, until the van gets fixed.

So hopefully hers and your benefits get scrapped, then you can go and fulfil one of those jobs that you feel Brexit has robbed off us.

Problem solved
So everyone who is not working is a Sponger? the Tories love people like you, blame the victim, £300 a month wow? San Tropez here i come, my neighbour spent 16 years looking after his old sick Mum, he couldn't work, i think he got £60 week, his Mum passed away three years ago he started looking for a job right away, it took a year then he got lucky, he is at work right now and is happy, if you think unemployed live the high life get your head tested.
This is the thing, I take zero holidays. When the van packed in, why try to work out of the boot of a car. So in 20 years, you reckon I should pay insurance in case my van breaks? So two weeks in 20 years is worth thousands? Could I hire a van? Building materials and tools is a no, you have to pay for scratches etc.. So a quiet 2 weeks or so off it is. First job back is a full bathroom job. All the walls to plaster, new ceiling, new shower, sink, and a toilet. The toilet is in it's separate room, but they want an extra one. The boiler is in a cupboard in the bathroom, so I'll plumb the condensate to the shower trap, the clowns who fitted the boiler fed the pipe outside and it froze.

You couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, so don't give me that twaddle.
Your life sounds so exciting.
This guy sums it up the state this Country is in after 14 years of Tory carnage.
This guy sums it up the state this Country is in after 14 years of Tory carnage.

Hey Labour lover, have a look at this link, it has an interactive map. It shows which council areas have issued a section 114 notice, which ones might, and which ones have a high level of debt. Oh, I'll explain, a section 114 noticed is where they've technically gone bust, because i reckon you haven't a clue

But the map allows you to click on those councils, then use Wikipedia to look at the council seats. Very interesting!! Good ole Labour taking the lead.

THATCHER'S FAULT, grrr :flameth:
Hey Labour lover, have a look at this link, it has an interactive map. It shows which council areas have issued a section 114 notice, which ones might, and which ones have a high level of debt. Oh, I'll explain, a section 114 noticed is where they've technically gone bust, because i reckon you haven't a clue

But the map allows you to click on those councils, then use Wikipedia to look at the council seats. Very interesting!! Good ole Labour taking the lead.

THATCHER'S FAULT, grrr :flameth:
Nothing to do with Government underfunding. :abgg2q.jpg:
Deadstick if councils are underfunded, why did Wales waste money on 20 mph signs and £40,000 per tranny crossing?

If your household income reduces and you feel underfunded, do you prioritise your spending and reign it in to balance the bank account? How much extra did you donate to your local council towards services? Zero? Why?
Deadstick if councils are underfunded, why did Wales waste money on 20 mph signs and £40,000 per tranny crossing?

If your household income reduces and you feel underfunded, do you prioritise your spending and reign it in to balance the bank account? How much extra did you donate to your local council towards services? Zero? Why?
Its about saving lives you stupid fucker. It happens in England as well.
Its about saving lives you stupid fucker. It happens in England as well.
So you twine on not having me ney, and then champion spending it on 20 mph signs and tranny crossings?

Ok stupid fucker, here are some simple questions that you won't answer -

How many lives have the 20 mph signs and tranny crossings saved?

How many lives are they're projected to save and in what time frame?

How much money does your local council need to classed as not under funded?

This x amount of money that you feel is needed, where will it come from, from who's money in who's garden?

Have you personally contributed more tax to the taxman to fund councils?

Do you agree on councils expenditure?

Do you have family in your local council?

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