The Left Is Making Up Events In The News To Create Symbolic Issues That Fit Their Agenda

Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
There is a cure for Fox Derangement Syndrome.

Naw, exercising maturity & integrity. A long shot I know

Do you believe you're an example/role model of maturity and integrity?
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
There is a cure for Fox Derangement Syndrome.

That's what I keep telling people. They call it "programming" for a good reason.

Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
There is a cure for Fox Derangement Syndrome.

Naw, exercising maturity & integrity. A long shot I know

Do you believe you're an example/role model of maturity and integrity?
Naw. I never claimed to be anything except honest.
The article gives a detailed line of events that led a fraudulent blogg piece of total lies through the process of becoming a mainstream lie. It showed how a totally false story could end being broadcast of the Rush show to a national audience and even portrayed as credible on FOX News after it had been exposed as a total farce. The story claimed restaurants in Seattle were closing do to the raise of minimum wage to 15.00 per hour. Not a single restaurant was closed and the minimum wage is Seattle was only being raised from 9.47, the state minimum, to 9.50, the new city minimum. Your excuse response is to claim that the fraudulent piece is irrelevant because it reinforces your opinion on the topic. Hey, look at Detroit, that is proof the idea behind the lies are right and therefore justified.
Minimum Wage Ordinance SOCR - CivilRights
On June 3, 2014, Mayor Murray signed a new minimum wage ordinance passed by Seattle City Council. Beginning April 1, 2015, the ordinance will increase in the minimum wage in the City of Seattle to $15 an hour, phased in over time.
Opps! Enough said. Next time do not embarrass yourself with unsupported garbage.
Opps your ass, what do you think "phased in over time" means. On April 1, 2015 the wage went from 9.47 to 9.50, exactly as I stated. It will increase incrementally every year and will not actually reach 15.00 per hour until 2018. Are incremental increases and phased in over time difficult terms for you to comprehend?
The phallus is phased in over a period of time to prolong the enjoyment. The result is still $ 15.00/hr isn't it?
OK, the thread is about media making stuff up. I posted a link from a well know credible conservative business publication for an investigative essay about how false stories are created by the media to fit an agenda bubble audience. It is done by modern "news" sources from all sides of the political spectrum. If you want to believe some distorted nonsense that one segment is more dishonest than the other and therefore excuses the use of misrepresentation by others you have every right to that misperception and fantasy.
OK, Forbes is not conservative.
It was an opinion piece, not an investigative essay.
The Left is thoroughly dishonest. The Right only occasionally so.
only occasionally?.....both sides are so dishonest that its amazing that anyone will still stick with either of them....
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police
i just saw a NPR show funded by Koch industries and it had nothing to do with politics,it was a science show...dont let dean know....
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police
i just saw a NPR show funded by Koch industries and it had nothing to do with politics,it was a science show...dont let dean know....

You saw it?

NPR is supposedly radio.
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
There is a cure for Fox Derangement Syndrome.

Naw, exercising maturity & integrity. A long shot I know

Do you believe you're an example/role model of maturity and integrity?
Naw. I never claimed to be anything except honest.

Do you have any evidence to prove that you are honest (even to yourself)?
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police
i just saw a NPR show funded by Koch industries and it had nothing to do with politics,it was a science show...dont let dean know....

Of course, David Koch. There is more to this philanthropy than meets the eye.


PBS Ombudsman David Koch and PBS The Odd Couple
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us

The people on this message board have awakened to the fact that you, Stephanie, are a parrot and have the judgment of a parrot. Get a tin foil hate, toss the Limbaugh Letter in the trash and find out where on the radio you can find NPR, and on the TV PBS.

In a few months you might be capable of posting something thoughtful (or suffer cognitive dissonance and need meds. But first the health care professional would need to rule in cognition which might be very difficult).
NPR is nothing more than government funded propaganda.

They like to talk about Demcrat talking-points.

  1. Income concentrations
  2. Climate change
  3. Rape on campus
  4. Profiling
  5. Open Borders
  6. Israeli atrocities
  7. United Nations
  8. Gun-control
  9. Income inequality
  10. Obama doing wonderful things
  11. Racism by the police
i just saw a NPR show funded by Koch industries and it had nothing to do with politics,it was a science show...dont let dean know....

You saw it?

NPR is supposedly radio.

LOL, supposedly? National Public Radio is supposedly radio!?
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
Ahh..The Rolling Stone gang rape story? Duke Lacrosse team rape case?
Dan Rather?......And one that dates back to the 80's...Tawana Brawley rape case...
These are just 4 examples of how left wing activists continue to lie for their own political gain.
Now...Name one similar instance where media reported a story then even after the story was found to be false, did any conservative member of the media continue the lie?
Not a whole bunch of media, as with the left wing...just ONE person....
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
Of those stories, what is not factual?
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
Of those stories, what is not factual?

The idea that they're 'stories'.
They're stories because they actually happened. The Duke Rape case etc arent stories because they didnt happen. Do you have issues with reality?
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
Of those stories, what is not factual?

The idea that they're 'stories'.
They're stories because they actually happened. The Duke Rape case etc arent stories because they didnt happen. Do you have issues with reality?

"Story" in that context means, "an event significant enough to deserve attention".

Of course "significant" isn't the only reason to give something attention. It is if your objective is to report the news, but if your objective is to mine the fears of your audience so that you can keep them transfixed while you sell them Viagra, well that there's a whole 'nother smoke.

Enter Fox Noise, the Gossip Channel, and its hair-on-fire fearmongering. And hello Ratings.

Now THAT is what I call making up events in the news to create symbolic issues for an agenda.

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