The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence

Looks like Zionists are falling down, after their Terrorist massacres. (Except in the dumb Anglo countries)

No, hamas is teaching perpetual hate, murder, rape, death, terror to the rock throwers.

You both are terrorists, the problem on this forum, is most of the Zionist terrorists think Israeli terrorists are amazing.

You are lost. Hamas is a terrorist power in gaza. They spread terrorism. That is their government. Do you not understand that?

Oh he understands he just would rather blame Israel. He's a jew hater as anyone can tell.

As long as Hamas runs things nothing will change.

Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

No, israel didn't steal squat. More propaganda blatherings.

They continue to expand existing Settlements and are creating new ones in the illegally annexed West Bank.
Would there have been such violence if President "DumbasDirt" had not carried out this inconsiderate move?

Oh I'm sure the continuing violence since that's the mantra Hamas and Hezbullah teaches. No more violence against Israel. What a laugh.
My quess is that you're really going to be sad when hamas and hezbollah are wiped out by israel.

Funny how he makes hero's out of those murderous scum.

If Hamas and Hezbollah weren't there then there would be no killings at all. The foment unrest and dupe the drones into attacking and putting on suicide vests. What a great bunch.

I support not getting involved in Mid-East affairs.

You support genocide, nukes, terrorism by Israel, and U.S.A (Zionism)

It's me who's making heroes out of murderous scum?

Ask yourself that to Israelis who worship Menachem Begin, or Americans who worship Abraham Lincoln, or the Bush crime family.

You sure are one left wing fruit loop. LOL

No, I'm actually the Right Wing.

You Republicans are Liberal fruit-cakes, and Zionist terrorist scums.

I outlined in this thread how Republicans are Liberals.

Republicans are Liberals with little understanding of anything.

Well since I'm not a Rep your post is bullshit.

His posts are bullshit even if you are a Rep.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
The rest of the world is blaming Trump for the current escalation of violence in Gaza. Wake up.
Of course the Palestinians have some responsibility for it, but when you poke the hive, you have to take some responsibility for the stings you get.

How is moving an embassy poking the hive? They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed.
How is moving an embassy poking the hive? I always thought you were smarter than this. You are fully aware that placing the embassy in Jerusalem was going to cause anger and rioting by the Palestinians. It doesn't matter if what they are mad about makes sense or if you agree with it; everyone was fully aware of the reaction it would elicit. So don't play disingenuous.

They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed. Hamas, you mean? Maybe they are, for the shock value and the smear campaign against Israel. Pretty cold, if that's what they did, but who knows, maybe that was their reasoning. They don't put a whole lot of value on individual human lives, do they? It is no excuse to provoke them for no reason, though, imo. The embassy in Tel Aviv was working fine. This was entirely a political move that further isolates us from the rest of the world.
You both are terrorists, the problem on this forum, is most of the Zionist terrorists think Israeli terrorists are amazing.

You are lost. Hamas is a terrorist power in gaza. They spread terrorism. That is their government. Do you not understand that?

Oh he understands he just would rather blame Israel. He's a jew hater as anyone can tell.

As long as Hamas runs things nothing will change.

Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

No, israel didn't steal squat. More propaganda blatherings.

They continue to expand existing Settlements and are creating new ones in the illegally annexed West Bank.

Excellent. Progress.
Oh he understands he just would rather blame Israel. He's a jew hater as anyone can tell.

As long as Hamas runs things nothing will change.

Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Don't forget Raygun! Or the Muslims themselves! They've killed millions. Are they Zionist too?
Funny how he makes hero's out of those murderous scum.

If Hamas and Hezbollah weren't there then there would be no killings at all. The foment unrest and dupe the drones into attacking and putting on suicide vests. What a great bunch.

I support not getting involved in Mid-East affairs.

You support genocide, nukes, terrorism by Israel, and U.S.A (Zionism)

It's me who's making heroes out of murderous scum?

Ask yourself that to Israelis who worship Menachem Begin, or Americans who worship Abraham Lincoln, or the Bush crime family.

You sure are one left wing fruit loop. LOL

No, I'm actually the Right Wing.

You Republicans are Liberal fruit-cakes, and Zionist terrorist scums.

I outlined in this thread how Republicans are Liberals.

Republicans are Liberals with little understanding of anything.

Well since I'm not a Rep your post is bullshit.

His posts are bullshit even if you are a Rep.

Your posts are bullshit, you think it's Christian to support genocide, and terrorism, but un-Christian to fund lunches to Hungry Children.

Enough is enough of you Hick Zionists.
Heaven forbid that the little genocidal maniacs that have stared calling themselves "Palestinian" in recent years should ever be held accountable for their actions.

All that cradle to grave indoctrination into a vicious death cult must always be anybody else's fault instead of that of our precious little politically correct dears.

100,000 + killed by Israel's creation, and still counting the carnage as we speak, the majority of the victims the Palestinians.

You are severely mentally ill.

All readings of your various vomits should take this into account.

The only people who are severely mentally ill on this forum, are the people who support, and defend the actions of Israel's terrorists.

You're more than severely mentally ill, you're nothing more than retarded, and deranged herd animals, good for nothing in this World.
As a good hamas member in good standing you will do something about it. Other than run your mouth on an anonymous message board.

The pallys should be wiped out to the very last drop of blood.
THe dumb fucks don't even realize this is happening now because Trump is perfectly willing to wipe them off the face of the earth.

You Zionists are genocidal maniacs, look at yourself you sound like the Fuher itching for an Apocalypse, and Nuclear Holocaust.

Enough is enough of you Zionist predators, savages, and terrorists.

You are EVEN WORSE than the Muslims, you are the Mofo Liberals with Nukes, not Right Wing Iran.

Typical abuser mentality. "Look what you are making me do!! How can you live with yourself, when you know that we will kill children and women and everybody else?"

You are an enabler of Zionist Israeli terrorism, and genocide.

I personally didn't want the U.S.A to get involved in Mid-East affairs.

I prefer we pull out of the ME and europe. We already saved europe twice. Spend your own money to defend yourself.

I couldn't agree more. The next time someone goose steps across Europe they can defend themselves.

As for the Middle East. Nuke that place from orbit.
But don't mess it up too badly.

It might be a nice area for resorts when all the fiends are obliterated.
Would there have been such violence if President "DumbasDirt" had not carried out this inconsiderate move?
Definition of inconsiderate
1a : heedless, thoughtless
: careless of the rights or feelings of others

So, Jews' feelings aren't deserving of consideration? Because, in order for something to be inconsiderate, it would imply that it's in consideration of no one's feelings, not just one side's feelings.
Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Don't forget Raygun! Or the Muslims themselves! They've killed millions. Are they Zionist too?

A good point would be that the worst enemy of Muslims is actually other Muslims, Jews are their own worst enemies, and so are Americans their own worst enemies.

Zionism is actually a big factor in turning people against Jews.

Zionist wars for Israel maim, and kill many Americans, and also is a big factor turning people against America.

Zionist wars for Israel maim, and kill many Muslims.

So, while many people are their worst enemies.

The Zionist is the #1 modern evil.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
The rest of the world is blaming Trump for the current escalation of violence in Gaza. Wake up.
Of course the Palestinians have some responsibility for it, but when you poke the hive, you have to take some responsibility for the stings you get.

How is moving an embassy poking the hive? They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed.
How is moving an embassy poking the hive? I always thought you were smarter than this. You are fully aware that placing the embassy in Jerusalem was going to cause anger and rioting by the Palestinians. It doesn't matter if what they are mad about makes sense or if you agree with it; everyone was fully aware of the reaction it would elicit. So don't play disingenuous.

They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed. Hamas, you mean? Maybe they are, for the shock value and the smear campaign against Israel. Pretty cold, if that's what they did, but who knows, maybe that was their reasoning. They don't put a whole lot of value on individual human lives, do they? It is no excuse to provoke them for no reason, though, imo. The embassy in Tel Aviv was working fine. This was entirely a political move that further isolates us from the rest of the world.

This is Israels capital. It was a move that was way past due.
Heaven forbid that the little genocidal maniacs that have stared calling themselves "Palestinian" in recent years should ever be held accountable for their actions.

All that cradle to grave indoctrination into a vicious death cult must always be anybody else's fault instead of that of our precious little politically correct dears.

100,000 + killed by Israel's creation, and still counting the carnage as we speak, the majority of the victims the Palestinians.

You are severely mentally ill.

All readings of your various vomits should take this into account.

The only people who are severely mentally ill on this forum, are the people who support, and defend the actions of Israel's terrorists.

You're more than severely mentally ill, you're nothing more than retarded, and deranged herd animals, good for nothing in this World.
As a good hamas member in good standing you will do something about it. Other than run your mouth on an anonymous message board.

The pallys should be wiped out to the very last drop of blood.

I've said many times I'm a Polish Catholic Fascist, and that I'm against getting my country the U.S.A involved in Mid-East affairs.

I am NOT pro Hamas terrorist.

You ARE however pro Israeli terrorist.

You people are grasping for straws, truly desperate, hypocritical, manipulative swines who support terror, and genocide for Israel.
You are lost. Hamas is a terrorist power in gaza. They spread terrorism. That is their government. Do you not understand that?

Oh he understands he just would rather blame Israel. He's a jew hater as anyone can tell.

As long as Hamas runs things nothing will change.

Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

No, israel didn't steal squat. More propaganda blatherings.

They continue to expand existing Settlements and are creating new ones in the illegally annexed West Bank.

Excellent. Progress.

Celebrating theft.

Putin smiles again.
Oh he understands he just would rather blame Israel. He's a jew hater as anyone can tell.

As long as Hamas runs things nothing will change.

Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Hey don't forget about Obama. He whacked over a million muslims with his pet drones .
Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Hey don't forget about Obama. He whacked over a million muslims with his pet drones .

Not that many.

Why Drones Work: The Case for Washington’s Weapon of Choice
Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Hey don't forget about Obama. He whacked over a million muslims with his pet drones .

Not that many.

Why Drones Work: The Case for Washington’s Weapon of Choice

Lol, it was well over a million. W could only dream of such destruction.
So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Hey don't forget about Obama. He whacked over a million muslims with his pet drones .

Not that many.

Why Drones Work: The Case for Washington’s Weapon of Choice

Lol, it was well over a million. W could only dream of such destruction.

Not even close to being true.

Bush's War Dead: One Million

Drone strikes under Obama killed up to 117 civilians, intelligence report claims

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