The Left Loses Ground... neither understand the term 'ironic,' nor know the history texts that I endorse.

Here's one:

"Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828,"
by Walter A. McDougall

Love to see your critique of same.

If you wish to claim that you are able to set aside ALL of the rightwing bias that you demonstrate here daily when you take on the role of teacher, and that your 'students' receive an education that treats left and right with equal favor,

well then just say so.

I have no 'bias' if that means unfair inclination.

Everything I believe is based on education, experience, and insight.

The lack of same explains your 'bias.'

You have the most demented, warped version of bias I have ever seen on a message board.

And I notice you scrupulously dodged my question.

Do you teach that Evolution is by far the best scientific theory on the history of life on earth, and that Creationism has no scientific merit to speak of,

or aren't you up to that subject yet?

I would suggest you stick to words you understand.....but that would be cruel as it would end your posting career.

Case in point:
Demented: driven to behave irrationally due to anger, distress, or excitement.

As I behave with nothing but seraphic calm (I'll wait while you consult a dictionary).....your post is untrue.

As for 'irrational,'.....feel free to find any such post of mine.

Or don't.....after all, you are known as the 'NYLiar.'

So you don't objectively teach about evolution. That's why you won't deny it.

Teach about?


And this is the point where you tell us you're the smartest guy here...
You are no conservative. You're a boot-licking liberal.
Shut up, asshole. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You're a reckless, idiot poster in this forum. Next to my conservative positions (Iran, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, Affirmative Action, Immigration, death penalty, etc) , you look like Nancy Pelosi. You're the kind dumbshit that causes Republicans to lose elections uneceassarily. You're worthless baggage.

Your positions on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, crony capitalism and government regulation are hardly conservative.
Since you know so much about my positions on a few issues (or at least you think you do), how about if you tell me YOUR positions on THESE issues >> Islamization, Islam, ISIS, Iran, Afghanistan, Immigration, Affirmative Action, the US military, Obama's police brutality scam, death penalty, abortion, Saudi Arabia & OPEC. And I will debate you on the other issues (govt regulation, etc) ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Right now none of this is on my mind. what IS on my mind is the mind-boggling ZERO posts I've gotten on my latest thread. >>

Nothing is More Important This Week Than Memorial Day US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In another forum, this same thread has gotten 8 pages and 75 posts already.
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only meant for the eyes of the top industrialists

...capitalists had worked their way to the top through their capacity, and on the basis of this selection they have the right to lead.

Where does it state or imply as such ? Your interpretation is off the wall .

Hitler expressly attacked Marxists, socialism and 'progressives',

You forgot to add Capitalists - how convenient

Excerpts ...

."..our national productivity, is falling under the impersonal control of international finance capital, while innumerable medium-sized and small livelihoods are going under."

"the loss of the nation's economic independence to, or at least control by, supranational, international financial interests "


It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of National Socialism was not hypocritical. The evidence before 1945 was more private than public, which is perhaps significant in itself. In public Hitler was always anti-Marxist, and in an age in which the Soviet Union was the only socialist state on earth, and with anti-Bolshevism a large part of his popular appeal, he may have been understandably reluctant to speak openly of his sources. His megalomania, in any case, would have prevented him from calling himself anyone's disciple. That led to an odd and paradoxical alliance between modern historians and the mind of a dead dictator. Many recent analysts have fastidiously refused to study the mind of Hitler; and they accept, as unquestioningly as many Nazis did in the 1930s, the slogan "Crusade against Marxism" as a summary of his views. An age in which fascism has become a term of abuse is unlikely to analyse it profoundly.

His private conversations, however, though they do not overturn his reputation as an anti-Communist, qualify it heavily. Hermann Rauschning, for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition. "I have learned a great deal from Marxism" he once remarked, "as I do not hesitate to admit". He was proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924, after the failure of the Munich putsch. The trouble with Weimar Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was that "they had never even read Marx", implying that no one who had failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the modern world; in consequence, he went on, they imagined that the October revolution in 1917 had been "a private Russian affair", whereas in fact it had changed the whole course of human history! His differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were mere pamphleteers, whereas "I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun", adding revealingly that "the whole of National Socialism" was based on Marx.

Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

The following passage is from Marx

"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Jewry, would be the self-emancipation of our time.... We recognize in Jewry, therefore, a general present-time-oriented anti-social element, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily dissolve itself. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Jewry".

Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that. - :> I Like Ike, and I am sure you are aware of his warning re" The Military Industrial Complex"
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that. - :> I Like Ike, and I am sure you are aware of his warning re" The Military Industrial Complex"
I'm also aware of his big taxing (91-92% on the top bracket), and his spending > Operation Wetback, the nuclear arms development, the space program, and creation of the interstate highway system.
I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Depends on who's doing the implying. For many of the current day Reaganists (masquerading as conservatives), small govt means low taxes and low spending. A lot of these loons are even in favor of cutting back the military, police, fire depts, FBI, ICE, etc. They're the best friends La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted villains ever had.
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.

That would mean not making people buy government approved health insurance or telling them what kind of light bulbs they can buy.
I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Depends on who's doing the implying. For many of the current day Reaganists (masquerading as conservatives), small govt means low taxes and low spending.

That's exactly what it means to be a conservative.

A lot of these loons are even in favor of cutting back the military, police, fire depts, FBI, ICE, etc. They're the best friends La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted villains ever had.

We are in favor of cutting back all those things, but they are last on the list of things to cut.
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that. - :> I Like Ike, and I am sure you are aware of his warning re" The Military Industrial Complex"
I'm also aware of his big taxing (91-92% on the top bracket), and his spending > Operation Wetback, the nuclear arms development, the space program, and creation of the interstate highway system.

The top marginal rate was 70% when Reagan was elected and 28% percent when he left office, so you are totall
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism.

Wrong. That's exactly what establishes conservatism.

You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about.

Apparently, according to your ilk, it was all about big government liberalism.

Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives".

Meaningless horseshit.

REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford.

Nope, those were RINOS with absolutely any principles of any kind.

You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative.

I don't know what you care to call it, the bottom line is that we don't need any more of that. More government is not what this country needs. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is.

There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

Call it what you like, but the bottom line is that big government is killing this country, and all those who support it, like you, are on the enemies list of all genuine patriots.
I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Depends on who's doing the implying. For many of the current day Reaganists (masquerading as conservatives), small govt means low taxes and low spending. A lot of these loons are even in favor of cutting back the military, police, fire depts, FBI, ICE, etc. They're the best friends La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted villains ever had.

That's absurd.
I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Depends on who's doing the implying. For many of the current day Reaganists (masquerading as conservatives), small govt means low taxes and low spending.

That's exactly what it means to be a conservative.

A lot of these loons are even in favor of cutting back the military, police, fire depts, FBI, ICE, etc. They're the best friends La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted villains ever had.

We are in favor of cutting back all those things, but they are last on the list of things to cut.
No,small govt is NOT what it means to be a conservative. Small govt is only what it means to be a Reaganist, who because of his small, weak govt, low tax/low spend policies was anything but a Conservative. These policies reduce govt to a mouse, and allow all its enemies to easily defeat it. Dumbest mindset ever created.

Actually, it wasn't so dumb It was created for the purpose of benefitting a special particular group. The top level employee rich. And who are they ? Movie stars are in that category. Hey, Reagan was one of those wasn't he ? (And his friends).

And you openly admit that you would cut these departments of national security which are the backbone of conservatism, which without them we cannot CONSERVE our nation, and way of life. You just proved you're nowhere near being a conservative, but yeah, you sure do have the backing of La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood front groups (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc) Well, you got some friends anyway. You can't say you're not appreciated.
True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism. You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about. Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives". REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is. There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that. - :> I Like Ike, and I am sure you are aware of his warning re" The Military Industrial Complex"
I'm also aware of his big taxing (91-92% on the top bracket), and his spending > Operation Wetback, the nuclear arms development, the space program, and creation of the interstate highway system.

The top marginal rate was 70% when Reagan was elected and 28% percent when he left office, so you are totall
Opinionated , unsubstantiated, Ignorant BS

True. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge both gave us less government. That's the reason they are so reviled by the left.
More or less govt is not what establishes conservatism.

Wrong. That's exactly what establishes conservatism.

You are a Reaganist, too young ? to remember the decades before Reagan, and what real Conservatism was all about.

Apparently, according to your ilk, it was all about big government liberalism.

Reagan's ideas were based on opportunism for HIMSELF, and you fall for it, as have younger so called "conservatives".

Meaningless horseshit.

REAL Conservative presidents were Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford.

Nope, those were RINOS with absolutely any principles of any kind.

You'll probably say >Oh their taxes were too high. Well that's the pure trademark of a Reaganist, as opposed to a Conservative.

I don't know what you care to call it, the bottom line is that we don't need any more of that. More government is not what this country needs. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is.

There's nothing conservative about a small, weak govt that doesn't have enough resources to fund the military, fight wars, supply police departments, FBI, CIA, ICE, etc

BTW, when it came to the military, Reagan was NOT for small govt. He was BIG govt on that issue. I'll give him credit for that.

"Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood" (the Animals, 1964)

Call it what you like, but the bottom line is that big government is killing this country, and all those who support it, like you, are on the enemies list of all genuine patriots.
1. How am I wrong ? I know what the top tax was under Reagan (70% - 28%) and I've posted that many times in this forum.

2. No it was about big, STRONG govt nationally secure, conservatism, which you don't comprehend becasue you've been programmed by Reaganists.

3. I call it what it IS. And you call it what your young Reaganists have programmed you to call it.
1. Meaningless horseshit.

2. Nope, those were RINOS with absolutely any principles of any kind.

3.. As long as you allow Reaganism to guide your politics, you may never discover what conservatism is.

4.Call it what you like, but the bottom line is that big government is killing this country, and all those who support it, like you, are on the enemies list of all genuine patriots.

1. Meaningless ? Can you deny that movie actors are among the highest paid employees in America ? And that Reagan's little 28% tax was highly advantageous to them (and HIM) ? And that the lower that tax, the less $ for FBI, police, ICE, and other national security.

2. Reagan was a RINO. He gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens (Eisenhower chased them back to Mexico in Operation Wetback) And, Reagan opposed the California bill to keep gays out of school teaching jobs (the Briggs Initiative). Neither Eisenhower, Nixon, or Ford would have ever dreamed of doing that. And while Eisenhower was defeating the Nazis in World War II in Germany, Reagan was in Hollywood making movies about it. THERE'S your "RINO".

3. That's exactly what I say to YOU. Take your own advice.

4. Nothing can kill a country worse then being small, weak, under-resourced, under-protected. And that is precisely what your dopey policies lead to. Govt should not be too small or too big, but above all, it must be careful to not get too weak, to allow enemies (like the current international jihad and imperialists like China/Mexico/India) to defeat it. Your policies are a prescription for that.
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I believe that by "Small Government " what is actually implied is a government that keeps its noses out the lives of the citizenry- does not attempt to impose the will of whatever knucklehead the media and its big brother manipulators manage to propel into power.

Small Government is a DOMESTIC issue.
Depends on who's doing the implying. For many of the current day Reaganists (masquerading as conservatives), small govt means low taxes and low spending. A lot of these loons are even in favor of cutting back the military, police, fire depts, FBI, ICE, etc. They're the best friends La Raza, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted villains ever had.

That's absurd.
Yeah ? Talk to bripat9643 about that. He just openly admitted it, in Post # 672. :laugh:
Its late and I only scanned you post. I'll read it fully tomorrow. But in your final paragraph I recognized the thought of Hayek. And my opinion of it hasn't changed over the years.

Subsidies suck the life out of people... It undermines the spirit, and erodes any sense of responsibility.

Charity serves the interest of those in need and it promotes sound principle.

Dah... I should have saved this for the morning.

I'm out

Charity is a handout, if welfare is a handout.
Charity in voluntary. Welfare is theft:thup:
Its late and I only scanned you post. I'll read it fully tomorrow. But in your final paragraph I recognized the thought of Hayek. And my opinion of it hasn't changed over the years.

Subsidies suck the life out of people... It undermines the spirit, and erodes any sense of responsibility.

Charity serves the interest of those in need and it promotes sound principle.

Dah... I should have saved this for the morning.

I'm out

Charity is a handout, if welfare is a handout.
Charity in voluntary. Welfare is theft:thup:

If your legislators are not democratically elected it is. That isn't the case here in America is it?

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